Ejemplo n.º 1
  * @param string $debug
 public function __construct($debug = false)
     if ($debug === true) {
         $this->debug = true;
     $conf = OcConfig::instance();
     $dsnarr = array('host' => $conf->getDbHost(), 'dbname' => $conf->getDbName(), 'charset' => 'utf8');
      * Older PHP versions do not support the 'charset' DSN option.
      * This should be removed in future
     if ($dsnarr['charset'] and version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.3.6', '<')) {
         $options[PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND] = 'SET NAMES ' . $dsnarr['charset'];
     $dsnpairs = array();
     foreach ($dsnarr as $k => $v) {
         if ($v === null) {
         $dsnpairs[] = $k . "=" . $v;
     $dsn = 'mysql:' . implode(';', $dsnpairs);
     try {
         parent::__construct($dsn, $conf->getDbUser(), $conf->getDbPass(), $options);
     } catch (PDOException $e) {
         $message = "OcPdo object creation failed!";
         $this->error($message, $e, true);
         //fatal error!
         return null;
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * @param array $params require:
  * 'prizedTime' => (datetime) date time when user were awarded with this medal
  * 'type' => medal type
 public function __construct($params)
     $this->medalId = $params['medalId'];
     $details = \lib\Controllers\MedalsController::getMedalConfigByMedalId($this->medalId);
     $this->conditions = $details['conditions'];
     $this->name = $details['name'];
     $this->description = $details['description'];
     $this->dateIntroduced = $details['dateIntroduced'];
     if (isset($params['prizedTime'])) {
         $this->prizedTime = $params['prizedTime'];
         $this->level = (int) $params['level'];
     $this->config = \lib\Objects\OcConfig\OcConfig::instance();
Ejemplo n.º 3
 private function userMedals()
     /* lang test */
     /* get locale from browser */
     $userPrefferedLanguages = explode(';', $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE']);
     $mostPrefferedLanguage = explode(',', $userPrefferedLanguages[0]);
     $locale = str_replace('-', '_', $mostPrefferedLanguage[0]);
     if (isset($_REQUEST['locale'])) {
         /* get locale from $_REQUEST*/
         $locale = $_REQUEST['locale'];
     $putenv = putenv("LANG={$locale}");
     $setlocale = setlocale(LC_ALL, $locale);
     //        d($locale, $putenv, $setlocale);
     bindtextdomain("medals", __DIR__ . '/../languages');
     bind_textdomain_codeset('medals', 'UTF-8');
     //        print gettext('level');
     //        print '<BR>';
     /* end lang test*/
     $ocConfig = \lib\Objects\OcConfig\OcConfig::instance();
     $smarty = new \Smarty();
     $smarty->setCompileDir($ocConfig->getDynamicFilesPath() . 'tmp/templates_c');
     $smarty->debugging = false;
     $smarty->caching = false;
     $smarty->setTemplateDir(__DIR__ . '/../../tpl/smarty');
     $smarty->setCacheDir($ocConfig->getDynamicFilesPath() . 'tmp/smarty_cache');
     $user = new \lib\Objects\User\User(array('userId' => $this->request['userId']));
     //        d($user, $user->getMedals());
     /* @var $medal \lib\Objects\Medals\Medal */
     foreach ($user->getMedals() as $medal) {
         $smartyMedals['medals'][] = array('imgSrc' => $medal->getImage(), 'name' => $medal->getName(), 'profile' => $medal->getMedalProfile(), 'level' => $medal->getLevel(), 'levelName' => $medal->getLevelName(), 'currentLevelInfo' => $medal->getLevelInfo(), 'nextLevelInfo' => $medal->getLevelInfo($medal->getLevel() + 1));
     $smartyMedals['tr'] = array('level' => _('level'), 'user' => _('user'), 'medals' => _('medals'), 'nextLevelRequirements' => _('Next level Requirements'), 'currentLevelRequirements' => _('Level achievements'), 'medalInfo' => _('Medal Profile'), 'cacheTypes' => _('Geocache types'));
     $smarty->assign('geocacheIcons', \cache::getCacheIconsSet());
     $smarty->assign('user', $user->getUserInformation());
     $smarty->assign("smartyMedals", $smartyMedals);
     $smarty->assign("bgImage", $this->shuffleBackgroundImage());
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public function removeLog(GeoCacheLog $log, $request = null)
     $result = false;
     if ($log === false) {
         $this->errors[] = 'No such log';
         return false;
     if ($log->getNode() != OcConfig::instance()->getOcNodeId()) {
         $this->errors[] = 'Wrong Node';
         return false;
     $loggedUser = \lib\Objects\ApplicationContainer::Instance()->getLoggedUser();
     if ($loggedUser === false) {
