Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Compute an HTTP GET method.
  * @param  Request   $request     HTTP request.
  * @param  Response  $response    HTTP response.
  * @return bool
  * @throws Exception\Dav\Exception
 function httpGet(Request $request, Response $response)
     if (System\Collection::NAME . '/' . Node::NAME !== $request->getPath()) {
     $queries = $request->getQueryParameters();
     if (isset($queries['test']) && 'mail' === $queries['test'] && isset($queries['payload'])) {
         $payload = @json_decode($queries['payload']);
         if (!$payload || !isset($payload->transport) || !isset($payload->username) || !isset($payload->password)) {
             throw new Exception\Dav\Exception('Payload is corrupted.');
         Mail\Message::setDefaultTransport(new Mail\Transport\Smtp(new Socket\Client('tcp://' . $payload->transport), $payload->username, $payload->password));
         $message = new Mail\Message();
         $message['from'] = 'sabre/katana <' . $payload->username . '>';
         $message['to'] = $payload->username;
         $message['subject'] = 'Test mail from sabre/katana';
         $message->addContent(new Mail\Content\Text('Hey!' . "\n\n" . 'If you receive this email, it means that your ' . 'sabre/katana server is able to send emails! ' . "\n\n" . 'Congratulations :-).'));
         $response->setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
         return false;
     $configuration = ['database' => ['dsn' => $this->configuration->database->dsn, 'username' => $this->configuration->database->username], 'mail' => ['address' => '', 'port' => '', 'username' => '', 'password' => '']];
     if (isset($this->configuration->mail)) {
         $socket = new Socket('tcp://' . $this->configuration->mail->transport);
         $configuration['mail']['address'] = $socket->getAddress();
         $configuration['mail']['port'] = $socket->hasPort() ? $socket->getPort() : 587;
         $configuration['mail']['username'] = $this->configuration->mail->username;
         $configuration['mail']['password'] = $this->configuration->mail->password;
     $response->setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
     return false;
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * Send the IMip message.
  * @param  ITip\Message  $itip    ITip message.
  * @return void
 function schedule(ITip\Message $itip)
     // Not sending any emails if the system considers the update
     // insignificant.
     if (false === $itip->significantChange) {
         if (empty($itip->scheduleStatus)) {
             $itip->scheduleStatus = '1.0;We got the message, but it\'s not significant enough to warrant an email.';
     $deliveredLocally = '1.2' === $itip->getScheduleStatus();
     $senderName = $itip->senderName;
     $recipientName = $itip->recipientName;
     // 7 is the length of `mailto:`.
     $senderEmail = substr($itip->sender, 7);
     $recipientEmail = substr($itip->recipient, 7);
     $subject = 'sabre/katana iTIP message';
     $summary = (string) $itip->message->VEVENT->SUMMARY;
     switch (strtoupper($itip->method)) {
         case 'REPLY':
             // In the case of a reply, we need to find the `PARTSTAT` from
             // the user.
             $partstat = (string) $itip->message->VEVENT->ATTENDEE['PARTSTAT'];
             switch (strtoupper($partstat)) {
                 case 'DECLINED':
                     $subject = $senderName . ' declined your invitation to "' . $summary . '"';
                     $action = 'DECLINED';
                 case 'ACCEPTED':
                     $subject = $senderName . ' accepted your invitation to "' . $summary . '"';
                     $action = 'ACCEPTED';
                 case 'TENTATIVE':
                     $subject = $senderName . ' tentatively accepted your invitation to "' . $summary . '"';
                     $action = 'TENTATIVE';
                     $itip->scheduleStatus = '5.0;Email not deliered. We didn\'t understand this PARTSTAT.';
         case 'REQUEST':
             $subject = $senderName . ' invited you to "' . $summary . '"';
             $action = 'REQUEST';
         case 'CANCEL':
             $subject = '"' . $summary . '" has been canceled.';
             $action = 'CANCEL';
             $itip->scheduleStatus = '5.0;Email not delivered. Unsupported METHOD.';
     $streamsToClose = [];
     $katanaLogo = new Mail\Content\Attachment($streamsToClose[] = new File\Read('katana://public/static/image/katana_logo_full.png'), 'Logo_of_sabre_katana.png');
     $katanaLogoUrl = $katanaLogo->getIdUrl();
     $dateTime = isset($itip->message->VEVENT->DTSTART) ? $itip->message->VEVENT->DTSTART->getDateTime() : new \DateTime('now');
