Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Request before-send event handler.
  * @param \Guzzle\Common\Event $event
 public function onRequestBeforeSend(Event $event)
     $apiKey = $this->config->get('api_key');
     $username = $this->config->get('username');
     $password = $this->config->get('password');
     $this->addApiKey($event['request'], $apiKey)->addAuthorizationHeader($event['request'], $username, $password);
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * Default method to execute when credentials are not specified
  * @param Collection $config Config options
  * @return CredentialsInterface
 protected function defaultMissingFunction(Collection $config)
     if ($config->get(Options::KEY) && $config->get(Options::SECRET)) {
         // Credentials were not provided, so create them using keys
         return Credentials::factory($config->getAll());
     // Attempt to get credentials from the EC2 instance profile server
     return new RefreshableInstanceProfileCredentials(new Credentials('', '', '', 1));
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * @param string $group
  * @return string
 public function getConfigFilename($group)
     $conf_files = $this->config->get('conf_files');
     if (!isset($conf_files[$group])) {
         $filename = $this->config['conf_dir'] . '/' . $group . '.json';
         $conf_files[$group] = $filename;
     $this->config->set('conf_files', $conf_files);
     return $conf_files[$group];
Ejemplo n.º 4
  * Collects items from the result of a DynamoDB operation and returns them as an ItemIterator.
  * @param Collection $result  The result of a DynamoDB operation that potentially contains items
  *                            (e.g., BatchGetItem, DeleteItem, GetItem, PutItem, Query, Scan, UpdateItem)
  * @return self
 public static function fromResult(Collection $result)
     if (!($items = $result->get('Items'))) {
         if ($item = $result->get('Item') ?: $result->get('Attributes')) {
             $items = array($item);
         } else {
             $items = $result->getPath('Responses/*');
     return new self(new \ArrayIterator($items ?: array()));
  * Create a collection of files to be migrated and add them to the read queue
 protected function enqueueGetRequests()
     $files = $this->oldContainer->objectList(array('limit.total' => false, 'limit.page' => $this->options->get('read.pageLimit')));
     foreach ($files as $file) {
Ejemplo n.º 6
  * Retrieve access token
  * @param Collection $config
  * @return string
 protected static function retrieveAccessToken(Collection $config)
     $client = new \Guzzle\Http\Client($config->get('oauth2_token'));
     $request = $client->get();
     $query = $request->getQuery();
     $query->set('grant_type', $config->get('grant_type'));
     $query->set('client_id', $config->get('client_id'));
     $query->set('client_secret', $config->get('client_secret'));
     $query->set('api_key', $config->get('api_key'));
     try {
         $response = $request->send();
         $json = $response->json();
     } catch (\Guzzle\Http\Exception\BadResponseException $ex) {
         throw new \Exception('Bad authentification, please check your oauth settings');
     return $json['access_token'];
Ejemplo n.º 7
  * @covers Guzzle\Common\Collection::offsetGet
  * @covers Guzzle\Common\Collection::offsetSet
  * @covers Guzzle\Common\Collection::offsetUnset
  * @covers Guzzle\Common\Collection::offsetExists
 public function testImplementsArrayAccess()
     $this->coll->merge(array('k1' => 'v1', 'k2' => 'v2'));
     $this->coll->offsetSet('k3', 'v3');
     $this->assertEquals('v3', $this->coll->offsetGet('k3'));
     $this->assertEquals('v3', $this->coll->get('k3'));
Ejemplo n.º 8
 public function testConstructorCallsResolvers()
     $config = new Collection(array(Options::ENDPOINT_PROVIDER => $this->getMock('Aws\\Common\\Region\\EndpointProviderInterface')));
     $signature = new SignatureV4();
     $credentials = new Credentials('test', '123');
     $config->set('client.resolvers', array(new BackoffOptionResolver(function () {
         return BackoffPlugin::getExponentialBackoff();
     $client = $this->getMockBuilder('Aws\\Common\\Client\\AbstractClient')->setConstructorArgs(array($credentials, $signature, $config))->getMockForAbstractClass();
     // Ensure that lazy resolvers were triggered
     $this->assertInstanceOf('Guzzle\\Plugin\\Backoff\\BackoffPlugin', $client->getConfig(Options::BACKOFF));
     // Ensure that the client removed the option
Ejemplo n.º 9
