public function testSetterAccess() { $this->assertSame($this->url, $this->url->setScheme('https')); $this->assertSame($this->url, $this->url->setUser('login')); $this->assertSame($this->url, $this->url->setPass('pass')); $this->assertSame($this->url, $this->url->setHost('')); $this->assertSame($this->url, $this->url->setPort(443)); $this->assertSame($this->url, $this->url->setPath('/test/query.php')); $this->assertSame($this->url, $this->url->setQuery('?kingkong=toto')); $this->assertSame($this->url, $this->url->setFragment('doc3')); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */ protected function generateUrl($path, array $parameters = array()) { $url = Url::createFromUrl($this->baseUrl); $url->getPath()->set($path); $url->getQuery()->set($parameters); return (string) $url; }
/** * Joins a candidate uri to a base url if it is relative. * * @param string $baseUrl the base url which SHOULD be absolute. * @param string $candidateUri a candidate relative or absolute URI. * * @return string Absolute URL */ public function join($baseUrl, $candidateUri) { if (preg_match('/:\\/\\//', $candidateUri) === 0) { $currentUrl = Url::createFromUrl($baseUrl); $pathParts = $output = preg_split("/(\\\\|\\/)/", $candidateUri); $resetPath = preg_match('/^(\\/|\\\\)/', $candidateUri) === 1; if ($resetPath) { $currentUrl->setPath(new Path()); } foreach ($pathParts as $pathPart) { switch ($pathPart) { case '..': $lastElementPos = count($currentUrl->getPath()) - 1; unset($currentUrl->getPath()[$lastElementPos]); break; case '': case '.': break; default: $currentUrl->getPath()->append($pathPart); break; } } return (string) $currentUrl; } return $candidateUri; }
protected function parseHost($host) { if (!$this->domain && !$this->subdomain) { // Load the default domain $domain = Kohana::$config->load('multisite.domain'); // If no host passed in, check the for HOST in environment if (!$host) { $host = getenv('HOST'); } // If we still don't have a host if (!$host) { // .. parse the current URL $url = Url::createFromServer($_SERVER); // .. and grab the host $host = $url->getHost()->toUnicode(); } // If $domain is set and we're at a subdomain of $domain.. if ($domain and substr($host, strlen($domain) * -1) == $domain) { // .. grab just the subdomain $subdomain = substr($host, 0, strlen($domain) * -1 - 1); } else { // .. otherwise grab the whole domain $domain = $host; $subdomain = ''; } $this->domain = $domain; $this->subdomain = $subdomain; } }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function createToken($gatewayName, $model, $targetPath, array $targetParameters = array(), $afterPath = null, array $afterParameters = array()) { /** @var TokenInterface $token */ $token = $this->tokenStorage->create(); $token->setHash($token->getHash() ?: Random::generateToken()); $token->setGatewayName($gatewayName); if ($model instanceof IdentityInterface) { $token->setDetails($model); } elseif (null !== $model) { $token->setDetails($this->storageRegistry->getStorage($model)->identify($model)); } if (0 === strpos($targetPath, 'http')) { $targetUrl = Url::createFromUrl($targetPath); $targetUrl->getQuery()->set(array_replace(array('payum_token' => $token->getHash()), $targetUrl->getQuery()->toArray(), $targetParameters)); $token->setTargetUrl((string) $targetUrl); } else { $token->setTargetUrl($this->generateUrl($targetPath, array_replace(array('payum_token' => $token->getHash()), $targetParameters))); } if ($afterPath && 0 === strpos($afterPath, 'http')) { $afterUrl = Url::createFromUrl($afterPath); $afterUrl->getQuery()->modify($afterParameters); $token->setAfterUrl((string) $afterUrl); } elseif ($afterPath) { $token->setAfterUrl($this->generateUrl($afterPath, $afterParameters)); } $this->tokenStorage->update($token); return $token; }
/** * Overridden to allow paths be passed in and out * @param $url * @return null|string */ protected static function sanitizeUrl($url) { if (strpos($url, '/') === 0) { return $url; } return parent::sanitizeUrl($url); }
