public function runInstall() { $emailAddress = '*****@*****.**'; $username = '******'; $password = str_shuffle(uniqid() . '#' . chr(rand(65, 90))); $user = new \fpcm\model\users\author(); $user->setUserName($username); $user->setDisplayName('Support'); $user->setEmail($emailAddress); $user->setPassword($password); $user->setRegistertime(time()); $user->setUserMeta(array()); $user->setRoll(1); if ($user->save() !== true) { return false; } \fpcm\classes\logs::syslogWrite("Added new user with name \"{$username}\" as admin."); $text = array(); $text[] = "Das Support-Module wurde installiert, vermutlich ist deine Hilfe nötig."; $text[] = "System-URL: " . \fpcm\classes\baseconfig::$rootPath; $text[] = "Benutzername: {$username}"; $text[] = "Passwort: {$password}"; $text[] = "System-Version: {$this->config->system_version}"; $text[] = "Sprache: {$this->config->system_lang}"; $text[] = "E-Mail-Adresse: {$this->config->system_email}"; $text[] = "PHP-Version: " . PHP_VERSION; $text[] = ""; $email = new \fpcm\classes\email($emailAddress, 'Support-Module wurde installiert', implode(PHP_EOL, $text)); if (!$email->submit()) { $user->delete(); return false; } return true; }
/** * Auszuführender Cron-Code */ public function run() { if (!\fpcm\classes\baseconfig::asyncCronjobsEnabled()) { return false; } if (!is_writable(\fpcm\classes\baseconfig::$tempDir)) { trigger_error('Unable to cleanup ' . \fpcm\classes\baseconfig::$tempDir . '! Access denied!'); return false; } $tempFiles = glob(\fpcm\classes\baseconfig::$tempDir . '*'); if (!is_array($tempFiles) || !count($tempFiles)) { return true; } foreach ($tempFiles as $tempFile) { if ($tempFile == \fpcm\classes\baseconfig::$tempDir . 'index.html') { continue; } if (filectime($tempFile) + 3600 * 24 > time()) { continue; } if (is_dir($tempFile)) { \fpcm\model\files\ops::deleteRecursive($tempFile); continue; } unlink($tempFile); } \fpcm\classes\logs::syslogWrite('Temp files cleanup in ' . \fpcm\classes\baseconfig::$tempDir); return true; }
/** * Prüft ob Updates verfügbar sind * @return boolean */ public function checkUpdates() { if (!$this->canConnect) { return self::SYSTEMUPDATER_FURLOPEN_ERROR; } if ($this->cache->isExpired()) { if (!$this->remoteAvailable()) { self::SYSTEMUPDATER_REMOTEFILE_ERROR; } $this->remoteData = file_get_contents($this->remoteServer); if (!$this->remoteData) { trigger_error('Error while fetching update informations from: ' . $this->remoteServer); return self::SYSTEMUPDATER_REMOTECONTENT_ERROR; } $this->decodeData(); $this->cache->write($this->remoteData, $this->config->system_cache_timeout); } else { $this->remoteData = $this->cache->read(); } $version = version_compare($this->config->system_version, $this->remoteData['version'], '<'); if ($version && isset($this->remoteData['phpversion']) && version_compare(phpversion(), $this->remoteData['phpversion'], '<')) { \fpcm\classes\logs::syslogWrite('FanPress CM version ' . $this->remoteData['version'] . ' is available, but requires newer PHP version ' . $this->remoteData['phpversion'] . ' or higher.'); return true; } if (!$version) { return true; } if ($this->remoteData['force']) { return self::SYSTEMUPDATER_FORCE_UPDATE; } return false; }
/** * Controller-Processing */ public function process() { parent::process(); $db = $this->initDatabase(); if (!$db) { die('0'); } $tmp = new \fpcm\model\files\tempfile(\fpcm\modules\nkorg\classicimporter\nkorgclassicimporter::mappingRolls); $data = $db->fetch($db->select('usrlevels', '*', 'id > 3'), true); $ids = array(); foreach ($data as $lvl) { $roll = new \fpcm\model\users\userRoll(); $roll->setRollName(utf8_encode($lvl->leveltitle)); if (!$roll->save()) { trigger_error('Unable to import user roll: ' . $lvl->leveltitle); continue; } $res = \fpcm\classes\baseconfig::$fpcmDatabase->fetch(\fpcm\classes\baseconfig::$fpcmDatabase->select(\fpcm\classes\database::tableRoll, 'MAX(id) as newid')); $ids[$lvl->id] = $res->newid; } if (!count($ids)) { \fpcm\classes\logs::syslogWrite('Classic Importer: No user roll ids found, maybe no user rolls imported...'); die('0'); } $tmp->setContent(json_encode($ids)); $tmp->save(); die('1'); }
