Ejemplo n.º 1
  * @expectedException \Keboola\Juicer\Exception\UserException
  * @expectedExceptionMessage Scroller 'nonExistentScroller' not set in API definitions. Scrollers defined: param, cursor, page
 public function testUndefinedScrollerException()
     $config = $this->getScrollerConfig();
     $scroller = new MultipleScroller($config);
     $noScrollerConfig = new JobConfig('none', ['endpoint' => 'data', 'scroller' => 'nonExistentScroller']);
     $req = $scroller->getFirstRequest(RestClient::create(), $noScrollerConfig);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public function run(Config $config)
     $client = RestClient::create(['base_url' => $this->baseUrl, 'defaults' => ['headers' => UserFunction::build($this->headers, ['attr' => $config->getAttributes()])]], JuicerRest::convertRetry($this->retryConfig));
     if (!empty($this->defaultRequestOptions)) {
     // Verbose Logging of all requests
     $client->getClient()->getEmitter()->attach(new LogRequest());
     if ($this->cache) {
         CacheSubscriber::attach($client->getClient(), ['storage' => $this->cache, 'validate' => false, 'can_cache' => function (RequestInterface $requestInterface) {
             return true;
     $builder = new Builder();
     foreach ($config->getJobs() as $jobConfig) {
         $this->runJob($jobConfig, $client, $config, $builder);
     if ($this->parser instanceof Json) {
         // FIXME fallback from JsonMap
         $this->metadata = array_replace_recursive($this->metadata, $this->parser->getMetadata());
     //         return $this->parser->getResults();
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public function testGetFirstRequest()
     $client = RestClient::create();
     $config = $this->getConfig();
     $scroller = new ResponseParamScroller(['responseParam' => '_scroll_id', 'queryParam' => 'scroll_id', 'includeParams' => false, 'scrollRequest' => ['endpoint' => '_search/scroll', 'method' => 'POST', 'params' => ['scroll' => '1m']]]);
     $expected = $client->createRequest($config->getConfig());
     self::assertEquals($expected, $scroller->getFirstRequest($client, $config));
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public function authenticateClient(RestClient $client)
     if (empty($this->auth['loginRequest'])) {
         throw new UserException("'loginRequest' is not configured for Login authentication");
     $loginRequest = $this->getAuthRequest($this->auth['loginRequest']);
     $sub = new LoginSubscriber();
     // @return [query, headers]
     $sub->setLoginMethod(function () use($client, $loginRequest, $sub) {
         // Need to bypass the subscriber for the login call
         $response = $client->download($loginRequest);
         return ['query' => $this->getResults($response, 'query'), 'headers' => $this->getResults($response, 'headers'), 'expires' => $this->getExpiry($response)];
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public function testGetFirstRequest()
     $client = RestClient::create();
     $config = new JobConfig('test', ['endpoint' => 'test', 'params' => ['a' => 1, 'b' => 2]]);
     $scroller = new NoScroller();
     $req = $scroller->getFirstRequest($client, $config);
     $expected = $client->createRequest($config->getConfig());
     self::assertEquals($expected, $req);
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public function testGetNextRequestNested()
     $client = RestClient::create();
     $config = new JobConfig('test', ['endpoint' => 'test']);
     $scroller = new CursorScroller(['idKey' => 'id.int', 'param' => 'since_id']);
     $response = [(object) ['id' => (object) ['int' => 3]]];
     $next = $scroller->getNextRequest($client, $config, $response, $response);
     $expected = $client->createRequest(['endpoint' => 'test', 'params' => ['since_id' => 3]]);
     self::assertEquals($expected, $next);
 public function testGetNextRequestQueryParams()
     $client = RestClient::create();
     $config = $this->getConfig();
     $response = (object) ['data' => [], 'scroll' => '?page=2&b=v'];
     $scroller = new ZendeskResponseUrlScroller(['urlKey' => 'scroll', 'paramIsQuery' => true, 'includeParams' => true]);
     $nextRequest = $scroller->getNextRequest($client, $config, $response, $response->data);
     $expected = $client->createRequest(['endpoint' => 'test', 'params' => ['page' => 2, 'a' => 1, 'b' => 'v']]);
