device() public method

Get the device name.
public device ( string $userAgent = null ) : string
$userAgent string
return string
Ejemplo n.º 1
 public static function cc($request, $action, $option = [])
     $agent = new Agent();
     $platform = $agent->platform();
     $platform_v = $agent->version($platform);
     $browser = $agent->browser();
     $browser_v = $agent->version($browser);
     $device = $agent->device();
     $charge_fee = 0;
     $charge_diamond = 0;
     $charge_datas = '';
     $charge_explanation = '';
     switch ($action) {
         case 'charge':
             $charge_fee = $option['fee'];
             $charge_diamond = $charge_fee * 1;
             $charge_explanation = '您于' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . '充值了 ¥' . $charge_fee . ' 获得了 ' . $charge_diamond . '颗勤云石';
         case 'consume:vip':
             $charge_diamond = -60;
             $charge_datas = $option['datas'];
             $charge_explanation = '您于' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . '消费了 ' . $charge_diamond . '颗勤云石,购买了VIP会员' . $charge_datas . '个月';
         case 'bequeath:signup':
             $charge_diamond = 18;
             $charge_explanation = '感谢您与' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . '注册本网站,系统自动赠送您' . $charge_diamond . '颗宝石';
         case 'bequeath:invited':
             $charge_diamond = 18;
             $charge_explanation = '感谢您分享了本网站的注册链接给好友,好友已经注册本网站,系统自动赠送您' . $charge_diamond . '颗宝石';
     return self::create(['charge_cuid' => isset($option['userCreated']) ? $option['userCreated']->user_id : 0, 'charge_ruid' => $option['userRelated']->user_id, 'charge_action' => $action, 'charge_datas' => $charge_datas, 'charge_diamond' => $charge_diamond, 'charge_fee' => $charge_fee, 'charge_explanation' => $charge_explanation, 'charge_ip' => ip2long($request->ip()), 'charge_device' => $device, 'charge_system' => $platform, 'charge_system_v' => $platform_v, 'charge_browser' => $browser, 'charge_browser_v' => $browser_v]);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public static function cc($request, $user, $action)
     $agent = new Agent();
     $platform = $agent->platform();
     $platform_v = $agent->version($platform);
     $browser = $agent->browser();
     $browser_v = $agent->version($browser);
     $device = $agent->device();
     switch ($action) {
         case 'login':
             $mylog_content = $user->user_email . '于' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . '进行登录操作';
         case 'logout':
             $mylog_content = $user->user_email . '于' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . '进行登出操作';
         case 'signup':
             $mylog_content = $user->user_email . '于' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . '注册本网站';
         case 'user:confirm':
             $mylog_content = $user->user_email . '于' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . '进行用户验证';
         case 'user:password_update':
             $mylog_content = date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . ' 修改了账号密码';
             $mylog_content = '';
     return self::create(['mylog_cuid' => $user->user_id, 'mylog_action' => $action, 'mylog_content' => $mylog_content, 'mylog_ip' => ip2long($request->ip()), 'mylog_device' => $device, 'mylog_system' => $platform, 'mylog_system_v' => $platform_v, 'mylog_browser' => $browser, 'mylog_browser_v' => $browser_v]);
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public function getUA()
     // Initialize UA
     $agent = new Agent();
     $browser = $agent->browser();
     // Assemble data
     $data = ['browser' => $browser, 'browser_version' => $agent->version($browser), 'languages' => array($agent->languages()), 'device' => $agent->device(), 'platform' => $agent->platform(), 'is_mobile' => $agent->isMobile(), 'is_tablet' => $agent->isTablet(), 'is_desktop' => $agent->isDesktop(), 'is_robot' => $agent->isRobot(), 'robot_name' => $agent->robot()];
     return $data;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public function testDevices()
     $agent = new Agent();
     foreach ($this->devices as $device => $ua) {
         $this->assertEquals($device, $agent->device());