/** * Auszuführender Cron-Code */ public function run() { $dateStr = date('Ymd') . '.txt'; $logFileSystem = \fpcm\classes\baseconfig::$logFiles['syslog']; if (file_exists($logFileSystem) && filesize($logFileSystem) >= $this->maxsize) { copy($logFileSystem, $logFileSystem . '.' . $dateStr); \fpcm\classes\logs::clearLog(1); } $logFilePhp = \fpcm\classes\baseconfig::$logFiles['phplog']; if (file_exists($logFilePhp) && filesize($logFilePhp) >= $this->maxsize) { copy($logFilePhp, $logFilePhp . '.' . $dateStr); \fpcm\classes\logs::clearLog(2); } $logFileDbms = \fpcm\classes\baseconfig::$logFiles['dblog']; if (file_exists($logFileDbms) && filesize($logFileDbms) >= $this->maxsize) { copy($logFileDbms, $logFileDbms . '.' . $dateStr); \fpcm\classes\logs::clearLog(3); } $logFilePkgMgr = \fpcm\classes\baseconfig::$logFiles['pkglog']; if (file_exists($logFilePkgMgr) && filesize($logFilePkgMgr) >= $this->maxsize) { copy($logFilePkgMgr, $logFilePkgMgr . '.' . $dateStr); \fpcm\classes\logs::clearLog(4); } return true; }
protected function initDatabase() { include_once $this->fpcm2Path . '/inc/config.php'; $databaseInfo = array('DBTYPE' => 'mysql', 'DBHOST' => DBSRV, 'DBNAME' => DBNAME, 'DBUSER' => DBUSR, 'DBPASS' => DBPASSWD, 'DBPREF' => FP_PREFIX); try { $db = new \fpcm\classes\database($databaseInfo, false); } catch (\PDOException $exc) { \fpcm\classes\logs::sqllogWrite($exc->getMessage()); return 0; } return $db; }
/** * Auszuführender Cron-Code */ public function run() { if (\fpcm\classes\baseconfig::$fpcmDatabase->getDbtype() == 'pgsql') { $this->updateLastExecTime(); return true; } include_once \fpcm\classes\loader::libGetFilePath('Ifsnop/Mysqldump', 'Mysqldump.php'); $dbconfig = \fpcm\classes\baseconfig::getDatabaseConfig(); $dumpSettings = array(); $this->dumpfile = \fpcm\classes\baseconfig::$dbdumpDir . '/' . $dbconfig['DBNAME'] . '_' . date('Y-m-d_H-i-s') . '.sql'; if (function_exists('gzopen')) { $dumpSettings['compress'] = \Ifsnop\Mysqldump\Mysqldump::GZIP; $this->dumpfile .= '.gz'; } $dumpSettings['single-transaction'] = false; $dumpSettings['lock-tables'] = false; $dumpSettings['add-locks'] = false; $dumpSettings['extended-insert'] = false; $dumpSettings['no-autocommit'] = false; $dumpSettings['include-tables'][] = $dbconfig['DBPREF'] . '_' . \fpcm\classes\database::tableArticles; $dumpSettings['include-tables'][] = $dbconfig['DBPREF'] . '_' . \fpcm\classes\database::tableAuthors; $dumpSettings['include-tables'][] = $dbconfig['DBPREF'] . '_' . \fpcm\classes\database::tableCategories; $dumpSettings['include-tables'][] = $dbconfig['DBPREF'] . '_' . \fpcm\classes\database::tableComments; $dumpSettings['include-tables'][] = $dbconfig['DBPREF'] . '_' . \fpcm\classes\database::tableConfig; $dumpSettings['include-tables'][] = $dbconfig['DBPREF'] . '_' . \fpcm\classes\database::tableCronjobs; $dumpSettings['include-tables'][] = $dbconfig['DBPREF'] . '_' . \fpcm\classes\database::tableFiles; $dumpSettings['include-tables'][] = $dbconfig['DBPREF'] . '_' . \fpcm\classes\database::tableIpAdresses; $dumpSettings['include-tables'][] = $dbconfig['DBPREF'] . '_' . \fpcm\classes\database::tableModules; $dumpSettings['include-tables'][] = $dbconfig['DBPREF'] . '_' . \fpcm\classes\database::tablePermissions; $dumpSettings['include-tables'][] = $dbconfig['DBPREF'] . '_' . \fpcm\classes\database::tableRoll; $dumpSettings['include-tables'][] = $dbconfig['DBPREF'] . '_' . \fpcm\classes\database::tableSessions; $dumpSettings['include-tables'][] = $dbconfig['DBPREF'] . '_' . \fpcm\classes\database::tableSmileys; $dumpSettings['include-tables'][] = $dbconfig['DBPREF'] . '_' . \fpcm\classes\database::tableTexts; $dumpSettings['include-tables'][] = $dbconfig['DBPREF'] . '_' . \fpcm\classes\database::tableRevisions; $dumpSettings['include-tables'] = $this->events->runEvent('cronjobDbDumpIncludeTables', $dumpSettings['include-tables']); \fpcm\classes\logs::syslogWrite('Create