Ejemplo n.º 1

use infobip\SmsClient;
require_once __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
$smsClient = new SmsClient(USERNAME, PASSWORD);
# example:retrieve-inbound-messages
$inboundMessages = $smsClient->retrieveInboundMessages();
foreach ($inboundMessages->inboundSMSMessage as $message) {
    echo $message->dateTime;
    echo $message->destinationAddress;
    echo $message->messageId;
    echo $message->message;
    echo $message->resourceURL;
    echo $message->senderAddress;
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Ejemplo n.º 2

use infobip\SmsClient;
require_once 'app.php';
$smsClient = new SmsClient(USERNAME, PASSWORD);
$result = $smsClient->retrieveInboundMessages();
        <title>Inbound messages</title>
        <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
        <h1>Inbound messages</h1>
if ($result->inboundSMSMessage) {
    foreach ($result->inboundSMSMessage as $message) {
                   <li/> Message <b><?php 
        echo $message->message;
</b> from <b><?php 
        echo $message->senderAddress;
// $moSubscription->notifyURL = ...;
$moSubscription->callbackData = 'any string';
$moSubscription->criteria = $criteria;
$moSubscription->destinationAddress = MO_NUMBER;
// This step usually will be needed only once per application:
$createSubscriptionsResult = $smsClient->subscribeToInboundMessagesNotifications($moSubscription);
// Now that the subscription is saved, the application will store messages starting with $criteria and sent to $moNumber for you
// Let's try to send a message ourselves (usually this will be done by the end user from a real mobile phone):
$smsMessage = new SMSRequest();
$smsMessage->senderAddress = '38598123456';
$smsMessage->address = $moSubscription->destinationAddress;
$smsMessage->message = $criteria . ' Some message';
$smsMessageSendResult = $smsClient->sendSMS($smsMessage);
// Sleep a few seconds just to be sure the message is processed:
echo 'Waiting for the message to be processed...';
// Note: the time lag depends on a lot of things. Usually a few seconds will be OK, but it depends on the
// client roaming status, Newtorks, etc.
// OK, let's see if there are any SMS message waiting for us (of course there is one!):
$receivedInboundMessages = $smsClient->retrieveInboundMessages(100);
echo 'Found ', sizeof($receivedInboundMessages->inboundSMSMessage), ' messages', "\n";
foreach ($receivedInboundMessages->inboundSMSMessage as $inboundMessage) {
    echo $inboundMessage . "\n";
    echo 'destinationAddress:', $inboundMessage->destinationAddress, "\n";
    echo 'message:', $inboundMessage->message, "\n";
    echo 'senderAddress:', $inboundMessage->senderAddress, "\n";
// Let's try once again. If nobody else sent any messages to our number, this one should be empty:
$receivedInboundMessages = $smsClient->retrieveInboundMessages(100);
echo 'Found ', sizeof($receivedInboundMessages->inboundSMSMessage), ' messages', "\n";