public function init()
     $this->shortcode->getHandlers()->add('fa', function (ShortcodeInterface $sc) {
         // Load assets if required
         if ($this->config->get('plugins.shortcode-core.fontawesome.load', false)) {
             $this->shortcode->addAssets('css', $this->config->get('plugins.shortcode-core.fontawesome.url'));
         // Get shortcode content and parameters
         $str = $sc->getContent();
         $icon = $sc->getParameter('icon', false);
         if (!$icon) {
             $icon = $sc->getParameter('fa', trim($sc->getParameterAt(0), '='));
         if (!Utils::startsWith($icon, 'fa-')) {
             $icon = 'fa-' . $icon;
         $extras = explode(',', $sc->getParameter('extras', ''));
         foreach ($extras as $extra) {
             if (!Utils::startsWith($extra, 'fa-')) {
                 $extra = 'fa-' . $extra;
             $icon .= ' ' . $extra;
         $output = '<i class="fa ' . $icon . '">' . $str . '</i>';
         return $output;
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * If the admin path matches, initialize the Login plugin configuration and set the admin
  * as active.
 public function setup()
     // Autoloader
     spl_autoload_register(function ($class) {
         if (Utils::startsWith($class, 'Grav\\Plugin\\Admin')) {
             require_once __DIR__ . '/classes/' . strtolower(basename(str_replace("\\", "/", $class))) . '.php';
     $route = $this->config->get('plugins.admin.route');
     if (!$route) {
     $this->base = '/' . trim($route, '/');
     $this->admin_route = rtrim($this->grav['pages']->base(), '/') . $this->base;
     $this->uri = $this->grav['uri'];
     // check for existence of a user account
     $account_dir = $file_path = $this->grav['locator']->findResource('account://');
     $user_check = glob($account_dir . '/*.yaml');
     // If no users found, go to register
     if ($user_check == false || count((array) $user_check) == 0) {
         if (!$this->isAdminPath()) {
         $this->template = 'register';
     // Only activate admin if we're inside the admin path.
     if ($this->isAdminPath()) {
         $this->active = true;
         // Set cache based on admin_cache option
         if (method_exists($this->grav['cache'], 'setEnabled')) {
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public function testStartsWith()
     $this->assertTrue(Utils::startsWith('english', 'en'));
     $this->assertTrue(Utils::startsWith('English', 'En'));
     $this->assertTrue(Utils::startsWith('ENGLISH', 'EN'));
     $this->assertFalse(Utils::startsWith('english', 'En'));
     $this->assertFalse(Utils::startsWith('English', 'EN'));
     $this->assertFalse(Utils::startsWith('ENGLISH', 'en'));
 public function filecontent($path)
     $path_info = pathinfo($path);
     $config = Grav::instance()['config']->get('plugins.file-content');
     if (in_array($path_info['extension'], $config['allowed_extensions'])) {
         if (Utils::startsWith($path, '/')) {
             if ($config['allow_in_grav'] && file_exists(GRAV_ROOT . $path)) {
                 return file_get_contents(GRAV_ROOT . $path);
             } elseif ($config['allow_in_filesystem'] && file_exists($path)) {
                 return file_get_contents($path);
         } else {
             $page_path = Grav::instance()['page']->path() . '/' . $path;
             if ($config['allow_in_page'] && file_exists($page_path)) {
                 return file_get_contents($page_path);
     return $path;
  * Build search results.