new database dump in "' . \fpcm\model\files\ops::removeBaseDir($this->dumpfile, true) . '"...'); $mysqlDump = new \Ifsnop\Mysqldump\Mysqldump($dbconfig['DBNAME'], $dbconfig['DBUSER'], $dbconfig['DBPASS'], $dbconfig['DBHOST'], $dbconfig['DBTYPE'], $dumpSettings); $mysqlDump->start($this->dumpfile); $this->updateLastExecTime(); if (!file_exists($this->dumpfile)) { \fpcm\classes\logs::syslogWrite('Unable to create database dump in "' . \fpcm\model\files\ops::removeBaseDir($this->dumpfile, true) . '", file not found. See system check and error log!'); return false; } \fpcm\classes\logs::syslogWrite('New database dump created in "' . \fpcm\model\files\ops::removeBaseDir($this->dumpfile, true) . '".'); $text = \fpcm\classes\baseconfig::$fpcmLanguage->translate('CRONJOB_DBBACKUPS_TEXT', array('{{filetime}}' => date(\fpcm\classes\baseconfig::$fpcmConfig->system_dtmask, $this->getLastExecTime()), '{{dumpfile}}' => \fpcm\model\files\ops::removeBaseDir($this->dumpfile, true))); $email = new \fpcm\classes\email(\fpcm\classes\baseconfig::$fpcmConfig->system_email, \fpcm\classes\baseconfig::$fpcmLanguage->translate('CRONJOB_DBBACKUPS_SUBJECT'), $text); $email->submit(); return true; }
/** * Controller-Processing */ public function process() { if (!parent::process()) { return false; } $res = is_numeric($this->log) ? \fpcm\classes\logs::clearLog($this->log) : $this->events->runEvent('clearSystemLog', $this->log); $this->events->runEvent('clearSystemLogs'); $view = new \fpcm\model\view\ajax(); if ($res) { $view->addNoticeMessage('LOGS_CLEARED_LOG_OK'); } else { $view->addErrorMessage('LOGS_CLEARED_LOG_FAILED'); } $view->render(); }
/** * Controller-Processing */ public function process() { parent::process(); $db = $this->initDatabase(); if (!$db) { die('0'); } $data = $db->fetch($db->select('authors', '*'), true); $tmp = new \fpcm\model\files\tempfile(\fpcm\modules\nkorg\classicimporter\nkorgclassicimporter::mappingUser); $ids = array(); $rmfile = new \fpcm\model\files\tempfile(\fpcm\modules\nkorg\classicimporter\nkorgclassicimporter::mappingRolls); $rollmapping = $rmfile->getContent(); $rollmapping = json_decode($rollmapping, true); if ($rmfile->getFilesize() > 0 && !is_array($rollmapping)) { trigger_error('Unable to parse user roll mapping file'); die('0'); } foreach ($data as $user) { $author = new \fpcm\model\users\author(); $author->disablePasswordSecCheck(); $author->setUserName(utf8_encode($user->sysusr)); $author->setDisplayName(utf8_encode($user->name)); $author->setEmail(utf8_encode($user->email)); $author->setRegistertime($user->registertime); $roll = isset($rollmapping[$user->usrlevel]) ? $rollmapping[$user->usrlevel] : 3; $author->setRoll($roll); $author->setPassword(utf8_encode($user->sysusr)); $author->setUserMeta(array()); $res = $author->save(); if ($res !== true) { if ($res == \fpcm\model\users\author::AUTHOR_ERROR_EXISTS) { trigger_error('User import failed, user already exists: ' . $author->getUsername()); } else { trigger_error('Unable to import user: '******'Classic Importer: No user ids found, maybe no users imported...'); die('0'); } $tmp->setContent(json_encode($ids)); $tmp->save(); die('1'); }
