  * get edit menu
 public function getEditMenu()
     if (!$this->record || $this->record->isPendingDeletion()) {
         return null;
     // edit menu
     $menu = new Menu(I18N::translate('Edit'), '#', 'menu-record');
     // edit raw
     if (Auth::isAdmin() || Auth::isEditor($this->record->getTree()) && $this->record->getTree()->getPreference('SHOW_GEDCOM_RECORD')) {
         $menu->addSubmenu(new Menu(I18N::translate('Edit raw GEDCOM'), '#', 'menu-record-editraw', array('onclick' => 'return edit_raw("' . $this->record->getXref() . '");')));
     // delete
     if (Auth::isEditor($this->record->getTree())) {
         $menu->addSubmenu(new Menu(I18N::translate('Delete'), '#', 'menu-record-del', array('onclick' => 'return delete_record("' . I18N::translate('Are you sure you want to delete “%s”?', Filter::escapeJs(Filter::unescapeHtml($this->record->getFullName()))) . '", "' . $this->record->getXref() . '");')));
     // add to favorites
     if (Module::getModuleByName('user_favorites')) {
         $menu->addSubmenu(new Menu(I18N::translate('Add to favorites'), '#', 'menu-record-addfav', array('onclick' => 'jQuery.post("module.php?mod=user_favorites&mod_action=menu-add-favorite" ,{xref:"' . $this->record->getXref() . '"},function(){location.reload();})')));
     // Get the link for the first submenu and set it as the link for the main menu
     if ($menu->getSubmenus()) {
         $submenus = $menu->getSubmenus();
     return $menu;
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * Startup activity
 public function __construct()
     // Automatically fix broken links
     if ($this->record && $this->record->canEdit()) {
         $broken_links = 0;
         foreach ($this->record->getFacts('HUSB|WIFE|CHIL|FAMS|FAMC|REPO') as $fact) {
             if (!$fact->isPendingDeletion() && $fact->getTarget() === null) {
                 $this->record->deleteFact($fact->getFactId(), false);
                 FlashMessages::addMessage(I18N::translate('The link from “%1$s” to “%2$s” has been deleted.', $this->record->getFullName(), $fact->getValue()));
                 $broken_links = true;
         foreach ($this->record->getFacts('NOTE|SOUR|OBJE') as $fact) {
             // These can be links or inline.  Only delete links.
             if (!$fact->isPendingDeletion() && $fact->getTarget() === null && preg_match('/^@.*@$/', $fact->getValue())) {
                 $this->record->deleteFact($fact->getFactId(), false);
                 FlashMessages::addMessage(I18N::translate('The link from “%1$s” to “%2$s” has been deleted.', $this->record->getFullName(), $fact->getValue()));
                 $broken_links = true;
         if ($broken_links) {
             // Reload the updated family
             $this->record = GedcomRecord::getInstance($this->record->getXref(), $this->record->getTree());
     // We want robots to index this page
     // Set a page title
     if ($this->record) {
         if ($this->record->canShowName()) {
             // e.g. "John Doe" or "1881 Census of Wales"
         } else {
             // e.g. "Individual" or "Source"
             $record = $this->record;
     } else {
         // No such record
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * get edit menu
 public function getEditMenu()
     if (!$this->record || $this->record->isPendingDeletion()) {
         return null;
     // edit menu
     $menu = new Menu(I18N::translate('Edit'), '#', 'menu-record');
     // edit raw
     if (Auth::isAdmin() || Auth::isEditor($this->record->getTree()) && $this->record->getTree()->getPreference('SHOW_GEDCOM_RECORD')) {
         $menu->addSubmenu(new Menu(I18N::translate('Edit the raw GEDCOM'), '#', 'menu-record-editraw', array('onclick' => 'return edit_raw("' . $this->record->getXref() . '");')));
     // delete
     if (Auth::isEditor($this->record->getTree())) {
         $menu->addSubmenu(new Menu(I18N::translate('Delete'), '#', 'menu-record-del', array('onclick' => 'return delete_record("' . I18N::translate('Are you sure you want to delete “%s”?', Filter::escapeJs(Filter::unescapeHtml($this->record->getFullName()))) . '", "' . $this->record->getXref() . '");')));
     return $menu;
Ejemplo n.º 4
  * print information for a name record
  * @param Fact $event the event object
 public function printNameRecord(Fact $event)
     $factrec = $event->getGedcom();
     // Create a dummy record, so we can extract the formatted NAME value from the event.
