Ejemplo n.º 1
 public static function store($files, $material)
     // Making counting of uploaded images
     $file_count = count($files);
     // start count how many uploaded
     $uploadcount = 0;
     if (!empty($files)) {
         foreach ($files as $file_path) {
             if (!empty($file_path)) {
                 $type = File::type($file_path);
                 $mime = File::mimeType($file_path);
                 $extension = File::extension($file_path);
                 $filename = $material->slug . '_' . str_replace(' ', '_', File::name($file_path)) . '.' . $extension;
                 File::move($file_path, storage_path() . '/app/' . $filename);
                 //add file path and thumb path to material_files database
                 $material_file = MaterialFile::firstOrCreate(['original_filename' => File::name($file_path), 'filename' => $filename, 'mime' => $mime]);
                 //add to material file table
                 //create thumb
                 MaterialFile::makeThumb($extension, $filename);
         if ($uploadcount == $file_count) {
             Session::flash('success', 'Upload(s) successfully');
         } else {
             return Redirect::to('material.edit')->withInput();
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public function view($image)
     $path = storage_path() . '/uploads/' . $image;
     if (File::exists($path)) {
         $filetype = File::type($path);
         $response = Response::make(File::get($path), 200);
         $response->header('Content-Type', $filetype);
         return $response;
     return false;
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * Big Upload 
  * ini adalah upload menggunakan metode chuck 
  * dengan ajax file
 public function bigUploads()
     $bigUpload = new BigUpload();
     $folder = $this->uploadfile->getUploadFolder();
     $bigUpload->setTempName(Input::get('key', null));
     switch (Input::get('action')) {
         case 'upload':
             return $bigUpload->uploadFile();
         case 'abort':
             return $bigUpload->abortUpload();
         case 'finish':
             $rand = Str::random(10);
             $randomname = $rand . '.' . Input::get('ext');
             $finish = $bigUpload->finishUpload($randomname);
             if (0 === $finish['errorStatus']) {
                 // Create a new order if not exist
                 if (null === $this->model) {
                     $this->model = $this->repository->getModel()->newInstance();
                     //shell_exec("ffmpegthumbnailer -i " . $folder. $randomname ." -o ". static::$app['path.base']."/public/covers/" . $rand . ".png -s 400"); 
                     shell_exec("ffmpeg  -itsoffset -5  -i ". $folder. $randomname  ." -vcodec mjpeg -vframes 5 -an -f rawvideo  ".static::$app['path.base']."/public/covers/" . $rand . ".jpg");
                     //Sonus::convert()->input( $folder. $randomname )->output(static::$app['path.base'].'/public/streams/' . $randomname )->go();
                     $resolusi = $this->__get_video_dimensions($folder.$randomname);
                     if($resolusi['height'] >= 720){
                       shell_exec("ffmpeg -i {$folder}{$randomname} -s 960x720 -vcodec h264 -acodec aac -strict -2 {$folder}{$rand}_720.mp4");  
                     shell_exec("ffmpeg -i {$folder}{$randomname} -s 480×360 -vcodec h264 -acodec aac -strict -2 {$folder}{$rand}_360.mp4");
                     // File extension
                     $this->model->code = $rand;
                     $this->model->extension = File::extension($folder . $randomname);
                     $this->model->mimetype = File::type($folder . $randomname);
                     $this->model->owner_id = $this->ownerId;
                     $this->model->size = File::size($folder . $randomname);
                     $this->model->path = $this->uploadfile->cleanPath(static::$app['config']->get('video.upload_folder_public_path')) . $this->uploadfile->dateFolderPath;
                     $this->model->filename = $randomname;
                     $this->model->playback = $randomname;
                     $this->model->cover = $rand . '.png';
                     if (null !== $this->model) {
                         $info = $this->infoRepository->getModel()->where('video_id', $this->model->getId())->first();
                         // Create a new item
                         $info = $info ? $info : $this->infoRepository->getModel()->newInstance();
                         $info->fill(array_merge(array('name' => Input::get('name')), array('video_id' => $this->model->getId())));
                         if (!$info->save()) {
                             throw new Exception("Could not create a video info");
                 return array('errorStatus' => 0, 'id' => $this->model->getId(), 'code' => $this->model->code);
             return $finish;
         case 'post-unsupported':
             //return $bigUpload->postUnsupported();
             return $this->upload(Input::file('bigUploadFile'));