Ejemplo n.º 1
  * set common data to template
  * @author Luvina
  * @access public
  * @return void
 public function before()
     $aryMenuList = Model_Category::find('all');
     $this->template->menu = $aryMenuList;
     $this->template->base_url = Config::get('base_url');
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public static function _init()
     static::$crypter = new Crypt_AES();
     static::$hasher = new Crypt_Hash('sha256');
     // load the config
     \Config::load('crypt', true);
     static::$config = \Config::get('crypt', array());
     // generate random crypto keys if we don't have them or they are incorrect length
     $update = false;
     foreach (array('crypto_key', 'crypto_iv', 'crypto_hmac') as $key) {
         if (empty(static::$config[$key]) || strlen(static::$config[$key]) % 4 != 0) {
             $crypto = '';
             for ($i = 0; $i < 8; $i++) {
                 $crypto .= static::safe_b64encode(pack('n', mt_rand(0, 0xffff)));
             static::$config[$key] = $crypto;
             $update = true;
     // update the config if needed
     if ($update === true) {
         try {
             \Config::save('crypt', static::$config);
         } catch (\File_Exception $e) {
             throw new \Exception('Crypt keys are invalid or missing, and app/config/crypt.php could not be written.');
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * initialisation and auto configuration
 public static function _init()
     $crypter = new Crypt_AES();
     $hasher = new Crypt_Hash('sha256');
     // load the config
     \Config::load('crypt', true);
     static::$defaults = \Config::get('crypt', array());
     // generate random crypto keys if we don't have them or they are incorrect length
     $update = false;
     foreach (array('crypto_key', 'crypto_iv', 'crypto_hmac') as $key) {
         if (empty(static::$defaults[$key]) or strlen(static::$defaults[$key]) % 4 != 0) {
             $crypto = '';
             for ($i = 0; $i < 8; $i++) {
                 $crypto .= static::safe_b64encode(pack('n', mt_rand(0, 0xffff)));
             static::$defaults[$key] = $crypto;
             $update = true;
     // update the config if needed
     if ($update === true) {
         try {
             \Config::save('crypt', static::$defaults);
         } catch (\FileAccessException $e) {
             // failed to write the config file, inform the user
             echo \View::forge('errors/crypt_keys', array('keys' => static::$defaults));
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public function mysendmail($person, $type)
     foreach ($person as $k => $v) {
         $arr_mail = array();
         if ($v['order_id'] == null) {
             $arr_mail[] = self::get_email_user($v['user_id']);
         } else {
             if ($type == 1 or $type == 2 or $type == 3 or $type == 4) {
                 $arr_mail[] = self::get_email_user($v['business_user_id']);
                 $arr_mail[] = self::get_email_user($v['interview_user_id']);
             if ($type == 5 or $type == 6 or $type == 7) {
                 $arr_mail[] = self::get_email_user($v['business_user_id']);
                 $arr_mail[] = self::get_email_user($v['agreement_user_id']);
             if ($type == 8) {
                 $arr_mail[] = self::get_email_user($v['business_user_id']);
             if ($type == 9) {
                 $arr_mail[] = self::get_email_user($v['business_user_id']);
                 $arr_mail[] = self::get_email_user($v['training_user_id']);
         $data = array('person_id' => $v['person_id'], 'uri_base' => Uri::base(), 'uosbo_url' => \Fuel\Core\Config::get('uosbo_url'), 'ss_name' => $v['ss_name'], 'name_kana' => Utility::crop_string($v['name_kana'], 4), 'nametitle' => self::$nametitle[$type]);
         if (array_filter($arr_mail)) {
             Utility::sendmail($arr_mail, '求人管理システム', $data, 'email/sendmailperson');
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public static function feed_fb($token, $data)
     $data = json_decode(base64_decode($data));
     if (!empty($data->id)) {
         if (!defined('_PATH_PRODUCT_')) {
             define('_PATH_PRODUCT_', Config::get('base_url') . Config::get('app.path.product'));
         $product = \Model_Base_Product::get_one($data->id);
         $tmp = "\r\n\r\n--------------------------------------------------\r\n\r\n";
         $message = $product['product_name'] . $tmp . $product['product_description'] . $tmp . $product['product_info'];
         $groups = \Model_Base_GroupFb::get_all();
         foreach ($groups as $group) {
             try {