public function testSameValueAs() { $url1 = Url::createFromUrl(''); $url2 = UrlImmutable::createFromUrl('//'); $url3 = UrlImmutable::createFromUrl('//'); $this->assertTrue($url1->sameValueAs($url2)); $this->assertFalse($url3->sameValueAs($url2)); }
/** * Register any application services. * * @return void */ public function register() { $this->app->bind('League\\Url\\Url', function ($app, $parameters) { return Url::createFromUrl(array_values($parameters)[0]); }); $this->app->singleton('resolver', function ($app) { return new Resolver(new Steps()); }); }
/** * @param string $url Url to generate access link for * @param int $expires Unix timestamp at which link should expire * @param string $secretKey The secret key set for file container * * @return string Url with embedded signature */ public function signFileDownloadLink($url, $expires, $secretKey) { $method = 'GET'; $url = Url::createFromUrl($url); $path = $url->getRelativeUrl(); $body = sprintf("%s\n%s\n%s", $method, $expires, $path); $signature = hash_hmac('sha1', $body, $secretKey); $url->getQuery()->modify(['temp_url_sig' => $signature, 'temp_url_expires' => $expires]); return (string) $url; }
/** * @param string $uri URI to be parsed */ public function __construct($uri) { // Hack, prevent infinite recursion if (!$uri instanceof AbstractSegment and 1 == func_num_args()) { $uri = static::createFromUrl($uri); parent::__construct($uri->getScheme(), $uri->getUser(), $uri->getPass(), $uri->getHost(), $uri->getPort(), $uri->getPath(), $uri->getQuery(), $uri->getFragment()); } else { call_user_func_array('parent::__construct', func_get_args()); } }
/** * Return an array with the Thumbs pictures url * * @param Crawler $node * @return array */ public function getThumbs(Crawler $node = null) { if (!$node instanceof Crawler) { $node = $this->crawler; } $pictures = []; $node->filter('.lbcImages > meta[itemprop="image"]')->each(function (Crawler $link, $i) use(&$pictures) { $pictures[$i] = Url::createFromUrl($link->attr('content'))->setScheme('http')->__toString(); }); return $pictures; }
/** * Get the location of a redirect or false if none * * @param Url $url * * @return Url|false */ protected function getRedirectLocation(Url $url) { /** @var ResponseInterface $response */ $response = Guzzle::get((string) $url, ['allow_redirects' => false, 'verify' => env('REDIRECTS_VERIFY_SSL', true)]); if (!env('ALLOW_INSANE_STATUS_CODES', false) && ($response->getStatusCode() > 399 || $response->getStatusCode() < 300)) { return false; } $rawLocation = $response->getHeader('location'); if (!$rawLocation) { return false; } $rawLocation = $rawLocation[0]; $newUrl = $this->getUrlObject($rawLocation); if (!$newUrl->getHost()->get()) { $newUrl->setHost($url->getHost()->get()); if ('/' !== $rawLocation[0]) { $newUrl->setPath(rtrim($url->getPath()->get(), '/') . '/' . ltrim($newUrl->getPath()->get(), '/')); } } return $newUrl; }
/** * Génère l'URL correspondant à une route nommée * @param string $routeName Le nom de route * @param mixed $params Tableau de paramètres optionnel de cette route * @param boolean $absolute Retourne une url absolue si true (relative si false) * @return L'URL correspondant à la route */ public static function generateUrl($routeName, $params = array(), $absolute = false) { $params = empty($params) ? array() : $params; $app = getApp(); $router = $app->getRouter(); $routeUrl = $router->generate($routeName, $params); $url = $routeUrl; if ($absolute) { $u = \League\Url\Url::createFromServer($_SERVER); $url = $u->getBaseUrl() . $routeUrl; } return $url; }
public function __construct($url) { $this->url = Url::createFromUrl($url); /** * Clean the URL by removing every params (no need) */ $query = $this->url->getQuery(); foreach ($query->keys() as $paramName) { unset($query[$paramName]); } preg_match('/\\/(.*)\\/(.*)\\.htm/', parse_url($this->url, PHP_URL_PATH), $matches); $this->category = $matches[1]; $this->id = $matches[2]; }
