$res = $stratum->store($key, $value);
$res = $stratum->query();
asort($pairs, TRUE);
Tap::is($res, $pairs, 'stored a bunch of pairs ... query matches what I stored');
//Tap::debug( $pairs );
//Tap::debug( $res );
Tap::is($stratum->query(array('limit' => '0,1')), array_slice($pairs, 0, 1, TRUE), 'queried the first in the list');
Tap::is($stratum->query(array('limit' => 2, 'sort' => 'desc')), array_slice($pairs, -2, NULL, TRUE), 'queried the last two in the list');
$middle = array_slice($pairs, 5, 1, TRUE);
list($key, $value) = each($middle);
Tap::is($stratum->query(array('min' => $value, 'limit' => 2)), array_slice($pairs, 5, 2, TRUE), 'queried from the middle of the list');
Tap::is($stratum->query(array('max' => $value, 'limit' => 2, 'sort' => 'DESC')), array_reverse(array_slice($pairs, 4, 2, TRUE), TRUE), 'queried from the middle of the list in reverse');
Tap::is($stratum->query(array('search' => array_values(array_slice($pairs, 2, 3, TRUE)))), array_slice($pairs, 2, 3, TRUE), 'search by value matches correct result set');
$expected = $pairs;
$res = $stratum->batch();
Tap::is(count($res), count($pairs), 'batch call returns correct result count');
if ($use_bin_constraint) {
    $expected = $res;
    Tap::ok(TRUE, 'skipping first sort order because we cant do exact match of mysql binary ordering');
} else {
    Tap::is($res, $expected, 'batch call returns result set sorted by key');
Tap::is($stratum->batch(array('limit' => '0,1')), array_slice($expected, 0, 1, TRUE), 'batch the first in the list');
Tap::is($stratum->batch(array('limit' => 2, 'sort' => 'desc')), array_slice(array_reverse($expected, TRUE), 0, 2, TRUE), 'batch the last two in the list');
Tap::is($stratum->batch(array('start_after' => min(array_keys($expected)))), array_slice($expected, 1, count($expected), TRUE), 'batch starting after the first one');
$expected = array_reverse($expected, TRUE);
Tap::is($stratum->batch(array('sort' => 'DESC')), $expected, 'batch call returns result set sorted by key and sort desc works');
Tap::ok($stratum->delete($key), 'successfully deleted a constraint');

namespace Gaia\Stockpile;

use Gaia\DB\Transaction;
use Gaia\Test\Tap;
$user_id = uniqueUserID();
$item_id = uniqueNumber(1, 1000000);
stockpile($app, $user_id)->add($item_id, 5);
// cant subtract zero
$e = NULL;
try {
    stockpile($app, $user_id)->subtract($item_id, 0);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
Tap::ok($e instanceof \Exception && preg_match('/cannot subtract/', $e->getMessage()), 'cant subtract zero');
// subtract more than we have.
$starting_total = stockpile($app, $user_id)->get($item_id);
$e = NULL;
try {
    $stockpile = stockpile($app, $user_id);
    $stockpile->subtract($item_id, quantify($stockpile->get($item_id)) + 1);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
Tap::ok($e instanceof \Exception && preg_match('/not enough/', $e->getMessage()), 'wont allow to subtract more than you have');
// after failed subtraction, amount is still correct.