     self::assertEquals($expected, $nextRequest);
Ejemplo n.º 8
  * @param RestClient $client
 public function authenticateClient(RestClient $client)
     $sub = new UrlSignature();
     // Create array of objects instead of arrays from YML
     $q = (array) Utils::arrayToObject($this->query);
     $sub->setSignatureGenerator(function (array $requestInfo = []) use($q) {
         $params = array_merge($requestInfo, ['attr' => $this->attrs]);
         $query = [];
         try {
             foreach ($q as $key => $value) {
                 $query[$key] = is_scalar($value) ? $value : $this->builder->run($value, $params);
         } catch (UserScriptException $e) {
             throw new UserException("Error in query authentication script: " . $e->getMessage());
         return $query;
 public function testGetNextRequestHasMore()
     $client = RestClient::create();
     $jobConfig = new JobConfig('test', ['endpoint' => 'test']);
     $config = ['nextPageFlag' => ['field' => 'hasMore', 'stopOn' => false]];
     $scroller = new OffsetScroller(['limit' => 10]);
     $decorated = new HasMoreScrollerDecorator($scroller, $config);
     self::assertInstanceOf('Keboola\\Juicer\\Pagination\\OffsetScroller', $decorated->getScroller());
     $next = $decorated->getNextRequest($client, $jobConfig, (object) ['hasMore' => true], array_fill(0, 10, ['k' => 'v']));
     self::assertInstanceOf('Keboola\\Juicer\\Client\\RestRequest', $next);
     $noNext = $decorated->getNextRequest($client, $jobConfig, (object) ['hasMore' => false], array_fill(0, 10, ['k' => 'v']));
Ejemplo n.º 10
 public function testOffsetFromJob()
     $client = RestClient::create();
     $config = new JobConfig('test', ['endpoint' => 'test', 'params' => ['startAt' => 3]]);
     $limit = 10;
     $scroller = new OffsetScroller(['limit' => $limit, 'offsetFromJob' => true, 'offsetParam' => 'startAt']);
     $first = $scroller->getFirstRequest($client, $config);
     self::assertEquals($config->getParams()['startAt'], $first->getParams()['startAt']);
     $response = new \stdClass();
     $response->data = array_fill(0, 10, (object) ['key' => 'value']);
     $second = $scroller->getNextRequest($client, $config, $response, $response->data);
     self::assertEquals($config->getParams()['startAt'] + $limit, $second->getParams()['startAt']);
 public function testTimeLimit()
     $client = RestClient::create();
     $jobConfig = new JobConfig('test', ['endpoint' => 'test']);
     $scroller = new PageScroller([]);
     $decorator = new ForceStopScrollerDecorator($scroller, ['forceStop' => ['time' => 3]]);
     $response = ['a'];
     $i = 0;
     while ($request = $decorator->getNextRequest($client, $jobConfig, [$response], $response)) {
         self::assertInstanceOf('Keboola\\Juicer\\Client\\RestRequest', $request);
     self::assertFalse($decorator->getNextRequest($client, $jobConfig, $response, $response));
     // Assert 3 pages were true
     self::assertEquals(3, $i);
Ejemplo n.º 12
 public function testDefaultRequestOptions()
     $defaultOptions = ['method' => 'POST', 'params' => ['defA' => 'defValA', 'defB' => 'defValB']];
     $client = RestClient::create();
     $requestOptions = ['endpoint' => 'ep', 'params' => ['defB' => 'overrideB']];
     $request = $client->createRequest($requestOptions);
     self::assertEquals($defaultOptions['method'], $request->getMethod());
     self::assertEquals($requestOptions['endpoint'], $request->getEndpoint());
     self::assertEquals(array_replace($defaultOptions['params'], $requestOptions['params']), $request->getParams());
 public function testGetNextRequestQueryParams()
     $pagingNext = (new DateTime())->modify('-30 days');
     $client = RestClient::create();
     $config = $this->getConfig();
     $response = (object) ['data' => [], 'scroll' => '?b=v&since=' . $pagingNext->getTimestamp()];
     $scroller = new FacebookResponseUrlScroller(['urlKey' => 'scroll', 'paramIsQuery' => true, 'includeParams' => true]);
     $nextRequest = $scroller->getNextRequest($client, $config, $response, $response->data);
     $expected = $client->createRequest(['endpoint' => 'test', 'params' => ['since' => $pagingNext->getTimestamp(), 'a' => 1, 'b' => 'v']]);
     self::assertEquals($expected, $nextRequest);
Ejemplo n.º 14
  * @param RestClient $client
  * @todo Add a possibility to add the option before each request, to allow refresh/signature here?
