Ejemplo n.º 1
  * {@inheritdoc}
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $output->writeln('<info>Starting former student synchronization process.</info>');
     $filter = $input->getArgument('filter');
     $formerStudents = $this->directory->findByLdapFilter($filter);
     if (!$formerStudents) {
         $output->writeln("<error>{$filter} returned no results.</error>");
     $output->writeln('<info>Found ' . count($formerStudents) . ' former students in the directory.</info>');
     $formerStudentsCampusIds = array_map(function (array $arr) {
         return $arr['campusId'];
     }, $formerStudents);
     $notFormerStudents = $this->userManager->findUsersWhoAreNotFormerStudents($formerStudentsCampusIds);
     $usersToUpdate = $notFormerStudents->filter(function (UserInterface $user) {
         return !$user->isUserSyncIgnore();
     if (!$usersToUpdate->count() > 0) {
         $output->writeln("<info>There are no students to update.</info>");
     $output->writeln('<info>There are ' . $usersToUpdate->count() . ' students in Ilios who will be marked as a Former Student.</info>');
     $rows = $usersToUpdate->map(function (UserInterface $user) {
         return [$user->getCampusId(), $user->getFirstName(), $user->getLastName(), $user->getEmail()];
     $table = new Table($output);
     $table->setHeaders(array('Campus ID', 'First', 'Last', 'Email'))->setRows($rows);
     $helper = $this->getHelper('question');
     $question = new ConfirmationQuestion('<question>Do you wish to mark these users as Former Students? </question>' . "\n", true);
     if ($helper->ask($input, $output, $question)) {
         /* @var UserRoleInterface $formerStudentRole */
         $formerStudentRole = $this->userRoleManager->findOneBy(array('title' => 'Former Student'));
         /* @var UserInterface $user */
         foreach ($usersToUpdate as $user) {
             $this->userManager->update($user, false);
         $output->writeln('<info>Former students updated successfully!</info>');
     } else {
         $output->writeln('<comment>Update canceled,</comment>');
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * @param int $origCourseId
  * @return CourseInterface
  * @throws \Exception
 private function getOriginalCourse($origCourseId)
     $origCourse = $this->courseManager->findOneBy(['id' => $origCourseId]);
     if (empty($origCourse)) {
         throw new \Exception('There are no courses with courseId ' . $origCourseId . '.');
     return $origCourse;
  * {@inheritdoc}
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $filter = $input->getArgument('filter');
     $schoolId = $input->getArgument('schoolId');
     $school = $this->schoolManager->findOneBy(['id' => $schoolId]);
     if (!$school) {
         throw new \Exception("School with id {$schoolId} could not be found.");
     $output->writeln("<info>Searching for new students to add to " . $school->getTitle() . ".</info>");
     $students = $this->directory->findByLdapFilter($filter);
     if (!$students) {
         $output->writeln("<error>{$filter} returned no results.</error>");
     $output->writeln('<info>Found ' . count($students) . ' students in the directory.</info>');
     $campusIds = $this->userManager->getAllCampusIds();
     $newStudents = array_filter($students, function (array $arr) use($campusIds) {
         return !in_array($arr['campusId'], $campusIds);
     if (!count($newStudents) > 0) {
         $output->writeln("<info>There are no new students to add.</info>");
     $output->writeln('<info>There are ' . count($newStudents) . ' new students to be added to ' . $school->getTitle() . '.</info>');
     $rows = array_map(function (array $arr) {
         return [$arr['campusId'], $arr['firstName'], $arr['lastName'], $arr['email']];
     }, $newStudents);
     $table = new Table($output);
     $table->setHeaders(array('Campus ID', 'First', 'Last', 'Email'))->setRows($rows);
     $helper = $this->getHelper('question');
     $question = new ConfirmationQuestion('<question>Do you wish to add these students to ' . $school->getTitle() . '? </question>' . "\n", true);
     if ($helper->ask($input, $output, $question)) {
         $studentRole = $this->userRoleManager->findOneBy(array('title' => 'Student'));
         foreach ($newStudents as $userRecord) {
             if (empty($userRecord['email'])) {
                 $output->writeln('<error>Unable to add student ' . var_export($userRecord, true) . ' they have no email address.</error>');
             if (empty($userRecord['campusId'])) {
                 $output->writeln('<error>Unable to add student ' . var_export($userRecord, true) . ' they have no campus ID.</error>');
             if (empty($userRecord['username'])) {
                 $output->writeln('<error>Unable to add student ' . var_export($userRecord, true) . ' they have no username.</error>');
             $user = $this->userManager->create();
             $authentication = $this->authenticationManager->create();
             $this->authenticationManager->update($authentication, false);
             $output->writeln('<info>Success! New student #' . $user->getId() . ' ' . $user->getFirstAndLastName() . ' created.</info>');
     } else {
         $output->writeln('<comment>Update canceled.</comment>');
Ejemplo n.º 4
  * Retrieves a curriculum inventory in a data structure that lends itself for an easy transformation into
  * XML-formatted report.