                 \OpauthStrategy::serverPost('https://graph.facebook.com/v2.5/' . $group['group_id'] . '/feed', array('access_token' => $token, 'message' => strip_tags(html_entity_decode($message, ENT_QUOTES)), 'link' => Uri::create('/product/' . $product['code']), 'caption' => 'WJ-SHOP', 'name' => html_entity_decode($product['product_name'], ENT_QUOTES), 'description' => html_entity_decode($product['product_description'], ENT_QUOTES), 'picture' => _PATH_PRODUCT_ . $product['product_photo']), null, $headers);
             } catch (\Exception $e) {
     } elseif (!empty($data->message) && !empty($data->link)) {
         $groups = \Model_Base_GroupFb::get_all();
         foreach ($groups as $group) {
             try {
                 \OpauthStrategy::serverPost('https://graph.facebook.com/v2.5/' . $group['group_id'] . '/feed', array('access_token' => $token, 'message' => html_entity_decode($data->message, ENT_QUOTES), 'link' => $data->link), null, $headers);
             } catch (\Exception $e) {
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public static function _init()
     static::$crypter = new Crypt_AES();
     static::$hasher = new Crypt_Hash('sha256');
     // load the config
     \Config::load('crypt', true);
     static::$config = \Config::get('crypt', array());
     // generate random crypto keys if we don't have them or they are incorrect length
     $update = false;
     foreach (array('crypto_key', 'crypto_iv', 'crypto_hmac') as $key) {
         if (empty(static::$config[$key]) or strlen(static::$config[$key]) % 4 != 0) {
             $crypto = '';
             for ($i = 0; $i < 8; $i++) {
                 $crypto .= static::safe_b64encode(pack('n', mt_rand(0, 0xffff)));
             static::$config[$key] = $crypto;
             $update = true;
     // update the config if needed
     if ($update === true) {
         // load the file config
         \Config::load('file', true);
         try {
             \Config::save('crypt', static::$config);
             chmod(APPPATH . 'config' . DS . 'crypt.php', \Config::get('file.chmod.files', 0666));
         } catch (\FileAccessException $e) {
             // failed to write the config file, inform the user
             echo \View::forge('errors/crypt_keys', array('keys' => static::$config));
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public static function send($option = null)
     try {
         $email = Email::forge();
         $email->from(Config::get('email.defaults.from.email'), Config::get('email.defaults.from.name'));
         $to = $option->to;
         if (is_string($to)) {
         } elseif (is_array($to)) {
             $email->to(Config::get('email.defaults.from.email'), Config::get('email.defaults.from.name'));
         $email->subject(html_entity_decode($option->subject, ENT_QUOTES));
         if (!empty($option->attach)) {
             $email->attach(DOCROOT . $option->attach);
         $email->html_body(View::forge('email/' . $option->view, $option->content));
     } catch (\EmailSendingFailedException $e) {
         Log::write('ERROR', $e->getMessage(), 'Send_email');
         return false;
     } catch (\EmailValidationFailedException $e) {
         Log::write('ERROR', $e->getMessage(), 'Validation_email');
         return false;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         Log::write('ERROR', $e->getMessage(), 'Exception');
         return false;
     return true;
Ejemplo n.º 8
 public static function generate($uri = null, $variables = array(), $get_variables = array(), $secure = null)
     $language = Config::get('language');
     if (!empty($uri)) {
         $language .= '/';
     return Uri::create($language . $uri, $variables, $get_variables, $secure);
 public function action_index()
     $pagination = \Fuel\Core\Pagination::forge('projecttasknames', array('pagination_url' => \Fuel\Core\Config::get('pagination.pagination_url', '') . 'admin/projecttasknames/index/', 'total_items' => Model_Projecttaskname::count(), 'per_page' => \Fuel\Core\Config::get('pagination.per_page', 10), 'num_links' => \Fuel\Core\Config::get('pagination.num_links', 10), 'show_first' => \Fuel\Core\Config::get('pagination.show_first', false), 'show_last' => \Fuel\Core\Config::get('pagination.show_last', false), 'uri_segment' => \Fuel\Core\Config::get('pagination.uri_segment', 4)));
     $data['projecttasknames'] = Model_Projecttaskname::find('all', array('order_by' => array('name' => 'asc'), 'limit' => $pagination->per_page, 'offset' => $pagination->offset));
     $data['pagination'] = $pagination;
     $this->template->title = "Task Types";
