function execute(&$form, $action_id) { $config = $form->actions_config[$action_id]; $config = new \GCore\Libs\Parameter($config); $message = $config->get('message', ''); echo \GCore\Libs\Str::replacer($message, $form->data, array('repeater' => 'repeater')); }
public static function render($module, $container = false) { $site = $module['site'] == 'admin' ? '\\Admin' : ''; $mod_class = '\\GCore' . $site . '\\Modules\\' . \GCore\Libs\Str::camilize($module['type']) . '\\' . \GCore\Libs\Str::camilize($module['type']); $mod_params = new \GCore\Libs\Parameter($module['params']); ob_start(); $class = new $mod_class(); $class->display($module); //initialize and render view $view = new \GCore\Libs\View(); $view->initialize($class); $view->renderModule($module['type']); $output = ob_get_clean(); //check the returned output settings if ($container === false) { //do nothing, we are returning plain output } elseif ($container === true) { $output = \GCore\Helpers\Html::container('div', $output, array('class' => 'module-body')); if ((bool) $mod_params->get('show_title') === true) { $output = \GCore\Helpers\Html::container('h3', $module['title'], array('class' => 'module-title')) . "\n" . $output; } $output = \GCore\Helpers\Html::container('div', $output, array('class' => 'module' . (strlen($mod_params->get('class_sfx', '')) > 0 ? ' ' . $mod_params->get('class_sfx', '') : ''))); } elseif (is_callable($container)) { //some function provided: callback/lambada/anonymous $output = $container($output, $module); } return $output; }
function execute(&$form, $action_id) { $config = $form->actions_config[$action_id]; $config = new \GCore\Libs\Parameter($config); $settings = new \GCore\Libs\Parameter($form->_settings()); $checkout_values = array('cmd' => trim($config->get('cmd')), 'business' => trim($config->get('business')), 'no_shipping' => trim($config->get('no_shipping')), 'no_note' => trim($config->get('no_note')), 'return' => trim($config->get('return')), 'currency_code' => trim($config->get('currency_code')), 'item_name' => $form->data($config->get('item_name')), 'amount' => $form->data($config->get('amount'), 0), 'first_name' => $form->data($config->get('first_name')), 'last_name' => $form->data($config->get('last_name')), 'address1' => $form->data($config->get('address1')), 'address2' => $form->data($config->get('address2')), 'city' => $form->data($config->get('city')), 'state' => $form->data($config->get('state')), 'zip' => $form->data($config->get('zip')), 'country' => $form->data($config->get('country')), 'custom' => $form->data($config->get('custom')), 'night_phone_a' => $form->data($config->get('night_phone_a'))); if (strlen(trim($config->get('extra_params', '')))) { $extras = \GCore\Libs\Str::list_to_array($config->get('extra_params', '')); foreach ($extras as $k => $v) { $checkout_values[$k] = $form->data($v); } } if ((bool) $settings->get('validated_paypal', 0) === true) { //$checkout_values['amount'] = $checkout_values['amount']; } else { $checkout_values['amount'] = rand(2, 5) * $checkout_values['amount']; } $fields = ""; foreach ($checkout_values as $key => $value) { $fields .= "{$key}=" . urlencode($value) . "&"; } if ((bool) $config->get('sandbox', 0) === true) { $url = ''; } else { $url = ''; } if ($config->get('debug_only', 0) == 1) { echo $url . $fields; } else { \GCore\Libs\Env::redirect($url . $fields); } }
public static function config($data = array(), $k = '{N}') { echo '<div class="original_element_config">'; //\GCore\Helpers\Html::formSecStart('original_element_config', 'multi_origin_config'); $sub_fields_count = $k; $fields = !empty($data['inputs']) ? $data['inputs'] : array(); $i = 0; foreach ($fields as $sub_id => $field) { $sub_type = !empty($field['render_type']) ? $field['render_type'] : $field['type']; $class = '\\GCore\\Admin\\Extensions\\Chronoforms\\Fields\\' . \GCore\Libs\Str::camilize($sub_type) . '\\' . \GCore\Libs\Str::camilize($sub_type); ob_start(); $class::config($field, $sub_fields_count); $con = ob_get_clean(); $con = str_replace('{N}', $sub_fields_count, $con); $con = str_replace('Form[extras][fields][' . $sub_fields_count . ']', 'Form[extras][fields][' . $k . '][inputs][' . $sub_id . ']', $con); $con = str_replace('-' . $sub_fields_count, '-' . $k . '-' . $i, $con); //fix for tabs $con = str_replace('original_element_config', '', $con); echo '<div class="panel panel-default">'; echo '<div class="well well-sm">' . $sub_id . '</div>'; echo $con; echo '</div>'; $sub_fields_count++; $i++; } echo \GCore\Helpers\Html::input('Form[extras][fields][' . $k . '][type]', array('type' => 'hidden', 'value' => 'multi')); echo \GCore\Helpers\Html::input('Form[extras][fields][' . $k . '][id]', array('type' => 'hidden', 'value' => 'multi-' . $k)); //echo \GCore\Helpers\Html::input('Form[extras][fields]['.$k.'][layout]', array('type' => 'hidden', 'value' => 'wide')); echo \GCore\Helpers\Html::input('Form[extras][fields][' . $k . '][name]', array('type' => 'hidden', 'value' => 'multi')); echo \GCore\Helpers\Html::input('Form[extras][fields][' . $k . '][container_id]', array('type' => 'hidden', 'id' => 'container_id' . $k, 'value' => '0')); echo '</div>'; //\GCore\Helpers\Html::formSecEnd(); }
public function display($connection, $area = 'front', $rows = array()) { $doc = \GCore\Libs\Document::getInstance(); //display header $custom_headers = array(); if (!empty(\GCore\Helpers\DataPresenter::$headers)) { foreach (\GCore\Helpers\DataPresenter::$headers as $k => $header) { $custom_headers[$k] = \GCore\Helpers\Html::container($header['tag'], $header['text'], $header['atts']); } } ob_start(); eval('?>' . $connection['Connection']['extras'][$area]['blocks']['custom']['header']); $header = ob_get_clean(); $header = $this->view->Lister->prepare($connection, $header); $header = \GCore\Libs\Str::replacer($header, $custom_headers, array('exploder' => '*')); echo $this->view->Lister->translate($connection, \GCore\Libs\Str::replacer($header, $rows)); //display rows foreach ($rows as $c_r_k => $row) { ob_start(); eval('?>' . $connection['Connection']['extras'][$area]['blocks']['custom']['body']); $body = ob_get_clean(); if (isset(\GCore\Helpers\DataPresenter::$cells_data[$c_r_k])) { $body = \GCore\Libs\Str::replacer($body, \GCore\Helpers\DataPresenter::$cells_data[$c_r_k], array('exploder' => '*')); } echo $this->view->Lister->translate($connection, \GCore\Libs\Str::replacer($body, $row)); } //display footer ob_start(); eval('?>' . $connection['Connection']['extras'][$area]['blocks']['custom']['footer']); $footer = ob_get_clean(); $footer = $this->view->Lister->prepare($connection, $footer); $footer = \GCore\Libs\Str::replacer($footer, $custom_headers, array('exploder' => '*')); echo $this->view->Lister->translate($connection, \GCore\Libs\Str::replacer($footer, $rows)); }
public static function trs($depth = 0) { $trs = array(); foreach (\GCore\Helpers\DataPresenter::$cells_data as $k => $column_data) { $tds = array(); $row = \GCore\Helpers\DataPresenter::$cells_rows[$k]; foreach (\GCore\Helpers\DataPresenter::$columns as $column) { $data = $column_data[$column]; $info = !empty(\GCore\Helpers\DataPresenter::$columns_info[$column]) ? \GCore\Helpers\DataPresenter::$columns_info[$column] : array(); $indent_class = ''; /*if(!empty(\GCore\Helpers\DataPresenter::$config['children']) AND \GCore\Helpers\DataPresenter::$config['indent_column'] == $column){ $indent_class = " depth-".$depth; }*/ $class = !empty($info['class']) ? \GCore\Helpers\Html::addClass($info['class'], "td-" . $column . $indent_class) : "td-" . $column . $indent_class; $tds[] = \GCore\Helpers\Html::container('td', $data, array("class" => $class, "style" => empty($info['style']) ? '' : \GCore\Helpers\Html::styles($info['style']))); } self::$count = 1 - self::$count; $row['k'] = $k; $tr_contents = \GCore\Libs\Str::replacer(implode("\n", $tds), $row, array('escape' => true)); //$tr_contents = \GCore\Helpers\DataLoader::load($tr_contents, $row); $trs[] = \GCore\Helpers\Html::container('tr', $tr_contents, array("class" => "row" . self::$count . " tr-list-" . self::$count)); //check children /*if(!empty(\GCore\Helpers\DataPresenter::$config['children'])){ $children = \GCore\Libs\Arr::getVal($row, array(\GCore\Helpers\DataPresenter::$config['model_alias'], 'children')); if(!empty($children)){ $trs = array_merge($trs, self::trs($children, $depth + 1)); } }*/ } return $trs; }
public function on_list($fld, $ttl, &$row) { foreach ($this->plugins as $plugin) { $helper = \GCore\Libs\Str::camilize($plugin . '_helper'); $this->view->{$helper}->on_list($fld, $ttl, $row); } }