$total = stockpile($app, $user_id)->get($item_id);
Tap::is($total, $starting_total, 'after failed subtract, amount is still the same');
Tap::ok(Transaction::start(), 'started a transaction at the global level');
$conn1 = $newconn();
$conn2 = $newconn();
Tap::ok($conn1->start(), 'started a transaction on conn1');
Tap::ok($conn2->start(), 'started a transaction on conn2');
$rs = $conn1->execute("insert into {$table} values (3)");
Tap::ok($rs, 'inserted a row into test table from conn1');
//if( ! $rs ) Tap::debug( $conn1 );
$rs = $conn2->execute("insert into {$table} values(4)");
Tap::ok($rs, 'inserted a row into test table from conn2');
//if( ! $rs ) Tap::debug( $conn2 );
Tap::ok($conn1->commit(), 'committed inserted row on conn1');
Tap::ok($conn2->commit(), 'committed inserted row on conn2');
Tap::ok(Transaction::rollback(), 'rolled back the transaction at the global level');
Tap::ok($rs = $dbmain->execute("select id from {$table}"), 'selected all rows from the table');
$ct = $rs->affected();
Tap::is($ct, 2, '2 rows in the table, new rows rolled back');
$rs = $conn1->execute("select id from {$table}");
Tap::is($rs, FALSE, 'after rolling back, new queries fail on rolled back db object');
$dbmain->execute("drop table {$table}");
$db = $newconn();
$raw = file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/../sample/i_can_eat_glass.txt');
$lines = explode("\n", $raw);
$lines = array_slice($lines, 0, 10) + array_slice($lines, 100, 10) + array_slice($lines, 200, 10) + array_slice($lines, 200, 10);
$raw = implode("\n", $lines);
foreach ($lines as $i => $line) {
    //$lines[ $i ] = $line = mb_convert_encoding($line, 'UTF-8', 'auto');
    $db->execute('INSERT INTO t1utf8 (`i`, `line`) VALUES (%i, %s)', $i, $line);
$q->set($stockpile->newId(), array('test'));
$quantity = stockpile($app, $user_id)->add($item_id, $q);
$serials = $quantity->serials();
Tap::ok(is_array($serials) && count($serials) == 4, 'after adding 3 new items, quantity returns 4 serials, since we had 1 before');
$digit_test = TRUE;
foreach ($serials as $serial) {
    if (!ctype_digit(quantify($serial))) {
        $digit_test = FALSE;
    if ($serial < 1) {
        $digit_test = FALSE;
Tap::ok($digit_test, 'all the serials returned are integers');
$quantity = stockpile($app, $user_id)->subtract($item_id, $quantity->grab(3));
Tap::is($quantity->serials(), array($first_serial), 'after deleting 3, back down to my original item');
$quantity->set($serial = lastElement($quantity->serials()), array('event' => 'xmas'));
$res = stockpile($app, $user_id)->add($item_id, $quantity);
Tap::is($quantity->all(), $res->all(), 'after adding properties, returned result matches what we just stored');
Tap::is($res->get($serial), array('event' => 'xmas'), 'the property was properly stored for the serial');
for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) {
    stockpile($app, $user_id)->add($item_id, $quantity);
Tap::is(stockpile($app, $user_id)->get($item_id), $quantity, 'after adding the same serial over and over, still only have the one item');
// need to think about how to test deadlocks ... without deadlocking in a test :P
$user_id = uniqueUserID();
$stockpile = stockpile($app, $user_id);
$item_id = uniqueNumber(1, 10000000);
$quantity = $stockpile->quantity();
Ejemplo n.º 5
$res = array();
foreach (souk($app)->fetch(souk($app)->search(array('item_id' => $item_id, 'seller' => $seller_id, 'floor' => 4, 'ceiling' => 6))) as $id => $listing) {
    $res[$listing->price] = TRUE;
$res = array_keys($res);
Tap::is($res, array(4, 5, 6), 'setting floor and ceiling limits the result set to prices in the correct range');
$search = souk($app)->search(array('item_id' => $item_id, 'seller' => $seller_id, 'closed' => 0));
$id = array_shift($search);
$ids = souk($app)->search(array('item_id' => $item_id, 'seller' => $seller_id, 'closed' => 0));