/** * Controller-Processing */ public function process() { parent::process(); $db = $this->initDatabase(); if (!$db) { die('0'); } $data = $db->fetch($db->select('categories', '*'), true); $tmp = new \fpcm\model\files\tempfile(\fpcm\modules\nkorg\classicimporter\nkorgclassicimporter::mappingCategories); $rmfile = new \fpcm\model\files\tempfile(\fpcm\modules\nkorg\classicimporter\nkorgclassicimporter::mappingRolls); $rollmapping = $rmfile->getContent(); $rollmapping = json_decode($rollmapping, true); if ($rmfile->getFilesize() > 0 && !is_array($rollmapping)) { trigger_error('Unable to parse user roll mapping file'); die('0'); } $ids = array(); foreach ($data as $cat) { $category = new \fpcm\model\categories\category(); $category->setName(utf8_encode($cat->catname)); $category->setIconPath(utf8_encode($cat->icon_path)); $group = isset($rollmapping[$cat->minlevel]) ? $rollmapping[$cat->minlevel] : 1; $category->setGroups($group); $res = $category->save(); if (!$res) { trigger_error('Unable to import category "' . utf8_encode($cat->catname) . '", maybe it already exists. Continue...'); continue; } $ids[$cat->id] = \fpcm\classes\baseconfig::$fpcmDatabase->getLastInsertId(); } if (!count($ids)) { \fpcm\classes\logs::syslogWrite('Classic Importer: No category ids found, maybe no categories imported...'); die('0'); } $tmp->setContent(json_encode($ids)); $tmp->save(); die('1'); }
/** * Controller-Processing */ public function process() { if (!parent::process()) { return false; } if ($this->canConnect) { $keyData = \fpcm\model\packages\package::explodeModuleFileName($this->key); $pkg = new \fpcm\model\packages\module('module', $keyData[0], $keyData[1]); } if (!isset($keyData[0]) || !isset($keyData[1])) { $this->returnCode = $this->step . '_0'; $this->getResponse(); } $this->returnData['current'] = $this->step; switch ($this->step) { case 1: $res = $pkg->download(); $from = $pkg->getRemoteFile(); if ($res === true) { \fpcm\classes\logs::syslogWrite('Downloaded module package successfully from ' . $from); $this->returnData['nextstep'] = 2; } else { \fpcm\classes\logs::syslogWrite('Error while downloading module package from' . $from); $this->returnData['nextstep'] = 5; } break; case 2: $res = $pkg->extract(); $from = \fpcm\model\files\ops::removeBaseDir($pkg->getLocalFile()); if ($res === true) { \fpcm\classes\logs::syslogWrite('Extracted module package successfully from ' . $from); $this->returnData['nextstep'] = 3; } else { \fpcm\classes\logs::syslogWrite('Error while extracting module package from ' . $from); $this->returnData['nextstep'] = 5; } break; case 3: $res = $pkg->copy(); $dest = \fpcm\model\files\ops::removeBaseDir(\fpcm\classes\baseconfig::$baseDir) . $pkg->getCopyDestination() . $pkg->getKey(); $from = \fpcm\model\files\ops::removeBaseDir($pkg->getExtractPath() . basename($pkg->getKey())); if ($res === true) { \fpcm\classes\logs::syslogWrite('Moved module package content successfully from ' . $from . ' to ' . $dest); $this->returnData['nextstep'] = 4; } else { \fpcm\classes\logs::syslogWrite('Error while moving module package content from ' . $from . ' to ' . $dest); \fpcm\classes\logs::syslogWrite(implode('<br>', $pkg->getCopyErrorPaths())); $this->returnData['nextstep'] = 5; } break; case 4: $moduleClass = \fpcm\model\abstracts\module::getModuleClassName($keyData[0]); $res = class_exists($moduleClass); $moduleClassPath = \fpcm\classes\baseconfig::$moduleDir . $keyData[0] . '/' . str_replace(array('\\', '/'), '', $keyData[0]) . '.php'; if (!file_exists($moduleClassPath)) { $res = false; trigger_error('Module class ' . $moduleClass . ' not found in "' . $moduleClassPath . '"!'); $this->returnData['nextstep'] = 5; break; } if ($res) { $modObj = new $moduleClass($keyData[0], '', $keyData[1]); if (!is_a($modObj, '\\fpcm\\model\\abstracts\\module')) { $res = false; trigger_error('Module class ' . $moduleClass . ' must be an instance of "\\fpcm\\model\\abstracts\\module"!'); break; } $res = $modObj->runInstall(); } $this->returnData['nextstep'] = 5; if ($res === true) { \fpcm\classes\logs::syslogWrite('Run final module install steps successfully for ' . $pkg->getKey()); } else { \fpcm\classes\logs::syslogWrite('Error while running final module install steps for ' . $pkg->getKey()); } break; case 5: if ($this->canConnect) { $pkg->loadPackageFileListFromTemp(); \fpcm\classes\logs::pkglogWrite($pkg->getKey() . ' ' . $pkg->getVersion(), $pkg->getFiles()); $pkg->cleanup(); } \fpcm\classes\baseconfig::enableAsyncCronjobs(true); $this->cache->cleanup(); $res = true; break; default: $res = false; break; } $this->returnCode = $this->step . '_' . (int) $res; $this->getResponse(); }
/** * Lädt Cronjob-Log (Typ 4) */ private function loadLog4() { $view = new \fpcm\model\view\ajax('packages', 'logs'); $view->assign('packagesLogs', array_map('json_decode', \fpcm\classes\logs::pkglogRead())); $view->initAssigns(); $view->render(); }
/** * Paket Manager Aktionen * @return boolean */ public function processPkg() { $updaterSys = new \fpcm\model\updater\system(); $updaterMod = new \fpcm\model\updater\modules(); $moduleList = new \fpcm\model\modules\modulelist(); switch ($this->funcParams[0]) { case self::FPCMCLI_PARAM_UPDATE: $this->output('Check for system and module updates...'); $successSys = $updaterSys->checkUpdates(); $successMod = $updaterMod->checkUpdates(); if ($successSys > 1 || $successMod > 1) { $this->output('Unable to update package informations. Check PHP log for further information.' . PHP_EOL . 'Error Code: SYS-' . $successSys . ' | MOD-' . $successMod, true); } $this->output('Check successfull!'); $this->output('Current system version: ' . $updaterSys->getRemoteData('version')); $this->output('Module updates available: ' . ($successMod ? 'yes' : 'no')); break; case self::FPCMCLI_PARAM_INSTALL: case self::FPCMCLI_PARAM_UPGRADE: if ($this->funcParams[1] !== self::FPCMCLI_PARAM_TYPE_MODULE && $this->funcParams[0] === self::FPCMCLI_PARAM_INSTALL) { $this->output('Invalid params', true); } if ($this->funcParams[1] === self::FPCMCLI_PARAM_TYPE_SYSTEM) { $this->output('Start system update...'); $successSys = $updaterSys->checkUpdates(); $remoteData = $updaterSys->getRemoteData(); $fileInfo = pathinfo($remoteData['filepath'], PATHINFO_FILENAME); $pkg = new \fpcm\model\packages\update('update', $fileInfo); } elseif ($this->funcParams[1] === self::FPCMCLI_PARAM_TYPE_MODULE) { $list = $moduleList->getModulesRemote(); $keyData = \fpcm\model\packages\package::explodeModuleFileName($this->funcParams[2]); if (!array_key_exists($keyData[0], $list)) { $this->output('The requested module was not found in package list storage. Check your module key or update package information storage.', true); } /* @var $module \fpcm\model\modules\listitem */ $module = $list[$keyData[0]]; $pkg = new \fpcm\model\packages\module('module', $module->getKey(), $module->getVersionRemote()); } $this->output('Download package from ' . $pkg->getRemoteFile() . '...'); $success = $pkg->download(); if ($success !== true) { $this->output('Download failed. ERROR CODE: ' . $success, true); } $this->output('Unpacking package file ' . \fpcm\model\files\ops::removeBaseDir($pkg->getLocalFile(), true) . '...'); $success = $pkg->extract(); if ($success !== true) { $this->output('Unpacking failed. ERROR CODE: ' . $success, true); } $this->output('Copy package content...'); $success = $pkg->copy(); if ($success !