Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Returns this user as a GenericUser
  * @param \stdClass|array $profile
  * @throws \DreamFactory\Oasys\Exceptions\ProviderException
  * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
  * @return UserLike
 public function getUserData($profile = null)
     $_result = parent::getUserData();
     if (empty($_result)) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException('No profile available to convert.');
     if (null === ($_profile = Option::get($_result, 'result'))) {
         throw new ProviderException('No profile available to convert.');
     //		Log::debug( 'Profile retrieved: ' . print_r( $_profile, true ) );
     $_profileId = Option::get($_profile, 'id');
     $_login = Option::get($_profile, 'login');
     $_formatted = Option::get($_profile, 'name', $_login);
     $_parts = explode(' ', $_formatted);
     $_name = array('formatted' => $_formatted);
     if (!empty($_parts)) {
         if (sizeof($_parts) >= 1) {
             $_name['givenName'] = $_parts[0];
         if (sizeof($_parts) > 1) {
             $_name['familyName'] = $_parts[1];
     return new GenericUser(array('provider_id' => $this->getProviderId(), 'user_id' => $_profileId, 'published' => Option::get($_profile, 'created_at'), 'display_name' => $_formatted, 'name' => $_name, 'email_address' => Option::get($_profile, 'email'), 'preferred_username' => $_login, 'urls' => array(Option::get($_profile, 'url')), 'thumbnail_url' => Option::get($_profile, 'avatar_url'), 'updated' => Option::get($_profile, 'updated_at'), 'relationships' => Option::get($_profile, 'followers'), 'user_data' => $_profile));
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * @param array|\stdClass $payload
  * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
  * @return array|\stdClass|void
 public static function validatePayload($payload)
     if (null === Option::get($payload, 'refresh_token')) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The "refresh_token" parameter must be specified to use this grant type.');
     return $payload;
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * @param string $storageId
  * @param string $storagePath
  * @param array  $contents
  * @return \DreamFactory\Oasys\Stores\FileSystem
 public function __construct($storageId, $storagePath = null, $contents = array())
     $this->_storageId = $storageId;
     $this->_storagePath = $storagePath ?: Option::get($contents, 'storage_path', rtrim(sys_get_temp_dir(), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR), true);
     $this->_fileName = Option::get($contents, 'file_name', static::KEY_PREFIX . sha1(static::KEY_PREFIX . $storageId), true);
Ejemplo n.º 4
  * @param \PDO           $pdo       The PDO instance on which the error occurred
  * @param \Exception     $exception The exception thrown
  * @param int|mixed|null $code      The HTTP response code to use. Defaults to 500 - Internal Server Error
  * @param mixed          $previous  The previous exception
  * @param array          $context   Additional information for downstream consumers
 public function __construct($pdo, $exception, $code = HttpResponse::InternalServerError, $previous = null, $context = null)
     $this->_driverName = $pdo->getAttribute(\PDO::ATTR_DRIVER_NAME);
     $this->_sqlState = Option::get($_info, 0);
     $this->_driverCode = Option::get($_info, 1);
     $this->_driverMessage = Option::get($_info, 2);
     parent::__construct($exception, $code, $previous, $context);
Ejemplo n.º 5
  * @param array|\stdClass $payload
  * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
  * @return array|\stdClass|void
 public static function validatePayload($payload)
     if (null === Option::get($payload, 'code')) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The "code" parameter must be specified to use this grant type.');
     if (null === Option::get($payload, 'redirect_uri')) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The "redirect_uri" parameter must be specified to use this grant type.');
     return $payload;
Ejemplo n.º 6
  * @param array|\stdClass $payload
  * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
  * @return array|\stdClass|void
 public static function validatePayload($payload)
     if (null === Option::get($payload, 'username')) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The "username" parameter must be specified to use this grant type.');
     if (null === Option::get($payload, 'password')) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The "password" parameter must be specified to use this grant type.');
     return $payload;
Ejemplo n.º 7