/** * Determine the namespace of a type from the XMLSchema * * @param \Goetas\XML\XSDReader\Schema\Type\Type|\Sapone\Util\SimpleXMLElement $type * @return string */ public function inflectNamespace($type) { if ($type instanceof Type) { if ($type->getSchema()->getTargetNamespace() === SchemaReader::XSD_NS) { // XMLSchema primitive types do not have a namespace $namespace = null; } else { $namespace = array(); // prepend the base namespace if ($this->config->getNamespace()) { $namespace[] = $this->config->getNamespace(); } if ($this->config->isAxisNamespaces()) { // append the XMLSchema namespace, formatted in Apache Axis style $url = Url::createFromUrl($type->getSchema()->getTargetNamespace()); // the namespace is an url $namespace = array_merge($namespace, array_reverse(explode('.', $url->getHost()->get()))); if (!empty($url->getPath()->get())) { $namespace = array_merge($namespace, explode('/', $url->getPath()->get())); } } $namespace = implode('\\', $namespace); } return $namespace; } elseif ($type instanceof SimpleXMLElement) { if ($type->getNamespace() === SchemaReader::XSD_NS) { // XMLSchema primitive types do not have a namespace $namespace = null; } else { $namespace = array(); // prepend the base namespace if ($this->config->getNamespace()) { $namespace[] = $this->config->getNamespace(); } if ($this->config->isAxisNamespaces()) { // append the XMLSchema namespace, formatted in Apache Axis style $url = Url::createFromUrl($type->getNamespace()); // the namespace is an url $namespace = array_merge($namespace, array_reverse(explode('.', $url->getHost()->get()))); if (!empty($url->getPath()->get())) { $namespace = array_merge($namespace, explode('/', $url->getPath()->get())); } } $namespace = implode('\\', $namespace); } return $namespace; } else { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Expected an instance of Goetas\\XML\\XSDReader\\Schema\\Type\\Type or Sapone\\Util\\SimpleXMLElement'); } }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */ public function execute($request) { /** @var $request Capture */ RequestNotSupportedException::assertSupports($this, $request); $details = ArrayObject::ensureArrayObject($request->getModel()); $details->validateNotEmpty('PAYMENTREQUEST_0_PAYMENTACTION'); $details->defaults(array('AUTHORIZE_TOKEN_USERACTION' => Api::USERACTION_COMMIT)); $this->gateway->execute($httpRequest = new GetHttpRequest()); if (isset($httpRequest->query['cancelled'])) { $details['CANCELLED'] = true; return; } if (false == $details['TOKEN']) { if (false == $details['RETURNURL'] && $request->getToken()) { $details['RETURNURL'] = $request->getToken()->getTargetUrl(); } if (false == $details['CANCELURL'] && $request->getToken()) { $details['CANCELURL'] = $request->getToken()->getTargetUrl(); } if (empty($details['PAYMENTREQUEST_0_NOTIFYURL']) && $request->getToken() && $this->tokenFactory) { $notifyToken = $this->tokenFactory->createNotifyToken($request->getToken()->getGatewayName(), $request->getToken()->getDetails()); $details['PAYMENTREQUEST_0_NOTIFYURL'] = $notifyToken->getTargetUrl(); } if ($details['CANCELURL']) { $cancelUrl = Url::createFromUrl($details['CANCELURL']); $query = $cancelUrl->getQuery(); $query->modify(['cancelled' => 1]); $cancelUrl->setQuery($query); $details['CANCELURL'] = (string) $cancelUrl; } $this->gateway->execute(new SetExpressCheckout($details)); if ($details['L_ERRORCODE0']) { return; } } $this->gateway->execute(new Sync($details)); if ($details['PAYERID'] && Api::CHECKOUTSTATUS_PAYMENT_ACTION_NOT_INITIATED == $details['CHECKOUTSTATUS'] && $details['PAYMENTREQUEST_0_AMT'] > 0) { if (Api::USERACTION_COMMIT !== $details['AUTHORIZE_TOKEN_USERACTION']) { $confirmOrder = new ConfirmOrder($request->getFirstModel()); $confirmOrder->setModel($request->getModel()); $this->gateway->execute($confirmOrder); } $this->gateway->execute(new DoExpressCheckoutPayment($details)); } if (false == $details['PAYERID']) { $this->gateway->execute(new AuthorizeToken($details)); } $this->gateway->execute(new Sync($details)); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} * * @param Capture $request */ public function execute($request) { RequestNotSupportedException::assertSupports($this, $request); $this->gateway->execute($httpRequest = new GetHttpRequest()); //we are back from be2bill site so we have to just update model. if (empty($httpRequest->query['EXTRADATA'])) { throw new HttpResponse('The capture is invalid. Code Be2Bell1', 400); } $extraDataJson = $httpRequest->query['EXTRADATA']; if (false == ($extraData = json_decode($extraDataJson, true))) { throw new HttpResponse('The capture is invalid. Code Be2Bell2', 400); } if (empty($extraData['capture_token'])) { throw new HttpResponse('The capture is invalid. Code Be2Bell3', 400); } $this->gateway->execute($getToken = new GetToken($extraData['capture_token'])); $url = Url::createFromUrl($getToken->getToken()->getTargetUrl()); $url->setQuery($httpRequest->query); throw new HttpRedirect((string) $url); }