     $dummy = new Individual('xref', "0 @xref@ INDI\n1 DEAT Y\n" . $factrec, null, $event->getParent()->getTree());
     $all_names = $dummy->getAllNames();
     $primary_name = $all_names[0];
     if ($this->name_count > 1) {
         echo '<h3 class="name_two">', $dummy->getFullName(), '</h3>';
     //Other names accordion element
     echo '<div class="indi_name_details';
     if ($event->isPendingDeletion()) {
         echo ' old';
     if ($event->isPendingAddition()) {
         echo ' new';
     echo '">';
     echo '<div class="name1">';
     echo '<dl><dt class="label">', I18N::translate('Name'), '</dt>';
     echo '<dd class="field">', $dummy->getFullName();
     if ($this->name_count == 1) {
         if (Auth::isAdmin()) {
             $user = User::findByGenealogyRecord($this->record);
             if ($user) {
                 echo '<span> - <a class="warning" href="admin_users.php?filter=' . Filter::escapeHtml($user->getUserName()) . '">' . Filter::escapeHtml($user->getUserName()) . '</a></span>';
     if ($this->record->canEdit() && !$event->isPendingDeletion()) {
         echo "<div class=\"deletelink\"><a class=\"deleteicon\" href=\"#\" onclick=\"return delete_fact('" . I18N::translate('Are you sure you want to delete this fact?') . "', '" . $this->record->getXref() . "', '" . $event->getFactId() . "');\" title=\"" . I18N::translate('Delete this name') . "\"><span class=\"link_text\">" . I18N::translate('Delete this name') . "</span></a></div>";
         echo "<div class=\"editlink\"><a href=\"#\" class=\"editicon\" onclick=\"edit_name('" . $this->record->getXref() . "', '" . $event->getFactId() . "'); return false;\" title=\"" . I18N::translate('Edit name') . "\"><span class=\"link_text\">" . I18N::translate('Edit name') . "</span></a></div>";
     echo '</dd>';
     echo '</dl>';
     echo '</div>';
     $ct = preg_match_all('/\\n2 (\\w+) (.*)/', $factrec, $nmatch, PREG_SET_ORDER);
     for ($i = 0; $i < $ct; $i++) {
         echo '<div>';
         $fact = $nmatch[$i][1];
         if ($fact != 'SOUR' && $fact != 'NOTE' && $fact != 'SPFX') {
             echo '<dl><dt class="label">', GedcomTag::getLabel($fact, $this->record), '</dt>';
             echo '<dd class="field">';
             // Before using dir="auto" on this field, note that Gecko treats this as an inline element but WebKit treats it as a block element
             if (isset($nmatch[$i][2])) {
                 $name = Filter::escapeHtml($nmatch[$i][2]);
                 $name = str_replace('/', '', $name);
                 $name = preg_replace('/(\\S*)\\*/', '<span class="starredname">\\1</span>', $name);
                 switch ($fact) {
                     case 'TYPE':
                         echo GedcomCodeName::getValue($name, $this->record);
                     case 'SURN':
                         // The SURN field is not necessarily the surname.
                         // Where it is not a substring of the real surname, show it after the real surname.
                         $surname = Filter::escapeHtml($primary_name['surname']);
                         if (strpos($primary_name['surname'], str_replace(',', ' ', $nmatch[$i][2])) !== false) {
                             echo '<span dir="auto">' . $surname . '</span>';
                         } else {
                             echo I18N::translate('%1$s (%2$s)', '<span dir="auto">' . $surname . '</span>', '<span dir="auto">' . $name . '</span>');
                         echo '<span dir="auto">' . $name . '</span>';
             echo '</dd>';
             echo '</dl>';
         echo '</div>';
     if (preg_match("/\n2 SOUR/", $factrec)) {
         echo '<div id="indi_sour" class="clearfloat">', FunctionsPrintFacts::printFactSources($factrec, 2), '</div>';
     if (preg_match("/\n2 NOTE/", $factrec)) {
         echo '<div id="indi_note" class="clearfloat">', FunctionsPrint::printFactNotes($factrec, 2), '</div>';
     echo '</div>';
Ejemplo n.º 5
  * Generate a recursive list of descendants of an individual.
  * If parents are specified, we can also show the pedigree (adopted, etc.).
  * @param Individual  $individual
  * @param Family|null $parents
  * @return string
 private function getDescendantsHtml(Individual $individual, Family $parents = null)
     // A person has many names. Select the one that matches the searched surname
     $person_name = '';
     foreach ($individual->getAllNames() as $name) {
         list($surn1) = explode(",", $name['sort']);
         if (stripos($surn1, $this->surname) !== false || stripos($this->surname, $surn1) !== false || $this->soundex_std && Soundex::compare(Soundex::russell($surn1), Soundex::russell($this->surname)) || $this->soundex_dm && Soundex::compare(Soundex::daitchMokotoff($surn1), Soundex::daitchMokotoff($this->surname))) {
             $person_name = $name['full'];
     // No matching name? Typically children with a different surname. The branch stops here.
     if (!$person_name) {
         return '<li title="' . strip_tags($individual->getFullName()) . '">' . $individual->getSexImage() . '…</li>';
     // Is this individual one of our ancestors?
