Ejemplo n.º 1
  * @param Facebook\Facebook $facebook
 public function __construct(Facebook\Facebook $facebook)
     $this->facebook = $facebook;
     $this->config = $facebook->config;
     $this->currentUrl = $facebook->getCurrentUrl();
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * @param Facebook\Facebook $facebook
 public function __construct(Facebook\Facebook $facebook)
     $this->facebook = $facebook;
     $this->config = $facebook->config;
     $this->currentUrl = $facebook->getCurrentUrl();
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * @param User $user
  * @return bool
 public function doesUserLikePage(User $user)
     try {
         return count($this->facebook->api("me/likes/{$this->pageId}")->data) !== 0;
     } catch (FacebookApiException $e) {
         return FALSE;
         // safe fallback
Ejemplo n.º 4
 /** @return \Kdyby\Facebook\Dialog\LoginDialog */
 protected function createComponentFbLogin()
     $dialog = $this->facebook->createDialog('login');
     /** @var \Kdyby\Facebook\Dialog\LoginDialog $dialog */
     $dialog->onResponse[] = function (\Kdyby\Facebook\Dialog\LoginDialog $dialog) {
         $fb = $dialog->getFacebook();
         if (!$fb->getUser()) {
             $this->flashMessage("Facebook authentication failed.");
          * If we get here, it means that the user was recognized
          * and we can call the Facebook API
         try {
             $me = $fb->api('/me');
             if (!($existing = $this->usersModel->findByFacebookId($fb->getUser()))) {
                  * Variable $me contains all the public information about the user
                  * including facebook id, name and email, if he allowed you to see it.
                 $existing = $this->usersModel->registerFromFacebook($fb->getUser(), $me, $this->user);
              * You should save the access token to database for later usage.
              * You will need it when you'll want to call Facebook API,
              * when the user is not logged in to your website,
              * with the access token in his session.
             $this->usersModel->updateFacebookAccessToken($fb->getUser(), $fb->getAccessToken());
              * Nette\Security\User accepts not only textual credentials,
              * but even an identity instance!
             $this->user->setExpiration('365 days', FALSE);
             $this->user->login(new \Nette\Security\Identity($existing->id, NULL, $existing));
              * You can celebrate now! The user is authenticated :)
         } catch (\Kdyby\Facebook\FacebookApiException $e) {
              * You might wanna know what happened, so let's log the exception.
              * Rendering entire bluescreen is kind of slow task,
              * so might wanna log only $e->getMessage(), it's up to you
             \Tracy\Debugger::log($e, 'facebook');
             $this->flashMessage("Facebook authentication failed.");
     return $dialog;
  * Loads first data source.
 private function load()
     if ($this->lastResult === NULL) {
         $this->lastResult = $this->facebook->api($this->pathOrParams, $this->method, $this->params);
     } elseif ($this->hasNextPage()) {
         $this->lastResult = $this->facebook->api($this->getNextPath());
Ejemplo n.º 6
 /** @return \Kdyby\Facebook\Dialog\LoginDialog */
 protected function createComponentFbLogin()
     $dialog = $this->facebook->createDialog('login');
     /** @var \Kdyby\Facebook\Dialog\LoginDialog $dialog */
     $dialog->onResponse[] = function (\Kdyby\Facebook\Dialog\LoginDialog $dialog) {
         $fb = $dialog->getFacebook();
         if (!$fb->getUser()) {
             $this->flashMessage("Facebook authentication failed.");
          * If we get here, it means that the user was recognized
          * and we can call the Facebook API
         try {
             //				$me = $fb->api('/me');
             if (!($existing = $this->findUserByFacebookId($fb->getUser()))) {
                 throw new \Exception('Uživatel není aktivní nebo neexistuje.');
                  * Variable $me contains all the public information about the user
                  * including facebook id, name and email, if he allowed you to see it.
                 //					$existing = $this->usersModel->registerFromFacebook($fb->getUser(), $me);
              * You should save the access token to database for later usage.
              * You will need it when you'll want to call Facebook API,
              * when the user is not logged in to your website,
              * with the access token in his session.
             $this->updateFacebookAccessToken($fb->getUser(), $fb->getAccessToken());
             $this->user->setExpiration('14 days', FALSE);
              * Nette\Security\User accepts not only textual credentials,
              * but even an identity instance!
             $this->user->login(new \Nette\Security\Identity($existing->id, explode(';', $existing->role), $existing));
             $this->flashMessage('Byl/a jste úspěšně přihlášen/a prostřednictvím Facebooku jako "' . $existing->username . '"', 'success');
         } catch (\Kdyby\Facebook\FacebookApiException $e) {
              * You might wanna know what happened, so let's log the exception.
              * Rendering entire bluescreen is kind of slow task,
              * so might wanna log only $e->getMessage(), it's up to you
             \Tracy\Debugger::log($e, 'facebook');
             $this->flashMessage("Facebook authentication failed hard.");
         } catch (\Nette\Application\AbortException $e) {
             throw $e;
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             $this->flashMessage("Při přihlašování došlo k chybě.", "danger");
     return $dialog;
Ejemplo n.º 7
  * Returns collections of data from data source at one page.
