Ejemplo n.º 1
 public function resetSave()
     if (($confirm = Request::get('fldConfirm')) == '' || $confirm != 'RESET CONFIG') {
         return Widget::popupWrapper('Invalid response, Reset cancelled', -1, 'Action Cancelled') . $this->index();
     } else {
         DB::exec(DB::DEF, 'DELETE FROM tblConfig');
         return Widget::popupWrapper('All configuration data has been erased', -1, 'Reset Complete') . $this->index();
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public static function valid($key)
     $sql = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tblCrossSiteProtection WHERE fldUniqueID=?';
     $cnt = DB::oneValue(DB::DEF, $sql, $key);
     if ($cnt > 0) {
         $sql = 'DELETE FROM tblCrossSiteProtection WHERE fldUniqueID=? OR fldExpiryDate<?';
         DB::exec(DB::DEF, $sql, [$key, time()]);
         return true;
     } else {
         $sql = 'DELETE FROM tblCrossSiteProtection WHERE fldExpiryDate<?';
         DB::exec(DB::DEF, $sql, time());
         self::$log->error('CSRFGuard failed: ' . $key . ' not available ' . $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']);
         return false;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public static function initialize()
     $dbType = Cfg::get('local-driver');
     switch ($dbType) {
         case DB::SQLITE:
             $dbFileName = Cfg::get('local-host');
             echo "Checking that the file {$dbFileName} exists\n";
             if (file_exists($dbFileName)) {
                 echo "Database exists ({$dbFileName})\n";
             } else {
                 echo "Creating empty database\n";
         case DB::MYSQL:
             $fldHostName = Cfg::get('local-host');
             $fldDBName = Cfg::get('local-db');
             $fldUsername = Cfg::get('local-user');
             $fldPassword = Cfg::get('local-pass');
             try {
                 $dbh = new \PDO("mysql:host={$fldHostName}", $fldUsername, $fldPassword);
                 $dbh->exec("CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS {$fldDBName}") or die(print_r($dbh->errorInfo(), true));
             } catch (PDOException $e) {
                 die("DB ERROR: " . $e->getMessage());
             die("Unsupported DB Type: {$dbType}");
     if (count(\Jackbooted\DB\DBMaintenance::getTableList()) == 0) {
         // Put in the base data
         $sqlFileName = Cfg::get('tmp_path') . '/base_database.sql';
         if (file_exists($sqlFileName)) {
             echo "Running the commands in {$sqlFileName} against the database\n";
             foreach (explode(';', file_get_contents($sqlFileName)) as $statement) {
                 DB::exec(DB::DEF, $statement);
         } else {
             die("Base Database file does not exists ({$sqlFileName}) aborting\n");
     } else {
         die("Database already seems to be set up.");
     echo "audititing Table - AlertsDAO\n";
     (new \App\Models\AlertsDAO())->auditTable();
     return '';
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public static function migrate()
     $maxRun = 0;
     $runItems = [];
     foreach (DBTable::factory(DB::DEF, 'SELECT * FROM tblMigration') as $row) {
         if ((int) $row['fldRun'] > $maxRun) {
             $maxRun = (int) $row['fldRun'];
         if (!isset($runItems[$row['fldClass']])) {
             $runItems[$row['fldClass']] = [];
         $runItems[$row['fldClass']][] = $row['fldMethod'];
     $maxRun += 1;
     $html = '';
     // Go through all the migration classes
     foreach (Cfg::get('migration', []) as $migrationClass) {
         $clazz = new \ReflectionClass($migrationClass);
         // If new class then just add empty list
         if (!isset($runItems[$migrationClass])) {
             $runItems[$migrationClass] = [];
         // get a list of methods to run
         $methodList = [];