  * @param array $contents
  * @throws \DreamFactory\Oasys\Exceptions\OasysException
 public function __construct($contents = array())
     if (!isset($_SESSION) || PHP_SESSION_DISABLED == session_status()) {
         throw new OasysException('No session active. Session storage not available.');
     $_data = array();
     if (null !== ($_parcel = Option::get($_SESSION, static::KEY_PREFIX . '.data'))) {
         $_data = Storage::defrost($_parcel);
     if (is_array($_data)) {
         $_data = array_merge($_data, $contents);
Ejemplo n.º 8
  * Returns this user as a GenericUser
  * @throws \DreamFactory\Oasys\Exceptions\OasysException
  * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
  * @return UserLike
 public function getUserData()
     $_response = $this->fetch('/me');
     if (HttpResponse::Ok != ($_code = Option::get($_response, 'code'))) {
         throw new OasysException('Unexpected response code', $_code, null, $_response);
     $_profile = Option::get($_response, 'result');
     if (empty($_profile)) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException('No profile available to convert.');
     $_profileId = Option::get($_profile, 'id');
     $_name = array('formatted' => Option::get($_profile, 'name'), 'familyName' => Option::get($_profile, 'last_name'), 'givenName' => Option::get($_profile, 'first_name'));
     return new GenericUser(array('user_id' => $_profileId, 'published' => Option::get($_profile, 'updated_time'), 'updated' => Option::get($_profile, 'updated_time'), 'display_name' => $_name['formatted'], 'name' => $_name, 'preferred_username' => Option::get($_profile, 'username'), 'gender' => Option::get($_profile, 'gender'), 'email_address' => Option::get($_profile, 'email'), 'urls' => array(Option::get($_profile, 'link')), 'relationships' => Option::get($_profile, 'friends'), 'thumbnail_url' => $this->_config->getEndpointUrl() . '/' . $_profileId . '/picture?width=150&height=150', 'user_data' => $_profile));
Ejemplo n.º 9
  * @param array $schema
  * @param bool  $returnHtml If true, HTML is returned, otherwise an array of fields
  * @return string
 protected static function _buildFormFields($schema, $returnHtml = true)
     $_form = null;
     $_fields = array();
     foreach ($schema as $_field => $_settings) {
         //	No private fields are ever rendered
         if (false !== Option::get($_settings, 'private', false)) {
         $_value = Option::get($_settings, 'value', Option::get($_settings, 'default'));
         $_label = Option::get($_settings, 'label', Inflector::display($_field));
         $_labelAttributes = Option::get($_settings, 'label_attributes', array('for' => $_field));
         $_attributes = array_merge(array('name' => $_field, 'id' => $_field), Option::get($_settings, 'attributes', array()));
         if (false !== ($_required = Option::get($_settings, 'required', false))) {
             $_attributes['class'] = HtmlMarkup::addValue(Option::get($_attributes, 'class'), 'required');
         $_form .= HtmlMarkup::label($_labelAttributes, $_label);
         $_fields[$_field]['label'] = array('value' => $_label, 'attributes' => $_labelAttributes);
         switch ($_settings['type']) {
             case 'text':
                 $_form .= HtmlMarkup::tag('textarea', $_attributes, $_value) . PHP_EOL;
                 $_fields[$_field] = array_merge($_fields[$_field], array('type' => 'textarea', 'contents' => $_value), $_attributes);
             case 'select':
                 $_attributes['size'] = Option::get($_settings, 'size', 1);
                 $_attributes['value'] = $_value;
                 $_fields[$_field] = array_merge($_fields[$_field], array('type' => 'select', 'data' => Option::get($_settings, 'options', array())), $_attributes);
                 $_form .= HtmlMarkup::select($_fields[$_field]['data'], $_attributes) . PHP_EOL;
                 $_attributes['maxlength'] = Option::get($_settings, 'length');
                 $_attributes['value'] = $_value;
                 $_attributes['type'] = 'text';
                 $_fields[$_field] = array_merge($_fields[$_field], array('type' => 'input', 'value' => $_value), $_attributes);
                 $_form .= HtmlMarkup::tag('input', $_attributes, null, true, true) . PHP_EOL;
     return $returnHtml ? $_form : $_fields;
Ejemplo n.º 10

use DreamFactory\Yii\Utility\Pii;
use Kisma\Core\Utility\Option;
 * supplies info for the roll your own list
if (false !== ($_options = Pii::getParam('dashboard.rackspace', false))) {
    $_featureEnabled = Option::get($_options, 'enabled', false);
    if ($_featureEnabled) {
        $_body = <<<HTML