  * @return ArrayHash
 public function getNextPage()
     if ($this->lastResult === NULL) {
         $this->lastResult = $this->facebook->api($this->pathOrParams, $this->method, $this->params);
     } elseif ($this->hasNextPage()) {
         $this->lastResult = $this->facebook->api($this->getNextPath());
     } else {
         $this->lastResult = ArrayHash::from(array('data' => []));
     return $this->lastResult ? $this->lastResult->data : ArrayHash::from(array('data' => []));
Ejemplo n.º 8
  * @param array $params
  * @return NULL|ArrayHash
 public function getPermissions(array $params = array())
     $params = array_merge($params, array('access_token' => $this->facebook->getAccessToken()));
     try {
         $response = $this->facebook->api("/{$this->profileId}/permissions", 'GET', $params);
         if ($response && !empty($response->data[0])) {
             return ArrayHash::from($response->data[0]);
     } catch (FacebookApiException $e) {
         return NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 9
  * Analyzes the supplied result to see if it was thrown
  * because the access token is no longer valid.  If that is
  * the case, then we destroy the session.
  * @param $result array A record storing the error message returned by a failed API call.
  * @throws Facebook\FacebookApiException
 protected function resolveAPIException($result)
     $e = new Facebook\FacebookApiException($result);
     switch ($e->getType()) {
         case 'OAuthException':
             // OAuth 2.0 Draft 00 style
         // OAuth 2.0 Draft 00 style
         case 'invalid_token':
             // OAuth 2.0 Draft 10 style
         // OAuth 2.0 Draft 10 style
         case 'Exception':
             // REST server errors are just Exceptions
             if ($this->apiErrorRequiresSessionDestroy($e->getMessage())) {
     return $e;
Ejemplo n.º 10
  * @param array $params
  * @return NULL|ArrayHash
 public function getPermissions(array $params = array())
     $params = array_merge($params, array('access_token' => $this->facebook->getAccessToken()));
     try {
         $response = $this->facebook->api("/{$this->profileId}/permissions", 'GET', $params);
         if ($response && !empty($response->data)) {
             $items = array();
             if (isset($response->data[0]['permission'])) {
                 foreach ($response->data as $permissionsItem) {
                     $items[$permissionsItem->permission] = $permissionsItem->status === 'granted';
             } elseif (isset($response->data[0])) {
                 $items = (array) $response->data[0];
             return ArrayHash::from($items);
     } catch (FacebookApiException $e) {
         return NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 11
 public function facebookRegistrationFormSucceeded($form, $values)
     $fbUserId = $values->id;
     try {
         if ($this->facebookUserModel->exists($fbUserId)) {
             $this->flashMessage("Uživatel s tímto FacebookID již je v systému zaregistrován.", "danger");
         } else {
             $id = $this->model->insert($values);
             $this->model->update($id, array("enabled" => 1, "active" => 1));
             $this->flashMessage("Uživatel byl úspěšně zaregistrován.", "success");
             $this->facebookUserModel->add(array("user_id" => $id, "facebook_id" => $fbUserId, "username" => $values->firstname . " " . $values->lastname, "email" => $values->email));
             $this->facebookUserModel->updateToken($this->facebook->getUser(), $this->facebook->getAccessToken());
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $this->flashMessage("Registrace uživatele se nepodařila.", "danger");
Ejemplo n.º 12
  * @return \Kdyby\Facebook\Dialog\LoginDialog
 protected function createComponentFbLogin()
     $dialog = $this->facebookClient->createDialog('login');
     /** @var LoginDialog $dialog */
     $dialog->onResponse[] = function (LoginDialog $dialog) {
         $fb = $dialog->getFacebook();
         try {
             $me = $fb->api('/me?fields=name,first_name,last_name,email');
             try {
                 $this->user->login("facebook", array("email" => $me->email, "firstName" => $me->first_name, "lastName" => $me->last_name));
                 $this->notify("Uživatel se úspěšně přihlášil.");
             } catch (AuthenticationException $e) {
                 $this->notify("Uživateli se nepovedlo přihlásit přes službu Facebook. " . $e->getMessage());
         } catch (FacebookApiException $e) {
             $this['form']->addError("Uživateli se nepovedlo přihlásit přes službu Facebook. " . $e->getMessage());
     return $dialog;
 /** @return FacebookLoginDialog */
 protected function createComponentFacebookLogin()
     /** @var FacebookLoginDialog $dialog */
     $dialog = $this->facebook->createDialog('login');
     $presenter = $this;
     $dialog->onResponse[] = function (FacebookLoginDialog $dialog) use($presenter) {
         $fb = $dialog->getFacebook();
         if (!$fb->getUser()) {
         try {
             $facebookMe = $fb->api('/me');
             $facebookUserId = $fb->getUser();
             $presenter->getUser()->login($presenter->usersFacade->authenticateUserFromFacebook($facebookUserId, $facebookMe));
         } catch (FacebookApiException $e) {
     return $dialog;
Ejemplo n.º 14
  * Synchronize user state with facebook.
 public function syncFacebookSession()
     if ($this->facebook->getUser() && $this->isUserChangeState()) {