
$autoloader = (require __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php');
use GithubService\GithubArtaxService\GithubService;
use Amp\Artax\Client as ArtaxClient;
use ArtaxServiceBuilder\ResponseCache\FileResponseCache;
use GithubService\AuthToken\NullToken;
$github = new GithubService(new ArtaxClient(), \Amp\reactor(), new FileResponseCache(__DIR__ . "/fileCache"), 'Danack/GithubArtaxService');
$command = $github->listRepoTags(new NullToken(), 'php', 'php-src');
$listRepoTags = $command->execute();
$statusCode = $command->getOriginalResponse()->getStatus();
if ($statusCode == 304) {
    echo "YAY! 304 response so data read from cache. This request did not count against the rate limit.\n";
} else {
    echo "Cache miss.\n";
$rateLimit = $github->getRateLimit();
//Alternatively you can create the rate limit object from the original response
//$rateLimit = \GithubService\RateLimit::createFromResponse($command->getOriginalResponse());
if ($rateLimit) {
    echo sprintf("Rate limit info:\n  Remaining: %d\n  Reset time: %d\n", $rateLimit->remaining, $rateLimit->resetTime);
} else {
    echo "No rate limit information was in the response.\n";