         if (!strpos($device, ' ')) {
             $method = "is{$device}";
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public function postFSave(FSavePRequest $request, $user_email, $form_url)
     $user = User::where('user_email', base64_decode($user_email))->where('user_active', '1')->firstOrFail();
     $form = $user->Form()->where('form_url', $form_url)->where('form_active', 1)->firstOrFail();
     if (!$form->canWrite()) {
         return redirect()->back()->with('msgError', '表单已经超过填写人数的最大限制了');
     $agent = new Agent();
     $platform = $agent->platform();
     $platform_v = $agent->version($platform);
     $browser = $agent->browser();
     $browser_v = $agent->version($browser);
     $device = $agent->device();
     $result = Result::create(['result_ruid' => Auth::check() ? Auth::id() : 0, 'result_form_id' => $form->form_id, 'result_ip' => ip2long($request->ip()), 'result_device' => $device, 'result_system' => $platform, 'result_system_v' => $platform_v, 'result_browser' => $browser, 'result_browser_v' => $browser_v]);
     if ($result) {
         $fields = $form->Field()->orderBy('field_sort', 'ASC')->get();
         $splitStr = ':$split$:';
         $user_id = Auth::check() ? Auth::id() : 0;
         foreach ($fields as $field) {
             $inputs = $request->input($field->field_attr_name);
             if (is_array($inputs)) {
                 if ($field->field_type == 'group:shop-thumbnail') {
                     $rows = [];
                     foreach ($inputs as $input) {
                         $rows[] = $input['goods_name'] . '(' . $input['goods_preice'] . '):' . $input['goods_num'];
                     $resultrow_attr_value = implode($splitStr, $rows);
                 } else {
                     $resultrow_attr_value = implode($splitStr, $inputs);
             } else {
                 $resultrow_attr_value = $inputs;
             ResultRow::create(['resultrow_ruid' => $user_id, 'resultrow_result_id' => $result->result_id, 'resultrow_sort' => $field->field_sort, 'resultrow_type' => $field->field_type, 'resultrow_title' => $field->field_title, 'resultrow_tips' => $field->field_tips, 'resultrow_attr_name' => $field->field_attr_name, 'resultrow_attr_value' => $resultrow_attr_value]);
         // 发送邮件提示
         if ($form->form_tips_email) {
             $email = Email::create(['email_cuid' => 0, 'email_ruid' => $user->user_id, 'email_block' => 'form_reply_tips', 'email_target' => $user->user_email, 'email_title' => '[ ' . WEBSITE_NAME . ' ]提示您:您的表单有了新的回复', 'email_datas' => $form->form_code, 'email_is_sent' => 0]);
             $this->dispatch(new SendReminderEmail($email));
         $res = redirect('/u/' . $user_email . '/f-success')->with('msgSuccess', '您的表单已经成功提交,感谢您的参与。');
     } else {
         $res = redirect()->back()->with('msgError', MSG_FA);
     return $res;
  * Redirect to long url
  * @return rediect to long url 
 public function redirect(Request $request, $shortUrl)
     $agent = new Agent();
     $urls = Url::where('short_url', '=', $shortUrl)->get();
     if (!$urls->first()) {
         echo "Not Found";
     $url = $urls[0];
     $longUrl = $url['long_url'];
     $url->clicks = $url['clicks'] + 1;
     $url->hits()->create(['client_ip' => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], 'language' => $agent->languages()[0], 'device' => $agent->device(), 'platform' => $agent->platform(), 'browser' => $agent->browser()]);
     //$agent->languages()[0],$agent->device(), $agent->platform(),$agent->browser(),$agent->robot();;;;
     return redirect($url['long_url']);
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public function store($inputs)
     $contact = new $this->model();
     $contact->name = $inputs['name'];
     $contact->email = $inputs['email'];
     $contact->text = $inputs['message'];
     $contact->ip = \Request::ip();
     $agent = new Agent();
     $lang = $agent->languages();
     $lang = implode(",", $lang);
     $platform = $agent->platform();
     $version_p = $agent->version($platform);
     $device = $agent->device();
     $browser = $agent->browser();
     $version_b = $agent->version($browser);