<p>Rackspace has no specific image. Instead, install one of our pre-built packages! For Redhat or CentOS flavors,
\t\t\t\tsee our <a href="http://wiki.dreamfactory.com/wiki/Packages/Rpm" target="_blank">installation guide</a>.  We also have one for Debian/Ubuntu systems <a
\t\thref="http://wiki.dreamfactory.com/wiki/Packages/Deb" target="_blank">here</a>.</p>
    } else {
        $_body = <<<HTML
<p><strong>This feature is coming soon! Stay tuned!</strong></p>
    return array('id' => 'rackspace', 'title' => 'Rackspace', 'body' => $_body);
return array();
Ejemplo n.º 11
  * Merges any configuration schema with model data
  * @param string $providerId The API name of the provider
  * @param array  $configData
  * @return array|null
 protected function _loadConfigSchema($providerId, $configData = array())
     $_schema = null;
     switch ($providerId) {
         case 'provider':
             /** @var Provider $model */
             $_schema = Oasys::getProvider($providerId)->getConfig()->getSchema();
     //	Merge
     if (!empty($_schema)) {
         $_config = !empty($configData) ? $configData : array();
         //	Load the resource into the schema for a goof
         foreach ($_schema as $_key => $_value) {
             if (null !== ($_configValue = Option::get($_config, $_key))) {
                 if (is_array($_configValue)) {
                     $_configValue = implode(', ', $_configValue);
                 $_value['value'] = $_configValue;
             $_schema[static::SCHEMA_PREFIX . $_key] = $_value;
     return $_schema;
Ejemplo n.º 12
Archivo: Curl.php Proyecto: kisma/kisma
  * Returns the validated URL that has been called to get here
  * @param bool $includeQuery If true, query string is included
  * @param bool $includePath  If true, the uri path is included
  * @return string
 public static function currentUrl($includeQuery = true, $includePath = true)
     //	Are we SSL? Check for load balancer protocol as well...
     $_port = intval(Option::get($_SERVER, 'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PORT', Option::get($_SERVER, 'SERVER_PORT', 80)));
     $_protocol = Option::get($_SERVER, 'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO', 'http' . (Option::getBool($_SERVER, 'HTTPS') ? 's' : null)) . '://';
     $_host = Option::get($_SERVER, 'HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST', Option::get($_SERVER, 'HTTP_HOST', gethostname()));
     $_parts = parse_url($_protocol . $_host . Option::get($_SERVER, 'REQUEST_URI'));
     if ((empty($_port) || !is_numeric($_port)) && null !== ($_parsePort = Option::get($_parts, 'port'))) {
         $_port = @intval($_parsePort);
     if (null !== ($_query = Option::get($_parts, 'query'))) {
         $_query = static::urlSeparator($_query) . http_build_query(explode('&', $_query));
     if (false !== strpos($_host, ':') || $_protocol == 'https://' && $_port == 443 || $_protocol == 'http://' && $_port == 80) {
         $_port = null;
     } else {
         $_port = ':' . $_port;
     if (false !== strpos($_host, ':')) {
         $_port = null;
     $_currentUrl = $_protocol . $_host . $_port . (true === $includePath ? Option::get($_parts, 'path') : null) . (true === $includeQuery ? $_query : null);
     if (\Kisma::get('debug.curl.current_url')) {
         Log::debug('Parsed current URL to be: ' . $_currentUrl, $_parts);
     return $_currentUrl;
Ejemplo n.º 13
  * Fetch a protected resource
  * @param string $resource
  * @param array  $payload
  * @param string $method
  * @param array  $headers
  * @throws \DreamFactory\Oasys\Exceptions\OasysConfigurationException
  * @throws \Kisma\Core\Exceptions\NotImplementedException
  * @return array
 public function fetch($resource, $payload = array(), $method = self::Get, array $headers = array())
     $_url = $resource;
     if (false === stripos($_url, 'http://', 0) && false === stripos($_url, 'https://', 0)) {
         $_endpoint = $this->_config->getEndpoint(EndpointTypes::SERVICE);
         $payload = array_merge(Option::get($_endpoint, 'parameters', array()), $payload);
         //	Spiffify
         $_url = rtrim($_endpoint['endpoint'], '/') . '/' . ltrim($resource, '/');
     if (false !== $this->_client->fetch($_url, $payload, $method, $headers)) {
         $_response = $this->_client->getLastResponse();
         $_info = $this->_client->getLastResponseInfo();
         return array('result' => $_response, 'info' => $_info, 'code' => $_info['http_code'], 'content_type' => $_info['content_type']);
Ejemplo n.º 14
  * Given an inbound state string, convert to original defrosted state
  * @param string $state If not supplied, $_REQUEST['state'] is used.
