Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Return the validations around the users current position.
  * @param float   $lat    User positions latitude.
  * @param float   $lng    User positions longitude.
  * @param integer $limit  Amount of validations to return.
  * @param integer $radius Radius around the user position to look for validations.
  * @return string JSON-encoded validations around the users current position
 public function getValidationsByOwnPosition($lat, $lng, $limit, $radius)
     $limit = empty($limit) ? 20 : $limit;
     $radius = empty($radius) ? 5000 : $radius;
     $userPosition = PostGisSqlHelper::getLatLngGeom($lat, $lng);
     //aggregation1 : join promotion with promo2error_type
     $sql = "WITH aggregation1 AS (";
     $sql .= "SELECT p.id AS promo_id, ";
     $sql .= "       p.startdate, ";
     $sql .= "       p.enddate, ";
     $sql .= "       p.geom AS promogeom, ";
     $sql .= "       pm.error_type, ";
     $sql .= "       pm.validation_extra_coins AS extra_coins ";
     $sql .= "FROM kort.promotion p ";
     $sql .= "INNER JOIN kort.promo2mission pm ON p.id=pm.promo_id ";
     $sql .= "WHERE p.startdate < now() AND p.enddate > now())";
     //aggregation2: get limited validations around the user's position as before
     $sql .= ", aggregation2 AS (";
     $sql .= "select * from (";
     $sql .= "select id AS validationid, ";
     $sql .= "       type, ";
     $sql .= "       view_type,";
     $sql .= "       fix_user_id, ";
     $sql .= "       osm_id, ";
     $sql .= "       osm_type, ";
     $sql .= "       title, ";
     $sql .= "       fixmessage, ";
     $sql .= "       falsepositive, ";
     $sql .= "       question, ";
     $sql .= "       bug_question, ";
     $sql .= "       vote_koin_count, ";
     $sql .= "       latitude, ";
     $sql .= "       longitude, ";
     $sql .= "       upratings, ";
     $sql .= "       downratings, ";
     $sql .= "       required_votes,geom AS validationgeom,";
     $sql .= "       txt1, ";
     $sql .= "       txt2, ";
     $sql .= "       txt3, ";
     $sql .= "       txt4, ";
     $sql .= "       txt5 ";
     $sql .= " from kort.validations";
     $sql .= " where fix_user_id != " . $_SESSION['user_id'] . " ";
     $sql .= " AND not exists (select 1 ";
     $sql .= "                 from kort.vote v ";
     $sql .= "                 where v.fix_id = id ";
     $sql .= "                 and v.user_id = " . $_SESSION['user_id'] . ")";
     $sql .= " order by " . "geom <-> " . PostGisSqlHelper::getLatLngGeom($lat, $lng);
     $sql .= " limit " . $limit;
     $sql .= ") t";
     $sql .= " where " . "ST_Distance_Sphere(validationgeom," . $userPosition . ") <= " . $radius . " )";
     //aggregation3: join aggregation2 and aggregation1 and check where validation_geom is within promotion_geom.
     //As result, we get all the validations around the user's position who actualy belongs to a active promotion
     $sql .= ", aggregation3 AS (";
     $sql .= "SELECT ag2.validationid AS validationidtemp, ";
     $sql .= "       ag1.promo_id, ";
     $sql .= "       ag1.extra_coins ";
     $sql .= "FROM aggregation2 ag2 ";
     $sql .= "INNER JOIN aggregation1 ag1 ON ag2.type=ag1.error_type ";
     $sql .= "WHERE ST_WITHIN(ag2.validationgeom, ag1.promogeom))";
     //left join the validations around the user (aggregation2) with the subset of the validations
     //who belongs to a promotion (aggregation3)
     //=> the fields promo_id and extra_coins is either null or holds the corresponding promotion values
     $sql .= "SELECT validationid AS id,";
     $sql .= "       type, ";
     $sql .= "       view_type, ";
     $sql .= "       fix_user_id, ";
     $sql .= "       osm_id, ";
     $sql .= "       osm_type, ";
     $sql .= "       title, ";
     $sql .= "       fixmessage, ";
     $sql .= "       falsepositive, ";
     $sql .= "       question, ";
     $sql .= "       bug_question, ";
     $sql .= "       vote_koin_count, ";
     $sql .= "       latitude, ";
     $sql .= "       longitude, ";
     $sql .= "       upratings, ";
     $sql .= "       downratings, ";
     $sql .= "       required_votes, ";
     $sql .= "       validationgeom AS geom, ";
     $sql .= "       txt1, ";
     $sql .= "       txt2, ";
     $sql .= "       txt3, ";
     $sql .= "       txt4, ";
     $sql .= "       txt5, ";
     $sql .= "       promo_id, ";
     $sql .= "       extra_coins ";
     $sql .= "FROM aggregation2 ag2 ";
     $sql .= "LEFT JOIN aggregation3 ag3 ON ag2.validationid=ag3.validationidtemp";
     $params = array();
     $params['sql'] = $sql;
     $params['type'] = "SQL";
     $position = $this->getDbProxy()->addToTransaction($params);
     $result = json_decode($this->getDbProxy()->sendTransaction(), true);
     $validationData = array_map(array($this, "convertBoolean"), $result[$position - 1]);
     $validationData = array_map(array($this, "translateValidation"), $validationData);
     return json_encode($validationData);
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * Returns missions around the users position.