     $this->template->content = View::forge('admin/projecttasknames/index', $data, false);
Ejemplo n.º 10
 public function post_add()
     $model = Model_Blog::forge();
     $model->set(BLOG_CREATED_DATE, DB::expr('now()'));
     $model->set(DELETE_FLG, '0');
Ejemplo n.º 11
 public static function get_app_config($name, $option = array())
     $data = array();
     $config = Config::get('app.' . $name);
     foreach ($option as $key) {
         $data[$key] = $config[$key];
     return !empty($option) ? $data : $config;
Ejemplo n.º 12
 public function action_index()
     $config = \Fuel\Core\Config::get('pagination');
     $pagination = \Fuel\Core\Pagination::forge('user_types', $config);
     $pagination->total_items = Model_User_Type::count();
     $data['pagination'] = $pagination;
     $data['user_types'] = Model_User_Type::find('all', array('order_by' => array(array('name', 'asc')), 'offset' => $pagination->offset, 'limit' => $pagination->per_page));
     $this->template->title = "Employee Types &raquo; Listing";
     $this->template->content = View::forge('admin/user/types/index', $data);
Ejemplo n.º 13
 public function action_index()
     $config = \Fuel\Core\Config::get('pagination');
     $pagination = \Fuel\Core\Pagination::forge('inventory.units', $config);
     $pagination->total_items = Model_Inventory_Unit::count();
     $data['pagination'] = $pagination;
     $data['inventory_units'] = Model_Inventory_Unit::find('all', array('order_by' => array(array('name', 'asc')), 'limit' => $pagination->per_page, 'offset' => $pagination->offset));
     $this->template->title = "Inventory Units &raquo; Listing";
     $this->template->content = View::forge('admin/inventory/units/index', $data);
Ejemplo n.º 14
 public function before()
     View::set_global('BASE_URL', Config::get('base_url'));
     // Check if is in maintenance mode
     if (Config::get('global.MAINTENANCE_MODE')) {
         // Open maintenance page
         return Response::redirect('page/maintenance');
     return parent::before();
Ejemplo n.º 15
 public function action_index()
     $config = \Fuel\Core\Config::get('pagination');
     $pagination = \Fuel\Core\Pagination::forge('settings', $config);
     $pagination->total_items = Model_Setting::count();
     $settings = Model_Setting::find('all', array('order_by' => array(array('setting_title', 'asc')), 'limit' => $pagination->per_page, 'offset' => $pagination->offset));
     $data_types = Model_Setting_Data_Type::find('all', array('order_by' => array(array('name', 'asc'))));
     $this->template->title = "Settings";
     $this->template->content = View::forge('admin/settings/index', array('pagination' => $pagination, 'settings' => $settings, 'data_types' => $data_types));
 public function action_index()
     $config = \Fuel\Core\Config::get('pagination');
     $pagination = \Fuel\Core\Pagination::forge('suppliers', $config);
     $pagination->total_items = Model_Supplier::count();
     $data['pagination'] = $pagination;
     $data['suppliers'] = Model_Supplier::find('all', array('order_by' => array(array('description', 'asc')), 'limit' => $pagination->per_page, 'offset' => $pagination->offset));
     $this->template->title = "Suppliers";
     $this->template->content = View::forge('admin/suppliers/index', $data);
 public function action_index()
     $config = \Fuel\Core\Config::get('pagination');
     $pagination = \Fuel\Core\Pagination::forge('customers', $config);
     $pagination->total_items = Model_Customer::count();
     $data['customers'] = Model_Customer::find('all', array('limit' => $pagination->per_page, 'offset' => $pagination->offset));
     $data['pagination'] = $pagination;
     $this->template->title = "Customers &raquo; Listing";
     $this->template->content = View::forge('admin/customers/index.twig', $data);
Ejemplo n.º 18
 public static function fetch($item, $default = null)
     if (strpos($item, '.') !== false) {
         $parts = explode('.', $item);
         $file = array_shift($parts);
         self::load($file, $file);
         return parent::get($item, $default);
     } else {
         return parent::get($item, $default);
Ejemplo n.º 19
 public function getVenueMapping($lat, $lon, $venue_name)
     $query = array();
     $query['client_id'] = Config::get('foursquare_client_id');
     $query['client_secret'] = Config::get('foursquare_client_secret');
     $query['v'] = date('Ymd');
     $query['intent'] = 'match';
     $query['ll'] = $lat . ',' . $lon;
     $query['query'] = $venue_name;
     return $this->runRequest('venues/search', $query);
Ejemplo n.º 20
 public function get_highlight_list()
     $highlightArr = Config::get('storysetting.highlight');