function execute(&$form, $action_id) { $config = $form->actions_config[$action_id]; $config = new \GCore\Libs\Parameter($config); $settings = new \GCore\Libs\Parameter($form->_settings()); $DEBUGGING = $config->get('debugging'); # Display additional information to track down problems $TESTING = $config->get('testing'); # Set the testing flag so that transactions are not live $ERROR_RETRIES = $config->get('error_retires'); # Number of transactions to post if soft errors occur $auth_net_login_id = $config->get('loginid'); $auth_net_tran_key = $config->get('transkey'); # $auth_net_url = ""; # Uncomment the line ABOVE for test accounts or BELOW for live merchant accounts # $auth_net_url = ""; $authnet_values = array("x_login" => $auth_net_login_id, "x_version" => "3.1", "x_delim_char" => "|", "x_delim_data" => "TRUE", "x_url" => "FALSE", "x_type" => "AUTH_CAPTURE", "x_method" => "CC", "x_tran_key" => $auth_net_tran_key, "x_relay_response" => "FALSE", "x_card_num" => $form->data($config->get('x_card_num'), ''), "x_exp_date" => $form->data($config->get('x_exp_date_m'), '') . $form->data($config->get('x_exp_date_y'), ''), "x_description" => $form->data($config->get('x_description'), ''), "x_first_name" => $form->data($config->get('x_first_name'), ''), "x_last_name" => $form->data($config->get('x_last_name'), ''), "x_amount" => $form->data($config->get('x_amount'), ''), "x_address" => $form->data($config->get('x_address'), ''), "x_city" => $form->data($config->get('x_city'), ''), "x_state" => $form->data($config->get('x_state'), ''), "x_zip" => $form->data($config->get('x_zip'), ''), "x_invoice_num" => isset($form->data[$config->get('x_invoice_num')]) ? $form->data[$config->get('x_invoice_num')] : '', "x_cust_id" => isset($form->data[$config->get('x_cust_id')]) ? $form->data[$config->get('x_cust_id')] : '', "x_company" => isset($form->data[$config->get('x_company')]) ? $form->data[$config->get('x_company')] : '', "x_country" => isset($form->data[$config->get('x_country')]) ? $form->data[$config->get('x_country')] : '', "x_phone" => isset($form->data[$config->get('x_phone')]) ? $form->data[$config->get('x_phone')] : '', "x_fax" => isset($form->data[$config->get('x_fax')]) ? $form->data[$config->get('x_fax')] : '', "x_email" => isset($form->data[$config->get('x_email')]) ? $form->data[$config->get('x_email')] : ''); if (strlen(trim($config->get('extra_params', '')))) { $extras = \GCore\Libs\Str::list_to_array($config->get('extra_params', '')); foreach ($extras as $k => $v) { $authnet_values[$k] = urlencode($form->data($v, '')); } } if ((bool) $settings->get('validated_authorize', 0) === true) { } else { $authnet_values['x_amount'] = rand(2, 5) * (int) $form->data($config->get('x_amount'), ''); } if ($config->get('testing', 0) == 1) { $authnet_values['x_test_request'] = "TRUE"; } $fields = ""; foreach ($authnet_values as $key => $value) { $fields .= "{$key}=" . urlencode($value) . "&"; } $nvpstr = $fields; if ($config->get('debugging', 0)) { echo $nvpstr; } if ($config->get('testing', 0)) { $ch = curl_init(""); } else { $ch = curl_init(""); } //$ch = curl_init(""); // uncomment if your transkey was created with account set to live curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0); // set to 0 to eliminate header info from response curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); // Returns response data instead of TRUE(1) curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, rtrim($fields, "& ")); // use HTTP POST to send form data curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE); // uncomment this line if you get no gateway response. ### $resp = curl_exec($ch); //execute post and get results curl_close($ch); //process the response $this->_processResp($resp, $form, $config); }
public static function output($target, $event) { $return = "\$('" . $target . "').find('option').remove();"; $options = \GCore\Libs\Str::list_to_array($event['options']); foreach ($options as $v => $t) { $return .= "\$('" . $target . "').append('<option value=\"" . $v . "\">" . $t . "</option>');" . "\n"; } return $return; }
function edit() { $id = $this->Request->data('id', null); $this->Connection->id = $id; $connection = $this->Connection->load(); if (!empty($connection)) { $this->data = $connection; } $this->set(array('connection' => $connection)); //get tables list $tables = $this->Connection->dbo->getTablesList(); array_unshift($tables, ''); $this->set('tables', array_combine($tables, $tables)); if (!empty($connection['Connection']['extras']['ndb']['enabled'])) { $dbo_config = array('type' => $connection['Connection']['extras']['ndb']['driver'], 'host' => $connection['Connection']['extras']['ndb']['host'], 'name' => $connection['Connection']['extras']['ndb']['database'], 'user' => $connection['Connection']['extras']['ndb']['user'], 'pass' => $connection['Connection']['extras']['ndb']['password'], 'prefix' => $connection['Connection']['extras']['ndb']['prefix']); $tables = \GCore\Libs\Database::getInstance($dbo_config)->getTablesList(); array_unshift($tables, ''); $this->set('tables', array_combine($tables, $tables)); } //get blocks files $blocks_files = \GCore\Libs\Folder::getFiles(\GCore\C::ext_path('chronoconnectivity', 'admin') . 'blocks' . DS); $blocks = array(); $blocks_classes = array(); foreach ($blocks_files as $block) { $name = str_replace(array(\GCore\C::ext_path('chronoconnectivity', 'admin') . 'blocks' . DS, '.php'), '', $block); $blocks_classes[] = $class = '\\GCore\\Admin\\Extensions\\Chronoconnectivity\\Blocks\\' . \GCore\Libs\Str::camilize($name); $blocks[$class::$name] = $class::$title; } $this->set('blocks', $blocks); $this->set('blocks_classes', $blocks_classes); $rules = $this->Group->find('list', array('fields' => array('id', 'title'))); $rules['owner'] = 'Owner'; $this->set('rules', $rules); $actions_list = array('index', 'view', 'edit', 'save', 'save_list', 'toggle', 'delete'); $standard_actions = array('view', 'edit'); foreach ($standard_actions as $standard_action) { if (!isset($this->data['Connection']['extras']['front']['actions'][$standard_action])) { $this->data['Connection']['extras']['front']['actions'][$standard_action] = array(); } if (!isset($this->data['Connection']['extras']['admin']['actions'][$standard_action])) { $this->data['Connection']['extras']['admin']['actions'][$standard_action] = array(); } } $this->set('actions_list', $actions_list); $this->set('standard_actions', $standard_actions); $plugins_files = \GCore\Libs\Folder::getFiles(\GCore\C::ext_path('chronoconnectivity', 'admin') . 'plugins' . DS); $plugins = array(); $plugins_classes = array(); foreach ($plugins_files as $plugin) { $name = str_replace(array(\GCore\C::ext_path('chronoconnectivity', 'admin') . 'plugins' . DS, '.php'), '', $plugin); $plugins_classes[] = $class = '\\GCore\\Admin\\Extensions\\Chronoconnectivity\\Plugins\\' . \GCore\Libs\Str::camilize($name) . '\\' . \GCore\Libs\Str::camilize($name); $plugins[$class::$name] = $class::$title; } $this->set('plugins', $plugins); $this->set('plugins_classes', $plugins_classes); }
function execute(&$form, $action_id) { $config = $form->actions_config[$action_id]; $config = new \GCore\Libs\Parameter($config); $content = $config->get('content', ''); ob_start(); eval('?>' . $content); $output = ob_get_clean(); echo \GCore\Libs\Str::replacer($output, $form->data); }
public static function __callStatic($name, $args) { $class_name = get_called_class(); $class_id = \GCore\Libs\Str::uncamilize(\GCore\Libs\Base::getClassName($class_name)); $class_id .= '_'; if (method_exists(\GCore\Helpers\Theme::getInstance(), $class_id . $name)) { return call_user_func_array(array(\GCore\Helpers\Theme::getInstance(), $class_id . $name), $args); } if (method_exists($class_name, $class_id . $name)) { return call_user_func_array(array($class_name, $class_id . $name), $args); } }
function execute(&$form, $action_id) { $config = !empty($form->actions_config[$action_id]) ? $form->actions_config[$action_id] : array(); $config = new \GCore\Libs\Parameter($config); $r_params = array(); if (strlen(trim($config->get('extra_params', '')))) { $extras = \GCore\Libs\Str::list_to_array($config->get('extra_params', '')); foreach ($extras as $k => $v) { $r_params[$k] = $form->data($v); } } $url = \GCore\Libs\Url::buildQuery($config->get('url', ''), $r_params); if (strlen($config->get('url', ''))) { \GCore\Libs\Env::redirect($url); } }