     $sosa = array_search($individual, $this->ancestors, true);
     if ($sosa) {
         $sosa_class = 'search_hit';
         $sosa_html = ' <a class="details1 ' . $individual->getBoxStyle() . '" title="' . I18N::translate('Sosa') . '" href="relationship.php?pid2=' . $this->ancestors[1]->getXref() . '&amp;pid1=' . $individual->getXref() . '">' . $sosa . '</a>' . self::sosaGeneration($sosa);
     } else {
         $sosa_class = '';
         $sosa_html = '';
     // Generate HTML for this individual, and all their descendants
     $indi_html = $individual->getSexImage() . '<a class="' . $sosa_class . '" href="' . $individual->getHtmlUrl() . '">' . $person_name . '</a> ' . $individual->getLifeSpan() . $sosa_html;
     // If this is not a birth pedigree (e.g. an adoption), highlight it
     if ($parents) {
         $pedi = '';
         foreach ($individual->getFacts('FAMC') as $fact) {
             if ($fact->getTarget() === $parents) {
                 $pedi = $fact->getAttribute('PEDI');
         if ($pedi && $pedi != 'birth') {
             $indi_html = '<span class="red">' . GedcomCodePedi::getValue($pedi, $individual) . '</span> ' . $indi_html;
     // spouses and children
     $spouse_families = $individual->getSpouseFamilies();
     if ($spouse_families) {
         usort($spouse_families, '\\Fisharebest\\Webtrees\\Family::compareMarrDate');
         $fam_html = '';
         foreach ($spouse_families as $family) {
             $fam_html .= $indi_html;
             // Repeat the individual details for each spouse.
             $spouse = $family->getSpouse($individual);
             if ($spouse) {
                 $sosa = array_search($spouse, $this->ancestors, true);
                 if ($sosa) {
                     $sosa_class = 'search_hit';
                     $sosa_html = ' <a class="details1 ' . $spouse->getBoxStyle() . '" title="' . I18N::translate('Sosa') . '" href="relationship.php?pid2=' . $this->ancestors[1]->getXref() . '&amp;pid1=' . $spouse->getXref() . '"> ' . $sosa . ' </a>' . self::sosaGeneration($sosa);
                 } else {
                     $sosa_class = '';
                     $sosa_html = '';
                 $marriage_year = $family->getMarriageYear();
                 if ($marriage_year) {
                     $fam_html .= ' <a href="' . $family->getHtmlUrl() . '" title="' . strip_tags($family->getMarriageDate()->display()) . '"><i class="icon-rings"></i>' . $marriage_year . '</a>';
                 } elseif ($family->getFirstFact('MARR')) {
                     $fam_html .= ' <a href="' . $family->getHtmlUrl() . '" title="' . GedcomTag::getLabel('MARR') . '"><i class="icon-rings"></i></a>';
                 } elseif ($family->getFirstFact('_NMR')) {
                     $fam_html .= ' <a href="' . $family->getHtmlUrl() . '" title="' . GedcomTag::getLabel('_NMR') . '"><i class="icon-rings"></i></a>';
                 $fam_html .= ' ' . $spouse->getSexImage() . '<a class="' . $sosa_class . '" href="' . $spouse->getHtmlUrl() . '">' . $spouse->getFullName() . '</a> ' . $spouse->getLifeSpan() . ' ' . $sosa_html;
             $fam_html .= '<ol>';
             foreach ($family->getChildren() as $child) {
                 $fam_html .= $this->getDescendantsHtml($child, $family);
             $fam_html .= '</ol>';
         return '<li>' . $fam_html . '</li>';
     } else {
         // No spouses - just show the individual
         return '<li>' . $indi_html . '</li>';
Ejemplo n.º 6
  * Generate the likely value of this census column, based on available information.