  * @return array
 protected static function _decodeState($state = null)
     if (null === ($_state = $state ?: Option::request('state'))) {
         return array();
     return Storage::defrost($_state);
Ejemplo n.º 15
Archivo: Log.php Proyecto: kisma/kisma
  * Formats the log entry. You can override this method to provide you own formatting.
  * It will strip out any console escape sequences as well
  * @param array $entry Read the code, data in the array
  * @param bool  $newline
  * @return string
  * @deprecated in v0.2.20. To be removed in v0.3.0. Replaced by Monolog formatter
 public static function formatLogEntry(array $entry, $newline = true)
     $_level = Option::get($entry, 'level');
     $_levelName = static::_getLogLevel($_level);
     $_timestamp = Option::get($entry, 'timestamp');
     $_message = preg_replace('/\\033\\[[\\d;]+m/', null, Option::get($entry, 'message'));
     $_context = Option::get($entry, 'context');
     $_extra = Option::get($entry, 'extra');
     $_blob = new \stdClass();
     if (static::$_includeProcessInfo) {
         $_blob->pid = getmypid();
         $_blob->uid = getmyuid();
         $_blob->hostname = gethostname();
     if (!empty($_context)) {
         $_blob->context = $_context;
     if (!empty($_extra)) {
         $_context->extra = $_extra;
     $_blob = json_encode($_blob);
     if (false === $_blob || '{}' == $_blob) {
         $_blob = null;
     $_replacements = array(0 => $_levelName, 1 => date('M d', $_timestamp), 2 => date('H:i:s', $_timestamp), 3 => $_message, 4 => $_blob);
     return str_ireplace(array('%%level%%', '%%date%%', '%%time%%', '%%message%%', '%%extra%%'), $_replacements, static::$_logFormat) . ($newline ? PHP_EOL : null);
Ejemplo n.º 16
  * Constructs and sets all options at once.
  * @param array $options
  * Options are:
  * @option string             $dbname The name of the database
  * @option string             $type The connection type, "socket" or "stream"
  * @option string             $host
  * @option int                $port
  * @option string             $user
  * @option string             $password
  * @option string             $ip
  * @option bool               $logging
  * @option Configuration      $config
  * @option EventManager       $manager
  * @option array               $namespaces Array of additional document namespaces
  * @return \Doctrine\ODM\CouchDB\DocumentManager
 public static function documentManager($options = array())
     $_key = Option::get($options, 'host', 'localhost') . ':' . Option::get($options, 'port', 5984);
     if (!isset(self::$_dms[$_key])) {
         self::$_dms[$_key] = \Doctrine\ODM\CouchDB\DocumentManager::create(Option::get($options, 'client', static::couchDbClient($options)), Option::get($options, 'config'), Option::get($options, 'manager'));
     return self::$_dms[$_key];
Ejemplo n.º 17
  * @return array
 public function getPhoneNumber()
     return @current(Option::clean($this->_phoneNumbers));
Ejemplo n.º 18

use DreamFactory\Yii\Utility\Pii;
use Kisma\Core\Utility\Option;
 * supplies info for the roll your own list
if (false !== ($_options = Pii::getParam('dashboard.vmware', false))) {
    $_featureEnabled = Option::get($_options, 'enabled', false);
    $_wikiUrl = Option::get($_options, 'wiki_url');
    $_launchUrl = Option::get($_options, 'launch_url');
    if ($_featureEnabled) {
        $_body = <<<HTML
<p>Our VMWare appliance is available at <a target="_blank" href="{$_launchUrl}">{$_launchUrl}</a>.</p>
<p>More information is available here:<br/> <a target="_blank" href="{$_wikiUrl}">{$_wikiUrl}</a></p>
    } else {
        $_body = <<<HTML
<p><strong>This feature is coming soon! Stay tuned!</strong></p>
    return array('id' => 'vmware', 'title' => 'VMWare Appliance', 'body' => $_body);
return array();
Ejemplo n.º 19
  * Returns the level indicator for the log
  * @param int $level The level value
  * @return string
 public static function getIndicator($level)
     return \Kisma\Core\Utility\Option::get(self::$_indicators, $level, self::__default);
Ejemplo n.º 20
Archivo: Map.php Proyecto: kisma/kisma
  * @param string $key
  * @param mixed  $value
  * @param bool   $overwrite
  * @return $this
 public function set($key, $value, $overwrite = true)
     Option::set($this->_map, $this->_hashKey($key), $value, $overwrite);
     return $this;
Ejemplo n.º 21
  * Called before a request to get any additional auth header(s) or payload parameters
  * (query string for non-POST-type requests) needed for the call.