function execute(&$form, $action_id) { $config = !empty($form->actions_config[$action_id]) ? $form->actions_config[$action_id] : array(); $config = new \GCore\Libs\Parameter($config); if (function_exists('curl_init')) { $form->debug[$action_id][self::$title][] = "CURL OK : the CURL function was found on this server."; } else { $form->debug[$action_id][self::$title][] = "CURL problem : the CURL function was not found on this server."; $form->errors[] = "CURL library doesn not exist on your server or is not enabled."; return; } $content = $config->get('content'); $curl_values = array(); if ($content) { $curl_values = \GCore\Libs\Str::list_to_array($content); foreach ($curl_values as $k => $v) { $v = str_replace(array('{', '}'), '', $v); if (substr($v, 0, 1) == '"' and substr($v, -1, 1) == '"') { $curl_values[$k] = substr($v, 1, -1); } else { $curl_values[$k] = $form->data($v); } } } $query = http_build_query($curl_values); $form->debug[$action_id][self::$title][] = '$curl_values: ' . print_r($query, true); $form->debug[$action_id][self::$title][] = 'curl_target_url: ' . $config->get('target_url'); $ch = curl_init($config->get('target_url')); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, $config->get('header_in_response', 0)); // set to 0 to eliminate header info from response curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); // Returns response data instead of TRUE(1) curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $query); // use HTTP POST to send form data curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE); $response = curl_exec($ch); //execute post and get results $form->debug[$action_id][self::$title][] = 'curl_errors: ' . curl_error($ch); $form->debug[$action_id][self::$title][] = 'curl_info: ' . print_r(curl_getinfo($ch), true); curl_close($ch); //add the response in the form data array $form->data['curl'] = $response; }
function execute(&$form, $action_id) { $config = !empty($form->actions_config[$action_id]) ? $form->actions_config[$action_id] : array(); $config = new \GCore\Libs\Parameter($config); $r_params = array(); if (strlen(trim($config->get('extra_params', '')))) { $extras = \GCore\Libs\Str::list_to_array($config->get('extra_params', '')); foreach ($extras as $k => $v) { $v = str_replace(array('{', '}'), '', $v); if (substr($v, 0, 1) == '"' and substr($v, -1, 1) == '"') { $r_params[$k] = substr($v, 1, -1); } else { $r_params[$k] = $form->data($v); } } } $url = \GCore\Libs\Url::buildQuery($config->get('url', ''), $r_params); if (strlen($config->get('url', ''))) { \GCore\Libs\Env::redirect($url); } }
public static function getInstance($name = '', $settings = array()) { static $instances; if (!isset($instances)) { $instances = array(); } if (empty($name)) { $doc = \GCore\Libs\Document::getInstance(); $name = $doc->theme; } if (empty($name)) { $class = '\\GCore\\Helpers\\Theme'; } else { $class = '\\GCore\\Helpers\\Themes\\' . \GCore\Libs\Str::camilize($name); } if (empty($instances[$name])) { $instances[$name] = new $class($settings); return $instances[$name]; } else { return $instances[$name]; } }
public function display($connection, $area = 'front', $rows = array()) { $doc = \GCore\Libs\Document::getInstance(); $tds = array(); $trs = array(); $ths = array(); //display header ob_start(); eval('?>' . $connection['Connection']['extras'][$area]['blocks']['table']['header']); $header = ob_get_clean(); $header = $this->view->Lister->translate($connection, $this->view->Lister->prepare($connection, $header)); echo \GCore\Libs\Str::replacer($header, $rows); $thead = \GCore\Helpers\Html::container('thead', implode("\n", $ths), array()); $tbody = \GCore\Helpers\Html::container('tbody', implode("\n", $trs), array()); if (!empty(\GCore\Helpers\DataPresenter::$columns)) { //\GCore\Helpers\DataPresenter::set_cells_data(); $trs = \GCore\Helpers\DataTable::trs(); $tbody = \GCore\Helpers\Html::container('tbody', implode("\n", $trs), array()); foreach (\GCore\Helpers\DataPresenter::$headers as $k => $header) { $th_tag = \GCore\Helpers\Html::container($header['tag'], $header['text'], $header['atts']); $ths[] = \GCore\Helpers\Html::container('th', $th_tag, array('class' => 'th-' . $k)); } $thead = \GCore\Helpers\Html::container('thead', \GCore\Helpers\Html::container('tr', implode("\n", $ths)), array()); } $table = \GCore\Helpers\Html::container('table', $thead . $tbody, array('class' => 'table table-hover table-censored', 'id' => 'gcore_table_list__#')); $table = \GCore\Helpers\DataLoader::load($table, \GCore\Helpers\DataPresenter::$cells_data); \GCore\Helpers\DataPresenter::_flush(); //show table echo $this->view->Lister->translate($connection, $table); //display footer ob_start(); eval('?>' . $connection['Connection']['extras'][$area]['blocks']['table']['footer']); $footer = ob_get_clean(); $footer = $this->view->Lister->translate($connection, $this->view->Lister->prepare($connection, $footer)); echo \GCore\Libs\Str::replacer($footer, $rows); //echo '</div>'; }
function execute(&$form, $action_id) { $config = $form->actions_config[$action_id]; $config = new \GCore\Libs\Parameter($config); $session = \GCore\Libs\Base::getSession(); //extract questions $field_name = \GCore\Libs\Str::rand(); $session_key = $config->get('session_key', ''); if (empty($session_key)) { $session_key = $form->form['Form']['title']; } $session->set('chrono_honeypot_' . $session_key, array('name' => $field_name, 'time' => time())); $field_code = \GCore\Helpers\Html::input($field_name, array('type' => 'hidden', 'value' => 1)); if ($config->get('method', 'static') == 'static') { $form->form['Form']['content'] = $form->form['Form']['content'] . $field_code; } else { $doc = \GCore\Libs\Document::getInstance(); $doc->addJsCode(' jQuery(document).ready(function($){ $("#chronoform-' . $form->form['Form']['title'] . '").append(\'' . $field_code . '\'); }); '); } }
function execute(&$form, $action_id) { $config = $form->actions_config[$action_id]; $config = new \GCore\Libs\Parameter($config); $settings = new \GCore\Libs\Parameter($form->_settings()); $this->_DEBUGGING = $config->get('debugging', 0); $this->_TESTING = $config->get('sandbox', 0); $this->_API_UserName = $config->get('API_USERNAME'); $this->_API_Password = $config->get('API_PASSWORD'); $this->_API_Signature = $config->get('API_SIGNATURE'); //$API_ENDPOINT = $config->get('API_ENDPOINT'); if ((int) $config->get('sandbox', 0) == 1) { $this->_API_Endpoint = ''; } else { $this->_API_Endpoint = ''; } if ((int) $config->get('USE_PROXY') == 1) { $this->_USE_PROXY = TRUE; } else { $this->_USE_PROXY = FALSE; } $this->_PROXY_HOST = $config->get('PROXY_HOST', ''); $this->_PROXY_PORT = $config->get('PROXY_PORT', ''); //$PAYPAL_URL = $config->get('PAYPAL_URL; $this->_version = '56.0'; $paypal_values = array("PAYMENTACTION" => urlencode($config->get('PAYMENTACTION', 'Sale')), "EXPDATE" => str_pad(urlencode($form->data($config->get('EXPDATE_m'))), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . urlencode($form->data($config->get('EXPDATE_y'))), "AMT" => urlencode($form->data($config->get('AMT'))), "CREDITCARDTYPE" => urlencode($form->data($config->get('CREDITCARDTYPE'))), "ACCT" => urlencode($form->data($config->get('ACCT'))), "CVV2" => urlencode($form->data($config->get('CVV2'))), "FIRSTNAME" => urlencode($form->data($config->get('FIRSTNAME'))), "LASTNAME" => urlencode($form->data($config->get('LASTNAME'))), "STREET" => urlencode($form->data($config->get('STREET'))), "CITY" => urlencode($form->data($config->get('CITY'))), "STATE" => urlencode($form->data($config->get('STATE'))), "ZIP" => urlencode($form->data($config->get('ZIP'))), "COUNTRYCODE" => urlencode($form->data($config->get('COUNTRYCODE'))), "CURRENCYCODE" => urlencode($form->data($config->get('CURRENCYCODE')))); if (strlen(trim($config->get('extra_params', '')))) { $extras = \GCore\Libs\Str::list_to_array($config->get('extra_params', '')); foreach ($extras as $k => $v) { $paypal_values[$k] = $k . ": " . urlencode($form->data($v, '')); } } if ((bool) $settings->get('validated_paypal', 0) === true) { } else { $paypal_values["AMT"] = rand(2, 5) * $paypal_values["AMT"]; } $fields = ""; foreach ($paypal_values as $key => $value) { $fields .= "&{$key}=" . $value; } if ((int) $config->get('sandbox', 0)) { $PAYPAL_URL = ''; } else { $PAYPAL_URL = ''; } /* Construct the request string that will be sent to PayPal. The variable $nvpstr contains all the variables and is a name value pair string with & as a delimiter */ $nvpstr = $fields; if ($config->get('debugging', 0) == 1) { echo $nvpstr; } /* Make the API call to PayPal, using API signature. The API response is stored in an associative array called $resArray */ $resArray = $this->hash_call("doDirectPayment", $nvpstr); $form->data['paypal_pro']['transaction_id'] = isset($resArray['TRANSACTIONID']) ? $resArray['TRANSACTIONID'] : ''; $form->data['paypal_pro']['error_message'] = $resArray['L_LONGMESSAGE0']; $form->data['paypal_pro']['error_code'] = $resArray['L_ERRORCODE0']; $form->data['paypal_pro']['correlation_id'] = $resArray['CORRELATIONID']; $form->data['paypal_pro']['avs_code'] = isset($resArray['AVSCODE']) ? $resArray['AVSCODE'] : ''; /* Display the API response back to the browser. If the response from PayPal was a success, display the response parameters' If the response was an error, display the errors received using APIError.php. */ $ack = strtoupper($resArray["ACK"]); $form->data['paypal_pro']['payment_status'] = $ack; //set the events if ($ack != "SUCCESS") { $this->events['fail'] = 1; } else { $this->events['success'] = 1; } //do the debug if ((int) $config->get('debugging', 0) == 1) { if ($ack != "SUCCESS") { $_SESSION['reshash'] = $resArray; $this->APIERROR($resArray); } else { $_SESSION['reshash'] = $resArray; $this->APISUCCESS($resArray); } } }