 public function onPagesInitialized()
     $page = $this->grav['page'];
     // If a page exists merge the configs
     if ($page) {
         $this->config->set('plugins.simplesearch', $this->mergeConfig($page));
     /** @var Uri $uri */
     $uri = $this->grav['uri'];
     $query = $uri->param('query') ?: $uri->query('query');
     $route = $this->config->get('plugins.simplesearch.route');
     // performance check
     if ($route && $query && $route == $uri->path()) {
         $this->enable(['onTwigSiteVariables' => ['onTwigSiteVariables', 0]]);
     } else {
     $this->query = explode(',', $query);
     /** @var Taxonomy $taxonomy_map */
     $taxonomy_map = $this->grav['taxonomy'];
     $taxonomies = [];
     $filters = (array) $this->config->get('plugins.simplesearch.filters');
     $operator = $this->config->get('plugins.simplesearch.filter_combinator', 'and');
     // see if the filter uses the new 'items-type' syntax
     $new_approach = false;
     foreach ($filters as $filter) {
         $filter_saved = $filter;
         if (is_array($filter)) {
             $filter = key($filter);
         if (Utils::startsWith($filter, '@')) {
             if ($filter == '@self') {
                 $new_approach = true;
             if ($filter == '@taxonomy') {
                 $taxonomies = $filter_saved[$filter];
     if ($new_approach) {
         $params = $page->header()->content;
         $params['query'] = $this->config->get('plugins.simplesearch.query');
         $this->collection = $page->collection($params, false);
     } else {
         $this->collection = new Collection();
         $this->collection->append($taxonomy_map->findTaxonomy($filters, $operator)->toArray());
     $extras = [];
     /** @var Page $cpage */
     foreach ($this->collection as $cpage) {
         foreach ($this->query as $query) {
             $query = trim($query);
             $taxonomy_match = false;
             if (!empty($taxonomies)) {
                 $page_taxonomies = $cpage->taxonomy();
                 foreach ((array) $taxonomies as $taxonomy) {
                     if (array_key_exists($taxonomy, $page_taxonomies)) {
                         $taxonomy_values = implode('|', $page_taxonomies[$taxonomy]);
                         if (stripos($taxonomy_values, $query) !== false) {
                             $taxonomy_match = true;
             if ($taxonomy_match === false && stripos($cpage->content(), $query) === false && stripos($cpage->title(), $query) === false) {
             if ($cpage->modular()) {
                 $parent = $cpage->parent();
                 $extras[$parent->path()] = ['slug' => $parent->slug()];
     if (!empty($extras)) {
     // use a configured sorting order if not already done
     if (!$new_approach) {
         $this->collection = $this->collection->order($this->config->get(''), $this->config->get('plugins.simplesearch.order.dir'));
     // if page doesn't have settings set, create a page
     if (!isset($page->header()->simplesearch)) {
         // create the search page
         $page = new Page();
         $page->init(new \SplFileInfo(__DIR__ . '/pages/'));
         // override the template is set in the config
         $template_override = $this->config->get('plugins.simplesearch.template');
         if ($template_override) {
         // fix RuntimeException: Cannot override frozen service "page" issue
         $this->grav['page'] = $page;
Ejemplo n.º 6
  * Process an image excerpt
  * @param $excerpt
  * @param $page
  * @return mixed
 public static function processImageExcerpt($excerpt, $page)
     $url = $excerpt['element']['attributes']['src'];
     $url_parts = parse_url(htmlspecialchars_decode(urldecode($url)));
     if (isset($url_parts['scheme']) && !Utils::startsWith($url_parts['scheme'], 'http')) {
         $stream_path = $url_parts['scheme'] . '://' . $url_parts['host'] . $url_parts['path'];
         $url_parts['path'] = $stream_path;
     $this_host = isset($url_parts['host']) && $url_parts['host'] == Grav::instance()['uri']->host();
     // if there is no host set but there is a path, the file is local
     if ((!isset($url_parts['host']) || $this_host) && isset($url_parts['path'])) {
         $path_parts = pathinfo($url_parts['path']);
         $media = null;
         // get the local path to page media if possible
         if ($path_parts['dirname'] == $page->url(false, false, false)) {
             // get the media objects for this page
             $media = $page->media();
         } else {
             // see if this is an external page to this one
             $base_url = rtrim(Grav::instance()['base_url_relative'] . Grav::instance()['pages']->base(), '/');
             $page_route = '/' . ltrim(str_replace($base_url, '', $path_parts['dirname']), '/');
             $ext_page = Grav::instance()['pages']->dispatch($page_route, true);
             if ($ext_page) {
                 $media = $ext_page->media();
             } else {
                 Grav::instance()->fireEvent('onMediaLocate', new Event(['route' => $page_route, 'media' => &$media]));
         // if there is a media file that matches the path referenced..