  * Append them to the $headers array as strings in "header: value" format:
  * <code>
  *        $_contentType = 'Content-Type: application/json';
  *        $_origin = 'Origin: teefury.com';
  *        $headers[] = $_contentType;
  *        $headers[] = $_origin;
  * </code>
  * and/or append them to the $payload array in $key => $value format:
  * <code>
  *        $payload['param1'] = 'value1';
  *        $payload['param2'] = 'value2';
  *        $payload['param3'] = 'value3';
  * </code>
  * @param array $headers The current headers that are going to be sent
  * @param array $payload
  * @throws \DreamFactory\Oasys\Exceptions\OasysConfigurationException
  * @throws NotImplementedException
  * @return void
 protected function _getAuthParameters(&$headers = array(), &$payload = array())
     $_token = $this->getConfig('access_token');
     //	Use the resource url if provided...
     if ($_token) {
         $_authHeaderName = $this->getConfig('auth_header_name');
         switch ($this->getConfig('access_token_type')) {
             case TokenTypes::URI:
                 Option::set($payload, $this->getConfig('access_token_param_name'), $_token);
                 $_authHeaderName = null;
             case TokenTypes::BEARER:
                 $_authHeaderName = $_authHeaderName ?: 'Bearer';
             case TokenTypes::OAUTH:
                 $_authHeaderName = $_authHeaderName ?: 'OAuth';
             case TokenTypes::MAC:
                 throw new NotImplementedException();
                 throw new OasysConfigurationException('Unknown access token type "' . $this->getConfig('access_token_type') . '".');
         if (null !== $_authHeaderName) {
             $headers[] = 'Authorization: ' . $_authHeaderName . ' ' . $_token;
Ejemplo n.º 22
  * Creates a generic, consistent event for scripting and notifications
  * The returned array is as follows:
  * array(
  *  //    Basics
  *  'id'                => 'A unique ID assigned to this event',
  *  'name'              => 'event.name',
  *  'trigger'           => '{api_name}/{resource}',
  *  'stop_propagation'  => [true|false],
  *  'dispatcher'        => array(
  *      'id'            => 'A unique ID assigned to the dispatcher of this event',
  *      'type'          => 'The class name of the dispatcher',
  *  ),
  *  //  Information about the triggering request
  *  'request'           => array(
  *      'timestamp'     => 'timestamp of the initial request',
  *      'path'          => '/full/path/that/triggered/event',
  *      'api_name'      =>'The api_name of the called service',
  *      'resource'      => 'The name of the resource requested',
  *      'body'          => 'The body posted as part of the request (possibly normalized by the service)',
  *  ),
  *  //  Information about the outgoing response.
  *  'response' => 'The response body returned to the calling service and eventually to the requesting client.',
  *  //    Access to the platform api
  *  'platform'      => array(
  *      'api'       => [wormhole to inline-REST API],
  *      'config'    => [standard DSP configuration update],
  *      'session'   => [the current session],
  *  ),
  *  'extra' => [Extra information passed by caller],
  * )
  * Note that this structure is not passed to the script verbatim. Portions are extracted and exposed by the
  * Script resource as it sees fit.
  * Please note that the format of the request and response bodies may differ slightly from the format passed in or
  * sent back to the client. Some service handlers normalize the data for convenience, i.e. see
  * BaseDbSvc::_determineRequestMembers().
  * Therefore the data exposed by the event system has been "normalized" to provide a reliable and consistent manner
  * in which to process said data. There should be no need for wasting time trying to determine if your data is
  * "maybe here, or maybe there, or maybe over there even" when received by your event handlers.
