Ejemplo n.º 1
 protected function checkIP()
     $ip = \Lampcms\Request::getIP();
     d('checking IP: ' . $ip);
     $res = $this->Registry->Mongo->BANNED_IP->findOne(array('_id' => $ip));
     if (!empty($res)) {
         throw new \Lampcms\FilterException('Unable to add new content at this time');
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * Get Location object for the ip address
  * @param string $ip ip address
  * @return object of type Location
 public function getLocation($ip = null)
     $ip = null !== $ip ? $ip : \Lampcms\Request::getIP();
     if (false === ($l = $this->isPublic($ip))) {
         d('ip not public');
         return new Location();
     if (4 === PHP_INT_SIZE) {
         $l = sprintf("%u", $l);
     $i = (double) $l;
     $a = $this->MongoDB->GEO_BLOCKS->findOne(array('s' => array('$lte' => $i), 'e' => array('$gte' => $i)), array('l'));
     if (is_array($a) && !empty($a['l'])) {
          * Important: must exclude _id from returned data, otherwise
          * it may override another _id when doing array_merge
         $loc = $this->MongoDB->GEO_LOCATION->findOne(array('_id' => $a['l']), array('_id' => 0));
         return new Location($loc);
     return new Location();
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * Make accessId - a unique
  * idendifier for the current request
  * based on date + appID (or ip address) and
  * Viewer ID
  * @return object $this
 protected function makeAccessId()
     if (!isset($this->accessId)) {
         d('making accessId. $this->Registry->clientAppId is: ' . $this->Registry->clientAppId);
         $clientId = empty($this->Registry->clientAppId) ? Request::getIP() : $this->Registry->clientAppId;
         d('clientId: ' . $clientId);
         $this->accessId = date('Ymd') . '_' . $clientId . '_' . $this->Registry->Viewer->getUid();
     return $this;
Ejemplo n.º 4
  * Check for previous
  * failed attempts to reset password
  * by using incorrect code
  * @throws \Lampcms\Exception
  * @return object $this
 protected function checkHacks()
     $ipHacks = 0;
     $uidHacks = 0;
     $uid = $this->Router->getNumber(1);
     $timeOffset = time() - 86400;
     $cur = $this->Registry->Mongo->PASSWORD_CHANGE->find(array('i_ts' > $timeOffset));
     if ($cur && $cur->count(true) > 0) {
         $ip = Request::getIP();
         foreach ($cur as $aVal) {
             if ($ip == $aVal['ip']) {
                 $ipHacks += 1;
             if ($uid == $aVal['i_uid']) {
                 $uidHacks += 1;
             if ($uidHacks > 5 || $ipHacks > 5) {
                 e('LampcmsError: hacking of password reset link. $uidHacks: ' . $uidHacks . ' $ipHacks: ' . $ipHacks . ' from ip: ' . $ip);
                 $this->Registry->Dispatcher->post($this, 'onPasswordResetHack', $aVal);
                 throw new \Lampcms\Exception('@@Access denied@@');
     return $this;
Ejemplo n.º 5
  * Insert record into VOTE_HACKS collection
  * @todo move this to external class and make
  * this method static, accepting only Registry
 protected function recordVoteHack()
     $coll = $this->Registry->Mongo->VOTE_HACKS;
     $coll->ensureIndex(array('i_ts' => 1));
     $aData = array('i_uid' => $this->Registry->Viewer->getUid(), 'i_ts' => time(), 'ip' => Request::getIP());
     return $this;
Ejemplo n.º 6
} catch (Lampcms\IniException $e) {
    throw new \OutOfBoundsException($e->getMessage());
 * First thing is to set our timezone
if (false === date_default_timezone_set($oINI->SERVER_TIMEZONE)) {
    throw new \Lampcms\DevException('Invalid name of  "SERVER_TIMEZONE" in !config.ini constant. The list of valid timezone names can be found here: http://us.php.net/manual/en/timezones.php');
 * The DEBUG is automatically enabled for
 * users whose ip addresses are added to
 * MY_IP section of config.inc
 * or if script is run from console
$myIP = \Lampcms\Request::getIP();
$aMyIPs = $oINI->offsetGet('MY_IP');
$debug = $oINI->DEBUG;
if ($debug || isset($aMyIPs[$myIP]) || defined('SPECIAL_LOG_FILE')) {
    define('LAMPCMS_DEBUG', true);
    error_reporting(E_ALL | E_DEPRECATED);
    ini_set('display_errors', 1);
    ini_set('display_startup_errors', 1);
    ini_set('warn_plus_overloading', 1);
     * Turn on session garbage collection
     * to be run at every session start
     * to give us consistant behaviour
     * in debug mode
     * Session expiration is 5 minutes
     * which means when logged in without
Ejemplo n.º 7
  * Update ONLINE_USERS collection
  * @todo exit if useragent is of known Crawler
  * @todo make logging guests online configurable option via Ini
 protected function run()
     $Viewer = $this->Registry->Viewer;
     $ip = Request::getIP();
     $uid = $Viewer->getUid();
     d('uid: ' . $uid);
     $aData = array('ip' => $ip, 'i_ts' => time(), 'ua' => Request::getUserAgent(), 'action' => 'request_' . $this->Registry->Request->get('a', 's', 'home'), 'uri' => $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'title' => $this->title, 'category' => $this->category, 'a_kw' => !empty($this->aInfo['keywords']) ? explode(', ', $this->aInfo['keywords']) : array());
     if ($uid > 0) {
         $aData['i_uid'] = $uid;