     $allDay = isset($itip->message->VEVENT->DTSTART) && false === $itip->message->VEVENT->DTSTART->hasTime();
     $attendees = [];
     if (isset($itip->message->VEVENT->ATTENDEE)) {
         $_attendees =& $itip->message->VEVENT->ATTENDEE;
         for ($i = 0, $max = count($_attendees); $i < $max; ++$i) {
             $attendee = $_attendees[$i];
             $attendees[] = ['cn' => isset($attendee['CN']) ? (string) $attendee['CN'] : (string) $attendee['EMAIL'], 'email' => isset($attendee['EMAIL']) ? (string) $attendee['EMAIL'] : null, 'role' => isset($attendee['ROLE']) ? (string) $attendee['ROLE'] : null];
     usort($attendees, function ($a, $b) {
         if ('CHAIR' === $a['role']) {
             return -1;
         return 1;
     $notEmpty = function ($property, $else) use($itip) {
         if (isset($itip->message->VEVENT->{$property})) {
             $handle = (string) $itip->message->VEVENT->{$property};
             if (!empty($handle)) {
                 return $handle;
         return $else;
     $url = $notEmpty('URL', false);
     $description = $notEmpty('DESCRIPTION', false);
     $location = $notEmpty('LOCATION', false);
     $locationImage = null;
     $locationImageUrl = false;
     $locationLink = false;
     if (isset($itip->message->VEVENT->{'X-APPLE-STRUCTURED-LOCATION'})) {
         $match = preg_match('/^(geo:)?(?<latitude>\\-?\\d+\\.\\d+),(?<longitude>\\-?\\d+\\.\\d+)$/', (string) $itip->message->VEVENT->{'X-APPLE-STRUCTURED-LOCATION'}, $coordinates);
         if (0 !== $match) {
             $zoom = 16;
             $width = 500;
             $height = 220;
             $locationImage = new Mail\Content\Attachment($streamsToClose[] = new File\Read('http://api.tiles.mapbox.com/v4' . '/mapbox.streets' . '/pin-m-star+285A98' . '(' . $coordinates['longitude'] . ',' . $coordinates['latitude'] . ')' . '/' . $coordinates['longitude'] . ',' . $coordinates['latitude'] . ',' . $zoom . '/' . $width . 'x' . $height . '.png' . '?access_token=pk.eyJ1IjoiZHRvYnNjaGFsbCIsImEiOiIzMzdhNTRhNGNjOGFjOGQ4MDM5ZTJhNGZjYjNmNmE5OCJ9.7ZQOdfvoZW0XIbvjN54Wrg'), 'Map.png', 'image/png');
             $locationImageUrl = $locationImage->getIdUrl();
             $locationLink = 'http://www.openstreetmap.org' . '/?mlat=' . $coordinates['latitude'] . '&mlon=' . $coordinates['longitude'] . '#map=' . $zoom . '/' . $coordinates['latitude'] . '/' . $coordinates['longitude'];
     $configuration = $this->getConfiguration()->mail;
     Mail\Message::setDefaultTransport(new Mail\Transport\Smtp(new Socket\Client('tcp://' . $configuration->transport), $configuration->username, $configuration->password));
     $message = new Mail\Message();
     $message['from'] = $senderName . ' (via sabre/katana) <' . $configuration->username . '>';
     // reply-to
     $message['to'] = $recipientName . '<' . $recipientEmail . '>';
     $message['subject'] = $subject;
     // return-path
     $textBody = function () use($senderName, $summary, $action, $dateTime, $allDay, $attendees, $location, $url, $description) {
         require 'katana://resource/view/caldav_scheduling.txt';
         $out = ob_get_contents();
         return $out;
     $htmlBody = function () use($senderName, $summary, $action, $katanaLogoUrl, $dateTime, $allDay, $attendees, $location, $locationImageUrl, $locationLink, $url, $description) {
         require 'katana://resource/view/caldav_scheduling.html';
         $out = ob_get_contents();
         return $out;
     $relatedContent = [new Mail\Content\Html($htmlBody()), $katanaLogo];
     if (null !== $locationImage) {
         $relatedContent[] = $locationImage;
     $message->addContent(new Mail\Content\Alternative([new Mail\Content\Text($textBody()), new Mail\Content\Related($relatedContent)]));
     if (false === $deliveredLocally) {
         $bodyAsStream = new Stringbuffer\Read();
         $attachment = new Mail\Content\Attachment($bodyAsStream, 'Event.ics', 'text/calendar; method=' . (string) $itip->method . '; charset=UTF-8');
     foreach ($streamsToClose as $stream) {
     if (false === $deliveredLocally) {
         $itip->scheduleStatus = '1.1;Scheduling message is sent via iMip.';
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * Send a message.
  * @param   \Hoa\Mail\Message  $message    Message.
  * @return  bool
 public function send(Mail\Message $message)
     $content = $message->getFormattedContent();
     $headers = $message->getHeaders();
     $pos = strpos($content, CRLF . CRLF);
     $_headers = substr($content, 0, $pos);
     $_body = substr($content, $pos + 4);
     return mail($headers['to'], $headers['subject'], $_body, $_headers, $message->formatHeaders($this->getParameters()));
Ejemplo n.º 4
  * Send a message.