     $contact->agent = $platform . $version_p . "|" . $device . "|" . $browser . $version_b . "|" . $lang;
Ejemplo n.º 8
 public function insertUserInformation($ipAddress, $userAgentString, $sapiName, GeocoderResult $geocoderResult = null)
     $userAgent = new UserAgent();
     $browser = $userAgent->browser();
     $platform = $userAgent->platform();
     $data = ['ip_address' => $ipAddress, 'sapi_name' => substr($sapiName, 0, 32), 'user_agent' => substr($userAgentString, 0, 255), 'user_agent_browser' => substr($browser, 0, 32), 'user_agent_device' => substr($userAgent->device(), 0, 32), 'user_agent_browser_version' => substr($userAgent->version($browser), 0, 32), 'user_agent_platform_version' => substr($userAgent->version($platform), 0, 32), 'user_agent_platform' => substr($platform, 0, 32), 'user_agent_robot' => substr($userAgent->robot(), 0, 32)];
     if ($geocoderResult) {
         $region = $geocoderResult->getAdminLevels()->first();
         $data['geo_city'] = substr($geocoderResult->getLocality(), 0, 32);
         $data['geo_region'] = $region ? substr($region->getCode(), 0, 32) : null;
         $data['geo_country'] = substr($geocoderResult->getCountry(), 0, 32);
         $data['geo_country_code'] = substr($geocoderResult->getCountryCode(), 0, 6);
         $data['geo_latitude'] = substr($geocoderResult->getLatitude(), 0, 32);
         $data['geo_longitude'] = substr($geocoderResult->getLongitude(), 0, 32);
     $this->getAdapter()->insert('dewdrop_activity_log_user_information', $data);
     return $this->getAdapter()->lastInsertId();
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public static function saveSession()
     $session_id = uniqid();
     Session::put('session_id', $session_id);
     $agent = new Agent();
     $browser = $agent->browser();
     $version = $agent->version($browser);
     $platform = $agent->platform();
     $versionpla = $agent->version($platform);
     $device = $agent->device();
     $session = new SaveSession();
     $session->browser = $browser;
     $session->version = $version;
     $session->platform = $browser;
     $session->versionpla = $versionpla;
     $session->device = $device;
     //$session->ip 		 = $request->ip;
     $session->cookie = $session_id;
Ejemplo n.º 10
  * Redirects to Original Url
 public function redirect(Request $request, $shortUrl)
     //	Initiate Agent object for parsing header information
     $agent = new Agent();
     // Setting header to agent
     //	Query the url object from DB by shortUrl column
     $urls = Url::where('short_url', '=', config('app.url') . '/' . $shortUrl)->get();
     //	Check whether Url object exists
     if (!$urls->first()) {
         $error = Utility::getError(null, 404, 'Error', 'Url Not Found');
         return response()->json($error, 404);
     // get the queried url from collection
     $url = $urls[0];
     // Get the long_url value for managing query string
     $longUrl = $url['long_url'];
     try {
         // Generate a version 1 (time-based) UUID object
         if (!isset($_COOKIE['_id'])) {
             $cookieUuid1 = Uuid::uuid1();
             setcookie('_id', $cookieUuid1->toString(), time() + 10 * 365 * 24 * 3600, "/");
         } else {
             $cookieUuid1 = $_COOKIE['_id'];
         if (!isset($_COOKIE['_sid'])) {
             $sessionUuid1 = Uuid::uuid1();
             setcookie('_sid', $sessionUuid1->toString(), 0, "/");
         } else {
             $sessionUuid1 = $_COOKIE['_sid'];
     } catch (UnsatisfiedDependencyException $e) {
         $error = Utility::getError($e, 500, 'Error', 'Please try again...');
         return response()->json($error, 500);
     //	Default value of Http Referrer for saving into db
     $httpReferrer = 'Undefined';
     //	If Http referrer exists, replace the default value by it
     if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) {
         $httpReferrer = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];
     try {
         $city = Utility::getCity($_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]);
         $state = Utility::getState($_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]);
         $country = Utility::getCountry($_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]);