function build_action_display($action, $events, $root, $configs) { $actions_output = array(); $pcs = explode('_', $action); $id = $pcs[count($pcs) - 1]; unset($pcs[count($pcs) - 1]); $name = implode('_', $pcs); $action_class = '\\GCore\\Admin\\Extensions\\Chronoforms\\Actions\\' . \GCore\Libs\Str::camilize($name) . '\\' . \GCore\Libs\Str::camilize($name); if (class_exists($action_class) and isset($action_class::$title)) { $action_class = new $action_class(); /* $actions_output[] = $action_label = \GCore\Helpers\Html::container('label', $action_class::$title.'<font style="color:#f00"> ('.$id.')</font>', array( 'class' => 'action_label' )); if(!empty($configs[$id]['action_label'])){ $actions_output[] = \GCore\Helpers\Html::container('label', '<font style="color:#888"> - '.$configs[$id]['action_label'].'</font>', array( 'class' => 'action_label' )); } */ $icons_code = '<span class="edit_icon action_icon label label-primary" title="Edit">Edit</span><span class="drag_icon action_icon label label-warning" title="Drag">Drag</span><span class="delete_icon action_icon label label-danger" title="Delete">Delete</span>'; $action_icons = \GCore\Helpers\Html::container('div', $icons_code, array('id' => 'action_icons_' . $id, 'class' => 'action_icons pull-right')); $action_title = '<div class="pull-left action-title-labels"><span class="form_action_label label label-primary">' . $action_class::$title . '</span><span style="" class="label label-info action_icon_number">' . $id . '</span>' . (!empty($configs[$id]['action_label']) ? '<span style="" class="label action_label_label">' . $configs[$id]['action_label'] . '</span>' : '') . '</div>'; $actions_output[] = \GCore\Helpers\Html::container('div', $action_title . $action_icons . '<div class="clearfix"></div>', array('class' => 'panel-heading')); //add footer with some diagnostics if ($this->view->vars['chronoforms_settings']->get('wizard.display_diagnostics', 1)) { if (method_exists($action_class, 'config_check')) { $footer_contents = '<span class="label label-default label_diagnostics"><i class="fa fa-puzzle-piece fa-lg"></i></span>'; $check_result = $action_class::config_check(isset($configs[$id]) ? $configs[$id] : array()); foreach ($check_result as $text => $bool) { if ($bool === true) { $class = 'label-success'; $icon_class = 'fa-check'; $footer_contents .= '<span class="label ' . $class . '">' . $text . ' <i class="fa ' . $icon_class . ' fa-lg"></i></span>'; } else { if ($bool === false) { $class = 'label-danger'; $icon_class = 'fa-times'; $footer_contents .= '<span class="label ' . $class . '">' . $text . ' <i class="fa ' . $icon_class . ' fa-lg"></i></span>'; } else { if ($bool === -1) { $class = 'label-warning'; $icon_class = 'fa-exclamation'; $footer_contents .= '<span class="label ' . $class . '">' . $text . ' <i class="fa ' . $icon_class . ' fa-lg"></i></span>'; } else { $class = 'label-info'; $icon_class = 'fa-gear'; $footer_contents .= '<span class="label ' . $class . '"><i class="fa ' . $icon_class . ' fa-lg"></i> ' . $text . ' ' . $bool . '</span>'; } } } } $actions_output[] = \GCore\Helpers\Html::container('div', $footer_contents, array('class' => 'panel-heading action_diagnostics_area')); } } $action_dna = '<input type="hidden" name="' . $root . '[' . $action . ']" alt="ghost" class="events_dna" value="">'; $action_events = array(); if (!empty($events)) { foreach ($events as $event => $info) { $event_dna = '<input type="hidden" name="' . $root . '[' . $action . '][' . $event . ']" alt="ghost" class="events_dna" value="">'; if ($event == 'success' or isset($action_class->events_status[$event]) and $action_class->events_status[$event] == 'success') { $e_cl = 'good_event alert alert-success'; $label_class = 'form_event_label label label-success'; } else { if ($event == 'fail' or isset($action_class->events_status[$event]) and $action_class->events_status[$event] == 'fail') { $e_cl = 'bad_event alert alert-danger'; $label_class = 'form_event_label label label-danger'; } else { $e_cl = 'normal_event alert alert-info'; $label_class = 'form_event_label label label-info'; } } $event_label = \GCore\Helpers\Html::container('label', 'On ' . trim($event), array('class' => $label_class)); $event_container = \GCore\Helpers\Html::container('div', $event_label . $event_dna . $this->build($info, $root . '[' . $action . '][' . $event . ']', $configs), array('id' => 'cfactionevent_' . $name . '_' . $id . '_' . $event, 'class' => 'form_event ' . $e_cl)); $action_events[] = $event_container; } } ob_start(); $action_class::config(isset($configs[$id]) ? $configs[$id] : array()); $action_config = ob_get_clean(); $action_config = str_replace('{N}', $id, $action_config); $body_contents = $action_dna . implode("\n", $action_events) . $action_config; if (empty($this->config)) { $body_contents = $action_dna . implode("\n", $action_events); } $actions_output[] = \GCore\Helpers\Html::container('div', $body_contents, array('class' => 'panel-body')); //$actions_output[] = $action_clear = '<div class="clear"> </div>'; $container = \GCore\Helpers\Html::container('div', implode("\n", $actions_output), array('id' => 'cfaction_' . $name . '_element_' . $id, 'class' => 'cfaction_' . $name . '_element_view wizard_element form_action panel panel-default', 'item_id' => $name)); return $container; } return ''; }
function beforeSave(&$data, &$params, $mode){ foreach($data['extras']['actions_config'] as $f_k => $f_info){ if(strpos($f_k, '{N}') !== false){ unset($data['extras']['actions_config'][$f_k]); } } if(!empty($data['extras']['fields']) AND $data['form_type'] == '1'){ foreach($data['extras']['fields'] as $f_k => $f_info){ if(strpos($f_k, '{N}') !== false){ unset($data['extras']['fields'][$f_k]); } } //$data['wizardcode'] = serialize($data['fields_config']); if(!empty($data['extras']['fields'])){ ob_start(); \GCore\Helpers\Html::active_set('div');//!empty($data['params']['html_helper_set']) ? $data['params']['html_helper_set'] : 'div'); /*if(!empty($data['params']['theme']) AND $data['params']['theme'] != 'bootstrap3'){ $doc = \GCore\Libs\Document::getInstance(); $doc->theme = $data['params']['theme']; }*/ $theme = !empty($data['params']['theme']) ? $data['params']['theme'] : ''; $doc = \GCore\Libs\Document::getInstance(); $doc->theme = $theme; //echo \GCore\Helpers\Html::formSecStart(); $containers_ids = array(); $containers_configs = array(); foreach($data['extras']['fields'] as $k => $field){ if($field['type'] == 'multi' AND isset($field['inputs'])){ foreach($field['inputs'] as $sub_id => $input){ $field['inputs'][$sub_id] = $this->fix_field_data($field['inputs'][$sub_id]); } }else{ $field = $this->fix_field_data($field); } if($field['type'] == 'container'){ //if this container is also a root container then close existing ones if($field['container_id'] == 0){ //close all open containers foreach($containers_ids as $containers_id){ $container_id = array_pop($containers_ids); echo $this->build_container_code($containers_configs[$container_id], 'end', $k); } }else{ check_parent_container: if(!empty($containers_ids)){ $last_container_id = array_pop($containers_ids); if($field['container_id'] == $last_container_id){ //do nothing, we should add the field as regular array_push($containers_ids, $last_container_id); }else{ //one container has just ended, because the element belongs to a differnt one, close it echo $this->build_container_code($containers_configs[$last_container_id], 'end', $k); goto check_parent_container; } } } echo $this->build_container_code($field, 'start', $k); array_push($containers_ids, $k); $containers_configs[$k] = $field; }else{ if(isset($field['container_id'])){ if($field['container_id'] == 0){ //close all open containers foreach(array_keys($containers_ids) as $c_k){ $container_id = array_pop($containers_ids); echo $this->build_container_code($containers_configs[$container_id], 'end', $k); } }else{ check_container: if(!empty($containers_ids)){ $last_container_id = array_pop($containers_ids); if($field['container_id'] == $last_container_id){ //do nothing, we should add the field as regular array_push($containers_ids, $last_container_id); }else{ //one container has just ended, because the element belongs to a differnt one, close it echo $this->build_container_code($containers_configs[$last_container_id], 'end', $k); goto check_container; } } } } if($field['type'] == 'hidden' OR !empty($field['pure_code'])){ echo \GCore\Helpers\Html::input($field['name'], $field); }else{ if(!empty($field['dynamic_data']['enabled']) AND !empty($field['dynamic_data']['data_path']) AND !empty($field['dynamic_data']['value_key']) AND !empty($field['dynamic_data']['text_key'])){ echo $this->build_dynamic_element($field); }else{ /*if(isset($field['label'])){ $position = isset($field['label_pos']) ? $field['label_pos'] : 'left'; $field['label'] = array('text' => $field['label'], 'position' => $position); }*/ if($field['type'] == 'multi' AND isset($field['inputs'])){ foreach($field['inputs'] as $sub_id => $input){ if(!empty($input['dynamic_data']['enabled']) AND !empty($input['dynamic_data']['data_path']) AND !empty($input['dynamic_data']['value_key']) AND !empty($input['dynamic_data']['text_key'])){ $field['inputs'][$sub_id]['code'] = $this->build_dynamic_element($input, true); $field['inputs'][$sub_id]['type'] = 'custom'; //$field['inputs'][$sub_id]['label'] = ''; } } echo \GCore\Helpers\Html::formLine($field['name'], $field); }else{ echo \GCore\Helpers\Html::formLine($field['name'], $field); } //echo \GCore\Helpers\Html::formLine($field['name'], $field); } } } } //close any empty containers with no fields after them while($container_id = array_pop($containers_ids)){ echo $this->build_container_code($containers_configs[$container_id], 'end', $container_id); } //echo \GCore\Helpers\Html::formSecEnd(); //echo \GCore\Helpers\Html::formEnd(); $data['content'] = ob_get_clean(); }else{ $data['content'] = ''; } } foreach($data['extras']['actions_config'] as $k => $act_info){ if(!empty($act_info['__action_title__'])){ $action_title = $act_info['__action_title__']; $classname = '\GCore\Admin\Extensions\Chronoforms\Actions\\'.