Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Runs the generator.
 public function generate()
     $this->console->info("Your module [{$this->name}] has been generated.");
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * Create the specified folder.
  * @param $folder
  * @param $success
  * @param $error
 protected function createFolder($folder, $success, $error)
     if (!is_dir($folder)) {
         return $this->console->info($success);
     return $this->console->comment($error);
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * Handle the command.
  * @param Markdown $markdown
 public function handle(Markdown $markdown)
     if (!$this->command->confirm('Do you agree to the provided license and terms of service?')) {
         $this->command->error('You must agree to the license and terms of service before continuing.');
  * Handle the command.
  * @param  Filesystem  $filesystem
  * @param  Application $application
  * @return string
 public function handle(Filesystem $filesystem, Application $application)
     $destination = $application->getResourcesPath('streams/lang');
     if (is_dir($destination) && !$this->command->option('force')) {
         return $this->command->error("{$destination} already exists.");
     $filesystem->copyDirectory(__DIR__ . '/../../../../resources/lang', $destination);
     $this->command->info("Published {$destination}");
Ejemplo n.º 5
  * Handle the command.
  * @param  Filesystem  $filesystem
  * @param  Application $application
  * @return string
 public function handle(Filesystem $filesystem, Application $application)
     $destination = $application->getResourcesPath('addons/' . $this->addon->getVendor() . '/' . $this->addon->getSlug() . '-' . $this->addon->getType() . '/views');
     if (is_dir($destination) && !$this->command->option('force')) {
         $this->command->error("{$destination} already exists.");
     $filesystem->copyDirectory($this->addon->getPath('resources/views'), $destination);
     $this->command->info("Published {$destination}");
  * Fire off the handler.
  * @param  \Illuminate\Console\Command $console
  * @param  string                      $slug
  * @param  string                      $class
  * @return bool
 public function fire(Command $console, $slug, $class)
     $this->console = $console;
     $this->moduleName = Str::studly($slug);
     $this->className = studly_case($class);
     if ($this->module->exists($slug)) {
         return $this->console->info("Created Module Controller: [{$slug}] " . $this->getFilename());
     return $this->console->info("Module [{$slug}] does not exist.");
Ejemplo n.º 7
  * Fire off the handler.
  * @param  \Illuminate\Console\Command $console
  * @param  string                      $slug
  * @param  string                      $class
  * @return bool
 public function fire(Command $console, $slug, $name, $type)
     $this->console = $console;
     $this->moduleName = studly_case($slug);
     $this->emailName = snake_case($name);
     $this->type = $type;
     if ($this->module->exists($this->moduleName)) {
         return $this->console->info("Created Module Email View: [{$this->moduleName}] " . $this->getFilename());
     return $this->console->info("Module [{$this->moduleName}] does not exist.");
Ejemplo n.º 8
  * Handle the command.
  * @param  Filesystem  $filesystem
  * @param  Application $application
  * @return string
 public function handle(Filesystem $filesystem, Application $application)
     $destination = $application->getResourcesPath('.env');
     if (!is_dir(dirname($destination))) {
         $filesystem->makeDirectory(dirname($destination), 0777, true, true);
     if (is_file($destination) && !$this->command->option('force')) {
         return $this->command->error("{$destination} already exists.");
     $filesystem->put($destination, '#EXAMPLE=foo');
     $this->command->info("Published {$destination}");
Ejemplo n.º 9
  * Handle the command.
  * @param  Filesystem  $filesystem
  * @param  Application $application
  * @return string
 public function handle(Filesystem $filesystem, Application $application)
     $destination = $application->getResourcesPath('routes.php');
     if (!is_dir(dirname($destination))) {
         $filesystem->makeDirectory(dirname($destination), 0777, true, true);
     if (is_file($destination) && !$this->command->option('force')) {
         return $this->command->error("{$destination} already exists.");
     $content = "<?php\n\n// Route::get('/', function () {\n//     return view('welcome');\n// });\n";
     $filesystem->put($destination, $content);
     $this->command->info("Published {$destination}");
Ejemplo n.º 10
  * Handle the command.