         if ($media && isset($media->all()[$path_parts['basename']])) {
             // get the medium object
             /** @var Medium $medium */
             $medium = $media->all()[$path_parts['basename']];
             // Process operations
             $medium = static::processMediaActions($medium, $url_parts);
             $alt = isset($excerpt['element']['attributes']['alt']) ? $excerpt['element']['attributes']['alt'] : '';
             $title = isset($excerpt['element']['attributes']['title']) ? $excerpt['element']['attributes']['title'] : '';
             $class = isset($excerpt['element']['attributes']['class']) ? $excerpt['element']['attributes']['class'] : '';
             $id = isset($excerpt['element']['attributes']['id']) ? $excerpt['element']['attributes']['id'] : '';
             $excerpt['element'] = $medium->parseDownElement($title, $alt, $class, $id, true);
         } else {
             // not a current page media file, see if it needs converting to relative
             $excerpt['element']['attributes']['src'] = Uri::buildUrl($url_parts);
     return $excerpt;
  * Test if a URL is external
  * @param  string  $url     The URL to test.
  * @param  array   $domains An array of domains to be seen as internal.
  * @return boolean          Returns true, if the URL is external,
  *                          false otherwise.
 protected function isExternalUrl($url, $domains = [])
     static $allowed_protocols;
     static $pattern;
     // Statically store allowed protocols
     if (!isset($allowed_protocols)) {
         $allowed_protocols = array_flip(array('ftp', 'http', 'https', 'irc', 'mailto', 'news', 'nntp', 'rtsp', 'sftp', 'ssh', 'tel', 'telnet', 'webcal'));
     // Statically store internal domains as a PCRE pattern.
     if (!isset($pattern) || count($domains) > 0) {
         $domains = array_merge($domains, array(self::getGrav()['base_url_absolute']));
         foreach ($domains as $domain) {
             $domains[] = preg_quote($domain, '#');
         $pattern = '#(' . str_replace(array('\\*', '/*'), '.*?', implode('|', $domains)) . ')#i';
     $external = false;
     if (!preg_match($pattern, $url)) {
         // Check if URL is external by extracting colon position
         $colonpos = strpos($url, ':');
         if ($colonpos > 0) {
             // We found a colon, possibly a protocol. Verify.
             $protocol = strtolower(substr($url, 0, $colonpos));
             if (isset($allowed_protocols[$protocol])) {
                 // The protocol turns out be an allowed protocol
                 $external = true;
         } elseif (Utils::startsWith($url, 'www.')) {
             // We found an url without protocol, but with starting
             // 'www' (sub-)domain
             $external = true;
     // Only if a colon and a valid protocol was found return true
     return $colonpos !== false && $external;
Ejemplo n.º 8
  * Redirect to the route stored in $this->redirect
 public function redirect()
     if (!$this->redirect) {
     $base = $this->admin->base;
     $this->redirect = '/' . ltrim($this->redirect, '/');
     $multilang = $this->isMultilang();
     $redirect = '';
     if ($multilang) {
         // if base path does not already contain the lang code, add it
         $langPrefix = '/' . $this->grav['session']->admin_lang;
         if (!Utils::startsWith($base, $langPrefix . '/')) {
             $base = $langPrefix . $base;
         // now the first 4 chars of base contain the lang code.
         // if redirect path already contains the lang code, and is != than the base lang code, then use redirect path as-is
         if (Utils::pathPrefixedByLangCode($base) && Utils::pathPrefixedByLangCode($this->redirect) && substr($base, 0, 4) != substr($this->redirect, 0, 4)) {
             $redirect = $this->redirect;
         } else {
             if (!Utils::startsWith($this->redirect, $base)) {
                 $this->redirect = $base . $this->redirect;
     } else {
         if (!Utils::startsWith($this->redirect, $base)) {
             $this->redirect = $base . $this->redirect;
     if (!$redirect) {
         $redirect = $this->redirect;
     $this->grav->redirect($redirect, $this->redirectCode);
Ejemplo n.º 9
  * Recursive function to load & build page relationships.
