/** * Get an iterator over all the template schemas for the active database. * * @return Finder */ function getTemplateSchemaIterator() { $driverName = $this->getAttribute($this::ATTR_DRIVER_NAME); $finder = new Finder(); $finder->in('katana://resource/default/database/')->name('/\\.' . $driverName . '\\.sql$/'); return $finder; }
protected function getPhar(&$pharName) { $finder = new Finder(); $finder->files()->in(Protocol::realPath('katana://data/lib/composer'))->in(Protocol::realPath('katana://data/lib/hoa/core'))->in(Protocol::realPath('katana://data/lib/hoa/console'))->in(Protocol::realPath('katana://data/lib/hoa/iterator'))->in(Protocol::realPath('katana://data/lib/hoa/router'))->in(Protocol::realPath('katana://data/lib/sabre/uri'))->in(Protocol::realPath('katana://data/lib/ircmaxell/password-compat'))->name('/\\.php$/')->notIn('/^\\.git$/'); $pharName = $this->helper->temporaryFile('.phar'); $phar = new CUT($pharName); $phar->buildFromIterator($finder, SABRE_KATANA_PREFIX); $phar['bootstrap.php'] = '<?php require \'vendor/autoload.php\';'; $phar['vendor/autoload.php'] = file_get_contents('katana://data/lib/autoload.php'); $phar->setStub($phar->getStubCode()); return $phar; }
public function buildAssets() { $source = 'hoa://Jekxyl/Source/Public/'; $destination = 'hoa://Jekxyl/Dist/'; File\Directory::create($destination); $finder = new File\Finder(); $finder->in($source)->files()->directories()->maxDepth(1); foreach ($finder as $file) { $file->open()->copy($destination . $file->getRelativePathname()); $file->close(); } return; }
/** * Main method. * * @return int */ function main() { $format = 0; while (false !== ($c = $this->getOption($v))) { switch ($c) { case '__ambiguous': $this->resolveOptionAmbiguity($v); break; case 'z': $format = static::FORMAT_ZIP; break; case 'p': $format = static::FORMAT_PHAR; break; case 'h': case '?': default: return $this->usage(); break; } } $archiveName = null; $finder = new Finder(); $finder->files()->in(SABRE_KATANA_PREFIX)->notIn('/^\\.git$/'); if (0 === $format) { return $this->usage(); } elseif (static::FORMAT_ZIP === $format) { $pathName = 'katana.zip'; $finder->notIn('/^' . preg_quote($pathName, '/') . '$/'); $archiveName = $pharPathname = SABRE_KATANA_PREFIX . '/data/share/' . $pathName; if (true === file_exists($pharPathname)) { unlink($pharPathname); } $zip = new Zip($pharPathname); $zip->buildFromIterator($finder, SABRE_KATANA_PREFIX); } elseif (static::FORMAT_PHAR === $format) { if (false === Phar::canWrite()) { throw new Exception\Console('Cannot create the PHAR. ' . 'Retry with `php -d phar.readonly=0 ' . $_SERVER['argv'][0] . ' stub --phar'); } $pathName = 'katana.phar'; $finder->notIn('/^' . preg_quote($pathName, '/') . '$/'); $archiveName = $pharPathname = SABRE_KATANA_PREFIX . '/data/share/'; if (true === file_exists($pharPathname)) { unlink($pharPathname); } $phar = new Phar($pharPathname); $phar->buildFromIterator($finder, SABRE_KATANA_PREFIX); $phar->setStub($phar->getStubCode()); } echo $archiveName, "\n"; }
/** * Constructor. * * @param int $latency Latency (in seconds). * @return void */ public function __construct($latency = null) { parent::__construct(); $this->setListener(new Event\Listener($this, ['new', 'modify', 'move'])); if (null !== $latency) { $this->setLatency($latency); } return; }