  * @param string          $eventName        The event name
  * @param PlatformEvent   $event            The event
  * @param EventDispatcher $dispatcher       The dispatcher of the event
  * @param array           $extra            Any additional data to put into the event structure
  * @param bool            $includeDspConfig If true, the current DSP config is added to container
  * @param bool            $returnJson       If true, the event will be returned as a JSON string, otherwise an
  *                                          array.
  * @return array|string
 public static function normalizeEvent($eventName, PlatformEvent $event, $dispatcher, array $extra = [], $includeDspConfig = true, $returnJson = false)
     static $config = null;
     if (!$config) {
         $config = $includeDspConfig ? \Cache::get(Config::LAST_RESPONSE_CACHE_KEY, false) : false;
     //	Clean up the event extras, remove data portion
     $eventExtras = $event->getData();
     $path = $dispatcher->getPathInfo(true);
     //	Clean up the trigger
     $trigger = false !== strpos($path, 'rest', 0) || false !== strpos($path, '/rest', 0) ? str_replace(['/rest', 'rest'], null, $path) : $path;
     $request = static::buildRequestArray($event);
     $response = $event->getResponseData();
     //	Build the array
     $event = ['id' => $event->getEventId(), 'name' => $eventName, 'timestamp' => date('c', Option::server('REQUEST_TIME_FLOAT', Option::server('REQUEST_TIME', microtime(true)))), 'trigger' => $trigger, 'request_path' => $path, 'stop_propagation' => ArrayUtils::get($eventExtras, 'stop_propagation', false, true), 'dispatcher_id' => spl_object_hash($dispatcher), 'dispatcher_type' => Inflector::neutralize(get_class($dispatcher)), 'extra' => $extra, 'platform' => ['config' => $config, 'session' => static::getCleanedSession()], 'request' => $request, 'response' => $response];
     return $returnJson ? json_encode($event, JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES) : $event;
  * @param PackageInterface $package
  * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
  * @return string
 protected function _validatePackage(PackageInterface $package)
     $_packageName = $package->getPrettyName();
     $_parts = explode('/', $_packageName, 2);
     $this->_extra = Option::clean($package->getExtra());
     $this->_config = Option::get($this->_extra, 'config', array());
     $this->_plugIn = static::DSP_PLUGIN_PACKAGE_TYPE == $package->getType();
     //	Only install DreamFactory packages if not a plug-in
     if (static::PACKAGE_PREFIX != ($_vendor = @current($_parts)) && !$this->_plugIn) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException('This package is not a DreamFactory package and cannot be installed by this installer.' . PHP_EOL . '  * Name: ' . $_packageName . PHP_EOL . '  * Parts: ' . implode(' / ', $_parts) . PHP_EOL);
     //	Effectively /docRoot/shared/[vendor]/[namespace]/[package]
     Log::debug('Package "' . $_packageName . '" installation type: ' . ($this->_plugIn ? 'Plug-in' : 'Package'));
     $this->_packageName = $_packageName;
     $this->_installPath = $this->_buildInstallPath($_vendor, @end($_parts));
     //	Link path for plug-ins
     $_extra = Option::clean($package->getExtra());
     $this->_linkName = Option::get($_extra, 'link_name', $_parts[1]);
     //	Relative to composer.json... i.e. web/[link_name]
     $this->_linkPath = trim(static::PLUG_IN_LINK_PATH . '/' . $this->_linkName, '/');
     Log::info('Platform Installer Debug > ' . $_packageName . ' > Version ' . $package->getVersion());
     Log::debug('  * Install path: ' . $this->_installPath);
     if ($this->_plugIn) {
         Log::debug('  *    Link name: ' . $this->_linkName);
         Log::debug('  *    Link path: ' . $this->_linkPath);
     return true;
Ejemplo n.º 24
  * Google Plus does not allow the state parameter when making access tokens requests, so it is removed from the
  * payload.