Tap::ok(!in_array($id, $ids, TRUE), 'after closing an item, it no longer appears in the list of unclosed items');
$res = souk($app)->fetch(souk($app)->search(array('item_id' => $item_id, 'seller' => $seller_id, 'closed' => 0, 'only' => 'bid')));
$bidonly = TRUE;
foreach ($res as $listing) {
    if (!$listing->step || $listing->price) {
        $bidonly = FALSE;
Tap::ok($bidonly, 'searching with only=>bid param returns results that are all bid only items, no prices');
$res = souk($app)->fetch(souk($app)->search(array('item_id' => $item_id, 'seller' => $seller_id, 'closed' => 0, 'only' => 'buy')));
$buynow = TRUE;
foreach ($res as $listing) {
    if ($listing->step || !$listing->price) {
        $buynow = FALSE;
Tap::ok($buynow, 'searching with only=>buy param returns results that are all buy now only items, no bids');
Ejemplo n.º 6

use Gaia\Test\Tap;
use Gaia\affiliate;
Tap::ok($affiliate instanceof affiliate\Iface, 'object implements the affiliate interface');
$identifiers = array('a' . microtime(TRUE) . '.' . mt_rand(), 'b' . microtime(TRUE) . '.' . mt_rand(), 'c' . microtime(TRUE) . '.' . mt_rand());
$res = $affiliate->join($identifiers);
$affiliate_id = $res[$identifiers[0]];
Tap::is($res, array_fill_keys($identifiers, $affiliate_id), 'ran the join command and got back a key list of identifiers mapping to my affiliate id');
Tap::ok(ctype_digit($affiliate_id), 'affiliate id is a string of digits');
Tap::is($affiliate->related($identifiers), $res, 'affiliate::related() returns same response as join did');
$identifiers[] = $last = 'd' . microtime(TRUE) . '.' . mt_rand();
$res = $affiliate->join($identifiers);
Tap::is($res, array_fill_keys($identifiers, $affiliate_id), 'join a new identifier to the group');
Tap::is($affiliate->related($identifiers), $res, 'affiliate::related() returns same response as join did');
Tap::is($affiliate->identifiers(array($affiliate_id)), array($affiliate_id => $identifiers), 'affiliate::get returns identifiers mapped to the affiliate id');
$unrelated = 'd' . microtime(TRUE) . '.' . mt_rand();
$res = $affiliate->join(array($unrelated));
$new_affiliate_id = $res[$unrelated];
Tap::is($affiliate->identifiers(array($new_affiliate_id)), array($new_affiliate_id => array($unrelated)), 'joining a single identifer, creates an orphaned new affiliateid');
Tap::isnt($affiliate_id, $new_affiliate_id, 'old and new affiliate ids are different');
$res = $affiliate->join(array($last, $unrelated));
Tap::is($res, array_fill_keys(array_merge($identifiers, array($unrelated)), $affiliate_id), 'joined unrelated to the other identifiers');
Tap::is($affiliate->related($identifiers), array_fill_keys(array_merge($identifiers, array($unrelated)), $affiliate_id), 'the new identifer is now related to the rest');
Tap::is($affiliate->related($identifiers), array_fill_keys($identifiers, NULL), 'after deleting the identifiers, no associations');
Tap::is($affiliate->related(array($unrelated)), array_fill_keys(array($unrelated), $affiliate_id), 'the one identifier we didnt delete still remains');
Tap::is($affiliate->related(array($unrelated)), array_fill_keys(array($unrelated), NULL), 'deleted the last identifier');

use Gaia\Skein;
use Gaia\Test\Tap;
use Gaia\Time;
if (!isset($extra_tests)) {
    $extra_tests = 0;
Tap::plan(27 + $extra_tests);
Tap::ok($skein instanceof Skein\Iface, 'created new skein object, implements expected interface');
$id = $skein->add($data = array('foo' => mt_rand(1, 100000000)));
Tap::ok(ctype_digit($id), 'added data, got back an id');
Tap::is($skein->get($id), $data, 'read back the data I stored');
Tap::is($skein->get(array($id)), array($id => $data), 'multi-get interface works too');
$data = array('foo' => mt_rand(1, 100000000));
$skein->store($id, $data);
Tap::is($skein->get($id), $data, 'stored the data with new values, get returns what I wrote');
$batch = array($id => $data);
for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) {
    Time::offset(86400 * 5);