  * @param string $directory
  * @param Page|null $parent
  * @return Page
  * @throws \RuntimeException
  * @internal
 protected function recurse($directory, Page &$parent = null)
     $directory = rtrim($directory, DS);
     $iterator = new \DirectoryIterator($directory);
     $page = new Page();
     /** @var Config $config */
     $config = $this->grav['config'];
     if ($parent) {
     // Add into instances
     if (!isset($this->instances[$page->path()])) {
         $this->instances[$page->path()] = $page;
         if ($parent && $page->path()) {
             $this->children[$parent->path()][$page->path()] = array('slug' => $page->slug());
     } else {
         throw new \RuntimeException('Fatal error when creating page instances.');
     // set current modified of page
     $last_modified = $page->modified();
     // flat for content availability
     $content_exists = false;
     /** @var \DirectoryIterator $file */
     foreach ($iterator as $file) {
         if ($file->isDot()) {
         $name = $file->getFilename();
         if ($file->isFile()) {
             // Update the last modified if it's newer than already found
             if ($file->getBasename() !== '.DS_Store' && ($modified = $file->getMTime()) > $last_modified) {
                 $last_modified = $modified;
             if (preg_match('/^[^.].*' . CONTENT_EXT . '$/', $name)) {
                 $content_exists = true;
                 if ($config->get('')) {
                     $this->grav->fireEvent('onPageProcessed', new Event(['page' => $page]));
         } elseif ($file->isDir()) {
             if (!$page->path()) {
             $path = $directory . DS . $name;
             $child = $this->recurse($path, $page);
             if (Utils::startsWith($name, '_')) {
             $this->children[$page->path()][$child->path()] = array('slug' => $child->slug());
             if ($config->get('')) {
                 $this->grav->fireEvent('onFolderProcessed', new Event(['page' => $page]));
     // Set routability to false if no page found
     if (!$content_exists) {
     // Override the modified and ID so that it takes the latest change into account
     $page->id($last_modified . md5($page->filePath()));
     // Sort based on Defaults or Page Overridden sort order
     $this->children[$page->path()] = $this->sort($page);
     return $page;
Ejemplo n.º 10
  * Return the languages available in the admin
  * @return array
 public static function adminLanguages()
     $languages = [];
     $path = Grav::instance()['locator']->findResource('plugins://admin/languages');
     /** @var \DirectoryIterator $directory */
     foreach (new \DirectoryIterator($path) as $file) {
         if ($file->isDir() || $file->isDot() || Utils::startsWith($file->getBasename(), '.')) {
         $lang = basename($file->getBasename(), '.yaml');
         $languages[$lang] = LanguageCodes::getNativeName($lang);
     return $languages;
Ejemplo n.º 11
 private function cleanFilesData($key, $file)
     /** @var Page $page */
     $page = null;
     $blueprint = $this->items['fields'][$key]['files'];
     $cleanFiles[$key] = [];
     if (!isset($blueprint)) {
         return false;
     $cleanFiles = [$key => []];
     foreach ((array) $file['error'] as $index => $error) {
         if ($error == UPLOAD_ERR_OK) {
             $tmp_name = $file['tmp_name'][$index];
             $name = $file['name'][$index];
             $type = $file['type'][$index];
             $destination = Folder::getRelativePath(rtrim($blueprint['destination'], '/'));
             if (!$this->match_in_array($type, $blueprint['accept'])) {
                 throw new \RuntimeException('File "' . $name . '" is not an accepted MIME type.');
             if (Utils::startsWith($destination, '@page:')) {
                 $parts = explode(':', $destination);
                 $route = $parts[1];
                 $page = self::getGrav()['page']->find($route);
                 if (!$page) {
                     throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to upload file to destination. Page route not found.');
                 $destination = $page->relativePagePath();
             } else {
                 if ($destination == '@self') {
                     $page = self::getGrav()['page'];
                     $destination = $page->relativePagePath();
                 } else {
             if (move_uploaded_file($tmp_name, "{$destination}/{$name}")) {
                 $path = $page ? self::getGrav()['uri']->convertUrl($page, $page->route() . '/' . $name) : $destination . '/' . $name;
                 $cleanFiles[$key][$path] = ['name' => $file['name'][$index], 'type' => $file['type'][$index], 'size' => $file['size'][$index], 'file' => $destination . '/' . $name, 'route' => $page ? $path : null];
             } else {
                 throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to upload file(s). Error Code: ' . $error);
     return $cleanFiles[$key];
Ejemplo n.º 12
  * Test if a URL is external
  * @param  string     $url      The URL to test.