  * @param Container $container
 public function handle(Container $container)
     $step = 1;
     $total = $this->installers->count();
     /* @var Installer $installer */
     while ($installer = $this->installers->shift()) {
         if ($this->command) {
             $this->command->info("{$step}/{$total} " . trans($installer->getMessage()));
  * Fire off the handler.
  * @param \Aindong\Pluggables\Console\PluggableMakeMigrationCommand $console
  * @param string                                                    $slug
  * @return string
 public function fire(Command $console, $slug, $table)
     $this->console = $console;
     $this->pluggableName = Str::studly($slug);
     $this->table = strtolower($table);
     $this->migrationName = snake_case($this->table);
     $this->className = studly_case($this->migrationName);
     if ($this->pluggable->exists($this->pluggableName)) {
         $this->console->info("Created Pluggable Migration: [{$this->pluggableName}] " . $this->getFilename());
         return exec('composer dump-autoload');
     return $this->console->info("Pluggable [{$this->pluggableName}] does not exist.");
Ejemplo n.º 12
  * @param Command $console
  * @param $module
 public function fire(Command $console, $module)
     $moduleName = Str::studly($module);
     if (!empty($moduleName)) {
         foreach ($this->module->all() as $module) {
         return $console->info("All assets from all modules has been published successfully.");
     if ($this->module->exists($moduleName)) {
         return $console->info("Assets from module [{$moduleName}] has been published successfully.");
     return $console->info("Module [{$moduleName}] does not exists.");
 public function fire($arguments, $options)
     $instanceId = array_get($arguments, CommandRules::INSTANCE_ID);
     $logFile = array_get($arguments, CommandRules::LOGFILE);
     $user = array_get($options, CommandRules::USER);
     $keyFile = array_get($options, CommandRules::KEY_FILE);
     $host = $this->aws->getPublicDNSFromInstanceId($instanceId);
     if (is_null($host)) {
         $this->command->error('Error: Could not find Host from Instance ID. Please try again.');
     } else {
         $connection = $this->connectionFactory->createConnection($instanceId, $host, $user, $keyFile);
         $connection->run(array('tail -f ' . $logFile), function ($line) {
Ejemplo n.º 14
  * Display info message with date and message, and log it
  * @param  string $message info message to display & log
 public function info($message)
     // Log message
     $this->log($message, 'info');
     // Display message
     parent::info(date($this->timestampFormat) . ' ' . $message);
  * Fire off the handler.
  * @param  \C5\AppKit\Console\ModuleMakeMigrationCommand $console
  * @param  string                                                  $slug
  * @return string
 public function fire(Command $console, $slug, $table)
     $this->console = $console;
     $this->moduleName = studly_case($slug);
     $this->table = str_plural(strtolower($table));
     $this->model = str_singular(studly_case($table));
     $this->migrationName = 'create_' . snake_case($this->table) . '_table';
     $this->className = studly_case($this->migrationName);
     if ($this->module->exists($this->moduleName)) {
         $this->console->info("Created Module Migration: [{$this->moduleName}] " . $this->getFilename());
         return exec('composer dump-autoload');
     return $this->console->info("Module [{$this->moduleName}] does not exist.");
Ejemplo n.º 16
  * Generate pluggable folders and files.
  * @param \Aindong\Pluggables\Console\PluggableMakeCommand $console
  * @return bool
 public function generate(Command $console)
     $console->info("Pluggable [{$this->name}] has been created successfully.");
     return true;
Ejemplo n.º 17
  * Generate the files.
 public function generateFiles()
     foreach ($this->getFiles() as $stub => $file) {
         $path = $this->module->getModulePath($this->getName()) . $file;
         $this->filesystem->put($path, $this->getStubContents($stub));
         $this->console->info("Created : {$path}");
Ejemplo n.º 18
  * @param Command $console
  * @return bool
 protected function generate(Command $console)
     $console->call('module:seed-make', array('module' => $this->name, 'name' => $this->Name, '--master'));
     $console->call('module:controller', array('module' => $this->name, 'controller' => $this->Name . 'Controller'));
     $console->info("Module [{$this->Name}] has been created successfully.");
     return true;
Ejemplo n.º 19
  * Publish assets form the specified module.