     $sliderArr = [20, 24, 30, 33];
     $respArr = [];
     foreach ($sliderArr as $storyID) {
         $storyObj = $this->getStoryBaseID($storyID);
         array_push($respArr, $storyObj->getShort());
     return $respArr;
Ejemplo n.º 21
 public function setUp()
     $files = \Fuel\Core\File::read_dir(APPPATH . 'tests/files', 1);
     foreach ($files as $file => $val) {
         \Fuel\Core\File::delete_dir(APPPATH . 'tests/files' . DS . $file);
     $this->pass = Model_Pass::forge(array('name' => 'test name', 'description' => 'desc', 'logo_text' => 'sample', 'barcode_message' => 'message', 'barcode_format' => 0, 'foreground_color' => 'rgb(0,0,0)', 'background_color' => 'rgb(1,1,1)', 'label_color' => 'rgb(2,2,2)'));
     \Fuel\Core\Config::set('pass.files_dir', APPPATH . 'tests/files');
     $this->path = \Fuel\Core\Config::get('pass.files_dir');
     \Fuel\Core\Config::set('pass.pkpasses_dir', APPPATH . 'tests/passes');
Ejemplo n.º 22
 public function setUp()
     $files = \Fuel\Core\File::read_dir(APPPATH . 'tests/files', 1);
     foreach ($files as $file => $val) {
         \Fuel\Core\File::delete_dir(APPPATH . 'tests/files' . DS . $file);
     $this->pass = Model_Pass::forge(array('name' => 'test name', 'description' => 'desc', 'logo_text' => 'sample', 'barcode_message' => 'message', 'barcode_format' => 0, 'offer_label' => 'samaplelabel', 'offer_value' => 'samplevalue'));
     \Fuel\Core\Config::set('pass.files_dir', APPPATH . 'tests/files');
     $this->path = \Fuel\Core\Config::get('pass.files_dir');
     $this->manager = new Pass_File_Manager($this->pass);
     \Fuel\Core\File::copy(APPPATH . 'tests/certificate.p12', $this->manager->file_path('certificate.p12'));
Ejemplo n.º 23
 public function set_path()
     $path_config = Config::get('app.path');
     $base_url = Config::get('base_url');
     if (!defined('_PATH_NO_ICON_')) {
         define('_PATH_NO_ICON_', $base_url . $path_config['no_icon']);
         define('_PATH_NO_IMAGE_', $base_url . $path_config['no_image']);
         define('_PATH_ICON_', $base_url . $path_config['icon']);
         define('_PATH_CATEGORY_', $base_url . $path_config['category']);
         define('_PATH_PRODUCT_', $base_url . $path_config['product']);
         define('_PATH_ROOT_PHOTO_', $base_url . $path_config['root_photo']);
         define('_PATH_PHOTO_', $base_url . $path_config['photo']);
Ejemplo n.º 24
 public function action_index()
     $pagination = \Fuel\Core\Pagination::forge('userprojects', array('pagination_url' => \Fuel\Core\Config::get('pagination.pagination_url', '') . 'user/projects/index/', 'total_items' => Model_Project::count(array('related' => array('customer', 'project_members'), 'where' => array(array('project_members.user_id', $this->current_user->id)))), 'per_page' => \Fuel\Core\Config::get('pagination.per_page', 10), 'num_links' => \Fuel\Core\Config::get('pagination.num_links', 10), 'uri_segment' => \Fuel\Core\Config::get('pagination.uri_segment', 4), 'show_first' => \Fuel\Core\Config::get('pagination.show_first', false), 'show_last' => \Fuel\Core\Config::get('pagination.show_last', false)));
     $view = Fuel\Core\View::forge('user/projects/index');
     $view->set_global('user_is_admin', false);
     $view->set_global('projects', Model_Project::find('all', array('related' => array('customer', 'project_members'), 'order_by' => array('customer.name' => 'asc', 'name' => 'asc'), 'where' => array(array('project_members.user_id', $this->current_user->id)), 'limit' => $pagination->per_page, 'offset' => $pagination->offset)));
     $view->set_global('customers', \Fuel\Core\Arr::assoc_to_keyval(Model_Customer::find('all', array('order_by' => array('name' => 'asc'))), 'id', 'name'));
     $view->set_global('project_statuses', Model_Projectstatus::find('all', array('order_by' => array(array('description', 'asc')))));
     $view->set_global('selected_status_id', \Fuel\Core\Config::get('projects.default_status_id', 0));
     $view->set_global('user_is_admin', $this->check_user_is_admin());
     $view->set_global('project_status_id', 0);
     $view->set_global('selected_status_id', 0);
     $view->set_global('pagination', $pagination, false);
     $view->set_global('admin', false);
     $this->template->title = 'My Projects';
     $this->template->content = $view;
Ejemplo n.º 25
 public function get()
     $arguments = func_get_args();
     $requestName = array_shift($arguments);
     if (array_key_exists($requestName, $this->apiCalls)) {
         $config = $this->apiCalls[$requestName];
         $query = array();
         $query['oauth_token'] = Config::get('eventbrite_access_token');