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function resolve(Collection $config, AwsClientInterface $client = null)
     // A user can inject the plugin in their options array or have one
     // created for them by default
     $plugin = $config->get(Options::BACKOFF);
     if (!$plugin && $this->missingFunction) {
         $plugin = call_user_func($this->missingFunction, $config, $client);
         $config->set(Options::BACKOFF, $plugin);
         // The log option can be set to `debug` or an instance of a LogAdapterInterface
         if ($logger = $config->get(Options::BACKOFF_LOGGER)) {
             $this->addLogger($plugin, $logger, $config->get(Options::BACKOFF_LOGGER_TEMPLATE));
     // Ensure that the plugin implements the correct interface
     if ($plugin && !$plugin instanceof BackoffPlugin) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException(Options::BACKOFF . ' must be an instance of Guzzle\\Plugin\\Backoff\\BackoffPlugin');
     // Attach the BackoffPlugin to the client
     if ($client) {
         $client->addSubscriber($plugin, -255);
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function resolve(Collection $config, AwsClientInterface $client = null)
     $signature = $config->get(Options::SIGNATURE);
     // Ensure that a signature object is passed to the client
     if (!$signature && $this->missingFunction) {
         // The signature was not provided, so use the callback to get one
         $signature = call_user_func($this->missingFunction, $config);
         $config->set(Options::SIGNATURE, $signature);
     } elseif (!$signature instanceof $this->mustImplement) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException('An explicitly provided ' . Options::SIGNATURE . ' option must implement SignatureInterface');
     // If this is a region and service specific signature object then add
     // these values to the signature object if they are present in the config
     if ($signature instanceof EndpointSignatureInterface) {
         if ($serviceName = $config->get(Options::SIGNATURE_SERVICE)) {
         if ($regionName = $config->get(Options::SIGNATURE_REGION)) {
Ejemplo n.º 11
  * @dataProvider falseyDataProvider
 public function testReturnsCorrectData($a, $b)
     $c = new Collection(array('value' => $a));
     $this->assertSame($b, $c->get('value'));
Ejemplo n.º 12
  * Return an appropriate signature object for a a client based on a description
  * @param ServiceDescription $description Description that holds a signature option
  * @param Collection         $config      Configuration options
  * @throws InvalidArgumentException
 protected function addSignature(ServiceDescription $description, Collection $config)
     if (!($signature = $config->get(Options::SIGNATURE))) {
         if (!$description->getData('signatureVersion')) {
             throw new InvalidArgumentException('The service description does not specify a signatureVersion');
         switch ($description->getData('signatureVersion')) {
             case 'v2':
                 $signature = new SignatureV2();
             case 'v3':
                 $signature = new SignatureV3();
             case 'v3https':
                 $signature = new SignatureV3Https();
             case 'v4':
                 $signature = new SignatureV4();
     // Allow a custom service name or region value to be provided
     if ($signature instanceof EndpointSignatureInterface) {
         $signature->setServiceName($config->get(Options::SIGNATURE_SERVICE) ?: $description->getData('signingName'));
     $config->set(Options::SIGNATURE, $signature);
Ejemplo n.º 13
  * Add a base URL to the client of a region, scheme, and service were provided instead
  * @param Collection $config Config object
  * @throws InvalidArgumentException if required parameters are not set
 protected function addBaseUrlToConfig(Collection $config)
     $region = $config->get(Options::REGION);
     $service = $config->get(Options::SERVICE);
     if (!$region || !$service) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException('You must specify a [base_url] or a [region, service, and optional scheme]');
     $endpoint = $config->get(Options::ENDPOINT_PROVIDER)->getEndpoint($service, $region);
     $config->set(Options::BASE_URL, $endpoint->getBaseUrl($config->get(Options::SCHEME)));
Ejemplo n.º 14
  * {@inheritdoc}
  * @throws ValidationException when validation errors occur
 public function validate(Collection $config, Inspector $inspector = null)