         foreach ($clazz->getMethods() as $method) {
             if (in_array($method->name, $runItems[$migrationClass])) {
             if (strpos($method->name, 'migrate') !== 0) {
             // Add the name to the list
             $methodList[] = $method->name;
         // Sort so that it will be date ordered
         foreach ($methodList as $method) {
             if (($result = call_user_func([$migrationClass, $method])) === false) {
                 $html .= "There is a problem running {$migrationClass}::{$method}<br/>\n";
             } else {
                 $html .= $result;
                 DB::exec(DB::DEF, 'INSERT INTO tblMigration (fldMigrationID,fldRun,fldClass,fldMethod) VALUES (?,?,?,?)', [DBMaintenance::dbNextNumber(DB::DEF, 'tblMigration'), $maxRun, $migrationClass, $method]);
     return $html;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public static function cleanup($numDays = 5)
     $oneDay = 60 * 60 * 24;
     time() - $numDays * $oneDay;
     DB::exec(DB::DEF, 'DELETE FROM ' . self::$dao->tableName . ' WHERE fldTimeStamp<?', Stopwatch::timeToDB(time() - $numDays * $oneDay));
Ejemplo n.º 6
    public function sendPW()
        $sql = 'SELECT fldUserID FROM tblUser WHERE fldUser=?';
        if (($id = DB::oneValue(DB::DEF, $sql, Request::get('fldEmail'))) === false) {
            $msg = 'This email does not exist on this system.<br>' . 'Either choose a new email address or register as new customer.' . $this->forgotPassword();
        } else {
            $pw = Password::passGen(10, Password::MEDIUM);
            if (DB::driver() == DB::MYSQL) {
                $sql = 'UPDATE tblUser SET fldPassword=PASSWORD(?) WHERE fldUserID=?';
                DB::exec(DB::DEF, $sql, [$pw, $id]);
            } else {
                $sql = 'UPDATE tblUser SET fldPassword=? WHERE fldUserID=?';
                DB::exec(DB::DEF, $sql, [hash('md5', $pw), $id]);
            // Update the Database with the new Password combo
            $boss = Cfg::get('boss');
            $desc = Cfg::get('desc');
            // create the email message to notify about a password request
            $body = '<h3>User requested password<br>Email: <b>%s</b></h3><br>From %s';
            Mailer::envelope()->format(Mailer::HTML_TEXT)->from(Request::get('fldEmail'))->to($boss)->subject('User requested password')->body(sprintf($body, Request::get('fldEmail'), $desc))->send();
            $body = <<<TXT
Message from %s

Here are your login details

Password: %s

            // create the email message to notify the user of his/her login details
            Mailer::envelope()->from($boss)->to(Request::get('fldEmail'))->subject('Login Request ' . $desc)->body(sprintf($body, $desc, $pw, $desc))->send();
            $msg = 'Soon you will receive an email that will contain your login details.';
        return Widget::popupWrapper($msg, -1);
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public function fileChecksumRebase()
     DB::exec(DB::DEF, 'TRUNCATE tblFileCheck');
     $dirList = PHPExt::dirSearch(Cfg::get('site_path'), '/^[^_].*$/');
     $len = strlen(Cfg::get('site_path')) + 1;
     $fileCount = 0;
     foreach ($dirList as $fullPath) {
         DB::exec(DB::DEF, 'INSERT INTO tblFileCheck VALUES(?,?,?,?)', [DBMaintenance::dbNextNumber(DB::DEF, 'tblFileCheck'), substr($fullPath, $len), filesize($fullPath), sha1_file($fullPath)]);
     return "Updated {$fileCount} files<br/>" . $this->fileChecksum();
Ejemplo n.º 8
 public function auditTable()
     if (in_array(null, [$this->db, $this->tableName, $this->tableStructure])) {
         return false;
     if (!isset(self::$tableList[$this->db])) {
         self::$tableList[$this->db] = array_flip(DBMaintenance::getTableList());
     if (!isset(self::$tableList[$this->db][$this->tableName])) {
         DB::exec($this->db, $this->tableStructure);