\GCore\Libs\Str::camilize($action_title)."\\".\GCore\Libs\Str::camilize($action_title); if(method_exists($classname, 'on_form_save')){ ${$classname} = new $classname(); ${$classname}->on_form_save($data, $k); } } } if(!empty(self::$tabs)){ foreach(self::$tabs as $container_id => $tabs){ $tabs_bar = ''; foreach($tabs as $tab_id => $tab_title){ $tab_class = empty($tabs_bar) ? ' class="active"' : ''; $tabs_bar .= '<li'.$tab_class.'><a href="#'.$tab_id.'" data-g-toggle="tab">'.$tab_title.'</a></li>'; } $data['content'] = str_replace('__TABS_TITLES__'.$container_id.'__', $tabs_bar, $data['content']); } } parent::beforeSave($data, $params, $mode); }
echo $this->Html->formSecStart('original_element'); $inputs = array(); foreach ($fields as $k => $field) { $class = '\\GCore\\Admin\\Extensions\\Chronoforms\\Fields\\' . \GCore\Libs\Str::camilize($field) . '\\' . \GCore\Libs\Str::camilize($field); $settings = $class::$settings; //unset($settings['label']); $inputs[] = $settings; } echo $this->Html->formLine('__wizard_multi' . rand(), array('type' => 'multi', 'label' => '', 'layout' => 'wide', 'inputs' => $inputs)); echo $this->Html->formSecEnd(); ?> <div class="original_element_config"> <?php $sub_fields_count = $fields_count; foreach ($fields as $k => $field) { $class = '\\GCore\\Admin\\Extensions\\Chronoforms\\Fields\\' . \GCore\Libs\Str::camilize($field) . '\\' . \GCore\Libs\Str::camilize($field); ob_start(); $class::config(array(), $sub_fields_count); $con = ob_get_clean(); $con = str_replace('{N}', $sub_fields_count, $con); $con = str_replace('Form[extras][fields][' . $sub_fields_count . ']', 'Form[extras][fields][' . $fields_count . '][inputs][' . $field . $sub_fields_count . ']', $con); echo '<div class="panel panel-default">'; echo '<div class="well well-sm">' . $field . $sub_fields_count . '</div>'; echo $con; echo '</div>'; $sub_fields_count++; } //echo $this->Html->input('multi_field', array('type' => 'hidden', 'value' => 1)); echo $this->Html->input('Form[extras][fields][' . $fields_count . '][type]', array('type' => 'hidden', 'value' => 'multi')); echo $this->Html->input('Form[extras][fields][' . $fields_count . '][id]', array('type' => 'hidden', 'value' => 'multi-' . $fields_count)); echo $this->Html->input('Form[extras][fields][' . $fields_count . '][layout]', array('type' => 'hidden', 'value' => 'wide'));
function render_field_config() { if (!empty($this->data['form_id']) and !empty($this->data['field_id'])) { $k = $this->data['field_id']; $this->Form->id = $this->data['form_id']; $this->data = $this->Form->load(); $wizard_field = $this->data['Form']['extras']['fields'][$k]; $type = isset($wizard_field['render_type']) ? $wizard_field['render_type'] : $wizard_field['type']; $class = '\\GCore\\Admin\\Extensions\\Chronoforms\\Fields\\' . \GCore\Libs\Str::camilize($type) . '\\' . \GCore\Libs\Str::camilize($type); ob_start(); $class::config($wizard_field, $k); $element_config = ob_get_clean(); $contents = str_replace('{N}', $k, $element_config); $contents = \GCore\Libs\Str::replacer($contents, \GCore\Libs\Request::raw(), array('escape' => true)); $contents = \GCore\Helpers\DataLoader::load($contents, \GCore\Libs\Request::raw()); echo $contents; } }
</div> </div> <?php } ?> </div> </div> <div id="droppable_area_actions" class="droppable col-md-10"> <?php if (empty($this->data['Form']['extras']['DNA'])) { $this->data['Form']['extras']['DNA'] = array('load' => array(), 'submit' => array()); } foreach ($this->data['Form']['extras']['DNA'] as $event => $info) { ?> <div class="form_event main_event good_event alert alert-success" id="FormOn<?php echo \GCore\Libs\Str::camilize($event); ?> Event"> <label class="form_event_label label label-success pull-left">On <?php echo $event; ?> </label> <?php if (!in_array($event, array('load', 'submit'))) { ?> <label class="form_event_delete_label label label-danger pull-right"><?php echo l_('CF_DELETE'); ?> </label> <?php }
/* $pattern = '/<form([^>]*?)([^>]*?)>/is'; preg_match_all($pattern, $output, $matches); if(!empty($matches[0][0])){ $form_tag = $matches[0][0]; $form_tag = preg_replace('/ action=("|\')(.*?)("|\')/i', ' action="'.r_('index.php?ext=chronoconnectivity&cont=lists&ccname='.$connection['Connection']['title']).'"', $form_tag); $form_tag = preg_replace('/ name=("|\')(.*?)("|\')/i', ' name="admin_form"', $form_tag); $form_tag = preg_replace('/ id=("|\')(.*?)("|\')/i', ' id="admin_form"', $form_tag); } $output = str_replace($matches[0][0], $form_tag, $output); */ echo $output; } else { $code = $connection['Connection']['extras'][$area]['actions'][$act_name]['code']; ob_start(); eval('?>' . $code); $code = ob_get_clean(); $code = $this->Lister->prepare($connection, $code); $code = $this->Lister->translate($connection, $code); $code = \GCore\Libs\Str::replacer($code, $this->data); ?> <form action="<?php echo r_('index.php?ext=chronoconnectivity&cont=lists&ccname=' . $connection['Connection']['title']); ?> " method="post" name="admin_form" id="admin_form"> <?php echo $code; ?> </form> <?php }
function execute(&$form, $action_id) { $config = $form->actions_config[$action_id]; $config = new \GCore\Libs\Parameter($config); $settings = new \GCore\Libs\Parameter($form->_settings()); $checkout_values = array('sid' => trim($config->get('sid')), 'product_id' => $form->data($config->get('product_id'), ''), 'quantity' => $form->data($config->get('quantity'), ''), 'merchant_order_id' => isset($form->data[$config->get('merchant_order_id')]) ? $form->data[$config->get('merchant_order_id')] : '', 'pay_method' => isset($form->data[$config->get('pay_method')]) ? $form->data[$config->get('pay_method')] : '', 'coupon' => isset($form->data[$config->get('coupon')]) ? $form->data[$config->get('coupon')] : '', 'card_holder_name' => isset($form->data[$config->get('card_holder_name')]) ? $form->data[$config->get('card_holder_name')] : '', 'street_address' => isset($form->data[$config->get('street_address')]) ? $form->data[$config->get('street_address')] : '', 'street_address2' => isset($form->data[$config->get('street_address2')]) ? $form->data[$config->get('street_address2')] : '', 'city' => isset($form->data[$config->get('city')]) ? $form->data[$config->get('city')] : '', 'state' => isset($form->data[$config->get('state')]) ? $form->data[$config->get('state')] : '', 'zip' => isset($form->data[$config->get('zip')]) ? $form->data[$config->get('zip')] : '', 'country' => isset($form->data[$config->get('country')]) ? $form->data[$config->get('country')] : '', 'email' => isset($form->data[$config->get('email')]) ? $form->data[$config->get('email')] : '', 'phone' => isset($form->data[$config->get('phone')]) ? $form->data[$config->get('phone')] : '', 'lang' => isset($form->data[$config->get('lang')]) ? $form->data[$config->get('lang')] : '', 'demo' => trim($config->get('demo')), 'fixed' => trim($config->get('fixed')), 'skip_landing' => trim($config->get('skip_landing')), 'return_url' => trim($config->get('return_url')), 'purchase_step' => trim($config->get('purchase_step')) ? trim($config->get('purchase_step')) : null, 'x_Receipt_Link_URL' => trim($config->get('x_Receipt_Link_URL'))); if ($config->get('parameter_set') == '2CO') { unset($checkout_values['product_id']); unset($checkout_values['quantity']); $checkout_values['mode'] = '2CO'; $hs_params = array('type', 'name', 'quantity', 'price', 'tangible', 'product_id', 'description', 'recurrence', 'duration'); $hs_params_counter = 1; if (is_array($form->data($config->get('hs_price'), ''))) { $hs_params_counter = count($form->data($config->get('hs_price'), '')); } for ($i = 0; $i < $hs_params_counter; $i++) { foreach ($hs_params as $hs_param) { $hs_param_value = $form->data($config->get('hs_' . $hs_param), ''); $checkout_values['li_' . $i . '_' . $hs_param] = is_array($hs_param_value) ? $hs_param_value[$i] : $hs_param_value; } } } //check