    $id = $skein->add($data = array('foo' => mt_rand(1, 100000000)));
    $batch[$id] = $data;
$ids = array_keys($batch);
$res = $skein->get($ids);
Tap::is($res, $batch, 'added a bunch of keys and read them back using get( ids ) interface');
Tap::is($skein->ids(array('limit' => 100)), $ids, 'got the keys back in ascending order');
Tap::is($res = $skein->ids(array('sort' => 'ascending', 'limit' => 5)), array_slice($ids, 0, 5), 'got the keys back in ascending order, limit 5');
Tap::is($res = $skein->ids(array('sort' => 'ascending', 'limit' => 5, 'start_after' => $ids[5])), array_slice($ids, 6, 5), 'got the keys back in ascending order, limit 5, starting after the 5th id');
Tap::is($res = $skein->ids(array('limit' => 1)), array($ids[0]), 'with limit 1, got back the 1st id');
$ids = array_reverse($ids);
Tap::cmp_ok($cache->get(array($k)), '===', array(), 'after setting the key to null, key is deleted');
Tap::is($cache->set($k, $v = '0'), TRUE, 'setting a key to zero returns true');
Tap::cmp_ok($cache->get($k), '===', $v, 'after setting the key to 0, get returns zero value');
Tap::cmp_ok($cache->get(array($k)), '===', array($k => $v), 'multi-get returns the key with zero value');
Tap::ok($cache->set($k, 1, $ttl = 3600 * 24 * 30), 'setting with a huge timeout');
Tap::cmp_ok(strval($cache->get($k)), '===', '1', 'get returns correct value');
$incr = 1000000;
Tap::ok($cache->increment($k, $incr), 'incrementing with a large number');
Tap::cmp_ok(strval($cache->get($k)), '===', strval($incr + 1), 'get returns correct value');
Tap::ok($cache->decrement($k, $incr), 'decrementing with a large number');
Tap::cmp_ok(intval($cache->get($k)), '===', 1, 'get returns correct value');
$huge_number = 9.223372036854776E+18;
if (!is_int($huge_number)) {
    $huge_number = 2147483646;
Tap::Debug("testing with {$huge_number}");
Tap::ok($cache->set($k, $v = $huge_number), 'setting a huge number');
Tap::cmp_ok(strval($cache->get($k)), '===', strval($v), 'get returns correct value');
$v = $v + 1;
Tap::cmp_ok(strval($cache->increment($k, 1)), '===', strval($v), 'increment a huge number by 1');
Tap::cmp_ok(strval($cache->get($k)), '===', strval($v), 'get returns correct value');
$cache->set($k, $v);
$v = $v - 1;
Tap::cmp_ok(strval($cache->decrement($k, 1)), '===', strval($v), 'decrement a huge number by 1');
Tap::cmp_ok(strval($cache->get($k)), '===', strval($v), 'get returns correct value');
$k = 'gaia/cache/test/' . microtime(TRUE) . '/' . mt_rand(1, 10000);
$v = '我能吞下玻璃而不傷身體';
Tap::ok($cache->set($k, $v), 'setting a string with utf-8 chars in it');
Tap::cmp_ok(strval($cache->get($k)), '===', $v, 'get returns correct value');
Tap::ok($cache->delete($k), 'deleting the key');
Tap::cmp_ok($cache->get($k), '===', NULL, 'after deleting, get returns NULL');
Ejemplo n.º 9

use Gaia\Test\Tap;
use Gaia\NewId;
$app = 'test';
$new = new NewId\DB($db, $app = 'test');
$res = $new->testInit();
$id = $new->id();
Tap::ok(ctype_digit($id), 'id returned is a string of digits');
$ids = $new->ids(10);
Tap::ok(is_array($ids) && count($ids) == 10, 'ids returned a list of 10 items when I asked for 10');
$status = TRUE;
foreach ($ids as $id) {
    if (!ctype_digit($id)) {
        $status = FALSE;
Tap::ok($status, 'all of the ids are digits');
$id1 = $new->id();
$id2 = $new->id();
Tap::cmp_ok($id1, '<', $id2, 'an id generated a second later is larger than the first one');
Ejemplo n.º 10
Tap::ok($elapsed < 10, "added {$i} items in 10 seconds or less (no transaction). did it in: " . number_format($elapsed, 3) . ' seconds');
// read back those same items
$start = microtime(TRUE);
for ($i = 0; $i < $iterations; $i++) {
    $stockpile->get($i + 1);
$elapsed = microtime(TRUE) - $start;
Tap::ok($elapsed < 10, "read {$i} items in 10 seconds or less (serial order). did it in: " . number_format($elapsed, 3) . ' seconds');
// change user ids and do it again, this time with a transaction.