  * @param  array      $domains  An array of domains to be seen as internal.
  * @param  null|Page  $page     Null or an instance of \Grav\Common\Page.
  * @return mixed                Returns the URL as a string, if it is external,
  *                              false otherwise.
 protected function isExternalUrl($url, $domains = [], $page = null)
     static $allowed_protocols;
     static $pattern;
     /** @var Config $config */
     $config = self::getGrav()['config'];
     /** @var Page $page */
     $page = $page ?: self::getGrav()['page'];
     // Statically store allowed protocols
     if (!isset($allowed_protocols)) {
         $allowed_protocols = array_flip($config->get('plugins.external_links.links.schemes', ['http', 'https']));
     // Statically store internal domains as a PCRE pattern.
     if (!isset($pattern) || count($domains) > 0) {
         $domains = array_merge($domains, array(self::getGrav()['base_url_absolute']));
         foreach ($domains as $domain) {
             $domains[] = preg_quote($domain, '#');
         $pattern = '#(' . str_replace(array('\\*', '/*'), '.*?', implode('|', $domains)) . ')#i';
     $external = false;
     // Check for URLs that don't match any excluded domain
     if (!preg_match($pattern, $url)) {
         // Check if URL is external by extracting colon position
         $colonpos = strpos($url, ':');
         if ($colonpos > 0) {
             // We found a colon, possibly a protocol. Verify.
             $protocol = strtolower(substr($url, 0, $colonpos));
             if (isset($allowed_protocols[$protocol])) {
                 // The protocol turns out be an allowed protocol
                 $external = $url;
         } elseif ($config->get('plugins.external_links.links.www')) {
             // Remove possible path duplicate
             $route = self::getGrav()['base_url'] . $page->route();
             $href = Utils::startsWith($url, $route) ? ltrim(mb_substr($url, mb_strlen($route)), '/') : $url;
             // We found an url without protocol, but with starting 'www' (sub-)domain
             if (Utils::startsWith($url, 'www.')) {
                 $external = 'http://' . $url;
             } elseif (Utils::startsWith($href, 'www.')) {
                 $external = 'http://' . $href;
     // Only if a valid protocol or an URL starting with 'www.' was found return true
     return $external;
Ejemplo n.º 13
  * Recursive function to load & build page relationships.