         DBMaintenance::addTableToNextNumber($this->tableName, $this->keyFormat, $this->tableName);
         self::$tableList[$this->db][$this->tableName] = 1;
     return true;
Ejemplo n.º 9
 protected function exec($qry, $params = null)
     //echo '<pre>' . $qry . "\n";
     //print_r ( $params );
     //echo '</pre>';
     return DB::exec($this->db, $qry, $params);
Ejemplo n.º 10
 public static function cleanup($numDays = 5)
     $keepSeconds = time() - $numDays * 24 * 60 * 60;
     $deletedRecords = DB::exec(DB::DEF, 'DELETE from tblCronQueue WHERE fldRunTime<?', $keepSeconds);
     return [0, "Deleted: {$deletedRecords}"];
Ejemplo n.º 11
 public function editAccountSave()
     $uid = Request::get('fldUserID', G::get('fldUserID'));
     $messages = [];
     $sqls = [];
     $params = [];
     $pw = Request::get('fldPassword');
     $pwCheck = Request::get('fldPassword_CHK');
     $pwOld = Request::get('fldPassword_OLD');
     if ($pw != '' && $pwCheck != '') {
         if (!$this->checkOldPassword($uid, $pwOld)) {
             $messages[] = '<font color=red>Old Password is not correct<font>';
         } else {
             if ($pw != $pwCheck) {
                 $messages[] = '<font color=red>Passwords are not the same<font>';
             } else {
                 if ($pwOld == $pw) {
                     $messages[] = '<font color=red>No Change, old and new passwords same<font>';
                 } else {
                     if (DB::driver() == DB::MYSQL) {
                         $sqls[] = 'UPDATE tblUser SET fldPassword=PASSWORD(?),fldModified=UNIX_TIMESTAMP() WHERE fldUserID=?';
                         $params[] = [$pw, $uid];
                     } else {
                         $sqls[] = 'UPDATE tblUser SET fldPassword=?,fldModified=strftime(\'%s\',\'now\') WHERE fldUserID=?';
                         $params[] = [hash('md5', $pw), $uid];
     $sqls[] = 'UPDATE tblUser SET fldSalutation=?,fldModified=' . time() . ' WHERE fldUserID=?';
     $params[] = [Request::get('fldSalutation'), $uid];
     if (Request::get('fldFirstName') == '') {
         $messages[] = '<font color=red>First name cannot be empty<font>';
     } else {
         $sqls[] = 'UPDATE tblUser SET fldFirstName=?,fldModified=' . time() . ' WHERE fldUserID=?';
         $params[] = [Request::get('fldFirstName'), $uid];
     if (Request::get('fldLastName') == '') {
         $messages[] = '<font color=red>Last name cannot be empty<font>';
     } else {
         $sqls[] = 'UPDATE tblUser SET fldLastName=?,fldModified=' . time() . ' WHERE fldUserID=?';
         $params[] = [Request::get('fldLastName'), $uid];
     if (Request::get('fldTimeZone') != '') {
         $sqls[] = 'UPDATE tblUser SET fldTimeZone=?,fldModified=' . time() . ' WHERE fldUserID=?';
         $params[] = [Request::get('fldTimeZone'), $uid];
     if (Request::get('fldUser') != '') {
         $sqls[] = 'UPDATE tblUser SET fldUser=?,fldModified=' . time() . ' WHERE fldUserID=?';
         $params[] = [Request::get('fldUser'), $uid];
     if (Request::get('fldLevel') != '') {
         $sqls[] = 'UPDATE tblUser SET fldLevel=?,fldModified=' . time() . ' WHERE fldUserID=?';
         $params[] = [Request::get('fldLevel'), $uid];
     if (count($messages) != 0) {
         return join('<br>', $messages) . $this->editAccount();
     } else {
         foreach ($sqls as $idx => $sql) {
             DB::exec(DB::DEF, $sql, $params[$idx]);
         if ($uid == G::get('fldUserID')) {
             foreach (DB::oneRow(DB::DEF, 'SELECT * FROM tblUser WHERE fldUserID=?', $uid) as $key => $val) {
                 G::set($key, $val);
         return 'Sucessfully updated user account details' . $this->editAccount();
Ejemplo n.º 12
 private static function putIntoDB($key, $value, $scope = self::USER_SCOPE)
     DB::exec(DB::DEF, self::INSERT_SQL, [self::getScope($scope), $key, json_encode($value)]);