protected function listCommands($directory) { if (is_dir($directory) === false) { return array(); } $finder = new Finder(); $finder->in($directory)->name('#(.*)\\.php#'); $group = array(); $out = array(); $extact = function ($uri) { $lines = file($uri); $description = ''; // Berk… for ($i = count($lines) - 1; $i >= 0; --$i) { if (strpos($lines[$i], '__halt_compiler();') === 0) { $description = trim(implode('', array_slice($lines, $i + 1))); break; } } unset($lines); return $description; }; foreach ($finder as $cmd) { /** * @var \SplFileInfo $cmd */ $path = str_replace('\\', '/', $cmd->getPath()); $category = substr($path, strrpos($path, '/') + 1, strlen($path)); $command = $cmd->getBasename('.php'); $description = $extact($cmd->getPathname()); $group[$category][$command] = $description; } foreach ($group as $category => $command) { $out[] = \Hoa\Console\Chrome\Text::colorize($category, 'fg(green)'); foreach ($command as $name => $description) { $out[] = array(' ', \Hoa\Console\Chrome\Text::colorize($name, 'fg(blue)'), $description); } } echo Text::columnize($out); }
/** * Clean expired cache files. * Note : \Hoa\Cache::CLEAN_USER is not supported, it's reserved for APC * backend. * * @param int $lifetime Lifetime of caches. * @return void * @throws \Hoa\Cache\Exception */ public function clean($lifetime = Cache::CLEAN_EXPIRED) { switch ($lifetime) { case Cache::CLEAN_ALL: break; case Cache::CLEAN_EXPIRED: $lifetime = $this->_parameters->getParameter('lifetime'); break; case Cache::CLEAN_USER: throw new Cache\Exception('\\Hoa\\Cache::CLEAN_USER constant is not supported by %s.' . 2, __CLASS__); default: $lifetime = $lifetime; } $this->setId($this->getIdMd5()); try { $cacheDirectory = $this->_parameters->getFormattedParameter('file.cache.directory'); $finder = new HoaFile\Finder(); $finder->in($cacheDirectory)->files()->modified('since ' . $lifetime . ' seconds'); foreach ($finder as $file) { $file->open()->delete(); $file->close(); } } catch (HoaFile\Exception\FileDoesNotExist $e) { } return; }
/** * The entry method. * * @return int */ public function main() { $directories = []; $clean = false; $lang = 'En'; while (false !== ($c = $this->getOption($v))) { switch ($c) { case 'd': foreach ($this->parser->parseSpecialValue($v) as $directory) { $directory = realpath($directory); if (false === is_dir($directory)) { throw new Console\Exception('Directory %s does not exist.', 0, $directory); } $directories[] = $directory; } break; case 'c': $clean = true; break; case 'l': $lang = ucfirst(strtolower($v)); break; case '__ambiguous': $this->resolveOptionAmbiguity($v); break; case 'h': case '?': default: return $this->usage(); } } $workspace = resolve('hoa://Library/Devtools/Resource/Documentation') . DS . 'HackBook.output'; if (true === $clean) { if (true === is_dir($workspace)) { $directory = new File\Directory($workspace); $directory->delete(); unset($directory); } return; } clearstatcache(true); $workspace .= DS . $lang; if (false === is_dir($workspace)) { File\Directory::create($workspace); } Console\Cursor::colorize('foreground(yellow)'); echo 'Selected language: ', $lang, '.', "\n\n"; Console\Cursor::colorize('normal'); require_once 'hoa://Library/Devtools/Resource/Documentation/Router.php'; // $router is defined. $finder = new File\Finder(); foreach ($directories as $location) { $_location = $location . DS . 'Documentation' . DS . $lang; if (false === is_dir($_location)) { throw new Console\Exception('Directory %s does not contain documentation.', 1, $location); } $finder->in($_location); } foreach (resolve('hoa://Library', true, true) as $location) { $libraryFinder = new File\Finder(); $libraryFinder->in($location)->directories()->maxDepth(1); foreach ($libraryFinder as $_location) { $_location = $_location->getPathName() . DS . 