     $inspector = $inspector ?: Inspector::getInstance();
     $typeValidation = $inspector->getTypeValidation();
     $errors = array();
     foreach ($this->params as $name => $arg) {
         $currentValue = $config->get($name);
         $configValue = $arg->getValue($currentValue);
         // Inject configuration information into the config value
         if ($configValue && is_string($configValue)) {
             $configValue = $config->inject($configValue);
         // Ensure that required arguments are set
         if ($arg->getRequired() && ($configValue === null || $configValue === '')) {
             $errors[] = 'Requires that the ' . $name . ' argument be supplied.' . ($arg->getDoc() ? '  (' . $arg->getDoc() . ').' : '');
         // Ensure that the correct data type is being used
         if ($typeValidation && $configValue !== null && ($argType = $arg->getType())) {
             $validation = $inspector->validateConstraint($argType, $configValue, $arg->getTypeArgs());
             if ($validation !== true) {
                 $errors[] = $name . ': ' . $validation;
                 $config->set($name, $configValue);
         $configValue = $arg->filter($configValue);
         // Update the config value if it changed
         if (!$configValue !== $currentValue) {
             $config->set($name, $configValue);
         // Check the length values if validating data
         $argMinLength = $arg->getMinLength();
         if ($argMinLength && strlen($configValue) < $argMinLength) {
             $errors[] = 'Requires that the ' . $name . ' argument be >= ' . $arg->getMinLength() . ' characters.';
         $argMaxLength = $arg->getMaxLength();
         if ($argMaxLength && strlen($configValue) > $argMaxLength) {
             $errors[] = 'Requires that the ' . $name . ' argument be <= ' . $arg->getMaxLength() . ' characters.';
     if (!empty($errors)) {
         $e = new ValidationException('Validation errors: ' . implode("\n", $errors));
         throw $e;
Ejemplo n.º 15
  * Return an appropriate signature object for a a client based on a description
  * @param ServiceDescription $description Description that holds a signature option
  * @param Collection         $config      Configuration options
  * @return SignatureInterface
  * @throws InvalidArgumentException
 protected function getSignature(ServiceDescription $description, Collection $config)
     if (!($signature = $config->get(Options::SIGNATURE))) {
         switch ($description->getData('signatureVersion')) {
             case 'v2':
                 $signature = new SignatureV2();
             case 'v3':
                 $signature = new SignatureV3();
             case 'v3https':
                 $signature = new SignatureV3Https();
             case 'v4':
                 $signature = new SignatureV4();
                 throw new InvalidArgumentException('Service description does not specify a valid signatureVersion');
     // Allow a custom service name or region value to be provided
     if ($signature instanceof EndpointSignatureInterface) {
         // Determine the service name to use when signing
         if (!($service = $config->get(Options::SIGNATURE_SERVICE))) {
             if (!($service = $description->getData('signingName'))) {
                 $service = $description->getData('endpointPrefix');
         // Determine the region to use when signing requests
         if (!($region = $config->get(Options::SIGNATURE_REGION))) {
             $region = $config->get(Options::REGION);
     return $signature;
Ejemplo n.º 16
  * Configures the client by setting the appropriate headers, service description and error handling
  * @param Collection $config
 protected function configure($config)
     $this->setDefaultOption('headers', $config->get('headers'));
Ejemplo n.º 17
  * Return an appropriate signature object for a a client based on the
  * "signature" configuration setting, or the default signature specified in
  * a service description. The signature can be set to a valid signature
  * version identifier string or an instance of Aws\Common\Signature\SignatureInterface.
  * @param ServiceDescription $description Description that holds a signature option
  * @param Collection         $config      Configuration options
  * @return SignatureInterface
  * @throws InvalidArgumentException
 protected function getSignature(ServiceDescription $description, Collection $config)
     // If a custom signature has not been provided, then use the default
     // signature setting specified in the service description.