 public function authenticateClient(RestClient $client)
     $client->getClient()->setDefaultOption('auth', [$this->username, $this->password]);
Ejemplo n.º 15
  * @param RestClient $client
 public function authenticateClient(RestClient $client)
     $sub = new Oauth1(['consumer_key' => $this->consumerKey, 'consumer_secret' => $this->consumerSecret, 'token' => $this->token, 'token_secret' => $this->tokenSecret]);
     $client->getClient()->setDefaultOption('auth', 'oauth');
Ejemplo n.º 16
  * @param RestClient $client
 public function authenticateClient(RestClient $client)
     $subscribers = [['subscriber' => new UrlSignature(), 'definitions' => $this->query], ['subscriber' => new HeaderSignature(), 'definitions' => $this->headers]];
     $authorization = ['clientId' => $this->clientId, 'nonce' => substr(sha1(uniqid(microtime(), true)), 0, 16), 'timestamp' => time()];
     if (!is_scalar($this->data)) {
         $authorization = array_merge($authorization, Utils::flattenArray(Utils::objectToArray($this->data), 'data.'));
     } else {
         $authorization['data'] = $this->data;
     foreach ($subscribers as $subscriber) {
         if (empty($subscriber['definitions'])) {
         $this->addGenerator($subscriber['subscriber'], $subscriber['definitions'], $authorization);
Ejemplo n.º 17
 public function testSetState()
     $client = RestClient::create();
     $config = new JobConfig('test', ['endpoint' => 'test']);
     $scroller = new PageScroller(['pageParam' => 'p']);
     $first = $scroller->getFirstRequest($client, $config);
     $second = $scroller->getNextRequest($client, $config, new \stdClass(), ['item']);
     $state = $scroller->getState();
     $newScroller = new PageScroller([]);
     $third = $newScroller->getNextRequest($client, $config, new \stdClass(), ['item']);
     self::assertEquals(3, $third->getParams()['p']);
Ejemplo n.º 18
 public function testGetDataTypeFromEndpoint()
     $jobConfig = JobConfig::create(['endpoint' => 'resources/res.json']);
     $job = $this->getMockForAbstractClass('Keboola\\Juicer\\Extractor\\Job', [$jobConfig, RestClient::create(), new Json(Parser::create($this->getLogger('job', true)))]);
     $this->assertEquals($jobConfig->getEndpoint(), $this->callMethod($job, 'getDataType', []));
Ejemplo n.º 19
  * I'm not too sure this is optimal!
  * If it looks stupid, but works, it ain't stupid!
 public function getJob($dir = 'recursive')
     $temp = new Temp('recursion');
     $configuration = new Configuration(__DIR__ . '/../data/' . $dir, 'test', $temp);
     $jobConfig = array_values($configuration->getConfig()->getJobs())[0];
     $parser = Json::create($configuration->getConfig(), $this->getLogger('test', true), $temp);
     $client = RestClient::create();
     $history = new History();
     $job = $this->getMockForAbstractClass('Keboola\\Juicer\\Extractor\\RecursiveJob', [$jobConfig, $client, $parser]);
     return [$job, $client, $parser, $history, $jobConfig];
  * @param JobConfig $config
  * @return GenericExtractorJob
 protected function getJob(JobConfig $config)
     return new GenericExtractorJob($config, RestClient::create(['base_url' => 'http://example.com/api/']), Json::create(new Config('ex-generic-test', 'test', []), $this->getLogger(), new Temp()));