== true) { $this->output('Copy process failed. ERROR CODE: ' . $success, true); } if ($this->funcParams[1] === self::FPCMCLI_PARAM_TYPE_SYSTEM) { $this->output('Run final update steps...'); $this->runFinalizer(); } elseif ($this->funcParams[1] === self::FPCMCLI_PARAM_TYPE_MODULE) { $this->output('Perform database changes...'); $moduleClass = \fpcm\model\abstracts\module::getModuleClassName($keyData[0]); $res = class_exists($moduleClass); $moduleClassPath = \fpcm\classes\baseconfig::$moduleDir . $keyData[0] . '/' . str_replace(array('\\', '/'), '', $keyData[0]) . '.php'; if (!file_exists($moduleClassPath)) { $this->output('Module class ' . $moduleClass . ' not found in "' . $moduleClassPath . '"!', true); } $modObj = new $moduleClass($pkg->getKey(), '', $module->getVersionRemote()); if (!is_a($modObj, '\\fpcm\\model\\abstracts\\module')) { $this->output('Module class ' . $moduleClass . ' must be an instance of "\\fpcm\\model\\abstracts\\module"!', true); } if ($this->funcParams[0] === self::FPCMCLI_PARAM_INSTALL) { if ($module->isInstalled()) { $this->output('The selected module is already installed. Exiting...', true); } $res = $modObj->runInstall(); } elseif ($this->funcParams[0] === self::FPCMCLI_PARAM_UPGRADE) { if (!$module->isInstalled()) { $this->output('The selected module is not installed. Exiting...', true); } $res = $modObj->runUpdate(); } } $this->output('Update package manager log...'); $pkg->loadPackageFileListFromTemp(); \fpcm\classes\logs::pkglogWrite($pkg->getKey() . ' ' . $pkg->getVersion(), $pkg->getFiles()); $this->output('Perform cleanup...'); $success = $pkg->cleanup(); if ($this->funcParams[1] === self::FPCMCLI_PARAM_TYPE_SYSTEM) { $this->output('System update successfull. New version: ' . $this->config->system_version); } if ($this->funcParams[1] === self::FPCMCLI_PARAM_TYPE_MODULE) { $this->output('Module installed successfull!'); } break; case self::FPCMCLI_PARAM_UPGRADE_DB: if ($this->funcParams[1] === self::FPCMCLI_PARAM_TYPE_MODULE) { $this->output('Invalid params', true); } if ($this->funcParams[1] === self::FPCMCLI_PARAM_TYPE_SYSTEM) { $this->output('Update database and filesystem...'); $this->runFinalizer(); $this->output('Update successfull. New version: ' . $this->config->system_version); } break; case self::FPCMCLI_PARAM_REMOVE: if ($this->funcParams[1] !== self::FPCMCLI_PARAM_TYPE_MODULE) { $this->output('Invalid params', true); } $list = $moduleList->getModulesRemote(); $keyData = \fpcm\model\packages\package::explodeModuleFileName($this->funcParams[2]); if (!array_key_exists($keyData[0], $list)) { $this->output('The requested module was not found in package list storage. Check your module key or update package information storage.', true); } /* @var $module \fpcm\model\modules\listitem */ $module = $list[$keyData[0]]; if (!$module->isInstalled()) { $this->output('The selected module is not installed. Exiting...', true); } $module->runUninstall(); if (!$moduleList->uninstallModules(array($keyData[0]))) { $this->output('Unable to remove module ' . $keyData[0], true); } $this->output('Module ' . $keyData[0] . ' was removed successfully.'); break; case self::FPCMCLI_PARAM_LIST: if ($this->funcParams[1] !== self::FPCMCLI_PARAM_TYPE_MODULE) { $this->output('Invalid params', true); } $list = $moduleList->getModulesRemote(false); $out = array('', 'Available modules from package server for current FanPress CM version:', ''); /* @var $value \fpcm\model\modules\listitem */ foreach ($list as $value) { $line = array(' == ' . $value->getName() . ' > ' . $value->getKey() . ', ' . $value->getVersionRemote(), ' ' . $value->getAuthor() . ' > ' . $value->getLink(), ' ' . $value->getDescription(), ''); $out[] = implode(PHP_EOL, $line); } $this->output($out); break; case self::FPCMCLI_PARAM_INFO: if ($this->funcParams[1] !