$user_id = uniqueUserID();
$stockpile = stockpile($app, $user_id);
$start = microtime(TRUE);
for ($i = 0; $i < $iterations; $i++) {
    $stockpile->add($i + 1, uniqueNumber(1, 10000));
$elapsed = microtime(TRUE) - $start;
Tap::ok($elapsed < 10, "added {$i} items in 10 seconds or less (with transaction). did it in: " . number_format($elapsed, 3) . ' seconds');
$stockpile = stockpile($app, $user_id);
$start = microtime(TRUE);
for ($i = 0; $i < $iterations; $i += 100) {
    $stockpile->get(range($i + 1, $i + 101));
$elapsed = microtime(TRUE) - $start;
Tap::ok($elapsed < 3, "read {$i} items in 3 seconds or less (multi-get, chunks of 100). did it in: " . number_format($elapsed, 3) . ' seconds');
$start = microtime(TRUE);
$elapsed = microtime(TRUE) - $start;
Tap::ok($elapsed < 3, "read {$i} items in 3 seconds or less (all at once). did it in: " . number_format($elapsed, 3) . ' seconds');
$e = NULL;
try {
    stockpile($app, '01');
} catch (\Exception $e) {
Tap::ok($e instanceof \Exception && preg_match('/invalid user/', $e->getMessage()), 'user id cant have leading zeros');
$e = NULL;
try {
    stockpile($app, $user_id)->get('a');
} catch (\Exception $e) {
Tap::ok($e instanceof \Exception && preg_match('/invalid item/', $e->getMessage()), 'get item id must be a number');
$e = NULL;
try {
    stockpile($app, $user_id)->get('001');
} catch (\Exception $e) {
Tap::ok($e instanceof \Exception && preg_match('/invalid item/', $e->getMessage()), 'get item id cant have leading zeros');
$e = NULL;
try {
    stockpile($app, $user_id)->get('-1');
} catch (\Exception $e) {
Tap::ok($e instanceof \Exception && preg_match('/invalid item/', $e->getMessage()), 'get item id must be a positive number');
$e = NULL;
try {
    stockpile($app, $user_id)->get(array('-1'));
} catch (\Exception $e) {
Tap::ok($e instanceof \Exception && preg_match('/invalid item/', $e->getMessage()), 'get item id must be a positive number when passed in as a multi-get too');
Tap::ok($identifier->store($id, $name), 'able to overwrite with the same name');
$oldname = $name;
$name = 'name' . microtime(TRUE);
Tap::ok($identifier->store($id, $name), 'able to overwrite with the a new name');
Tap::is($identifier->byName($name), $id, 'found the id by new name');
Tap::is($identifier->byName($oldname), NULL, 'oldname doesnt match anything now');
$oldid = $id;
$id = strval(mt_rand(1, 100000000));
Tap::ok($identifier->store($id, $name), 'able to overwrite name with the a new id');
Tap::is($identifier->byId($id), $name, 'found the name by new id');
Tap::is($identifier->byID($oldid), NULL, 'oldid doesnt match anything now');
$e = null;
try {
    $identifier->store(strval(mt_rand(1, 100000000)), $name, $strict = TRUE);
} catch (Exception $e) {
    $e = $e->__toString();
Tap::like($e, '#name-taken#i', 'trying to map name to new id with strict clause thrown in fails');
Tap::ok($identifier->delete($id, $name), 'deleted the pairing');
Tap::is($identifier->byName($name), NULL, 'after deleting, no name lookup');
