Ejemplo n.º 1
  * When a folder is created for a project we must attach the parent folders 
  * to the projects as well.
  * @param \GO\Projects2\Model\Folder  $model
  * @param \GO\Files\Model\Folder $folder
 public static function createParentFolders($model, $folder)
     if (is_a($model, "GO\\Projects2\\Model\\Project")) {
         if ($project = $model->parent()) {
             GO::debug("Checking folder: " . $project->path);
             $folderController = new \GO\Files\Controller\FolderController();
             $folderController->checkModelFolder($project, true, true);
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * A function that checks the consistency with the database.
  * Generally this is called by r=maintenance/checkDabase
 public function checkDatabase()
     echo "Checking " . (is_array($this->pk) ? implode(',', $this->pk) : $this->pk) . " " . $this->className() . "\n";
     if ($this->aclField() && !$this->isJoinedAclField) {
         $acl = $this->acl;
         if (!$acl) {
         } else {
             $user_id = empty($this->user_id) ? 1 : $this->user_id;
             $acl->user_id = $user_id;
             $acl->description = $this->tableName() . '.' . $this->aclField();
     if ($this->hasFiles() && GO::modules()->isInstalled('files')) {
         //ACL must be generated here.
         $fc = new \GO\Files\Controller\FolderController();
         $this->files_folder_id = $fc->checkModelFolder($this);
     //normalize crlf
     foreach ($this->columns as $field => $attr) {
         if (($attr['gotype'] == 'textfield' || $attr['gotype'] == 'textarea') && !empty($this->_attributes[$field])) {
             $this->{$field} = \GO\Base\Util\String::normalizeCrlf($this->_attributes[$field], "\n");
     //fill in empty required attributes that have defaults
     $defaults = $this->getDefaultAttributes();
     foreach ($this->columns as $field => $attr) {
         if ($attr['required'] && empty($this->{$field}) && isset($defaults[$field])) {
             $this->{$field} = $defaults[$field];
             echo "Setting default value " . $this->className() . ":" . $this->id . " {$field}=" . $defaults[$field] . "\n";
     if ($this->isModified()) {