/** * Send request upstream * * @param Request $request * * @return Response * @throws HttpException */ public static function makeRequest(Request $request) { try { $url = Url::createFromUrl($request->fullUrl()); $host = static::getHostFromUrl($url); $client = new Client(['base_uri' => $url->getScheme() . '://' . $host]); $proxyRequest = new GuzzleRequest($request->method(), $request->path()); $headers = $request->header(); array_walk($headers, function ($value, $key) use($proxyRequest) { $proxyRequest->withHeader($key, $value); }); $stream = \GuzzleHttp\Psr7\stream_for(json_encode($request->json()->all())); $response = $client->send($proxyRequest, ['timeout' => 2, 'body' => $stream, 'query' => $request->query(), 'form_params' => $request->input()]); return static::createLocalResponse($response); } catch (Exception $e) { if (get_class($e) == GuzzleException\ClientException::class) { return static::createLocalResponse($e->getResponse()); } abort(404); } }
protected function handlePath(UrlInterface $url, $path, $args) { $path_object = $this->basePath($url, $path, $args); $components = parse_url($path); $reset = false; // Were we passed a built URL? If so, just return it. if ($string = array_get($components, 'scheme')) { try { $url = Url::createFromUrl($path); $path_object = $url->getPath(); $reset = true; } catch (\Exception $e) { } } if (!$reset) { if ($string = array_get($components, 'path')) { $path_object->append($string); } if ($string = array_get($components, 'query')) { $url = $url->setQuery($string); } if ($string = array_get($components, 'fragment')) { $url = $url->setFragment($string); } } foreach ($args as $segment) { if (!is_array($segment)) { $segment = (string) $segment; // sometimes integers foul this up when we pass them in as URL arguments. } $path_object->append($segment); } if (!$reset) { $url_path = $url->getPath(); $url_path->append($path_object); } else { $url_path = $path_object; } return $url->setPath($url_path); }
public function getDbConfig($host = NULL) { // Load the default domain $domain = Kohana::$config->load('multisite.domain'); // If no host passed in, check the for HOST in environment if (!$host) { $host = getenv('HOST'); } // If we still don't have a host if (!$host) { // .. parse the current URL $url = Url::createFromServer($_SERVER); // .. and grab the host $host = $url->getHost()->toUnicode(); } // If $domain is set and we're at a subdomain of $domain.. if ($domain and substr_compare($host, $domain, strlen($domain) * -1) !== FALSE) { // .. grab just the subdomain $subdomain = substr($host, 0, strlen($domain) * -1 - 1); } else { // .. otherwise grab the whole domain $domain = $host; $subdomain = ''; } // .. and find the current deployment credentials $result = DB::select()->from('deployments')->where('subdomain', '=', $subdomain)->where('domain', '=', $domain)->limit(1)->offset(0)->execute($this->db); $deployment = $result->current(); // No deployment? throw a 404 if (!count($deployment)) { throw new HTTP_Exception_404("Deployment not found"); } // Set new database config $config = Kohana::$config->load('database')->default; $config['connection'] = ['hostname' => $deployment['dbhost'], 'database' => $deployment['dbname'], 'username' => $deployment['dbuser'], 'password' => $deployment['dbpassword'], 'persistent' => $config['connection']['persistent']]; return $config; }