Tap::is($identifier->byId($id), NULL, 'after deleting, no id lookup');
$identifier = $create_identifier();
Tap::ok($identifier->store($id, $name), 'store the name/id pairing with txn');
Tap::is($identifier->byName($name), $id, 'found the id by name');
Tap::is($identifier->byId($id), $name, 'found the name by id');
$identifier = $create_identifier();
Tap::is($identifier->byName($name), NULL, 'after rollback, no id found by name');
Tap::is($identifier->byId($id), NULL, 'after rollback, no name found by id');
Ejemplo n.º 13
    new Transfer($trade, $other);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
Tap::ok($e instanceof \Exception && preg_match('/transfer/i', $e->getMessage()), 'no nesting of transfers');
$e = NULL;
try {
    new Transfer($core, $core);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
Tap::ok($e instanceof \Exception && preg_match('/need\\stwo/i', $e->getMessage()), 'enforce two different parties to trade');
$e = NULL;
try {
    new Transfer(stockpile($app, $other_id), stockpile($app, $other_id));
} catch (\Exception $e) {
Tap::ok($e instanceof \Exception && preg_match('/transaction/i', $e->getMessage()), 'blow up when no transaction');
$e = NULL;
try {
    new Transfer(stockpile($app, $other_id), stockpile($app, $other_id));
} catch (\Exception $e) {
Tap::ok($e instanceof \Exception && preg_match('/transaction/i', $e->getMessage()), 'blow up when neither has a transaction');
$trade = new Transfer(stockpile($app, $user_id), stockpile('test2', $user_id));
Tap::is(quantify($trade->subtract($item_id)), 2, 'move items for same user to different app (escrow example with transaction)');
Tap::is(quantify($trade->add($item_id)), 3, 'add it back from other app to main');
Tap::ok(Transaction::commit(), 'transaction commits successfully');
namespace Gaia\Stockpile;

use Gaia\DB\Transaction;
use Gaia\Test\Tap;
$user_id = uniqueUserID();
$item_id = uniqueNumber(1, 1000000);
// add several items to the account.
$items = array($item_id, uniqueNumber(1, 1000000), uniqueNumber(1, 1000000));
sort($items, SORT_NUMERIC);
$stockpile = stockpile($app, $user_id);
foreach ($items as $id) {
Tap::ok(Transaction::commit(), 'add many items in a transaction');
// grab all the data at once
$all = $stockpile->all();
Tap::is(array_keys($all), $items, 'got back all the items we put in');
// test multi-get
$some = $stockpile->get($some_keys = array($items[0], $items[1]));
Tap::is(array_keys($some), $some_keys, 'multi-get only grabs the items we specified');
// test multi-get with an item that isn't in the list.
$stockpile = stockpile($app, $user_id);
do {
    $not_in_list = uniqueNumber(1, 100000);
} while (in_array($not_in_list, $items));
$res = $stockpile->get($not_in_list);
Tap::is(quantify($res), 0, 'get for an item that doesnt exist in user inventory returns zero');
$res = $stockpile->get(array($not_in_list));
Tap::is($res, array(), 'multi-get for an item that doesnt exist in user inventory returns empty array');