  * @TODO: Implement the DIGEST-MD5 and GSSAPI auth protocol. Implement SSLv1
  * and v2 support.
  * @param   \Hoa\Mail\Message  $message    Message.
  * @return  bool
 public function send(Mail\Message $message)
     $content = $message->getFormattedContent();
     $headers = $message->getHeaders();
     $client = $this->getClient();
     $this->ifNot(220, 'Not able to connect to the server');
     $domain = $message->getDomain($this->getUsername() ?: $headers['from']);
     $client->writeAll('EHLO ' . $domain . CRLF);
     $ehlo = preg_split('#' . CRLF . '250[\\-\\s]+#', $client->read(2048));
     if (true === in_array('STARTTLS', $ehlo)) {
         $client->writeAll('STARTTLS' . CRLF);
         $this->ifNot(220, 'Cannot start a TLS connection');
         if (true !== $client->enableEncryption(true, $client::ENCRYPTION_TLS)) {
             throw new Mail\Exception\Transport('Cannot enable a TLS connection.', 1);
         $client->writeAll('EHLO ' . $domain . CRLF);
         $ehlo = preg_split('#' . CRLF . '250[\\-\\s]+#', $client->read(2048));
     $matches = null;
     foreach ($ehlo as $entry) {
         if (0 !== preg_match('#^AUTH (.+)$#', $entry, $matches)) {
     if (empty($matches)) {
         throw new Mail\Exception\Transport('The server does not support authentication, we cannot ' . 'authenticate.', 2);
     $auth = explode(' ', $matches[1]);
     $username = $this->getUsername();
     $password = $this->getPassword();
     if (true === in_array('PLAIN', $auth)) {
         $client->writeAll('AUTH PLAIN' . CRLF);
         $this->ifNot(334, 'Authentication failed (PLAIN)');
         $challenge = base64_encode("" . $username . "" . $password);
         $client->writeAll($challenge . CRLF);
         $this->ifNot(235, 'Wrong username or password');
     } elseif (true === in_array('LOGIN', $auth)) {
         $client->writeAll('AUTH LOGIN' . CRLF);
         $this->ifNot(334, 'Authentication failed (LOGIN)');
         $challenge = base64_encode($username);
         $client->writeAll($challenge . CRLF);
         $this->ifNot(334, 'Wrong username');
         $challenge = base64_encode($password);
         $client->writeAll($challenge . CRLF);
         $this->ifNot(235, 'Wrong password');
     } elseif (true === in_array('CRAM-MD5', $auth)) {
         $client->writeAll('AUTH CRAM-MD5' . CRLF);
         $line = $this->ifNot(334, 'Authentication failed (CRAM-MD5)');
         $handle = base64_decode(substr($line, 4));
         $challenge = base64_encode($username . ' ' . static::hmac($password, $handle));
         $client->writeAll($challenge . CRLF);
         $this->ifNot(235, 'Wrong username or password');
     } else {
         throw new Mail\Transport('%s does not support authentication algorithms available ' . 'on the server (%s).', 3, [__CLASS__, implode(', ', $auth)]);
     $from = $message->getAddress($headers['from']);
     $client->writeAll('MAIL FROM: <' . $from . '>' . CRLF);
     $this->ifNot(250, 'Sender ' . $from . ' is wrong');
     foreach ($message->getRecipients() as $recipient) {
         $client->writeAll('RCPT TO: <' . $recipient . '>' . CRLF);
         $this->ifNot(250, 'Recipient ' . $recipient . ' is wrong');
     $client->writeAll('DATA' . CRLF);
     $this->ifNot(354, 'Cannot send data');
     $client->writeAll($content . CRLF . '.' . CRLF);
     $this->ifNot(250, 'Something went wrong with data');
     $client->writeAll('QUIT' . CRLF);
     $this->ifNot(221, 'Cannot quit properly');
     return true;
Ejemplo n.º 5
  * Send a message.
  * Timeouts are defined as the RFC2821 Section suggests.
  * @TODO: Implement the DIGEST-MD5 and GSSAPI auth protocol. Implement SSLv1
  * and v2 support.
  * @param   \Hoa\Mail\Message  $message    Message.