  * @param $module
 protected function publishFromModule($module)
     if (!$this->module->has($module)) {
         $this->console->error("Module [{$module}] does not exist.");
     $this->filesystem->copyDirectory($this->getPublishingPath($module), $this->getDestinationPath($module));
     $this->console->info("Assets published from module : {$module}");
  * Append new route.
  * @return void
 public function appendRouteServiceProvider()
     if (!$this->confirm('Do you want to append new route-service provider?')) {
     $contents = $this->laravel['files']->get($path = app_path('Providers/RouteServiceProvider.php'));
     $contents = str_replace('//scaffolded routes will appear here [do not remove]', '//scaffolded routes will appear here [do not remove]' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . '        $router->model(\'' . $this->getEntities() . '\', \'App\\Repositories\\' . $this->getModelName() . '\');', $contents);
     $this->laravel['files']->put($path, $contents);
     $this->console->info("RouteServiceProvider appended successfully.");
Ejemplo n.º 21
  * Append new route.
 public function appendRoute()
     if (!$this->confirm('Do you want to append new route?')) {
     $contents = $this->laravel['files']->get($path = app_path('Http/routes.php'));
     $contents .= PHP_EOL . "Route::resource('{$this->getRouteName()}', '{$this->getControllerName()}');";
     $this->laravel['files']->put($path, $contents);
     $this->console->info('Route appended successfully.');
Ejemplo n.º 22
  * Generate the files.
 public function generateFiles()
     foreach ($this->getFiles() as $stub => $file) {
         $path = $this->module->getModulePath($this->getName()) . $file;
         if (!$this->filesystem->isDirectory($dir = dirname($path))) {
             $this->filesystem->makeDirectory($dir, 0775, true);
         $this->filesystem->put($path, $this->getStubContents($stub));
         $this->console->info("Created : {$path}");
Ejemplo n.º 23
  * Fire the install script
  * @param  Command $command
  * @return mixed
 public function fire(Command $command)
     $this->command = $command;
     $host = $this->askDatabaseHost();
     $name = $this->askDatabaseName();
     $user = $this->askDatabaseUsername();
     $password = $this->askDatabasePassword();
     $this->setLaravelConfiguration($name, $user, $password, $host);
     $this->env->write($name, $user, $password, $host);
     $command->info('Database successfully configured');
  * Metodo de atalho para execução padronizada dos metodos dessa classse
  * @param bool $startCondition
  * @param callable $rollbackMethod
  * @param callable $afterCallBack
  * @param Command $command
  * @param string $message
 public static function executeRollbackMethod($startCondition = true, callable $rollbackMethod, callable $afterCallBack = null, Command $command = null, $message = null)
     if ($startCondition && $rollbackMethod != null) {
         if ($command != null && $message != null) {
         $result = $rollbackMethod();
         if ($afterCallBack != null) {
 public function fire($arguments, $options)
     $envName = array_get($arguments, CommandRules::ENV);
     $logFile = array_get($arguments, CommandRules::LOGFILE);
     $user = array_get($options, CommandRules::USER);
     $keyFile = array_get($options, CommandRules::KEY_FILE);
     $hosts = $this->aws->getPublicDNSFromEBEnvironmentName($envName);
     if (count($hosts) === 0) {
         $this->command->error('Error: Could not find instances associated with environment');
     } else {
         $connections = array();
         foreach ($hosts as $host) {
             $connections[] = $this->connectionFactory->createConnection($host, $host, $user, $keyFile);
         foreach ($connections as $connection) {
             $connection->run(array('tail -f ' . $logFile), function ($line) {
Ejemplo n.º 26
  * Append new route.