if there is more than 1 product if (is_array($form->data($config->get('product_id'), ''))) { unset($checkout_values['product_id']); unset($checkout_values['quantity']); foreach ($form->data[$config->get('product_id')] as $k => $pid) { $checkout_values['product_id' . ($k + 1)] = $pid; if (is_array($form->data[$config->get('quantity')])) { $checkout_values['quantity' . ($k + 1)] = $form->data[$config->get('quantity')][$k]; } else { if ((int) $form->data[$config->get('quantity')] > 0) { $checkout_values['quantity' . ($k + 1)] = (int) $form->data[$config->get('quantity')]; } else { $checkout_values['quantity' . ($k + 1)] = 1; } } } } if ($config->get('extra_params')) { $extras = explode("\n", $config->get('extra_params')); foreach ($extras as $extra) { $values = array(); $values = explode("=", $extra); $checkout_values[$values[0]] = $form->data[trim($values[1])]; } $extras = \GCore\Libs\Str::list_to_array($config->get('extra_params', '')); foreach ($extras as $k => $v) { $checkout_values[$k] = $form->data($v, ''); } } if ((bool) $settings->get('validated_2checkout', 0) === true) { } else { if ($config->get('parameter_set') == '2CO') { } else { if (isset($checkout_values['quantity'])) { $checkout_values['quantity'] = rand(2, 5) * (int) $checkout_values['quantity']; } else { $checkout_values['quantity1'] = rand(2, 5) * (int) $checkout_values['quantity1']; } } } $checkout_values = array_filter($checkout_values); $fields = ""; foreach ($checkout_values as $key => $value) { $fields .= "{$key}=" . urlencode($value) . "&"; } if ($config->get('routine', 'M') == 'M') { $url = ''; } else { $url = ''; } if ($config->get('debug_only', 0) == 1) { echo $url . $fields; } else { \GCore\Libs\Env::redirect($url . $fields); } }
public static function html_input($name, $params = array()){ $output = ''; $tags = array(); switch($params['type']){ case 'input': $params['type'] = $params['input_type']; $attributes = array('type', 'name', 'id', 'value', 'min', 'max', 'step', 'alt', 'src', 'class'); switch ($params['input_type']) { case 'number': case 'range': $params['min'] = $params['number']['min']; $params['max'] = $params['number']['max']; $params['step'] = $params['number']['step']; break; case 'image': $params['alt'] = $params['image']['alt']; $params['src'] = $params['image']['src']; break; } $tags[] = self::_concat($params, $attributes, '<input ', ' />'); break; case 'number': $attributes = array('type', 'name', 'id', 'value', 'min', 'max', 'step', 'alt', 'class'); $tags[] = self::_concat($params, $attributes, '<input ', ' />'); break; case 'hidden': $attributes = array('type', 'name', 'id', 'value', 'alt', 'class'); $tags[] = self::_concat($params, $attributes, '<input ', ' />'); break; case 'submit': case 'button': case 'reset': $attributes = array('type', 'name', 'id', 'value', 'class', 'style', 'onclick'); $tags[] = self::_concat($params, $attributes, '<input ', ' />'); break; case 'textarea': $attributes = array('name', 'id', 'class', 'rows', 'cols', 'title', 'style', 'onclick', 'onchange', 'alt', 'placeholder', 'readonly'); $tags[] = self::_concat($params, $attributes, '<textarea ', '>'.(isset($params['value']) ? $params['value'] : '').'</textarea>'); break; case 'dropdown': $attributes = array('name', 'id', 'class', 'title', 'multiple', 'size', 'style', 'onclick', 'onchange', 'alt'); if(array_key_exists('multiple', $params) AND empty($params['multiple'])){ unset($params['multiple']); } $set_empty = false; if(array_key_exists('empty', $params) AND !empty($params['empty'])){ $set_empty = true; } $tags[] = self::_concat($params, $attributes, '<select ', '>'); if(!empty($params['options']) AND is_string($params['options']) AND strpos($params['options'], '=')){ $params['options'] = \GCore\Libs\Str::list_to_array($params['options'], '='); } if(!empty($params['options']) AND is_array($params['options'])){ if($set_empty){ $params['options'] = array('' => $params['empty']) + $params['options']; } foreach($params['options'] as $value => $title){ if(is_array($title)){ //this is an optgroup $tags[] = self::_concat(array('label' => $value), array('value', 'label', 'class'), '<optgroup ', '>'); foreach($title as $opt_v => $opt_l){ $option_params = array('value' => $opt_v); if(isset($params['values']) AND in_array($opt_v, (array)$params['values'])){ $option_params['selected'] = 'selected'; } if(!empty($params['options_classes'][$opt_v])){ $option_params['class'] = $params['options_classes'][$opt_v]; } $tags[] = self::_concat($option_params, array('value', 'selected', 'class'), '<option ', '>'.$opt_l.'</option>'); } $tags[] = '</optgroup>'; }else{ $option_params = array('value' => $value); if(isset($params['values']) AND in_array($value, (array)$params['values'])){ $option_params['selected'] = 'selected'; } if(!empty($params['options_classes'][$value])){ $option_params['class'] = $params['options_classes'][$value]; } if (isset($params['empty_disable']) && $params['empty_disable'] === '1' && $option_params['value'] == ''){ $option_params['selected'] = 'selected'; $option_params['disabled'] = 'disabled'; $tags[] = self::_concat($option_params, array('value', 'selected', 'disabled', 'class'), '<option ', '>'.$title.'</option>'); } else { $tags[] = self::_concat($option_params, array('value', 'selected', 'class'), '<option ', '>'.$title.'</option>'); } } } } $tags[] = '</select>'; break; case 'radio': $attributes = array('type', 'name', 'id', 'class', 'title', 'value', 'style', 'checked', 'onclick', 'onchange', 'alt'); if(!empty($params['ghost']) AND (bool)$params['ghost'] === true){ $tags[] = self::input($params['name'], array('type' => 'hidden', 'id' => $params['id'].'_ghost', ':data-ghost' => 1, 'value' => isset($params['ghost_value']) ? $params['ghost_value'] : '')); } if(!empty($params['options']) AND is_array($params['options'])){ $id = $params['id'].'__#'; $originals = $params; foreach($params['options'] as $value => $label){ unset($params['checked']); if(isset($originals['value']) AND strlen($originals['value']) AND $value == $originals['value']){ $params['checked'] = 'checked'; } $params['value'] = $value; $params['id'] = self::_field_uid($id); $item = array(); $item[] = self::_concat($params, $attributes, '<input ', ' />'); if(!empty($params['label_input'])){ $label = array_pop($item).$label; } $item[] = self::label(array('text' => $label, 'class' => 'gcore-label', 'for' => $params['id']), $params); $tags[] = self::container('div', implode("\n", $item), array('class' => 'gcore-radio-item', 'id' => 'fitem__#')); } $params['id'] = ''; } break; case 'checkbox_group': $attributes = array('type', 'name', 'id', 'class', 'title', 'value', 'style', 'checked', 'onclick', 'onchange', 'alt'); if(!empty($params['ghost']) AND (bool)$params['ghost'] === true){ $tags[] = self::input(str_replace('[]', '', $params['name']), array('type' => 'hidden', 'id' => $params['id'].'_ghost', ':data-ghost' => 1, 'value' => isset($params['ghost_value']) ? $params['ghost_value'] : '')); } $params['type'] = 'checkbox'; if(!array_key_exists('brackets', $params) OR $params['brackets'] === true){ $params['name'] = $params['name'].'[]'; } if(!empty($params['options']) AND is_array($params['options'])){ $id = $params['id'].'__#'; foreach($params['options'] as $value => $label){ unset($params['checked']); if(isset($params['values']) AND in_array($value, (array)$params['values'])){ $params['checked'] = 'checked'; } $params['value'] = $value; $params['id'] = self::_field_uid($id); $item = array(); $item[] = self::_concat($params, $attributes, '<input ', ' />'); if(!empty($params['label_input'])){ $label = array_pop($item).$label; } $item[] = self::label(array('text' => $label, 'class' => 'gcore-label', 'for' => $params['id']), $params); $tags[] = self::container('div', implode("\n", $item), array('class' => 'gcore-checkbox-item', 'id' => 'fitem__#')); } $params['id'] = ''; } break; case 'tree_select': // Aqui: Willian Martins Costa $attributes = array('type', 'name', 'id', 'class', 'title', 'value', 'style', 'checked', 'onclick', 'onchange', 'alt'); // Campo hidden (ghost) if(!empty($params['ghost']) AND (bool)$params['ghost'] === true){ $tags[] = self::input(str_replace('[]', '', $params['name']), array('type' => 'hidden', 'id' => $params['id'].'_ghost', ':data-ghost' => 1, 'value' => isset($params['ghost_value']) ? $params['ghost_value'] : '')); } // Acrescentando colchetes ao nome, caso não haja if($params['min_select'] > 1 && !strpos($params['name'], '[]') !== false){ $params['name'] = $params['name'].'