Ejemplo n.º 1
 public static function set($moduleId, $name, $value = "", $siteId = false)
     if (static::$cacheTtl === null) {
         static::$cacheTtl = self::getCacheTtl();
     if (static::$cacheTtl !== false) {
         $cache = Main\Application::getInstance()->getManagedCache();
     if ($siteId === false) {
         $context = Main\Application::getInstance()->getContext();
         if ($context != null) {
             $siteId = $context->getSite();
     $con = Main\Application::getConnection();
     $sqlHelper = $con->getSqlHelper();
     $strSqlWhere = sprintf("SITE_ID %s AND MODULE_ID = '%s' AND NAME = '%s'", $siteId == "" ? "IS NULL" : "= '" . $sqlHelper->forSql($siteId, 2) . "'", $sqlHelper->forSql($moduleId), $sqlHelper->forSql($name));
     $res = $con->queryScalar("SELECT 'x' " . "FROM b_option " . "WHERE " . $strSqlWhere);
     if ($res != null) {
         $con->queryExecute("UPDATE b_option SET " . "\tVALUE = '" . $sqlHelper->forSql($value, 2000) . "' " . "WHERE " . $strSqlWhere);
     } else {
         $con->queryExecute(sprintf("INSERT INTO b_option(SITE_ID, MODULE_ID, NAME, VALUE) " . "VALUES(%s, '%s', '%s', '%s') ", $siteId == "" ? "NULL" : "'" . $sqlHelper->forSql($siteId, 2) . "'", $sqlHelper->forSql($moduleId, 50), $sqlHelper->forSql($name, 50), $sqlHelper->forSql($value, 2000)));
     if ($siteId == "") {
         $siteId = '-';
     self::$options[$siteId][$moduleId][$name] = $value;
     $event = new Main\Event("main", "OnAfterSetOption_" . $name, array("value" => $value));
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public function send($sender = null)
     static $events = array(DataManager::EVENT_ON_BEFORE_ADD => true, DataManager::EVENT_ON_ADD => true, DataManager::EVENT_ON_AFTER_ADD => true, DataManager::EVENT_ON_BEFORE_UPDATE => true, DataManager::EVENT_ON_UPDATE => true, DataManager::EVENT_ON_AFTER_UPDATE => true, DataManager::EVENT_ON_BEFORE_DELETE => true, DataManager::EVENT_ON_DELETE => true, DataManager::EVENT_ON_AFTER_DELETE => true);
     if (isset($events[$this->entityEventType])) {
         //The event handler function name magically equals to the event type (e.g. "OnBeforeAdd").
         //There are emtpy handlers in the DataManager class.
         $result = call_user_func_array(array($this->entity->getDataClass(), $this->entityEventType), array($this));
         if ($result !== null && !$result instanceof EventResult) {
             $result = new EventResult();
         if ($result !== null) {
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public static function setAuthentication(CurrentUser $user, $isPersistent = false)
     /** @var $context \Freetrix\Main\HttpContext */
     $context = \Freetrix\Main\Application::getInstance()->getContext();
     /** @var $response \Freetrix\Main\HttpResponse */
     $response = $context->getResponse();
     if (!$user->isAuthenticated()) {
         $cookie = new \Freetrix\Main\Web\Cookie("UIDH", "", time() - 3600);
     $connection = \Freetrix\Main\Application::getDbConnection();
     $sqlHelper = $connection->getSqlHelper();
     $connection->queryExecute("UPDATE b_user SET " . "   STORED_HASH = NULL, " . "   LAST_LOGIN = "******", " . "   TIMESTAMP_X = TIMESTAMP_X,  " . "   LOGIN_ATTEMPTS = 0, " . "   TIME_ZONE_OFFSET = " . \CTimeZone::getOffset() . " " . "WHERE ID = " . $user->getUserId() . " ");
     $cookie = new \Freetrix\Main\Web\Cookie("LOGIN", $user->getLogin(), time() + 60 * 60 * 24 * 30 * 60);
     $cookie->setSpread(\Freetrix\Main\Config\Option::get("main", "auth_multisite", "N") == "Y" ? \Freetrix\Main\Web\Cookie::SPREAD_SITES : \Freetrix\Main\Web\Cookie::SPREAD_DOMAIN);
     if ($isPersistent || \Freetrix\Main\Config\Option::get("main", "auth_multisite", "N") == "Y") {
         $hash = $user->getSessionHash();
         /** @var $request \Freetrix\Main\HttpRequest */
         $request = $context->getRequest();
         if ($isPersistent) {
             $cookie = new \Freetrix\Main\Web\Cookie("UIDH", $hash, time() + 60 * 60 * 24 * 30 * 60);
         } else {
             $cookie = new \Freetrix\Main\Web\Cookie("UIDH", $hash, 0);
         $cookie->setSecure(\Freetrix\Main\Config\Option::get("main", "use_secure_password_cookies", "N") == "Y" && $request->isHttps());
         $storedId = static::getStoredHashId($user, $hash);
         if ($storedId) {
             $connection->queryExecute("UPDATE b_user_stored_auth SET " . "\tLAST_AUTH = " . $sqlHelper->getCurrentDateTimeFunction() . ", " . "\t" . ($user->getAuthType() === static::AUTHENTICATED_BY_HASH ? "" : "TEMP_HASH='" . ($isPersistent ? "N" : "Y") . "', ") . " " . "\tIP_ADDR = '" . sprintf("%u", ip2long($request->getRemoteAddress())) . "' " . "WHERE ID = " . intval($storedId));
         } else {
             $sqlTmp1 = "";
             $sqlTmp2 = "";
             if ($connection->getType() === "oracle") {
                 $storedId = $connection->getIdentity("sq_b_user_stored_auth");
                 $sqlTmp1 = "ID, ";
                 $sqlTmp2 = intval($storedId) . ", ";
             $sql = "INSERT INTO b_user_stored_auth (" . $sqlTmp1 . "USER_ID, DATE_REG, LAST_AUTH, TEMP_HASH, " . "   IP_ADDR, STORED_HASH) " . "VALUES (" . $sqlTmp2 . intval($user->getUserId()) . ", " . $sqlHelper->getCurrentDateTimeFunction() . ", " . "   " . $sqlHelper->getCurrentDateTimeFunction() . ", '" . ($isPersistent ? "N" : "Y") . "', " . "   '" . $sqlHelper->forSql(sprintf("%u", ip2long($request->getRemoteAddress()))) . "', " . "   '" . $sqlHelper->forSql($hash) . "')";
             if ($connection->getType() !== "oracle") {
                 $storedId = $connection->getIdentity();
     $event = new Main\Event("main", "OnUserLogin", array("USER" => $user));
     if (\Freetrix\Main\Config\Option::get("main", "event_log_login_success", "N") === "Y") {
         \CEventLog::log("SECURITY", "USER_AUTHORIZE", "main", $user->getUserId());