  * @param float   $lat    Latitude of the user position.
  * @param float   $lng    Longitude of the user position.
  * @param integer $limit  Amount of bugs to return.
  * @param integer $radius Radius around the users position to look for.
  * @return string JSON-formatted bugs
 public function getBugsByOwnPosition($lat, $lng, $limit, $radius)
     $limit = empty($limit) ? 20 : $limit;
     $radius = empty($radius) ? 5000 : $radius;
     $userPosition = PostGisSqlHelper::getLatLngGeom($lat, $lng);
     //aggregation1 : join promotion with promo2error_type
     $sql = "WITH aggregation1 AS (";
     $sql .= "SELECT p.id AS promo_id, ";
     $sql .= "       p.startdate, ";
     $sql .= "       p.enddate, ";
     $sql .= "       p.geom AS promogeom, ";
     $sql .= "       pm.error_type, ";
     $sql .= "       pm.mission_extra_coins AS extra_coins ";
     $sql .= "FROM kort.promotion p ";
     $sql .= "INNER JOIN kort.promo2mission pm ON p.id=pm.promo_id ";
     $sql .= "WHERE p.startdate < now() AND p.enddate > now())";
     //aggregation2: get limited missions around the user's position as before
     $sql .= ", aggregation2 AS (";
     $sql .= "SELECT * FROM (";
     $sql .= "SELECT id AS missionid, ";
     $sql .= "       schema, ";
     $sql .= "       type, ";
     $sql .= "       osm_id, ";
     $sql .= "       osm_type, ";
     $sql .= "       title, ";
     $sql .= "       description, ";
     $sql .= "       latitude, ";
     $sql .= "       longitude, ";
     $sql .= "       view_type, ";
     $sql .= "       answer_placeholder, ";
     $sql .= "       fix_koin_count, ";
     $sql .= "       geom AS missiongeom, ";
     $sql .= "       txt1, ";
     $sql .= "       txt2, ";
     $sql .= "       txt3, ";
     $sql .= "       txt4, ";
     $sql .= "       txt5 ";
     $sql .= "FROM kort.errors";
     $sql .= " ORDER BY " . "geom <-> " . PostGisSqlHelper::getLatLngGeom($lat, $lng);
     $sql .= " LIMIT " . $limit;
     $sql .= ") t";
     $sql .= " WHERE " . "ST_Distance_Sphere(missiongeom," . $userPosition . ") <= " . $radius . " )";
     //aggregation3: join aggregation2 and aggregation1 and check where mission_geom is within promotion_geom.
     //As result, we get all the missions around the user's position who actualy belongs to a active promotion
     $sql .= ", aggregation3 AS (";
     $sql .= "SELECT ag2.missionid AS missionidtemp, ";
     $sql .= "       ag2.schema AS schematemp, ";
     $sql .= "       ag1.promo_id, ";
     $sql .= "       ag1.extra_coins ";
     $sql .= "FROM aggregation2 ag2 ";
     $sql .= "INNER JOIN aggregation1 ag1 ON ag2.type=ag1.error_type ";
     $sql .= "WHERE ST_WITHIN(ag2.missiongeom, ag1.promogeom))";
     //left join the missions around the user (aggregation2) with the subset of the missions
     //who belongs to a promotion (aggregation3) => the fields promo_id and extra_coins is either
     //null or holds the corresponding promotion values
     $sql .= "SELECT missionid AS id, ";
     $sql .= "       schema,type, ";
     $sql .= "       osm_id, ";
     $sql .= "       osm_type, ";
     $sql .= "       title, ";
     $sql .= "       description, ";
     $sql .= "       latitude, ";
     $sql .= "       longitude, ";
     $sql .= "       view_type, ";
     $sql .= "       answer_placeholder, ";
     $sql .= "       fix_koin_count,missiongeom AS geom, ";
     $sql .= "       txt1, ";
     $sql .= "       txt2, ";
     $sql .= "       txt3, ";
     $sql .= "       txt4, ";
     $sql .= "       txt5, ";
     $sql .= "       promo_id, ";
     $sql .= "       extra_coins ";
     $sql .= "FROM aggregation2 ag2 ";
     $sql .= "LEFT JOIN aggregation3 ag3 ON ((ag2.missionid=ag3.missionidtemp) AND (ag2.schema=ag3.schematemp))";
     $params = array();
     $params['sql'] = $sql;
     $params['type'] = "SQL";
     $position = $this->getDbProxy()->addToTransaction($params);
     $result = json_decode($this->getDbProxy()->sendTransaction(), true);
     $translatedData = array_map(array($this, "translateBug"), $result[$position - 1]);
     return json_encode($translatedData);