  * @param string $grantType
  * @param array  $payload
  * @return array|false
  * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
 public function requestAccessToken($grantType = GrantTypes::AUTHORIZATION_CODE, array $payload = array())
     Option::remove($payload, 'state');
     return parent::requestAccessToken($grantType, $payload);
Ejemplo n.º 25
  * @param string $property
  * @param mixed  $defaultValue
  * @param bool   $burnAfterReading
  * @return BaseProviderConfig|ProviderConfigLike|array
 public function getConfig($property = null, $defaultValue = null, $burnAfterReading = false)
     if (null !== $property) {
         return Option::get($this->_config, $property, $defaultValue, $burnAfterReading);
     return $this->_config;
Ejemplo n.º 26
  * @param array|\stdClass $data
  * @return bool|void
 protected function _processReceivedToken($data)
     $_data = $data;
     if (!is_array($data) && !$data instanceof \stdClass && !$data instanceof \Traversable) {
         $_data = Option::clean($data);
         if (!empty($_data)) {
             $_data = current($_data);
     foreach ($_data as $_key => $_value) {
         switch ($_key) {
             case 'instance_url':
                 $this->_instanceName = trim(str_ireplace(array('https://', 'http://', '/'), null, $_value));
                 $_endpoint = $this->getConfig()->getEndpoint(EndpointTypes::SERVICE);
                 $_endpoint['endpoint'] = str_ireplace('{{instance_name}}', $this->_instanceName, static::SERVICE_ENDPOINT_PATTERN);
                 $this->getConfig()->mapEndpoint(EndpointTypes::SERVICE, $_endpoint);
             case 'id':
                 $this->_identityUrl = $_value;
     return parent::_processReceivedToken($data);
Ejemplo n.º 27
  * @param int|array[]  $type       An EndpointTypes constant or an array of mappings
  * @param string|array $endpoint   Call with null to remove a mapping
  * @param array        $parameters KVPs of additional parameters
  * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
  * @return BaseProviderConfig
 public function mapEndpoint($type, $endpoint = null, $parameters = null)
     //	Allow for an array of endpoints to be passed in...
     if (is_array($type) && null === $endpoint) {
         foreach ($type as $_endpointType => $_endpoint) {
             $this->mapEndpoint($_endpointType, $_endpoint);
         return $this;
     $type = $this->_getEndpointType($type);
     if (!EndpointTypes::contains($type)) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException('The endpoint type "' . $type . '" is not valid.');
     if (null === $endpoint) {
         Option::remove($this->_endpointMap, $type);
         return $this;
     if (is_string($endpoint)) {
         $endpoint = array('endpoint' => $endpoint, 'parameters' => $parameters ?: array());
     $this->_endpointMap[$type] = $endpoint;
     return $this;
Ejemplo n.º 28

use DreamFactory\Yii\Utility\Pii;
use Kisma\Core\Utility\Option;
 * supplies info for the roll your own list
if (false !== ($_options = Pii::getParam('dashboard.bitnami', false))) {
    $_featureEnabled = Option::get($_options, 'enabled', false);
    $_url = Option::get($_options, 'url');
    $_wikiUrl = Option::get($_options, 'wiki_url');
    if ($_featureEnabled) {
        $_body = <<<HTML
<p>Click the link to launch a DSP using a BitNami stack:<br/>
<a target="_blank" href="{$_url}">{$_url}</a></p>
<p>More information may be found in the README:
<a target="_blank" href="{$_wikiUrl}">{$_wikiUrl}</a></p>
    } else {
        $_body = <<<HTML
<p><strong>This feature is coming soon! Stay tuned!</strong></p>
    return array('id' => 'bitnami', 'title' => 'BitNami', 'body' => $_body);
return array();
Ejemplo n.º 29
  * Testing endpoint for events
 public function actionEventReceiver()
     $_request = Pii::requestObject();
     $_data = $_request->getContent();
     if (is_string($_data)) {
         $_data = json_decode($_data, true);
         if (JSON_ERROR_NONE != json_last_error()) {
             Log::error('  * DSP event could not be converted from JSON.');
     if (isset($_data['details'])) {
         $_eventName = Option::getDeep($_data, 'details', 'event_name');
         Log::debug('DSP event "' . $_eventName . '" received');
     Log::error('Weird event received: ' . var_export($_data, true));
Ejemplo n.º 30
  * @param array $contents
  * @return \DreamFactory\Oasys\Configs\OAuthProviderConfig
 public function __construct($contents = array())
     Option::set($contents, 'type', static::OAUTH);