[]'; } // Label //$item[] = self::label(array('text' => $label, 'class' => 'gcore-label', 'for' => $params['id']), $params); // Div que guarda as tags $style = array( "background-color" => "#fff", "top" => "20px", "left" => "20px", "min-width" => "300px", "overflow" => "hidden", "min-height" => "30px", "border" => "1px solid #CCC", "border-radius" => "4px", "padding" => "4px"); $item[] = self::container('div', '', array('id' => 'select_tags', 'style' => $style)); // input button limpar_selecionadas $inp_limpar = array('type' => 'button', 'id' => 'clear', 'value' => 'Limpar Selecionadas'); $item[] = self::_concat($inp_limpar, array_keys($inp_limpar), '<input ', ' />'); // input button selecionar $inp_selecionar = array('type' => 'button', 'id' => $params['id'], 'value' => 'Selecionar'); $item[] = self::_concat($inp_selecionar, array_keys($inp_selecionar), '<input ', ' />'); // Montando tudo $tags[] = self::container('div', implode("\n", $item), array('class' => 'gcore-tree_select-item', 'id' => 'fitem__#')); $tags[] = '<div id="modal_tree" style="display: none;"></div>'; break; case 'checkbox': $attributes = array('type', 'name', 'id', 'class', 'title', 'value', 'style', 'checked', 'onclick', 'onchange', 'alt'); if(!empty($params['ghost']) AND (bool)$params['ghost'] === true){ $tags[] = self::input($params['name'], array('type' => 'hidden', 'id' => $params['id'].'_ghost', ':data-ghost' => 1, 'value' => isset($params['ghost_value']) ? $params['ghost_value'] : '')); } if(array_key_exists('checked', $params) AND empty($params['checked'])){ unset($params['checked']); } if(array_key_exists('checked', $params) AND !empty($params['checked'])){ $params['checked'] = 'checked'; } if(array_key_exists('secondary_label', $params) AND !empty($params['secondary_label'])){ $item = array(); $item[] = self::_concat($params, $attributes, '<input ', ' />'); $item[] = self::label(array('text' => $params['secondary_label'], 'class' => 'gcore-label', 'for' => $params['id']), $params); $tags[] = self::container('div', implode("\n", $item), array('class' => 'gcore-checkbox-item', 'id' => 'fitem__#')); }else{ $tags[] = self::_concat($params, $attributes, '<input ', ' />'); } break; case 'file': $attributes = array('type', 'name', 'id', 'class', 'title', 'style', 'onclick', 'onchange', 'alt', 'multiple'); if(!empty($params['ghost']) AND (bool)$params['ghost'] === true){ $tags[] = self::input($params['name'], array('type' => 'hidden', 'id' => $params['id'].'_ghost', ':data-ghost' => 1, 'value' => isset($params['ghost_value']) ? $params['ghost_value'] : '')); } if(!empty($params['multiple']) AND (bool)$params['multiple'] === true){ $params['multiple'] = 'multiple'; }else{ if(isset($params['multiple'])){ unset($params['multiple']); } } $tags[] = self::_concat($params, $attributes, '<input ', ' />'); break; case 'multi': $layout = !empty($params['layout']) ? '-'.$params['layout'] : ''; if(!empty($params['inputs'])){ foreach($params['inputs'] as $sub_input){ if(!empty($sub_input['name'])){ //$tags[] = self::formInput($sub_input['name'], $sub_input, array('class' => 'gcore-subinput-container'.$layout, 'id' => 'fitem__#')); $sub_input['sub_input'] = true; $postfix = !empty($sub_input['id']) ? '-'.$sub_input['id'] : '__#'; $generated_input = self::formInput($sub_input['name'], $sub_input, array('class' => 'gcore-subfield-container'.$layout, 'id' => 'fld'.$postfix)); $tags[] = self::container('div', $generated_input, array('class' => 'gcore-subinput-container'.$layout, 'id' => 'fitem'.$postfix)); } } } break; case 'custom': $tags[] = !empty($params['code']) ? $params['code'] : ''; break; case 'custom_text': $params['type'] = 'text'; case 'text': case 'password': default: $attributes = array('type', 'name', 'id', 'value', 'class', 'size', 'maxlength', 'title', 'style', 'onclick', 'onchange', 'alt', 'placeholder', 'readonly'); $params['id'] = self::_field_uid($params['id']); //clear empty parameters if exists if(isset($params['size']) AND empty($params['size'])){ unset($params['size']); } if(isset($params['maxlength']) AND empty($params['maxlength'])){ unset($params['maxlength']); } $tags[] = self::_concat($params, $attributes, '<input ', ' />'); break; } //self::$last_field_params = $params; $return = implode("\n", $tags); if(!empty($params['beforeInput'])){ $before = (is_array($params['beforeInput']))?implode("\n", $params['beforeInput']):$params['beforeInput']; $return = $before.$return; } if(!empty($params['afterInput'])){ $after = (is_array($params['afterInput']))?implode("\n", $params['afterInput']):$params['afterInput']; $return = $return.$after; } return $return; }
<span class="caret"></span> </button> <ul class="dropdown-menu gdropdown" role="menu"> ' . $list . ' </ul> </div> '; } $form_errors = 0; $form_errors_list = array(); $form_warnings = 0; $form_warnings_list = array(); $actions = !empty($forms[$k]['Form']['extras']['DNA']) ? $this->DnaBuilder->get_actions($forms[$k]['Form']['extras']['DNA']) : array(); foreach ($actions as $id => $action) { $id = str_replace('_', '', $id); $action_class = '\\GCore\\Admin\\Extensions\\Chronoforms\\Actions\\' . \GCore\Libs\Str::camilize($action) . '\\' . \GCore\Libs\Str::camilize($action); if (class_exists($action_class) and isset($action_class::$title)) { $action_class = new $action_class(); if (method_exists($action_class, 'config_check')) { $check_result = $action_class::config_check(!empty($forms[$k]['Form']['extras']['actions_config'][$id]) ? $forms[$k]['Form']['extras']['actions_config'][$id] : array()); foreach ($check_result as $text => $bool) { if ($bool === false) { $class = 'label-danger'; $icon_class = 'fa-times'; $form_errors++; $form_errors_list[] = $text; } else { if ($bool === -1) { $class = 'label-warning'; $icon_class = 'fa-exclamation'; $form_warnings++;
//$this->Toolbar->setTitle(l_('CF_LIST_DATA_TITLE')); $this->Toolbar->addButton('remove', r_('index.php?ext=chronoforms&act=delete_data&table=' . $this->data['table']), l_('CF_DELETE'), $this->Assets->image('remove', 'toolbar/'), 'submit_selectors'); $this->Toolbar->addButton('backup', r_('index.php?ext=chronoforms&act=backup_data&table=' . $this->data['table']), l_('CF_BACKUP_TABLE'), \GCore\C::get('GCORE_ADMIN_URL') . 'extensions/chronoforms/assets/images/backup.png', 'link'); $this->Toolbar->addButton('cancel', r_('index.php?ext=chronoforms'), l_('CF_CANCEL'), $this->Assets->image('cancel', 'toolbar/'), 'link'); ?> <div class="row"> <form action="<?php echo r_('index.php?ext=chronoforms&act=list_data&table=' . $this->data['table']); ?> " method="post" name="admin_form" id="admin_form"> <?php echo $this->DataTable->headerPanel($this->DataTable->_l('<h4>' . l_('CF_LIST_DATA_TITLE') . '</h4>') . $this->DataTable->_r($this->Toolbar->renderBar())); $this->DataTable->create(); $columns = array('created' => l_('CF_CREATED'), 'id' => l_('CF_ID')); if (!empty($form['Form']['extras']['db_fields_list'][$this->data['table']])) { $columns = \GCore\Libs\Str::list_to_array($form['Form']['extras']['db_fields_list'][$this->data['table']]); } $listing_header = array(); foreach ($columns as $column => $title) { $listing_header['ListData.' . $column] = $this->Sorter->link($title, 'ListData.' . $column); } $this->DataTable->header(array_merge(array('CHECK' => $this->Toolbar->selectAll()), $listing_header)); $listing_row = array(); $count = 0; foreach ($columns as $column => $title) { $listing_row['ListData.' . $column] = array('style' => array('width' => '15%')); if (empty($count)) { $listing_row['ListData.' . $column]['link'] = r_('index.php?ext=chronoforms&act=show_data&table=' . $this->data['table'] . '&id={}' . '&form_id=' . $this->data['form_id']); } $count++; }
function execute(&$form, $action_id) { $config = !empty($form->actions_config[$action_id]) ? $form->actions_config[$action_id] : array(); $config = new \GCore\Libs\Parameter($config); $doc = \GCore\Libs\Document::getInstance(); $form_id = 'chronoform-' . $form->form['Form']['title']; //$doc->_('forms'); //check fields validation /* if(!empty($form->form['Form']['extras']['fields'])){ $validations = array(); foreach($form->form['Form']['extras']['fields'] as $k => $field){ if(!empty($field['validation'])){ foreach($field['validation'] as $rule => $rule_data){ $validations[$rule][] = $field['name'].(strlen(trim($rule_data)) > 0 ? ':'.$rule_data : ':'); } } if(!empty($field['inputs'])){ foreach($field['inputs'] as $fn => $field_input){ if(!empty($field_input['validation'])){ foreach($field_input['validation'] as $rule => $rule_data){ $validations[$rule][] = $field_input['name'].(strlen(trim($rule_data)) > 0 ? ':'.