'Documentation' . DS . $lang; if (true === is_dir($_location)) { $finder->in($_location); } } } $vendors = []; foreach ($finder as $entry) { $path = dirname(dirname($entry->getPath())); $vendor = ucfirst(strtolower(basename(dirname($path)))); $library = ucfirst(strtolower(basename($path))); if (!isset($vendors[$vendor])) { $vendors[$vendor] = []; } $vendors[$vendor][$library] = ['library' => $library, 'vendor' => $vendor, 'fullname' => $vendor . '\\' . $library]; } foreach ($vendors as $vendor => &$libraries) { $libraries = array_values($libraries); } $layout = new File\Read('hoa://Library/Devtools/Resource/Documentation/Layout.xyl'); $xyl = new Xyl($layout, new File\Write($workspace . '/index.html'), new Xyl\Interpreter\Html(), $router); $xyl->setTheme(''); $data = $xyl->getData(); foreach ($vendors as $vendor => $libraries) { $data->vendors->vendor = ['name' => $vendor, 'library' => $libraries]; } $xyl->addOverlay('hoa://Library/Devtools/Resource/Documentation/Index.xyl'); $xyl->render(); echo 'Generate', "\t"; Console\Cursor::colorize('foreground(green)'); echo 'index.html'; Console\Cursor::colorize('normal'); echo '.', "\n"; $xyl = null; foreach ($vendors as $vendor => $libraries) { File\Directory::create($workspace . dirname($router->unroute('full', ['vendor' => $libraries[0]['vendor'], 'chapter' => $libraries[0]['library']]))); foreach ($libraries as $library) { $in = 'hoa://Library/' . $library['library'] . '/Documentation/' . $lang . '/Index.xyl'; $out = $workspace . $router->unroute('full', ['vendor' => $library['vendor'], 'chapter' => $library['library']]); if (true === file_exists($out) && filemtime($in) <= filemtime($out)) { echo 'Skip', "\t\t"; Console\Cursor::colorize('foreground(green)'); echo $library['fullname']; Console\Cursor::colorize('normal'); echo '.', "\n"; continue; } $out = new File\Write($out); $out->truncate(0); if (null === $xyl) { $xyl = new Xyl($layout, $out, new Xyl\Interpreter\Html(), $router); $xyl->setTheme(''); $xyl->addOverlay('hoa://Library/Devtools/Resource/Documentation/Chapter.xyl'); } else { $xyl->setOutputStream(new File\Write($out)); } $xyl->addOverlay($in); $xyl->getData()->name[0] = $library['fullname']; $xyl->getData()->library[0] = $library['library']; try { $xyl->render(); } catch (\Exception $e) { echo $e->getMessage(), "\n"; } $xyl->removeOverlay($in); echo 'Generate', "\t"; Console\Cursor::colorize('foreground(green)'); echo $library['fullname']; Console\Cursor::colorize('normal'); echo '.', "\n"; } } echo "\n", 'Open file://', $workspace, '/index.html', '.', "\n"; return; }
/** * Clean expired cache files. * Note : \Hoa\Cache::CLEAN_USER is not supported, it's reserved for APC * backend. * * @param string $lifetime Lifetime of caches. * @return void * @throws \Hoa\Cache\Exception */ public function clean($lifetime = Cache::CLEAN_EXPIRED) { switch ($lifetime) { case Cache::CLEAN_ALL: break; case Cache::CLEAN_EXPIRED: $lifetime = $this->_parameters->getParameter('lifetime'); break; case Cache::CLEAN_USER: throw new \Hoa\Cache\Exception('\\Hoa\\Cache::CLEAN_USER constant is not supported by ' . 'ZendPlatform cache backend.', 3); break; default: $lifetime = $lifetime; } $directory = ini_get('zend_accelerator.output_cache_dir') . DS . '.php_cache_api'; try { $finder = new HoaFile\Finder(); $finder->in($directory)->files()->modified('since ' . $lifetime . ' seconds'); foreach ($finder as $file) { $file->open()->delete(); $file->close(); } } catch (File\Exception\FileDoesNotExist $e) { } return; }
/** * The entry method. * * @return int */ public function main() { $directories = []; $files = []; $namespaces = []; $filter = []; $debug = false; $php = null; $concurrentProcesses = 2; while (false !== ($c = $this->getOption($v))) { switch ($c) { case 'a': $iterator = new File\Finder(); $iterator->in(resolve('hoa://Library/', true, true))->directories()->maxDepth(1); foreach ($iterator as $fileinfo) { $libraryName = $fileinfo->getBasename(); if (true === Consistency::isKeyword($libraryName)) { continue; } $pathname = resolve('hoa://Library/' . $libraryName); $tests = $pathname . DS . 'Test' . DS; $manualTests = $tests . 'Unit'; $automaticTests = $tests . 'Praspel' . DS . 'Unit'; if (is_dir($manualTests)) { $directories[] = $manualTests; } if (is_dir($automaticTests)) { $directories[] = $automaticTests; } } break; case 'l': foreach ($this->parser->parseSpecialValue($v) as $library) { $libraryName = ucfirst(strtolower($library)); $pathname = resolve('hoa://Library/' . $libraryName); $tests = $pathname . DS . 