  * @param Individual      $individual
  * @param Individual|null $head
  * @return string
 public function generate(Individual $individual, Individual $head = null)
     return strip_tags($individual->getFullName());
Ejemplo n.º 7
  * Print a “Family Book” for an individual
  * @param Individual $person
  * @param int    $descent_steps
 public function printFamilyBook(Individual $person, $descent_steps)
     if ($descent_steps == 0 || !$person->canShowName()) {
     $families = $person->getSpouseFamilies();
     if ($families) {
         echo '<h3>', I18N::translate('Family of %s', $person->getFullName()), '</h3>', '<table class="t0"><tr><td class="tdmid">';
         $this->dgenerations = $this->generations;
         $this->printDescendency($person, 1);
         echo '</td><td class="tdmid">';
         $this->printPersonPedigree($person, 1);
         echo '</td></tr></table><br><br><hr style="page-break-after:always;"><br><br>';
         foreach ($families as $family) {
             foreach ($family->getChildren() as $child) {
                 $this->printFamilyBook($child, $descent_steps - 1);
Ejemplo n.º 8
  * Display an individual in a box - for charts, etc.
  * @param Individual $individual
  * @return string
 public function individualBoxSmall(Individual $individual)
     $personBoxClass = array_search($individual->getSex(), array('person_box' => 'M', 'person_boxF' => 'F', 'person_boxNN' => 'U'));
     if ($individual->getTree()->getPreference('SHOW_HIGHLIGHT_IMAGES')) {
         $thumbnail = $individual->displayImage();
     } else {
         $thumbnail = '';
     return '<div data-pid="' . $individual->getXref() . '" class="person_box_template ' . $personBoxClass . ' iconz box-style0" style="width: ' . $this->parameter('compact-chart-box-x') . 'px; min-height: ' . $this->parameter('compact-chart-box-y') . 'px">' . '<div class="compact_view">' . $thumbnail . '<a href="' . $individual->getHtmlUrl() . '">' . '<span class="namedef name0">' . $individual->getFullName() . '</span>' . '</a>' . '<div class="inout2 details0">' . $individual->getLifeSpan() . '</div>' . '</div>' . '<div class="inout"></div>' . '</div>';
Ejemplo n.º 9
  * Draw a person name preceded by sex icon, with parents as tooltip
  * @param Individual $individual an individual
  * @param string        $dashed     if = 'dashed' print dashed top border to separate multiple spuses
  * @return string
 private function drawPersonName(Individual $individual, $dashed = '')
     if ($this->all_partners === 'true') {
         $family = $individual->getPrimaryChildFamily();
         if ($family) {
             $family_name = strip_tags($family->getFullName());
         } else {
             $family_name = I18N::translateContext('unknown family', 'unknown');
         switch ($individual->getSex()) {
             case 'M':
                 $title = ' title="' . I18N::translate('Son of %s', $family_name) . '"';
             case 'F':
                 $title = ' title="' . I18N::translate('Daughter of %s', $family_name) . '"';
                 $title = ' title="' . I18N::translate('Child of %s', $family_name) . '"';
     } else {
         $title = '';
     $sex = $individual->getSex();
     return '<div class="tv' . $sex . ' ' . $dashed . '"' . $title . '><a href="' . $individual->getHtmlUrl() . '"></a>' . $individual->getFullName() . ' <span class="dates">' . $individual->getLifeSpan() . '</span></div>';
Ejemplo n.º 10
  * Return HTML Code to display individual in non structured list (e.g. Patronymic Lineages)
  * @param \Fisharebest\Webtrees\Individual $individual Individual to print
  * @param bool $isStrong Bolden the name ?
  * @return string HTML Code for individual item
 public static function htmlIndividualForList(\Fisharebest\Webtrees\Individual $individual, $isStrong = true)
     $html = '';
     $tag = 'em';
     if ($isStrong) {
         $tag = 'strong';
     if ($individual && $individual->canShow()) {
         $dindi = new Individual($individual);
         $html = $individual->getSexImage();
         $html .= '<a class="list_item" href="' . $individual->getHtmlUrl() . '" title="' . I18N::translate('Informations for individual %s', $individual->getXref()) . '">';
         $html .= '<' . $tag . '>' . $individual->getFullName() . '</' . $tag . '>&nbsp;(' . $individual->getXref() . ')&nbsp;';
         $html .= FunctionsPrint::formatSosaNumbers($dindi->getSosaNumbers(), 1, 'small');
         $html .= '&nbsp;<span><small><em>' . $dindi->formatFirstMajorFact(WT_EVENTS_BIRT, 10) . '</em></small></span>';
         $html .= '&nbsp;<span><small><em>' . $dindi->formatFirstMajorFact(WT_EVENTS_DEAT, 10) . '</em></small></span>';
         $html .= '</a>';
     } else {
         $html .= '<span class=\\"list_item\\"><' . $tag . '>' . I18N::translate('Private') . '</' . $tag . '></span>';
     return $html;