     $signature = $config->get(Options::SIGNATURE) ?: $description->getData('signatureVersion');
     if (is_string($signature)) {
         if ($signature == 'v4') {
             $signature = new SignatureV4();
         } elseif ($signature == 'v2') {
             $signature = new SignatureV2();
         } elseif ($signature == 'v3https') {
             $signature = new SignatureV3Https();
         } else {
             throw new InvalidArgumentException("Invalid signature type: {$signature}");
     } elseif (!$signature instanceof SignatureInterface) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException('The provided signature is not ' . 'a signature version string or an instance of ' . 'Aws\\Common\\Signature\\SignatureInterface');
     // Allow a custom service name or region value to be provided
     if ($signature instanceof EndpointSignatureInterface) {
         // Determine the service name to use when signing
         $signature->setServiceName($config->get(Options::SIGNATURE_SERVICE) ?: $description->getData('signingName') ?: $description->getData('endpointPrefix'));
         // Determine the region to use when signing requests
         $signature->setRegionName($config->get(Options::SIGNATURE_REGION) ?: $config->get(Options::REGION));
     return $signature;
Ejemplo n.º 18
 protected function getCredentials(Collection $config)
     $credentials = $config->get(Options::CREDENTIALS);
     if (is_array($credentials)) {
         $credentials = Credentials::factory($credentials);
     } elseif ($credentials === false) {
         $credentials = new NullCredentials();
     } elseif (!$credentials instanceof CredentialsInterface) {
         $credentials = Credentials::factory($config);
     return $credentials;
  * Validates that all required args are included in a config object,
  * and if not, throws an InvalidArgumentException with a helpful error message.  Adds
  * default args to the passed config object if the parameter was not
  * set in the config object.
  * @param array $params Params to validate
  * @param Collection $config Configuration settings
  * @param bool $strict (optional) Set to FALSE to allow missing required fields
  * @param bool $validate (optional) Set to TRUE or FALSE to validate data.
  *     Set to false when you only need to add default values and statics.
  * @return array|bool Returns an array of errors or TRUE on success
  * @throws InvalidArgumentException if any args are missing and $strict is TRUE
 public function validateConfig(array $params, Collection $config, $strict = true, $validate = true)
     $errors = array();
     foreach ($params as $name => $arg) {
         // Set the default or static value if it is not set
         $configValue = $arg->getValue($config->get($name));
         // Inject configuration information into the config value
         if (is_string($configValue)) {
             $configValue = Guzzle::inject($configValue, $config);
         // Ensure that required arguments are set
         if ($validate && $arg->getRequired() && ($configValue === null || $configValue === '')) {
             $errors[] = 'Requires that the ' . $name . ' argument be supplied.' . ($arg->getDoc() ? '  (' . $arg->getDoc() . ').' : '');
         // Ensure that the correct data type is being used
         if ($validate && $this->typeValidation && $configValue !== null && ($argType = $arg->getType())) {
             $validation = $this->validateConstraint($argType, $configValue);
             if ($validation !== true) {
                 $errors[] = $validation;
         // Run the value through attached filters
         $configValue = $arg->filter($configValue);
         $config->set($name, $configValue);
         // Check the length values if validating data
         if ($validate) {
             $argMinLength = $arg->getMinLength();
             if ($argMinLength && strlen($configValue) < $argMinLength) {
                 $errors[] = 'Requires that the ' . $name . ' argument be >= ' . $arg->getMinLength() . ' characters.';
             $argMaxLength = $arg->getMaxLength();
             if ($argMaxLength && strlen($configValue) > $argMaxLength) {
                 $errors[] = 'Requires that the ' . $name . ' argument be <= ' . $arg->getMaxLength() . ' characters.';
         $config->set($name, $configValue);
     if (empty($errors)) {
         return true;
     } else {
         if ($strict) {
             throw new ValidationException('Validation errors: ' . implode("\n", $errors));
     return $errors;