 public function appendRoutes()
     if (!$this->confirm('Do you want to append new routes?')) {
     foreach ($this->getMainTables() as $table) {
         $contents = $this->laravel['files']->get($path = app_path('Http/routes.php'));
         $contents .= PHP_EOL . "Route::resource('{$this->getRouteName($table)}', '{$this->getControllerName($table)}');";
         $this->laravel['files']->put($path, $contents);
         $this->console->info("Route for {$this->getEntity($table)} appended successfully.");
 * Present a list of choices to user, return choice
 * @param Command $command The command requesting input
 * @param array $choices List of choices
 * @param int $default Default choice (1-array size), -1 to abort
 * @param string $abort String to tag on end for aborting selection
 * @return int -1 if abort selected, otherwise one greater than $choice index
 *        (in other words, choosing $choice[0] returns 1)
 * @throws InvalidArgumentException If argument is invalid
function pick_from_list(Command $command, $title, array $choices, $default = 0, $abort = null)
    if ($abort) {
        $choices[] = $abort;
    $numChoices = count($choices);
    if (!$numChoices) {
        throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Must have at least one choice");
    if ($default == -1 && empty($abort)) {
        throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Cannot use default=-1 without $abort option');
    if (!between($default, -1, $numChoices)) {
        throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Invalid value, default={$default}");
    $question = "Please enter a number between 1-{$numChoices}";
    if ($default > 0) {
        $question .= " (default is {$default})";
    } elseif ($default < 0) {
        $question .= " (enter to abort)";
        $default = $numChoices;
    $question .= ':';
    while (1) {
        for ($i = 0; $i < $numChoices; $i++) {
            $command->line($i + 1 . ". " . $choices[$i]);
        $answer = $command->ask($question);
        if ($answer == '') {
            $answer = $default;
        if (between($answer, 1, $numChoices)) {
            if ($abort and $answer == $numChoices) {
                $answer = -1;
            return (int) $answer;
        // Output wrong choice
        $formatter = $command->getHelperSet()->get('formatter');
        $block = $formatter->formatBlock('Invalid entry!', 'error', true);
Ejemplo n.º 28
  * Will run the parser, create necessary folders and files
  * @param string $name
 protected function createFile($name = null)
     if ($name === null) {
         $name = $this->name;
     $file = $this->filename($name);
     $content = $this->parser->stub($this->stub())->name($name)->setClassNamespace($this->detectNamespace())->setData($this->data)->parse();
     if ($this->filesystem->exists($file)) {
         $this->console->error("The file {$file} already exists.");
     // Make folders if necessary
     // Create the file
     $this->filesystem->put($file, $content);
     $this->console->info("Generated {$file}");
Ejemplo n.º 29
  * Fire the install script.
  * @param Command $command
  * @return mixed
 public function fire(Command $command)
     $this->command = $command;
     $connected = false;
     while (!$connected) {
         $host = $this->askDatabaseHost();
         $name = $this->askDatabaseName();
         $user = $this->askDatabaseUsername();
         $password = $this->askDatabasePassword();
         $this->setLaravelConfiguration($name, $user, $password, $host);
         if ($this->databaseConnectionIsValid()) {
             $connected = true;
         } else {
             $command->error('Please ensure your database credentials are valid.');
     $this->env->write($name, $user, $password, $host);
     $command->info('Database successfully configured');
Ejemplo n.º 30
  * Initialize.
  * @param  \C5\AppKit\Console\InitCommand $console
  * @return boolean
 public function init(Command $console)
     $console->callsilent('vendor:publish', ['--provider' => 'C5\\AppKit\\AppKitServiceProvider', '--tag' => 'http']);
     $console->callsilent('vendor:publish', ['--provider' => 'C5\\AppKit\\AppKitServiceProvider', '--tag' => 'config']);
     $console->callsilent('vendor:publish', ['--provider' => 'C5\\AppKit\\AppKitServiceProvider', '--tag' => 'database']);
     $console->callsilent('vendor:publish', ['--provider' => 'C5\\AppKit\\AppKitServiceProvider', '--tag' => 'models']);
     $console->callsilent('vendor:publish', ['--provider' => 'C5\\AppKit\\AppKitServiceProvider', '--tag' => 'views']);
     $console->callsilent('vendor:publish', ['--provider' => 'C5\\AppKit\\AppKitServiceProvider', '--tag' => 'modules']);
     $console->callsilent('vendor:publish', ['--provider' => 'C5\\AppKit\\AppKitServiceProvider', '--tag' => $this->assets]);
     $console->callsilent('vendor:publish', ['--provider' => 'C5\\AppKit\\AppKitServiceProvider', '--tag' => 'coffee']);
     $console->callsilent('vendor:publish', ['--provider' => 'C5\\AppKit\\AppKitServiceProvider', '--tag' => 'public']);
     exec('composer dump-autoload');
     $console->info('AppKit [ ' . $this->name . ' ] has been initialized.');
     return true;