  * @param string $directory
  * @param null $parent
  * @return Page
  * @throws \RuntimeException
  * @internal
 protected function recurse($directory = PAGES_DIR, Page &$parent = null)
     $directory = rtrim($directory, DS);
     $iterator = new \DirectoryIterator($directory);
     $page = new Page();
     $config = $this->grav['config'];
     if ($parent) {
     // Add into instances
     if (!isset($this->instances[$page->path()])) {
         $this->instances[$page->path()] = $page;
         if ($parent && $page->path()) {
             $this->children[$parent->path()][$page->path()] = array('slug' => $page->slug());
     } else {
         throw new \RuntimeException('Fatal error when creating page instances.');
     $last_modified = 0;
     /** @var \DirectoryIterator $file */
     foreach ($iterator as $file) {
         $name = $file->getFilename();
         $date = $file->getMTime();
         if ($date > $last_modified) {
             $last_modified = $date;
         if ($file->isFile() && Utils::endsWith($name, CONTENT_EXT)) {
             if ($config->get('')) {
                 $this->grav->fireEvent('onPageProcessed', new Event(['page' => $page]));
         } elseif ($file->isDir() && !$file->isDot()) {
             if (!$page->path()) {
             $path = $directory . DS . $name;
             $child = $this->recurse($path, $page);
             if (Utils::startsWith($name, '_')) {
             $this->children[$page->path()][$child->path()] = array('slug' => $child->slug());
             // set the modified time if not already set
             if (!$page->date()) {
             // set the last modified time on pages
             if ($config->get('')) {
                 $this->grav->fireEvent('onFolderProcessed', new Event(['page' => $page]));
     // Override the modified and ID so that it takes the latest change
     // into account
     $page->id($last_modified . md5($page->filePath()));
     // Sort based on Defaults or Page Overridden sort order
     $this->children[$page->path()] = $this->sort($page);
     return $page;
Ejemplo n.º 14
 protected function inlineLink($excerpt)
     if (isset($excerpt['type'])) {
         $type = $excerpt['type'];
     } else {
         $type = 'link';
     // do some trickery to get around Parsedown requirement for valid URL if its Twig in there
     if (preg_match($this->twig_link_regex, $excerpt['text'], $matches)) {
         $excerpt['text'] = str_replace($matches[1], '/', $excerpt['text']);
         $excerpt = parent::inlineLink($excerpt);
         $excerpt['element']['attributes']['href'] = $matches[1];
         $excerpt['extent'] = $excerpt['extent'] + strlen($matches[1]) - 1;
         return $excerpt;
     } else {
         $excerpt = parent::inlineLink($excerpt);
     // if this is a link
     if (isset($excerpt['element']['attributes']['href'])) {
         $url = parse_url(htmlspecialchars_decode($excerpt['element']['attributes']['href']));
         // if there is a query, then parse it and build action calls
         if (isset($url['query'])) {
             $actions = array_reduce(explode('&', $url['query']), function ($carry, $item) {
                 $parts = explode('=', $item, 2);
                 $value = isset($parts[1]) ? rawurldecode($parts[1]) : true;
                 $carry[$parts[0]] = $value;
                 return $carry;
             }, []);
             // valid attributes supported
             $valid_attributes = ['rel', 'target', 'id', 'class', 'classes'];
             // Unless told to not process, go through actions
             if (array_key_exists('noprocess', $actions)) {
             } else {
                 // loop through actions for the image and call them
                 foreach ($actions as $attrib => $value) {
                     $key = $attrib;
                     if (in_array($attrib, $valid_attributes)) {
                         // support both class and classes
                         if ($attrib == 'classes') {
                             $attrib = 'class';
                         $excerpt['element']['attributes'][$attrib] = str_replace(',', ' ', $value);
             $url['query'] = http_build_query($actions, null, '&', PHP_QUERY_RFC3986);
         // if no query elements left, unset query
         if (empty($url['query'])) {
         // set path to / if not set
         if (empty($url['path'])) {
             $url['path'] = '';
         // if special scheme, just return
         if (isset($url['scheme']) && !Utils::startsWith($url['scheme'], 'http')) {
             return $excerpt;
         // handle paths and such
         $url = Uri::convertUrl($this->page, $url, $type);
         // build the URL from the component parts and set it on the element
         $excerpt['element']['attributes']['href'] = Uri::buildUrl($url);
     return $excerpt;
Ejemplo n.º 15
  * Determine whether a link is local or remote.
  * Understands both "http://" and "https://" as well as protocol agnostic links "//"
  * @param  string $link
  * @return bool
 protected function isRemoteLink($link)
     $base = Grav::instance()['uri']->rootUrl(true);
     // sanity check for local URLs with absolute URL's enabled
     if (Utils::startsWith($link, $base)) {
         return false;
     return 'http://' === substr($link, 0, 7) || 'https://' === substr($link, 0, 8) || '//' === substr($link, 0, 2);
Ejemplo n.º 16
  * Return URL to image.