         $aData['username'] = $Viewer->getDisplayName();
         $aData['avtr'] = $Viewer->getAvatarSrc();
         $aData['profile'] = $Viewer->getProfileUrl();
         $aData['role'] = $Viewer->getRoleId();
         $aData['i_pp'] = $Viewer->getProfitPoint();
     $Mongo = $this->Registry->Mongo->getDb();
     $Geo = $this->Registry->Geo;
     $func = function () use($aData, $Mongo, $Geo) {
         $aGeo = $Geo->getLocation($aData['ip'])->toArray();
         $aData = $aData + $aGeo;
          * Need unique index uid
         if (array_key_exists('i_uid', $aData)) {
             $coll = $Mongo->ONLINE;
             $coll->ensureIndex(array('i_uid' => 1), array('unique' => true));
             $coll->ensureIndex(array('i_ts' => 1));
             $coll->update(array('i_uid' => $aData['i_uid']), $aData, array('upsert' => true));
         } else {
              * For guests the value of ip2long (int)
              * will be used as uid
             $aData['i_uid'] = ip2long($aData['ip']);
             $coll = $Mongo->GUESTS;
             $coll->ensureIndex(array('i_uid' => 1), array('unique' => true));
             $coll->ensureIndex(array('i_ts' => 1));
             $coll->update(array('ip' => $aData['ip']), $aData, array('upsert' => true));
          * Remove old records
          * Cleanup runs 10% of requests
          * removes records older than 24 hours
         if (1 === rand(0, 10)) {
             $offset = time() - 60 * 60 * 24;
             $coll->remove(array('i_ts' => array('$lt' => $offset)));
Ejemplo n.º 8
  * Insert record into VOTE_HACKS collection
  * @todo move this to external class and make
  *       this method static, accepting only Registry
  * @return \Lampcms\Controllers\Accept
 protected function recordVoteHack()
     $coll = $this->Registry->Mongo->VOTE_HACKS;
     $coll->ensureIndex(array(Schema::CREATED_TIMESTAMP => 1));
     $aData = array(Schema::POSTER_ID => $this->Registry->Viewer->getUid(), Schema::CREATED_TIMESTAMP => time(), Schema::IP_ADDRESS => Request::getIP());
     return $this;
Ejemplo n.º 9
  * Save the submitted form values
  * by setting the $this->oApi object
  * and then calling insert() or save() on it
  * @return object $this
 protected function save()
     $isUpdate = false;
     $vals = $this->Form->getSubmittedValues();
     d('vals: ' . print_r($vals, 1));
     $appid = (int) $vals['app_id'];
     if ($appid > 0) {
         $isUpdate = true;
         d('has appid, editing mode');
     } else {
          * Auto-generate app_id
          * Use USERS auto-increment value
          * because we can then store the image in the same
          * way we store avatar - in the same directory
          * using hex based path.
         $appid = $this->Registry->Incrementor->nextValue('USERS');
     d('$appid: ' . $appid);
     $this->oApi['_id'] = $appid;
     $this->oApi['i_uid'] = $this->Registry->Viewer->getUid();
     $this->oApi['app_name'] = (string) $this->Request->getUTF8('app_name')->trim()->stripTags();
     $this->oApi['appsite'] = (string) $this->Request->getUTF8('appsite')->trim()->stripTags();
     $this->oApi['company'] = (string) $this->Request->getUTF8('company')->trim()->stripTags();
     $this->oApi['app_type'] = (string) $this->Request->getUTF8('app_type')->trim()->stripTags();
     $this->oApi['about'] = (string) $this->Request->getUTF8('about')->trim()->stripTags();
     $this->oApi['api_key'] = $appid . '.' . String::makeRandomString(12);
      * Ensure that app is a unique field
      * app is the name of application
     $coll = $this->Registry->Mongo->API_CLIENTS;
     $coll->ensureIndex(array('app_name' => 1), array('unique' => true));
     $coll->ensureIndex(array('api_key' => 1), array('unique' => true));
     $coll->ensureIndex(array('i_uid' => 1));
     try {
         if ($isUpdate) {
             $this->oApi['edited_time'] = date('F j, Y g:i a T');
             $this->oApi['edit_ip'] = Request::getIP();
             $res = $this->oApi->save();
         } else {
             $this->oApi['created_time'] = date('F j, Y g:i a T');
             $this->oApi['ip'] = Request::getIP();
             $res = $this->oApi->insert();
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         throw new \OutOfBoundsException($e->getMessage());
     d('$res: ' . $res);
     return $this;
Ejemplo n.º 10
  * Update LOGIN_LOG collection
 protected function run()
     $Viewer = $this->Registry->Viewer;
     if (!is_object($Viewer)) {
         d('Could not get Viewer object');
     $ip = Request::getIP();
     $uid = $Viewer->getUid();
     d('uid: ' . $uid);
     if ($uid > 0) {
         $aData = array('ip' => $ip, 'i_uid' => $uid, 'i_ts' => time(), 'ua' => Request::getUserAgent(), 'login_method' => $this->loginMethod);
         $Mongo = $this->Registry->Mongo->getDb();
         //$Geo 	= $this->Registry->Geo;
         $func = function () use($aData, $Mongo) {
             //$aGeo = $Geo->getLocation($aData['ip'])->toArray();
             //$aData = $aData + $aGeo;
             $coll = $Mongo->LOGIN_LOG;
             $coll->ensureIndex(array('i_uid' => 1));
             $coll->ensureIndex(array('ip' => 1));