         $this->errors[] = 'User is not looged-in';
         return false;
     if ($log->getUser()->getUserId() === $loggedUser->getUserId() || $log->getGeoCache()->getOwner()->getUserId() == $loggedUser->getUserId() || $loggedUser->getIsAdmin()) {
         if ($log->getUser()->getUserId() !== $loggedUser->getUserId()) {
             EmailSender::sendRemoveLogNotification(__DIR__ . '/../../tpl/stdstyle/email/removed_log.email.html', $log, $loggedUser);
         $updateQuery = "UPDATE `cache_logs` SET deleted = 1, `del_by_user_id` = :1 , `last_modified`=NOW(), `last_deleted`=NOW() WHERE `cache_logs`.`id`=:2 LIMIT 1";
         $db = OcDb::instance();
         $db->multiVariableQuery($updateQuery, $loggedUser->getUserId(), $log->getId());
         if ($log->getType() == GeoCacheLog::LOGTYPE_MOVED) {
         if ($log->getType() == GeoCacheLog::LOGTYPE_FOUNDIT || $log->getType() == GeoCacheLog::LOGTYPE_ATTENDED) {
         //call eventhandler
         require_once __DIR__ . '/../eventhandler.inc.php';
         event_remove_log($log->getGeoCache()->getCacheId(), $loggedUser->getUserId());
         $this->updateGeocacheAfterLogRemove($log, $db);
         $result = true;
     } else {
         $this->errors[] = 'User has no privileages to delete this log';
     return $result;
Ejemplo n.º 5
function buildGeocacheHtml(lib\Objects\GeoCache\GeoCache $geocache, $html)
    $ocConfig = \lib\Objects\OcConfig\OcConfig::instance();
    $html = mb_ereg_replace('{cacheimage}', '<img src="' . $geocache->getCacheIcon() . '" width="16" />', $html);
    $html = mb_ereg_replace('{cachestatus}', htmlspecialchars(tr($geocache->getStatusTranslationIdentifier()), ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'), $html);
    $html = mb_ereg_replace('{cacheid}', htmlspecialchars(urlencode($geocache->getCacheId()), ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'), $html);
    if ($geocache->getDateActivate() === null) {
        $html = mb_ereg_replace('{date}', tr('no_time_indicated'), $html);
    } else {
        $html = mb_ereg_replace('{date}', $geocache->getDateActivate()->format($ocConfig->getDateFormat()), $html);
    $html = mb_ereg_replace('{cachename}', htmlspecialchars($geocache->getCacheName(), ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'), $html);
    $html = mb_ereg_replace('{wpname}', htmlspecialchars($geocache->getWaypointId(), ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'), $html);
    return $html;
Ejemplo n.º 6
  * Call OKAPI, parse response and display the results
  * @param array $params - params of the cache to search and display
 private function htmlFormat(array $params)
     $ocConfig = \lib\Objects\OcConfig\OcConfig::instance();
     //call OKAPI
     $okapi_resp = \okapi\Facade::service_call('services/caches/shortcuts/search_and_retrieve', $this->user_id, $params);
     if (!is_a($okapi_resp, "ArrayObject")) {
         // strange OKAPI return !?
         error_log(__METHOD__ . ": ERROR: strange OKAPI response - not an ArrayObject");
     if ($okapi_resp->count() == 0) {
         // no caches found
     // get the first object from the list
     $arrayCopy = $okapi_resp->getArrayCopy();
     $geoCache = new \lib\Objects\GeoCache\GeoCache(array('okapiRow' => array_pop($arrayCopy)));
     //generate the results
     if ($this->screenWidth < 400) {
     } else {
     tpl_set_var('cache_lat', $geoCache->getCoordinates()->getLatitude());
     tpl_set_var('cache_lon', $geoCache->getCoordinates()->getLongitude());
     tpl_set_var('cache_name', $geoCache->getCacheName());
     tpl_set_var('cache_icon', $geoCache->getCacheIcon());
     $is_event = $geoCache->getCacheType() == $geoCache::TYPE_EVENT ? '1' : '0';
     // be aware: booleans not working here
     tpl_set_var('is_event', $is_event, false);
     $is_scored = $geoCache->getRatingId() != 0 && $geoCache->getRatingVotes() > 2 ? '1' : '0';
     tpl_set_var('is_scored', $is_scored, false);
     tpl_set_var('rating_desc', tr($geoCache->getRatingDesc()));
     $is_recommended = $geoCache->getRecommendations() > 0 ? '1' : '0';
     tpl_set_var('is_recommended', $is_recommended, false);
     tpl_set_var('cache_recommendations', $geoCache->getRecommendations(), false);
     tpl_set_var('cache_code', $geoCache->getWaypointId());
     tpl_set_var('cache_founds', $geoCache->getFounds());
     tpl_set_var('cache_not_founds', $geoCache->getNotFounds());
     tpl_set_var('cache_rating_votes', $geoCache->getRatingVotes());
     tpl_set_var('cache_willattends', $geoCache->getWillattends());
     tpl_set_var('cache_url', $geoCache->getCacheUrl());