'Test'; if (!is_dir($tests)) { throw new Console\Exception('Library %s does not exist or has no test.', 0, $libraryName); } $directories[] = $tests; $namespaces[] = 'Hoa\\' . $libraryName; } break; case 'n': foreach ($this->parser->parseSpecialValue($v) as $namespace) { $namespace = str_replace('.', '\\', $namespace); $parts = explode('\\', $namespace); if (2 > count($parts)) { throw new Console\Exception('Namespace %s is too short.', 1, $namespace); } $head = resolve('hoa://Library/' . $parts[1]); $tail = implode(DS, array_slice($parts, 2)); $namespaceDirectory = $head . DS . $tail; if (!is_dir($namespaceDirectory)) { throw new Console\Exception('Namespace %s does not exist.', 2, $namespace); } $tests = $head . DS . 'Test' . DS; $manualTests = $tests . 'Unit' . DS . $tail; $automaticTests = $tests . 'Praspel' . DS . 'Unit' . DS . $tail; if (is_dir($manualTests)) { $directories[] = $manualTests; } if (is_dir($automaticTests)) { $directories[] = $automaticTests; } $namespaces[] = $namespace; } break; case 'd': foreach ($this->parser->parseSpecialValue($v) as $directory) { if (!is_dir($directory)) { throw new Console\Exception('Directory %s does not exist.', 3, $directory); } $directories[] = $directory; } break; case 'f': foreach ($this->parser->parseSpecialValue($v) as $file) { if (!file_exists($file)) { throw new Console\Exception('File %s does not exist.', 4, $file); } $files[] = $file; } break; case 'F': $filter = $v; break; case 'D': $debug = $v; break; case 'p': $php = $v; break; case 'P': $concurrentProcesses = intval($v); break; case '__ambiguous': $this->resolveOptionAmbiguity($v); break; case 'h': case '?': default: return $this->usage(); break; } } $atoum = 'atoum'; if (WITH_COMPOSER) { $atoum = __DIR__ . DS . '..' . DS . '..' . DS . '..' . DS . 'bin' . DS . 'atoum'; } elseif (isset($_SERVER['HOA_ATOUM_BIN'])) { $atoum = $_SERVER['HOA_ATOUM_BIN']; } $command = $atoum . ' --configurations ' . resolve('hoa://Library/Test/.atoum.php') . ' --bootstrap-file ' . resolve('hoa://Library/Test/.bootstrap.atoum.php') . ' --force-terminal' . ' --max-children-number ' . $concurrentProcesses; if (true === $debug) { $command .= ' --debug'; } if (null !== $php) { $command .= ' --php ' . $php; } if (!empty($directories)) { $command .= ' --directories ' . implode(' ', $directories); } elseif (!empty($files)) { $command .= ' --files ' . implode(' ', $files); } else { return $this->usage(); } if (!empty($namespaces)) { $command .= ' --namespaces ' . implode(' ', $namespaces); } if (!empty($filter)) { $command .= ' --filter \'' . str_replace('\'', '\'"\'"\'', $filter) . '\''; } $_server = $_SERVER; $_server['HOA_PREVIOUS_CWD'] = getcwd(); $processus = new Processus($command, null, null, resolve('hoa://Library/Test/'), $_server); $processus->on('input', function ($bucket) { return false; }); $processus->on('output', function ($bucket) { $data = $bucket->getData(); echo $data['line'], "\n"; return; }); $processus->run(); return; }
/** * Find all classes from a root. * * @param string $root Root. * @param string $namespace Namespace to prepend. * @return array */ protected static function findClasses($root, $namespace) { $out = []; $finder = new File\Finder(); $finder->in($root)->files()->name('#^(?!\\.).+\\.php#'); foreach ($finder as $fileinfo) { $out[] = $namespace . '\\' . str_replace(DS, '\\', trim(substr($fileinfo->getRelativePathname(), 0, -4), DS)); } return $out; }