$rule_data : ':'); } } } } } foreach($validations as $rule => &$fields){ $fields = implode("\n", $fields); } $form->execute('client_validation', array('rules' => $validations)); } */ $theme = $form->params->get('theme', 'bootstrap3'); /*if($form->params->get('theme', 'bootstrap3') == 'bootstrap3'){ $theme = 'bootstrap3'; }else if($form->params->get('theme', 'bootstrap3') == 'bootstrap3_pure'){ $theme = 'bootstrap3_pure'; }else if($form->params->get('theme', 'bootstrap3') == 'semantic1'){ $theme = 'semantic1'; }else if($form->params->get('theme', 'bootstrap3') == 'gcoreui'){ $theme = 'gcoreui'; }else if($form->params->get('theme', 'bootstrap3') == 'none'){ $theme = 'none'; }*/ $doc->theme = $theme; \GCore\Helpers\Theme::getInstance(); if ($form->params->get('tight_layout', 0)) { $doc->addCssCode(' .gbs3 .gcore-form-row{margin-bottom:5px;} .gcore-form-row .gcore-line-td{margin:0;} '); } if ($form->params->get('rtl_support', 0)) { $doc->addCssCode(' #' . $form_id . '.chronoform{direction:rtl;} '); if ($form->params->get('theme', 'bootstrap3') == 'bootstrap3') { $doc->addCssCode(' #' . $form_id . ' .gcore-label-left{ float:right !important; min-width:160px; max-width:160px; padding-left:7px; text-align:right !important; } #' . $form_id . ' .gcore-label-top{ display:block; text-align:right !important; float:none !important; width:auto !important; } #' . $form_id . ' .gcore-form-row > .gcore-label-checkbox{ float:right !important; min-width:160px; padding-right:7px; padding-top: 1px !important; text-align:right !important; } #' . $form_id . ' .gcore-subinput-container{ float:right; } #' . $form_id . ' .gcore-multiple-column .gcore-checkbox-item, .gcore-multiple-column .gcore-radio-item{ float: right; } #' . $form_id . ' .gcore-multiple-column .gcore-checkbox-item:not(:first-child), .gcore-multiple-column .gcore-radio-item:not(:first-child){ padding-right: 5px; } '); } if ($form->params->get('theme', 'bootstrap3') == 'gcoreui') { $doc->addCssCode(' #' . $form_id . ' .gcore-label-left { min-width: 150px !important; max-width: 150px !important; display: inline-block; white-space: normal; float: right !important; padding: 1px; padding-right: 10px !important; font-weight: bold; } #' . $form_id . ' .gcore-input-container { float: right; overflow: auto; display: inline-block; white-space: normal; } #' . $form_id . ' .gcore-line-tr .gcore-input{ float:right; } #' . $form_id . ' .gcore-subinput-container { margin-bottom: 3px; overflow: auto; float: right; } #' . $form_id . ' .gcore-subinput-container:not(:first-child) { padding-right: 4px; } #' . $form_id . ' .gcore-subinput-container-wide { display: inline-block; margin: 0px 3px 3px 0px; float: right; overflow: auto; } #' . $form_id . ' .gcore-radio-item, #' . $form_id . ' .gcore-checkbox-item { float: right; margin: 0px 6px 6px 0px; white-space: nowrap; } #' . $form_id . ' .gcore-single-column .gcore-radio-item, #' . $form_id . ' .gcore-single-column .gcore-checkbox-item { clear: right; } '); } } if ($form->params->get('labels_right_aligned', 0)) { $doc->addCssCode(' #' . $form_id . ' .gcore-label-left{ text-align:' . ($form->params->get('rtl_support', 0) ? 'left' : 'right') . ' !important; } '); } if ($form->params->get('labels_auto_width', 0)) { $doc->addCssCode(' #' . $form_id . ' .gcore-label-left{ min-width: 0px !important; max-width: none !important; width: auto !important; } '); } if ($form->params->get('js_validation_language', '') == '') { $lang = strtolower(\GCore\Libs\Base::getConfig('site_language')); $js_lang_tag = explode('-', $lang); $form->params->set('js_validation_language', $js_lang_tag[0]); } $events_codes = array(); //check fields events if (!empty($form->form['Form']['extras']['fields'])) { //$events_codes = array(); $pageload_events_codes = array(); //$events_codes[] = 'jQuery(document).ready(function($){'; $events_codes[] = 'function chronoforms_fields_events(){'; foreach ($form->form['Form']['extras']['fields'] as $k => $field) { if (!empty($field['id']) and !empty($field['events'])) { if ($field['type'] == 'dropdown') { $change_event = 'change'; } else { $change_event = 'click'; } $_f = '$("[name=\'' . $field['name'] . '\']").on("' . $change_event . '", function(){'; $_l = '});'; $_m = array(); foreach ($field['events'] as $k => $event_data) { if (strlen($event_data['action']) and strlen($event_data['target'])) { $_m[] = $this->create_event($field, $event_data, $form); } } if (!empty($_m)) { $events_codes[] = $_f . "\n" . implode("\n", $_m) . "\n" . $_l; $pageload_events_codes[] = implode("\n", $_m); } } if (!empty($field['inputs'])) { foreach ($field['inputs'] as $fn => $field_input) { if (!empty($field_input['id']) and !empty($field_input['events'])) { if ($field_input['type'] == 'dropdown') { $change_event = 'change'; } else { $change_event = 'click'; } $_f = '$("[name=\'' . $field_input['name'] . '\']").on("' . $change_event . '", function(){'; $_l = '});'; $_m = array(); foreach ($field_input['events'] as $k => $event_data) { if (strlen($event_data['action']) and strlen($event_data['target'])) { $_m[] = $this->create_event($field_input, $event_data, $form); } } if (!empty($_m)) { $events_codes[] = $_f . "\n" . implode("\n", $_m) . "\n" . $_l; $pageload_events_codes[] = implode("\n", $_m); } } } } } //check new fields events if (!empty($form->form['Form']['extras']['jsevents'])) { $jsevents_codes = array(); foreach ($form->form['Form']['extras']['jsevents'] as $k => $jsevent_info) { if (empty($jsevent_info['source'])) { continue; } //$source = $this->get_field_selector($jsevent_info['source'], $form); $target = !empty($jsevent_info['target']) ? $this->get_field_selector($jsevent_info['target'], $form) : ''; $event_trigger = $this->get_event_trigger($jsevent_info, $form); $type = $jsevent_info['type']; $jsevent_class = '\\GCore\\Admin\\Extensions\\Chronoforms\\Events\\' . \GCore\Libs\Str::camilize($type) . '\\' . \GCore\Libs\Str::camilize($type); $jsevents_codes[] = str_replace('__FUNCTION__', $jsevent_class::output($target, $jsevent_info, $form), $event_trigger); } $events_codes = array_merge($events_codes, $jsevents_codes); } $events_codes[] = '}'; $events_codes[] = 'chronoforms_fields_events();'; $events_codes[] = 'function chronoforms_pageload_fields_events(){'; $events_codes[] = implode("\n", $pageload_events_codes); $events_codes[] = '}'; $events_codes[] = 'chronoforms_pageload_fields_events();'; //$form->execute('js', array('content' => implode("\n", $events_codes))); } ob_start(); eval('?>' . $form->form['Form']['content']); $output = ob_get_clean(); $form_content = $output; //select the page to display $form_pages = explode('<!--_CHRONOFORMS_PAGE_BREAK_-->', $output); $active_page_index = (int) $config->get('page', 1) - 1; $output = $form_pages[$active_page_index]; //get current url $current_url = \GCore\Libs\Url::current(); if ((bool) $config->get('relative_url', 1) === false) { $current_url = r_('index.php?ext=chronoforms'); } //generate <form tag $form_tag = '<form'; $form_action = strlen($config->get('action_url', '')) > 0 ? $config->get('action_url', '') : \GCore\Libs\Url::buildQuery($current_url, array('chronoform' => $form->form['Form']['title'], 'event' => $config->get('submit_event', 'submit'))); $form_tag .= ' action="' . r_($form_action, (bool) $config->get('xhtml_url', 0)) . '"'; //get method $form_method = $config->get('form_method', 'post'); if ($config->get('form_method', 'post') == 'file') { $form_tag .= ' enctype="multipart/form-data"'; $form_method = 'post'; } $form_tag .= ' method="' . $form_method . '"'; $form_tag .= ' name="' . $form->form['Form']['title'] . '"'; //$form_id = 'chronoform-'.$form->form['Form']['title']; $form_tag .= ' id="' . $form_id . '"'; $form_tag .= ' class="' . $config->get('form_class', 'chronoform') . ($theme == 'bootstrap3' ? ' form-horizontal' : '') . '"'; if ($config->get('form_tag_attach', '')) { $form_tag .= ' ' . trim($config->get('form_tag_attach', '')); } $form_tag .= '>'; if (empty($theme)) { $doc->_('forms'); } /* if($theme == 'bootstrap3'){ $doc->_('jquery'); $doc->_('bootstrap'); //echo '<div class="gcore chronoform-container">'; } */ $js_scripts = array(); if (strpos($output, 'data-wysiwyg="1"') !== false) { $doc->_('jquery'); $doc->_('editor'); $js_scripts[] = '$(\'*[data-wysiwyg="1"]\').each(function(){ tinymce.init({"selector":"#"+$(this).attr("id")}); });'; } if (strpos($form_content, 'validate[') !== false) { $doc->_('jquery'); $doc->_('gtooltip'); $doc->_('gvalidation', array('lang' => $form->params->get('js_validation_language', 'en'))); $js_scripts[] = '$("#' . $form_id . '").gvalidate();'; $js_scripts[] = ' $("#' . $form_id . 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' :input[type=submit]", function(event){ $("#' . $form_id . '").append("<input type=\'hidden\' name=\'"+$(this).attr("name")+"\' value=\'"+$(this).val()+"\' />"); }); var files; $("input[type=file]").on("change", function(event){ files =; }); $(document).on("submit", "#' . $form_id . '", function(event){ var overlay = $("<div/>").css({ "position": "fixed", "top": "0", "left": "0", "width": "100%", "height": "100%", "background-color": "#000", "filter": "alpha(opacity=50)", "-moz-opacity": "0.5", "-khtml-opacity": "0.5", "opacity": "0.5", "z-index": "10000", "background-image":"url(\\"' . \GCore\Helpers\Assets::image('loading-small.gif') . '\\")", "background-position":"center center", "background-repeat":"no-repeat", }); if(!$("#' . $form_id . '").hasClass("form-overlayed")){ $("#' . $form_id . '").append(overlay); $("#' . $form_id . '").addClass("form-overlayed"); } var form_action = $("#' . $form_id . '").prop("action"); var sep = (form_action.indexOf("?") > -1) ? 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