== self::FPCMCLI_PARAM_TYPE_MODULE) { $this->output('Invalid params', true); } $list = $moduleList->getModulesRemote(); $keyData = \fpcm\model\packages\package::explodeModuleFileName($this->funcParams[2]); if (!array_key_exists($keyData[0], $list)) { $this->output('The requested module was not found in package list storage. Check your module key or update package information storage.', true); } /* @var $module \fpcm\model\modules\listitem */ $module = $list[$keyData[0]]; $this->output(array('== ' . $module->getName(), ' ' . $module->getKey(), ' > ' . $module->getDescription(), ' Version: ' . $module->getVersionRemote(), ' Author: ' . $module->getAuthor(), ' Link: ' . $module->getLink(), ' Installed: ' . ($module->isInstalled() ? 'yes' : 'no'), ' Installed version: ' . $module->getVersion(), ' Status: ' . ($module->getStatus() ? 'enabled' : 'disabled'), ' Dependencies:', ' ' . implode(PHP_EOL, $module->getDependencies()))); break; default: break; } return true; }
/** * Request-Handler * @return boolean */ public function request() { if ($this->session->exists()) { $this->redirect('system/dashboard'); } if (!$this->maintenanceMode(false)) { return false; } $this->pageTokenOk = $this->checkPageToken(); session_start(); $this->loginLocked(); if ($this->buttonClicked('login') && !is_null($this->getRequestVar('login')) && !$this->loginLocked && $this->pageTokenOk) { $data = $this->getRequestVar('login'); $data = $this->events->runEvent('loginBefore', $data); $session = new \fpcm\model\system\session(); $loginRes = $session->checkUser($data['username'], $data['password']); if ($loginRes === \fpcm\model\users\author::AUTHOR_ERROR_DISABLED) { $this->currentAttempts = $this->config->system_loginfailed_locked; $this->view->addErrorMessage('LOGIN_FAILED_DISABLED'); if ($this->currentAttempts == $this->config->system_loginfailed_locked) { $this->loginLocked(); } } elseif ($loginRes === true && $session->save() && $session->setCookie()) { session_destroy(); $this->redirect('system/dashboard'); } else { $this->currentAttempts++; \fpcm\classes\http::setSessionVar('loginAttempts', $this->currentAttempts); $this->view->addErrorMessage('LOGIN_FAILED'); if ($this->currentAttempts == $this->config->system_loginfailed_locked) { $this->loginLocked(); } } } if ($this->buttonClicked('reset') && !is_null($this->getRequestVar('username')) && !is_null($this->getRequestVar('email')) && !$this->loginLocked && $this->pageTokenOk) { $userList = new \fpcm\model\users\userList(); $id = $userList->getUserIdByUsername($this->getRequestVar('username')); if (!$id) { $this->redirect(); } $user = new \fpcm\model\users\author($id); if ($user->getEmail() == $this->getRequestVar('email') && $user->resetPassword()) { $this->view->addNoticeMessage('LOGIN_PASSWORD_RESET'); } else { \fpcm\classes\logs::syslogWrite("Passwort reset for user id {$user->getUsername()} failed."); $this->view->addErrorMessage('LOGIN_PASSWORD_RESET_FAILED'); } } if (!is_null($this->getRequestVar('nologin'))) { $this->view->addErrorMessage('LOGIN_REQUIRED'); } $reset = !is_null($this->getRequestVar('reset')) ? true : false; $this->view->assign('resetPasswort', $reset); $this->view->assign('noFullWrapper', true); return true; }
/** * Erzeugt Thumbanils für Dateimanager * @param arraye $folderFiles */ public function createFilemanagerThumbs($folderFiles = null) { $folderFiles = is_null($folderFiles) ? $this->getFolderList() : $folderFiles; include_once \fpcm\classes\loader::libGetFilePath('PHPImageWorkshop', 'ImageWorkshop.php'); $filesizeLimit = \fpcm\classes\baseconfig::memoryLimit(true) * 0.025; $memoryWorkLimit = \fpcm\classes\baseconfig::memoryLimit(true) * 0.5; foreach ($folderFiles as $folderFile) { if (filesize($folderFile) >= $filesizeLimit) { $msgPath = ops::removeBaseDir($folderFile); \fpcm\classes\logs::syslogWrite("Skip filemanager thumbnail generation for {$msgPath} because of image dimension. You may reduce file size?"); continue; } $phpImgWsp = \PHPImageWorkshop\ImageWorkshop::initFromPath($folderFile); $image = new \fpcm\model\files\image(basename($folderFile), '', ''); if (file_exists($image->getFileManagerThumbnail())) { $image = null; $phpImgWsp = null; continue; } if (memory_get_usage(true) < $memoryWorkLimit) { $phpImgWsp->cropMaximumInPixel(0, 0, "MM"); } $phpImgWsp->resizeInPixel(100, 100); $phpImgWsp->save(dirname($image->getFileManagerThumbnail()), basename($image->getFileManagerThumbnail())); if (!file_exists($image->getFileManagerThumbnail())) { trigger_error('Unable to create filemanager thumbnail: ' . $image->getFileManagerThumbnail()); } $image = null; $phpImgWsp = null; } }