/** * The entry method. * * @access public * @return int */ public function main() { $file = null; $debug = false; $dry = false; $directory = null; $output = 'out/'; $style_formatter = 'Cli'; while (false !== ($c = $this->getOption($v))) { switch ($c) { case 'f': $file = $v; break; case 'd': $directory = $v; break; case 'o': $output = $v; break; case 's': $style_formatter = $v; break; case 'v': $debug = true; break; case 'p': $dry = true; break; case 'h': case '?': default: return $this->usage(); break; } } echo \Hoa\Console\Chrome\Text::colorize('Sohapi', 'fg(yellow)'), "\n\n"; $root = realpath(__DIR__ . '/../../../../'); $out = realpath($root . '/' . $output); // TODO : Detect relative avec absolute path ! $formatter = '\\Sohapi\\Formatter\\' . ucfirst($style_formatter); if ($file !== null) { $file = realpath($root . '/' . $file); } if ($directory !== null) { $directory = realpath($root . '/' . $directory); } if ($out === false) { $out = $root; } if ($debug === true) { //\Sohapi\Parser\Ast::enableDebug(); $a = [['ROOT', var_export($root, true)], ['Debug', var_export($debug, true)], ['Dry', var_export($dry, true)], ['Formatter', var_export($formatter, true)], ['Output', var_export($out, true)], ['File', var_export($file, true)], ['Directory', var_export($directory, true)]]; echo \Hoa\Console\Chrome\Text::columnize($a); } $files = array(); $this->searchLocalConfig($root, $files); if ($file !== null and !in_array($file, $files)) { $files = array($file); } if ($directory !== null) { if ($this->searchLocalConfig($directory, $files) === false) { $finder = new \Hoa\File\Finder(); $finder->in($directory)->files()->name('#\\.php$#'); foreach ($finder as $f) { if (!in_array($this->clean($f->getPathName()), $files)) { $files[] = $this->clean($f->getPathName()); } } } } echo 'Found ' . count($files) . ' Files' . "\n"; foreach ($files as $i => $file) { echo 'Parsing : [' . ($i + 1) . '/' . count($files) . '] ' . $file . "\n"; if ($dry === false) { (new \Sohapi\Parser\Reader(file_get_contents($file)))->build(); } } $options = []; dnew($formatter, ['options' => ['output' => $out, 'debug' => $debug, 'dry' => $dry, 'options' => $options]])->render(); return; }
/** * The entry method. * * @return int */ public function main() { $libraries = []; while (false !== ($c = $this->getOption($v))) { switch ($c) { case 'a': $iterator = new File\Finder(); $iterator->in(resolve('hoa://Library/', true, true))->directories()->maxDepth(1); foreach ($iterator as $fileinfo) { $libraryName = $fileinfo->getBasename(); $pathname = resolve('hoa://Library/' . $libraryName); $automaticTests = $pathname . DS . 'Test' . DS . 'Praspel' . DS; if (is_dir($automaticTests)) { $libraries[] = $automaticTests; } } if (empty($libraries)) { echo 'Already clean.'; return; } break; case 'l': foreach ($this->parser->parseSpecialValue($v) as $library) { $libraryName = ucfirst(strtolower($library)); $pathname = resolve('hoa://Library/' . $libraryName); $automaticTests = $pathname . DS . 'Test' . DS . 'Praspel' . DS; if (is_dir($automaticTests)) { $libraries[] = $automaticTests; } } if (empty($libraries)) { echo 'Already clean.'; return; } break; case '__ambiguous': $this->resolveOptionAmbiguity($v); break; case 'h': case '?': default: return $this->usage(); } } if (empty($libraries)) { return $this->usage(); } foreach ($libraries as $path) { $status = 'Clean ' . (40 < strlen($path) ? '…' . substr($path, -39) : $path); echo ' ⌛ ', $status; $directory = new File\Directory($path); if (false === $directory->delete()) { echo ' ', Console\Chrome\Text::colorize('✖︎', 'foreground(red)'), ' ', $status, "\n"; } else { Console\Cursor::clear('↔'); echo ' ', Console\Chrome\Text::colorize('✔︎', 'foreground(green)'), ' ', $status, "\n"; } $directory->close(); } return; }
/** * Delete a directory. * * @return bool */ public function delete() { $from = $this->getStreamName(); $finder = new Finder(); $finder->in($from)->childFirst(); foreach ($finder as $file) { $file->open()->delete(); $file->close(); } if (null === $this->getStreamContext()) { return @rmdir($from); } return @rmdir($from, $this->getStreamContext()->getContext()); }