Ejemplo n.º 1
 public function testCommandToHandlerMapIsProperlyConfigured()
     $map = [AddTaskCommand::class => Mockery::mock(ConcreteMethodsHandler::class), CompleteTaskCommand::class => Mockery::mock(ConcreteMethodsHandler::class)];
     $commandBus = QuickStart::create($map);
     $commandBus->handle(new AddTaskCommand());
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public function testCommandToHandlerMapIsProperlyConfigured()
     $map = ['League\\Tactician\\Tests\\Fixtures\\Command\\AddTaskCommand' => Mockery::mock('League\\Tactician\\Tests\\Fixtures\\Handler\\ConcreteMethodsHandler'), 'League\\Tactician\\Tests\\Fixtures\\Command\\CompleteTaskCommand' => Mockery::mock('League\\Tactician\\Tests\\Fixtures\\Handler\\ConcreteMethodsHandler')];
     $commandBus = QuickStart::create($map);
     $commandBus->handle(new AddTaskCommand());
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * Use the register method to register items with the container via the
  * protected $this->container property or the `getContainer` method
  * from the ContainerAwareTrait.
 public function register()
     $container = $this->getContainer();
     $commands = $this->commands;
     // add all message classes to the container
     foreach ($commands as $alias => $config) {
         $container->add($alias, function (Container $container, $config) {
             /** @var MessageFactoryInterface $factory */
             $factory = !empty($config['factory']) ? $config['factory'] : DefaultFactory::class;
             $factory = $container->get($factory);
             if (!$factory instanceof MessageFactoryInterface) {
                 throw new CliException(sprintf('Expected factory to be an instance of "%s". Got "%s" instead.', MessageFactoryInterface::class, is_object($factory) ? get_class($factory) : gettype($factory)));
             return $factory->create($config['message']);
         })->withArguments([ContainerInterface::class, $config]);
     // setup the command bus to know which handler to use for each message class
     $container->singleton(Services::COMMAND_BUS, function () use($commands) {
         $map = [];
         foreach ($commands as $alias => $config) {
             $message = $config['message'];
             $handler = $config['handler'];
             $map[$message] = new $handler();
         return QuickStart::create($map);
     // create a service (that's just an array) that has a list of all the commands for the app
     $container->add(Services::COMMANDS, function (ContainerInterface $container) use($commands) {
         $commandList = [];
         foreach ($commands as $alias => $config) {
             $commandList[] = new BaseCommand($container, $alias, $config['message']);
         return $commandList;