  * @param bool $reset
  * @return string
 public function url($reset = true)
     $image_path = self::$grav['locator']->findResource('cache://images', true);
     $image_dir = self::$grav['locator']->findResource('cache://images', false);
     $saved_image_path = $this->saveImage();
     $output = preg_replace('|^' . preg_quote(GRAV_ROOT) . '|', '', $saved_image_path);
     if (Utils::startsWith($output, $image_path)) {
         $output = '/' . $image_dir . preg_replace('|^' . preg_quote($image_path) . '|', '', $output);
     if ($reset) {
     return self::$grav['base_url'] . $output . $this->querystring() . $this->urlHash();
Ejemplo n.º 17
  * Recursive function to load & build page relationships.
  * @param string $directory
  * @param Page|null $parent
  * @return Page
  * @throws \RuntimeException
  * @internal
 protected function recurse($directory, Page &$parent = null)
     $directory = rtrim($directory, DS);
     $page = new Page();
     /** @var Config $config */
     $config = $this->grav['config'];
     /** @var Language $language */
     $language = $this->grav['language'];
     // stuff to do at root page
     if ($parent === null) {
         // Fire event for memory and time consuming plugins...
         if ($config->get('')) {
     if ($parent) {
     // Add into instances
     if (!isset($this->instances[$page->path()])) {
         $this->instances[$page->path()] = $page;
         if ($parent && $page->path()) {
             $this->children[$parent->path()][$page->path()] = array('slug' => $page->slug());
     } else {
         throw new \RuntimeException('Fatal error when creating page instances.');
     $content_exists = false;
     $pages_found = glob($directory . '/*' . CONTENT_EXT);
     $page_extensions = $language->getFallbackPageExtensions();
     if ($pages_found) {
         foreach ($page_extensions as $extension) {
             foreach ($pages_found as $found) {
                 if (preg_match('/^.*\\/[0-9A-Za-z\\-\\_]+(' . $extension . ')$/', $found)) {
                     $page_found = $found;
                     $page_extension = $extension;
                     break 2;
     if ($parent && !empty($page_found)) {
         $file = new \SplFileInfo($page_found);
         $page->init($file, $page_extension);
         $content_exists = true;
         if ($config->get('')) {
             $this->grav->fireEvent('onPageProcessed', new Event(['page' => $page]));
     // set current modified of page
     $last_modified = $page->modified();
     /** @var \DirectoryIterator $file */
     foreach (new \FilesystemIterator($directory) as $file) {
         $name = $file->getFilename();
         // Ignore all hidden files if set.
         if ($this->ignore_hidden) {
             if ($name && $name[0] == '.') {
         if ($file->isFile()) {
             // Update the last modified if it's newer than already found
             if (!in_array($file->getBasename(), $this->ignore_files) && ($modified = $file->getMTime()) > $last_modified) {
                 $last_modified = $modified;
         } elseif ($file->isDir() && !in_array($file->getFilename(), $this->ignore_folders)) {
             if (!$page->path()) {
             $path = $directory . DS . $name;
             $child = $this->recurse($path, $page);
             if (Utils::startsWith($name, '_')) {
             $this->children[$page->path()][$child->path()] = array('slug' => $child->slug());
             if ($config->get('')) {
                 $this->grav->fireEvent('onFolderProcessed', new Event(['page' => $page]));
     // Set routability to false if no page found
     if (!$content_exists) {
     // Override the modified and ID so that it takes the latest change into account
     $page->id($last_modified . md5($page->filePath()));
     // Sort based on Defaults or Page Overridden sort order
     $this->children[$page->path()] = $this->sort($page);
     return $page;
Ejemplo n.º 18
  * Converts links from absolute '/' or relative (../..) to a grav friendly format
  * @param         $page         the current page to use as reference
  * @param  string $markdown_url the URL as it was written in the markdown
  * @return string the more friendly formatted url
 public static function convertUrl(Page $page, $markdown_url)
     $grav = Grav::instance();
     $pages_dir = $grav['locator']->findResource('page://');
     $base_url = rtrim($grav['base_url'] . $grav['pages']->base(), '/');
     // if absolute and starts with a base_url move on
     if (pathinfo($markdown_url, PATHINFO_DIRNAME) == '.' && $page->url() == '/') {
         return '/' . $markdown_url;
         // no path to convert
     } elseif ($base_url != '' && Utils::startsWith($markdown_url, $base_url)) {
         return $markdown_url;
         // if contains only a fragment
     } elseif (Utils::startsWith($markdown_url, '#')) {
         return $markdown_url;
     } else {
         $target = null;
         // see if page is relative to this or absolute
         if (Utils::startsWith($markdown_url, '/')) {
             $normalized_url = Utils::normalizePath($base_url . $markdown_url);
             $normalized_path = Utils::normalizePath($pages_dir . $markdown_url);
         } else {
             $normalized_url = $base_url . Utils::normalizePath($page->route() . '/' . $markdown_url);
             $normalized_path = Utils::normalizePath($page->path() . '/' . $markdown_url);
         // special check to see if path checking is required.