protected function send_resetpassword($to, $params) { $site_name = Kohana::$config->load(''); $site_email = Kohana::$config->load(''); $multisite_email = Kohana::$config->load(''); $client_url = Kohana::$config->load('site.client_url'); // @todo make this more robust if ($multisite_email) { $from_email = $multisite_email; } elseif ($site_email) { $from_email = $site_email; } else { $url = Url::createFromServer($_SERVER); $host = $url->getHost()->toUnicode(); $from_email = 'noreply@' . $host; } $view = View::factory('email/forgot-password'); $view->site_name = $site_name; $view->token = $params['token']; $view->client_url = $client_url; $message = $view->render(); $subject = $site_name . ': Password reset'; $email = Email::factory($subject, $message, 'text/html')->to($to)->from($from_email, $site_name)->send(); }
/** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function resolve($url) { $relative = Url\Url::createFromUrl($url); if ($relative->isAbsolute()) { return $relative->withoutDotSegments(); } if (!$relative->host->isEmpty() && $relative->getAuthority() != $this->getAuthority()) { return $relative->withScheme($this->scheme)->withoutDotSegments(); } return $this->resolveRelative($relative)->withoutDotSegments(); }
</td> <td><?php echo h($upa['upaHandle']); ?> </td> <td><?php echo number_format($upa['upaDefaultPoints']); ?> </td> <td><?php echo h($upa['gName']); ?> </td> <td style="text-align: right"> <?php $delete_url = \League\Url\Url::createFromUrl($view->action('delete', $upa['upaID'])); $delete_url = $delete_url->setQuery(array('ccm_token' => \Core::make('helper/validation/token')->generate('delete_action'))); ?> <a href="<?php echo $view->action($upa['upaID']); ?> " class="btn btn-sm btn-default"><?php echo t('Edit'); ?> </a> <a href="<?php echo $delete_url; ?> " class="btn btn-sm btn-danger"><?php echo t('Delete'); ?>
public function getRepositoriesInternalDataProvider() { $repositoryUrlCacheMock = $this->getMockBuilder('\\Dkd\\PhpCmis\\Bindings\\Browser\\RepositoryUrlCache')->setMethods(array('getRepositoryUrl', 'buildUrl', 'addRepository'))->disableProxyingToOriginalMethods()->getMock(); $repositoryUrlCacheMock->expects($this->any())->method('buildUrl')->willReturn(Url::createFromUrl('')); $repositoryUrlCacheMockWithRepositoryUrlEntry = clone $repositoryUrlCacheMock; $repositoryUrlCacheMockWithRepositoryUrlEntry->expects($this->any())->method('getRepositoryUrl')->willReturn(Url::createFromUrl('')); $repositoryUrlCacheMockWithRepositoryUrlEntry->expects($this->once())->method('addRepository'); return array('no repository id - repository url cache builds url' => array(null, $repositoryUrlCacheMock), 'with repository id - repository url cache does NOT return repository url - url is build' => array('repository-id', $repositoryUrlCacheMock), 'with repository id - repository url cache does return repository url - url is fetched from cache' => array('repository-id', $repositoryUrlCacheMockWithRepositoryUrlEntry)); }
/** * Return the thumb picture url * * @return null|string */ public function getThumb() { $image = $this->node->filter('.item_imagePic .lazyload[data-imgsrc]')->first(); if (0 === $image->count()) { return; } $src = $image->attr('data-imgsrc'); return Url::createFromUrl($src)->setScheme('http')->__toString(); }
/** * Build an instance of \League\Url\Url for the given url * * @param string $url * @return Url */ public function buildUrl($url) { return Url::createFromUrl($url); }
public function setUp() { $this->url = Url::createFromUrl('https://*****:*****'); }
/** * Set Default Uri * * @return void */ protected function setDefaultUri() { $this->uri = Url::createFromServer($_SERVER); }
/** * Data provider for updateType * * @return array */ public function updateTypeDataProvider() { $typeDefinitionArrayRepresentation = array('foo' => 'bar'); $typeDefinitionJsonRepresentation = '{"foo":"bar"}'; return array(array(Url::createFromUrl(self::BROWSER_URL_TEST . '?cmisaction=updateType&type=' . $typeDefinitionJsonRepresentation), $typeDefinitionArrayRepresentation, 'repositoryId', new ItemTypeDefinition('typeId'))); }
/** * @expectedException RuntimeException */ public function testCreateFromUrlBadName2() { Url::createFromUrl('sdfsdfqsdfsdf'); }