         $query['v'] = Config::get('eventbrite_v');
         foreach ($arguments as $key => $argument) {
             $query[$config['args'][$key]] = $argument;
         return $this->runRequest($config['path'], $query);
     } else {
         die('Invalid API request: ' . $requestName);
Ejemplo n.º 26
 public function signature($manifest_path, $signature_path)
     $private_key = openssl_pkey_get_private($this->certs['pkey'], $this->cert_password);
     if (file_exists(\Fuel\Core\Config::get('pass.WWDR_cert'))) {
         try {
             openssl_pkcs7_sign($manifest_path, $signature_path, $this->cert_data, $private_key, array(), PKCS7_BINARY | PKCS7_DETACHED, \Fuel\Core\Config::get('pass.WWDR_cert'));
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             $this->error = 'Certificate error.';
             return null;
     } else {
         $this->error = 'WWDR Intermediate Certificate does not exist.';
         return false;
     $signature = file_get_contents($signature_path);
     $signature = $this->convert_PEM2DER($signature);
     return $signature;
Ejemplo n.º 27
 public static function sendmail($mailto, $subject, $data, $template = false)
     $body = isset($data['body']) ? $data['body'] : null;
     $email = \Email::forge();
     $email->from(\Fuel\Core\Config::get('mail_from'), \Fuel\Core\Config::get('mail_from_name'));
     //if is array mail
     $mail_to = array();
     if (is_array($mailto)) {
         foreach ($mailto as $key => $value) {
             $mailto_arr = explode(',', trim($value, ','));
             if (is_array($mailto_arr)) {
                 foreach ($mailto_arr as $k => $v) {
                     if ($v != '' && $v != null) {
                         $mail_to[] = $v;
         //remove duplicate email
         if ($mail_to) {
             $mail_to = array_unique($mail_to);
     } else {
     //use template
     if ($template) {
         $email->body(\View::forge($template, $data));
         //$data is var pass to template
     //if have attach
     try {
         return true;
     } catch (\EmailValidationFailedException $e) {
         Fuel\Core\Log::error('Mail validation: ' . json_encode($mailto));
     } catch (\EmailSendingFailedException $e) {
         Fuel\Core\Log::error('Mail send failed: ' . json_encode($mailto));
Ejemplo n.º 28
  * The basic welcome message
  * @access  public
  * @return  Response
 public function action_index()
     $this->setPageTitle('Funnycoder Top');
     $aryDataTemplate = array();
     $aryCategory = Model_Category::find_by(DELETE_FLG, '0');
     $aryDataTemplate['category'] = $aryCategory;
     $post = Input::param();
     $where = array(array(DELETE_FLG, 0));
     if (isset($post['category'])) {
         $where[] = array(BLOG_CATEGORY_ID, $post['category']);
     $configPagi = Config::get('pagi');
     $configPagi['total_items'] = Model_Blog::count(array('where' => $where));
     $pagination = Pagination::forge('mypagination', $configPagi);
     $aryBlog = Model_Blog::find('all', array('where' => $where, 'order_by' => array(BLOG_CREATED_DATE => 'desc'), 'limit' => $pagination->per_page, 'offset' => $pagination->offset));
     $aryDataTemplate['blog'] = $aryBlog;
     $aryDataTemplate['pagi'] = $pagination;
     $this->template->content = View_Smarty::forge('blog/index.tpl', $aryDataTemplate);
Ejemplo n.º 29
 public function get()
     $arguments = func_get_args();
     $requestName = array_shift($arguments);
     if (array_key_exists($requestName, $this->apiCalls)) {
         $config = $this->apiCalls[$requestName];
         $query = array();
         if (isset($config['app_request']) && $config['app_request']) {
             $query['client_secret'] = Config::get('foursquare_client_secret');
             $query['client_id'] = Config::get('foursquare_client_id');
         $query['v'] = Config::get('foursquare_v');
         foreach ($arguments as $key => $argument) {
             $query[$config['args'][$key]] = $argument;
         return $this->runRequest($config['path'], $query, $config);
     } else {
         die('Invalid API request: ' . $requestName);
Ejemplo n.º 30
  * @param $data
  * @return bool
 public function sendmail_department($data)
     $subject = '【おしごとnavi】新しい求人応募がありました。';
     foreach ($data['list_emails'] as $email) {
         if ($email['mail']) {
             $mailto[] = $email['mail'];
     //remove duplicate email
     if (isset($mailto)) {
     } else {
         return false;
     $data['bo_url'] = \Fuel\Core\Config::get('uosbo_url');
     return \Utility::sendmail($mailto, $subject, $data, 'email/person_admin');