     tpl_set_var('user_name', $geoCache->getOwner()->getUserName());
     tpl_set_var('user_profile', $geoCache->getOwner()->getProfileUrl());
     tpl_set_var('start_date', $geoCache->getDatePlaced()->format($ocConfig->getDateFormat()));
     tpl_set_var('cache_size_desc', tr($geoCache->getSizeDesc()));
     $is_powertrail_part = $geoCache->isPowerTrailPart() ? '1' : '0';
     tpl_set_var('is_powertrail_part', $is_powertrail_part, false);
     if ($geoCache->isPowerTrailPart()) {
         tpl_set_var('pt_name', $geoCache->getPowerTrail()->getName());
         tpl_set_var('pt_image', $geoCache->getPowerTrail()->getImage());
         tpl_set_var('pt_icon', $geoCache->getPowerTrail()->getFootIcon());
         tpl_set_var('pt_url', $geoCache->getPowerTrail()->getPowerTrailUrl());
     $is_titled = $geoCache->isTitled() ? 'true' : 'false';
     tpl_set_var('is_titled', $is_titled, false);
     //tpl_set_var('is_titled', $geoCache->isTitled(), false);
     // make the template and send it out
     tpl_BuildTemplate(false, false, true);
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public function __construct()
     $this->config = \lib\Objects\OcConfig\OcConfig::instance();
Ejemplo n.º 8
 private function __construct()
     $this->ocConfig = OcConfig::instance();
     $this->db = OcDb::instance();
Ejemplo n.º 9
  * Function to check if current cache is part of any PowerTrail.
  * On success PowerTrail object is created.
  * @return boolean true if this cache belongs to any PowerTrail;
 public function isPowerTrailPart()
     if (!OcConfig::instance()->getPowerTrailModuleSwitchOn()) {
         return false;
     if (is_null($this->isPowerTrailPart)) {
         $ptArr = PowerTrail::CheckForPowerTrailByCache($this->id);
         if (count($ptArr) > 0) {
             // TODO: ASSUMPTION: cache belongs to ONLY one PT
             $this->isPowerTrailPart = true;
             $this->powerTrail = new PowerTrail(array('dbRow' => $ptArr[0]));
         } else {
             $this->isPowerTrailPart = false;
     return $this->isPowerTrailPart;
Ejemplo n.º 10
 *  powerTrail.php
 *  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 *  Power Trails in opencaching
 *  this is display file. for API check dir powerTrail
 *  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 *  @author: Andrzej 'Łza' Woźniak [wloczynutka[on]gmail.com]
// variables required by opencaching.pl
global $lang, $rootpath, $usr, $absolute_server_URI, $cookie;
//prepare the templates and include all neccessary
require_once 'lib/common.inc.php';
$ocConfig = \lib\Objects\OcConfig\OcConfig::instance();
$appContainer = lib\Objects\ApplicationContainer::Instance();
require_once 'lib/cache.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/lib/cachemap3lib.inc.php';
$_SESSION['powerTrail']['userFounds'] = $usr['userFounds'];
if ($ocConfig->getPowerTrailModuleSwitchOn() === false) {
    header("location: {$absolute_server_URI}");
$firePtMenu = true;
if ($error == false) {
    if (isset($_REQUEST['sortBy']) || isset($_REQUEST['filter']) || isset($_REQUEST['sortDir'])) {
    } else {
        if ($cookie->is_set("ptSrBy")) {
            $_REQUEST['sortBy'] = $cookie->get("ptSrBy");
Ejemplo n.º 11
 $desclangs = mb_split(',', $geocache->getDescLanguagesList());
 // use cache desc in lang of interface by default
 $desclang = mb_strtoupper($lang);
 // check if there is a desc in current lang
 if (array_search($desclang, $desclangs) === false) {
     $desclang = $desclangs[0];
     $enable_google_translation = true;
     //no desc in current lang - enable translation
 // check if user requests other lang of cache desc...
 if (isset($_REQUEST['desclang']) && array_search($_REQUEST['desclang'], $desclangs)) {
     $desclang = $_REQUEST['desclang'];
     $enable_google_translation = false;
     //user wants this lang - disable translations
 if (!OcConfig::instance()->isGoogleTranslationEnabled()) {
     $enable_google_translation = false;
     //TODO: Translation is not available - needs implementation...
 //build langs list
 $langlist = '';
 foreach ($desclangs as $desclanguage) {
     if ($langlist != '') {
         $langlist .= ', ';
     $langlist .= '<a href="viewcache.php?cacheid=' . urlencode($cache_id) . '&amp;desclang=' . urlencode($desclanguage) . $linkargs . '">';
     if ($desclanguage == $desclang) {
         $langlist .= '<i>' . htmlspecialchars($desclanguage, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8') . '</i>';
     } else {
         $langlist .= htmlspecialchars($desclanguage, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8');