         $countryIsoCode = strtolower(Utility::getCountryIsoCode($_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]));
     } catch (AddressNotFoundException $e) {
         // Make logging for AddressNotFoundException exception
         $city = '';
         $state = '';
         $country = '';
         $countryIsoCode = '';
     // Increment clicks  column by one
     $url->clicks = $url['clicks'] + 1;
     //	Save the url instance
     //	create the new Hit instance for the url instance
     $url->hits()->create(['client_ip' => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], 'language' => $agent->languages()[0], 'device' => $agent->device(), 'platform' => $agent->platform(), 'browser' => $agent->browser(), 'cookie_id' => $cookieUuid1, 'session_id' => $sessionUuid1, 'user_agent' => $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'referrers' => $httpReferrer, 'remote_addr' => $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"], 'remote_port' => $_SERVER["REMOTE_PORT"], 'remote_method' => $_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"], 'city' => $city, 'state' => $state, 'country' => $country, 'country_iso_code' => $countryIsoCode]);
     //	Get all query parameter of short url
     $shortQuery = $request->all();
     //	Get all url parameter of long url
     $parsedLongUrl = parse_url($longUrl);
     //	Code for merging query parameter of short Url and long Url keeping the short url as prior
     //	Redirect to the original Url
     if (isset($parsedLongUrl["query"])) {
         parse_str($parsedLongUrl["query"], $longQuery);
         $commonKeys = array_intersect_key($longQuery, $shortQuery);
         $finalQuery = array_diff($shortQuery, $commonKeys) + array_diff($longQuery, $commonKeys) + $commonKeys;
         if (isset($parsedLongUrl['port'])) {
             return redirect($parsedLongUrl['scheme'] . '://' . $parsedLongUrl['host'] . ':' . $parsedLongUrl['port'] . $parsedLongUrl['path'] . '?' . http_build_query($finalQuery));
         } else {
             return redirect($parsedLongUrl['scheme'] . '://' . $parsedLongUrl['host'] . $parsedLongUrl['path'] . '?' . http_build_query($finalQuery));
     } else {
         if (empty($shortQuery)) {
             return redirect($longUrl);
         } else {
             return redirect($longUrl . '?' . http_build_query($shortQuery));
Ejemplo n.º 11
  * Record the visitation.
  * @param Request $request
  * @author Cali
 public static function visited(Request $request)
     $userAgent = new Agent();
     $location = Location::get();
     static::create(['referer' => url()->previous(), 'uri' => $request->path(), 'browser' => $userAgent->browser(), 'platform' => $userAgent->platform(), 'device' => $userAgent->device(), 'mobile' => !$userAgent->isDesktop(), 'ip' => $location->ip, 'country' => $location->isoCode, 'city' => $location->cityName, 'robot' => $userAgent->isRobot() ? $userAgent->robot() : null, 'user_id' => $request->user() ? $request->user()->id : null]);
Ejemplo n.º 12
 private function getBrowser()
     $agent = new Agent();
     $browser = $agent->browser();
     $platform = $agent->platform();
     $data = array('name' => $browser, 'version' => $agent->version($browser), 'platform' => $platform, 'platformVersion' => $agent->version($platform), 'device' => $agent->device());
     return $data;
Ejemplo n.º 13
  * Get the device name.
  * @param string $userAgent
  * @return string 
  * @static 
 public static function device($userAgent = null)
     return \Jenssegers\Agent\Agent::device($userAgent);
Ejemplo n.º 14
  * Set the user agent field
  * @param string $value
  * @return string
 public function setUserAgentAttribute($value)
     $agent = new Agent();
     $this->browser = $agent->browser();
     $this->browser_version = $agent->version($this->browser);
     $this->platform = $agent->platform();
     $this->platform_version = $agent->version($this->platform);
     $this->device = $agent->device() && !$agent->isDesktop() ? $agent->device() : '';
     $this->device_type = $agent->isMobile() ? 'mobile' : ($agent->isTablet() ? 'tablet' : ($agent->isDesktop() ? 'desktop' : ''));
     $this->attributes['user_agent'] = $value;