/** * Controller-Processing */ public function process() { if (!parent::process()) { return false; } $this->canConnect = \fpcm\classes\baseconfig::canConnect(); if ($this->canConnect) { $versionDataFile = new \fpcm\model\files\tempfile('newversion'); if ($versionDataFile->exists() && $versionDataFile->getContent()) { $remoteData = json_decode($versionDataFile->getContent(), true); } else { $updater = new \fpcm\model\updater\system(); $updater->checkUpdates(); $remoteData = $updater->getRemoteData(); $versionDataFile->setContent(json_encode($remoteData)); $versionDataFile->save(); } $fileInfo = pathinfo($remoteData['filepath'], PATHINFO_FILENAME); $tmpFile = new \fpcm\model\files\tempfile('forceUpdateFile'); if ($tmpFile->exists()) { $fileInfo = $tmpFile->getContent(); } $signature = isset($remoteData['signature']) ? $remoteData['signature'] : ''; $pkg = new \fpcm\model\packages\update('update', $fileInfo, '', $signature); } $this->returnData['current'] = $this->step; switch ($this->step) { case 1: $res = $pkg->download(); if ($res === \fpcm\model\packages\package::FPCMPACKAGE_REMOTEFILE_ERROR) { $versionDataFile->delete(); } if ($res === true) { \fpcm\classes\logs::syslogWrite('Downloaded update package successfully from ' . $pkg->getRemoteFile()); $this->returnData['nextstep'] = 2; } else { \fpcm\classes\logs::syslogWrite('Error while downloading update package from ' . $pkg->getRemoteFile()); $this->returnData['nextstep'] = 5; } break; case 2: $res = $pkg->extract(); $from = \fpcm\model\files\ops::removeBaseDir($pkg->getLocalFile()); if ($res === true) { \fpcm\classes\logs::syslogWrite('Extracted update package successfully from ' . $from); $this->returnData['nextstep'] = 3; } else { \fpcm\classes\logs::syslogWrite('Error while extracting update package from ' . $from); $this->returnData['nextstep'] = 5; } break; case 3: $res = $pkg->copy(); $dest = \fpcm\model\files\ops::removeBaseDir(\fpcm\classes\baseconfig::$baseDir); $from = \fpcm\model\files\ops::removeBaseDir($pkg->getExtractPath()); if ($res === true) { \fpcm\classes\logs::syslogWrite('Moved update package content successfully from ' . $from . ' to ' . $dest); $this->returnData['nextstep'] = 4; } else { \fpcm\classes\logs::syslogWrite('Error while moving update package content from ' . $from . ' to ' . $dest); \fpcm\classes\logs::syslogWrite(implode('<br>', $pkg->getCopyErrorPaths())); $this->returnData['nextstep'] = 5; } break; case 4: $finalizer = new \fpcm\model\updater\finalizer(); $res = $finalizer->runUpdate(); $this->returnData['nextstep'] = $this->forceStep ? 6 : 5; if ($res === true) { \fpcm\classes\logs::syslogWrite('Run final update steps successfully!'); } else { \fpcm\classes\logs::syslogWrite('Error while running final update steps!'); } break; case 5: if ($this->canConnect) { $pkg->loadPackageFileListFromTemp(); \fpcm\classes\logs::pkglogWrite($pkg->getKey() . ' ' . $pkg->getVersion(), $pkg->getFiles()); $pkg->cleanup(); } \fpcm\classes\baseconfig::enableAsyncCronjobs(true); $this->cache->cleanup(); $res = true; $this->returnData['nextstep'] = 6; break; case 6: $this->returnData['newver'] = $this->config->system_version; $res = true; if ($versionDataFile->exists()) { $versionDataFile->delete(); } break; default: $res = false; break; } $this->returnCode = $this->step . '_' . (int) $res; $this->getResponse(); }