  * @return  bool
 public function send(Mail\Message $message)
     $content = $message->getFormattedContent();
     $headers = $message->getHeaders();
     $client = $this->getClient();
     $client->setStreamTimeout(5 * 60);
     $this->ifNot(220, 'Not able to connect to the server', 'The server timed out while trying to connect.');
     $domain = $message->getDomain($this->getUsername() ?: $headers['from']);
     $client->writeAll('EHLO ' . $domain . CRLF);
     $ehlo = $this->ifNot(250, 'Not able to get supported extensions from the server.', 'The server timed out while answering to a `EHLO` command.');
     if (true === in_array('STARTTLS', $ehlo)) {
         $client->writeAll('STARTTLS' . CRLF);
         $this->ifNot(220, 'Cannot start a TLS connection', 'The server timed out while starting a TLS encryption.');
         if (true !== $client->enableEncryption(true, $client::ENCRYPTION_TLS)) {
             throw new Mail\Exception\Transport('Cannot enable a TLS connection.', 3);
         $client->writeAll('EHLO ' . $domain . CRLF);
         $ehlo = $this->ifNot(250, 'Not able to get supported extensions from the server.', 'The server timed out while answering to a `EHLO` command ' . 'after having established a TLS connection.');
     $matches = null;
     foreach ($ehlo as $entry) {
         if (0 !== preg_match('#^AUTH (.+)$#', $entry, $matches)) {
     if (empty($matches)) {
         throw new Mail\Exception\Transport('The server does not support authentication, we cannot ' . 'authenticate.', 4);
     $auth = explode(' ', $matches[1]);
     $username = $this->getUsername();
     $password = $this->getPassword();
     if (true === in_array('PLAIN', $auth)) {
         $client->writeAll('AUTH PLAIN' . CRLF);
         $this->ifNot(334, 'Authentication failed (PLAIN)', 'The server timed out while answering to an `AUTH PLAIN` ' . 'authentication.');
         $challenge = base64_encode("" . $username . "" . $password);
         $client->writeAll($challenge . CRLF);
         $this->ifNot(235, 'Wrong username or password', 'The server timed out while asserting whether the password ' . 'is correct for an `AUTH PLAIN` authentication.');
     } elseif (true === in_array('LOGIN', $auth)) {
         $client->writeAll('AUTH LOGIN' . CRLF);
         $this->ifNot(334, 'Authentication failed (LOGIN)', 'The server timed out while answering to an `AUTH LOGIN` ' . 'authentication.');
         $challenge = base64_encode($username);
         $client->writeAll($challenge . CRLF);
         $this->ifNot(334, 'Wrong username', 'The server timed out while asserting whether the username ' . 'is correct for an `AUTH LOGIN` authentication.');
         $challenge = base64_encode($password);
         $client->writeAll($challenge . CRLF);
         $this->ifNot(235, 'Wrong password', 'The server timed out while asserting whether the password ' . 'is correct for an `AUTH LOGIN` authentication.');
     } elseif (true === in_array('CRAM-MD5', $auth)) {
         $client->writeAll('AUTH CRAM-MD5' . CRLF);
         $line = $this->ifNot(334, 'Authentication failed (CRAM-MD5)', 'The server timed out while answering to an `AUTH CRAM-MD5` ' . 'authentication.');
         $handle = base64_decode(substr($line, 4));
         $challenge = base64_encode($username . ' ' . static::hmac($password, $handle));
         $client->writeAll($challenge . CRLF);
         $this->ifNot(235, 'Wrong username or password', 'The server timed out while asserting whether the username ' . 'and password are correct for an `AUTH CRAM-MD5` authentication.');
     } else {
         throw new Mail\Transport('%s does not support authentication algorithms available ' . 'on the server (%s).', 5, [__CLASS__, implode(', ', $auth)]);
     $client->setStreamTimeout(5 * 60);
     $from = $message->getAddress($headers['from']);
     $client->writeAll('MAIL FROM: <' . $from . '>' . CRLF);
     $this->ifNot(250, 'Sender ' . $from . ' is wrong', 'The server timed out while asserting whether the sender\'s  ' . 'email is correct.');
     $client->setStreamTimeout(5 * 60);
     foreach ($message->getRecipients() as $recipient) {
         $client->writeAll('RCPT TO: <' . $recipient . '>' . CRLF);
         $this->ifNot(250, 'Recipient ' . $recipient . ' is wrong', 'The server timed out while asserting whether the ' . 'recipient\'s emails are correct.');
     $client->setStreamTimeout(5 * 60);
     $client->writeAll('DATA' . CRLF);
     $this->ifNot(354, 'Cannot send data', 'The server timed out while answering to a `DATA` command.');
     $client->setStreamTimeout(10 * 60);
     $client->writeAll($content . CRLF . '.' . CRLF);
     $this->ifNot(250, 'Something went wrong with data', 'The server timed out while asserting all the data have been ' . 'received correctly.');
     $client->writeAll('QUIT' . CRLF);
     $this->ifNot(221, 'Cannot quit properly', 'The server timed out while trying to quit properly.');
     return true;