         $just_path = str_replace($normalized_url, '', $normalized_path);
         if ($just_path == $page->path()) {
             return $normalized_url;
         $url_bits = parse_url($normalized_path);
         $full_path = $url_bits['path'];
         if (file_exists($full_path)) {
             // do nothing
         } elseif (file_exists(urldecode($full_path))) {
             $full_path = urldecode($full_path);
         } else {
             return $normalized_url;
         $path_info = pathinfo($full_path);
         $page_path = $path_info['dirname'];
         $filename = '';
         if ($markdown_url == '..') {
             $page_path = $full_path;
         } else {
             // save the filename if a file is part of the path
             if (is_file($full_path)) {
                 if ($path_info['extension'] != 'md') {
                     $filename = '/' . $path_info['basename'];
             } else {
                 $page_path = $full_path;
         // get page instances and try to find one that fits
         $instances = $grav['pages']->instances();
         if (isset($instances[$page_path])) {
             $target = $instances[$page_path];
             $url_bits['path'] = $base_url . $target->route() . $filename;
             return Uri::buildUrl($url_bits);
         return $normalized_url;
Ejemplo n.º 19
 public function startsWithFilter($haystack, $needle)
     return Utils::startsWith($haystack, $needle);
 private function cleanFilesData($key, $file)
     $config = $this->grav['config'];
     $blueprint = isset($this->items['fields'][$key]['files']) ? $this->items['fields'][$key]['files'] : [];
     /** @var Page $page */
     $page = null;
     $cleanFiles[$key] = [];
     if (!isset($blueprint)) {
         return false;
     $type = trim("{$this->view}/{$this->admin->route}", '/');
     $data = $this->admin->data($type, $this->post);
     $fields = $data->blueprints()->fields();
     $blueprint = isset($fields[$key]) ? $fields[$key] : [];
     $cleanFiles = [$key => []];
     foreach ((array) $file['error'] as $index => $error) {
         if ($error == UPLOAD_ERR_OK) {
             $tmp_name = $file['tmp_name'][$index];
             $name = $file['name'][$index];
             $type = $file['type'][$index];
             $destination = Folder::getRelativePath(rtrim($blueprint['destination'], '/'));
             if (!$this->match_in_array($type, $blueprint['accept'])) {
                 throw new \RuntimeException('File "' . $name . '" is not an accepted MIME type.');
             if (Utils::startsWith($destination, '@page:')) {
                 $parts = explode(':', $destination);
                 $route = $parts[1];
                 $page = $this->grav['page']->find($route);
                 if (!$page) {
                     throw new \RuntimeException('Unable to upload file to destination. Page route not found.');
                 $destination = $page->relativePagePath();
             } else {
                 if ($destination == '@self') {
                     $page = $this->admin->page(true);
                     $destination = $page->relativePagePath();
                 } else {
             if (move_uploaded_file($tmp_name, "{$destination}/{$name}")) {
                 $path = $page ? $this->grav['uri']->convertUrl($page, $page->route() . '/' . $name) : $destination . '/' . $name;
                 $cleanFiles[$key][] = $path;
             } else {
                 throw new \RuntimeException("Unable to upload file(s) to {$destination}/{$name}");
     return $cleanFiles[$key];