  * @param CurriculumInventoryReportInterface $invReport The report object.
  * @return array An associated array, containing the inventory.
  *     Data is keyed off by:
  *         'report' ... The inventory report entity.
  *         'institution' ... An object representing the curriculum inventory's owning institution
  *         'events' ... An array of events, keyed off by event id. Each event is represented as assoc. array.
  *         'expectations' ... An associative array of arrays, each sub-array containing a
  *                            list of a different type of "competency object" within the curriculum.
  *                            These types are program objectives, course objectives and session objectives.
  *                            The keys for these type-specific sub-arrays are:
  *             'program_objectives'
  *             'course_objectives'
  *             'session_objectives'
  *             'framework' ... The competency framework data set.
  *                 'includes' ... Identifiers of the various competency objects referenced in the framework.
  *                     'pcrs_ids'
  *                     'program_objective_ids'
  *                     'course_objective_ids'
  *                     'session_objective_ids'
  *                 'relations' ... Relations between the various competencies within the framework
  *                     'program_objectives_to_pcrs'
  *                     'course_objectives_to_program_objectives'
  *                     'session_objectives_to_course_objectives'
  *         'sequence_block_references' ...relationships maps between sequence blocks and other curricular entities.
  *             'events' ... maps sequence blocks to events
  *             'competency_objects' .. maps sequence blocks to competency objects
  * @throws \Exception
 public function getCurriculumInventory(CurriculumInventoryReportInterface $invReport)
     // report validation
     $program = $invReport->getProgram();
     if (!$program) {
         throw new \Exception('No program found for report with id  ' . $invReport->getId() . '.');
     $school = $program->getSchool();
     if (!$school) {
         throw new \Exception('No school found for program with id = ' . $program->getId() . '.');
     /** @var CurriculumInventoryInstitutionInterface $institution */
     $institution = $this->institutionManager->findOneBy(['school' => $school->getId()]);
     if (!$institution) {
         throw new \Exception('No curriculum inventory institution found for school with id = ' . $school->getId() . '.');
     $events = $this->reportManager->getEvents($invReport);
     $keywords = $this->reportManager->getEventKeywords($invReport);
     $resourceTypes = $this->reportManager->getEventResourceTypes($invReport);
     $eventRefsForSeqBlocks = $this->reportManager->getEventReferencesForSequenceBlocks($invReport);
     $programObjectives = $this->reportManager->getProgramObjectives($invReport);
     $sessionObjectives = $this->reportManager->getSessionObjectives($invReport);
     $courseObjectives = $this->reportManager->getCourseObjectives($invReport);
     $compObjRefsForSeqBlocks = $this->reportManager->getCompetencyObjectReferencesForSequenceBlocks($invReport);
     $compRefsForEvents = $this->reportManager->getCompetencyObjectReferencesForEvents($invReport);
     // The various objective type are all "Competency Objects" in the context of reporting the curriculum inventory.
     // The are grouped in the "Expectations" section of the report, lump 'em together here.
     $expectations = [];
     $expectations['program_objectives'] = $programObjectives;
     $expectations['session_objectives'] = $sessionObjectives;
     $expectations['course_objectives'] = $courseObjectives;
     // Build out the competency framework information and added to $expectations.
     $pcrs = $this->reportManager->getPcrs($invReport);
     $pcrsIds = array_keys($pcrs);
     $programObjectiveIds = array_keys($programObjectives);
     $courseObjectiveIds = array_keys($courseObjectives);
     $sessionObjectiveIds = array_keys($sessionObjectives);
     $includes = ['pcrs_ids' => [], 'program_objective_ids' => [], 'course_objective_ids' => [], 'session_objective_ids' => []];
     $relations = ['program_objectives_to_pcrs' => [], 'course_objectives_to_program_objectives' => [], 'session_objectives_to_course_objectives' => []];
     $rel = $this->reportManager->getProgramObjectivesToPcrsRelations($programObjectiveIds, $pcrsIds);
     $relations['program_objectives_to_pcrs'] = $rel['relations'];
     $includes['pcrs_ids'] = $rel['pcrs_ids'];
     $includes['program_objective_ids'] = $rel['program_objective_ids'];
     $rel = $this->reportManager->getCourseObjectivesToProgramObjectivesRelations($courseObjectiveIds, $programObjectiveIds);
     $relations['course_objectives_to_program_objectives'] = $rel['relations'];
     $includes['program_objective_ids'] = array_values(array_unique(array_merge($includes['program_objective_ids'], $rel['program_objective_ids'])));
     $includes['course_objective_ids'] = $rel['course_objective_ids'];
     $rel = $this->reportManager->getSessionObjectivesToCourseObjectivesRelations($sessionObjectiveIds, $courseObjectiveIds);
     $relations['session_objectives_to_course_objectives'] = $rel['relations'];
     $includes['course_objective_ids'] = array_values(array_unique(array_merge($includes['course_objective_ids'], $rel['course_objective_ids'])));
     $includes['session_objective_ids'] = $rel['session_objective_ids'];
     $expectations['framework'] = ['includes' => $includes, 'relations' => $relations];
     // transmogrify inventory data for reporting and fill in the blanks
     $events = $this->addKeywordsToEvents($events, $keywords);
     $events = $this->addResourceTypesToEvents($events, $resourceTypes);
     $events = $this->addCompetencyObjectReferencesToEvents($events, $compRefsForEvents);
     // aggregate inventory into single return-array
     $rhett = [];
     $rhett['report'] = $invReport;
     $rhett['expectations'] = $expectations;
     $rhett['institution'] = $institution;
     $rhett['events'] = $events;
     $rhett['sequence_block_references'] = ['events' => $eventRefsForSeqBlocks, 'competency_objects' => $compObjRefsForSeqBlocks];
     return $rhett;
Ejemplo n.º 5
  * {@inheritdoc}
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     // prevent this command to run on a non-empty user store.
     $existingUser = $this->userManager->findOneBy([]);
     if (!empty($existingUser)) {
         throw new \Exception('Sorry, at least one user record already exists. Cannot create a "first" user account.');
     $schools = $this->schoolManager->findBy([], ['title' => 'ASC']);
     // check if any school data is present before invoking the form helper
     // to prevent the form from breaking on missing school data further downstream.
     if (empty($schools)) {
         throw new \Exception('No schools found. Please load schools into this Ilios instance first.');
     $schoolId = $input->getOption('school');
     if (!$schoolId) {
         $schoolTitles = [];
         /* @var SchoolInterface $school */
         foreach ($schools as $school) {
             $schoolTitles[$school->getTitle()] = $school->getId();
         $helper = $this->getHelper('question');
         $question = new ChoiceQuestion("What is this user's primary school?", array_keys($schoolTitles));
         $question->setErrorMessage('School %s is invalid.');
         $schoolTitle = $helper->ask($input, $output, $question);
         $schoolId = $schoolTitles[$schoolTitle];
     $school = $this->schoolManager->findOneBy(['id' => $schoolId]);
     if (!$school) {
         throw new \Exception("School with id {$schoolId} could not be found.");
     $email = $input->getOption('email');
     if (!$email) {
         $question = new Question("What is the user's Email Address? ");
         $question->setValidator(function ($answer) {
             if (!filter_var($answer, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {
                 throw new \RuntimeException("Email is not valid");
             return $answer;
         $email = $this->getHelper('question')->ask($input, $output, $question);
     $user = $this->userManager->create();
     $user->addRole($this->userRoleManager->findOneBy(['title' => 'Developer']));
     $user->addRole($this->userRoleManager->findOneBy(['title' => 'Course Director']));
     $authentication = $this->authenticationManager->create();
     $encodedPassword = $this->passwordEncoder->encodePassword($user, self::PASSWORD);
     $output->writeln('A user account has been created.');
     $output->writeln(sprintf("You may now log in as '%s' with the password '%s'.", self::USERNAME, self::PASSWORD));
     $output->writeln('Please change this password as soon as possible.');
Ejemplo n.º 6
  * Retrieves an the corresponding entity for a given data array.
  * @param array $data
  * @return mixed the entity
 protected function getEntity(array $data)
     return $this->em->findOneBy(['id' => $data[0]]);