Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Return list of all user submitted date for a given form and optionally
  * a campaign
  * Parmeters example:
  * ------------------
  * $parameters = array (
  *     "formId"     =>  12345, //int mandatory
  *     "campaignId" =>  12345,  /int optional
  * );
  * @param Array $parameters Associative array with formId and optional
  *               campaignId
  * @return formdata
 public function getResults($parameters)
     $request = array();
     foreach ($parameters as $key => $value) {
         $request[$key] = $value;
     $response = $this->execute("GetFormResults", $request);
     return FlexmailAPI::stripHeader($response, $this->config->get('debug_mode'));
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * Send images and/or documents to your Flexmail account
  * Parmeters example:
  * ------------------
  * $parameters = array (
  *      "fileTypeItems" => array (
  *          array (
  *              "type" => "Document",                 // string mandatory
  *              "name" => "My-Report.pdf",            // string mandatory
  *              "file" => "/users/john/My-Report.pdf" // string mandatory
  *          ),
  *          array (
  *              "type" => "Image",                        // string mandatory
  *              "name" => "banner.jpg",                   // string mandatory
  *              "file" => "/users/john/images/banner.jpg" // string mandatory
  *          )
  *      )
  * );
  * @param  Array $parameters ass. array with fileTypeItems objects array
  * @return void
 public function put($parameters)
     foreach ($parameters["fileTypeItems"] as $key => $file) {
         if (!file_exists($file["file"])) {
             throw new Exception("Local file not found");
         $parameters["fileTypeItems"][$key]["data"] = base64_encode(file_get_contents($file["file"]));
     $response = $this->execute("PutFiles", $parameters);
     return FlexmailAPI::stripHeader($response, $this->config->get('debug_mode'));
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * Get all Messages
  * @param Array $parameters Associative array with archivedMessages property.
  * @return messageTypeItems array
 public function getAll($parameters = NULL)
     $request = NULL;
     if (isset($parameters) && (array_key_exists("archivedMessages", $parameters) && $parameters["archivedMessages"])) {
         $request = FlexmailAPI::parseArray($parameters);
     $response = $this->execute("GetMessages", $request);
     return FlexmailAPI::stripHeader($response, $this->config->get('debug_mode'));
Ejemplo n.º 4
  * Get all Landing Pages
  * @return landingPageTypeItems array
 public function getAll()
     $request = NULL;
     $response = $this->execute("GetLandingPages", $request);
     return FlexmailAPI::stripHeader($response, $this->config->get('debug_mode'));
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public function __construct()
     trigger_error("Class is deprecated, please use 'Contact' service instead of 'Email' service", E_NOTICE);
Ejemplo n.º 6
  * Get all Mailinglists within a Category
  * @param Array $parameters Associative array with categoryId
  * @return mailingListTypeItems array
 public function getAll($parameters)
     $request = FlexmailAPI::parseArray($parameters);
     $response = $this->execute("GetMailingLists", $request);
     return FlexmailAPI::stripHeader($response, $this->config->get('debug_mode'));
Ejemplo n.º 7
  * Import multiple email adresses to the overall or a specific mailing list blacklist
  * $importBlacklistParameters  = array (
  *  "emailAddressTypeItems" =>  array(             // array mandatory
  *      array (
  *          "emailAddress"  =>  "*****@*****.**"  // string mandatory
  *      ),
  *      array (
  *          "emailAddress"  =>  "*****@*****.**"  // string mandatory
  *      )
  *  ),
  *  "mailingListTypeItems"  =>  array (            // array optional
  *      array (
  *          "mailingListId" =>  117115             // int mandatory
  *      ),
  *      array (
  *          "mailingListId" =>  117081             // int mandatory
  *      )
  *  )
  * );
  * @param  Array $parameters Array with array of emailAddressType objects
  *                               and array with mailingListType objects
  * @return importBlackListREspTypeItems array
 public function import($parameters)
     $request = FlexmailAPI::parseArray($parameters);
     $response = $this->execute("ImportBlacklist", $request);
     return FlexmailAPI::stripHeader($response, $this->config->get('debug_mode'));
Ejemplo n.º 8
  * delete a GroupSubscription
  * Parmeters example:
  * ------------------
  * $parameters = array (
  *      "groupSubscriptionType" => array (     // array mandatory
  *          "groupId"                 => 27091,       // int mandatory
  *          "emailAddressFlexmailId"  => 31655,       // int mandatory (unless referenceId is set)
  *          "emailAddressReferenceId" => "my-ref-001" // string mandatory (unless flexmailId is set)
  *      )
  * );
  * @param Array $parameters Associative array with properties of an groupSubscriptionType object
  * @return void
 public function deleteSubscription($parameters)
     $request = FlexmailAPI::parseArray($parameters);
     $response = $this->execute("DeleteGroupSubscription", $request);
     return FlexmailAPI::stripHeader($response, $this->config->get('debug_mode'));
Ejemplo n.º 9
  * Request complete or partial history of a Contact
  * Parmeters example:
  * ------------------
  * $parameters = array (
  *      "emailAddress"                   => "*****@*****.**",  // string mandatory
  *      "timestampFrom"                  => "2008-09-02T14:42:30", // string (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:ii:ss) optional
  *      "timestampTill"                  => "2014-09-02T14:42:30", // string (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:ii:ss) optional
  *      "emailAddressHistoryOptionsType" => array (                // array optional
  *          "created"                     => true,                 // boolean optional
  *          "deleted"                     => true,                 // boolean optional
  *          "profileUpdateVisited"        => true,                 // boolean optional
  *          "profileUpdateSubmitted"      => true,                 // boolean optional
  *          "subscribed"                  => true,                 // boolean optional
  *          "unsubscribed"                => true,                 // boolean optional
  *          "addedToGroup"                => true,                 // boolean optional
  *          "removedFromGroup"            => true,                 // boolean optional
  *          "addedToAccountBlackList"     => true,                 // boolean optional
  *          "removedFromAccountBlackList" => true,                 // boolean optional
  *          "bounced"                     => true,                 // boolean optional
  *          "bouncedOut"                  => true,                 // boolean optional
  *          "campaignSend"                => true,                 // boolean optional
  *          "campaignRead"                => true,                 // boolean optional
  *          "campaignReadOnline"          => true,                 // boolean optional
  *          "campaignLinkClicked"         => true,                 // boolean optional
  *          "campaignLinkGroupClicked"    => true,                 // boolean optional
  *          "campaignReadInfopage"        => true,                 // boolean optional
  *          "campaignFormVisited"         => true,                 // boolean optional
  *          "campaignFormSubmitted"       => true,                 // boolean optional
  *          "campaignSurveyVisi ted"       => true,                 // boolean optional
  *          "campaignSurveySubmitted"     => true,                 // boolean optional
  *          "campaignForwardVisited"      => true,                 // boolean optional
  *          "campaignForwardSubmitted"    => true,                 // boolean optional
  *      )
  *      "sort"                           =>  1 // int optional (0 = asc, 1 = desc)
  * );
  * @param Array $parameters Associative arrays with emailAddress and optional
  *                          timestampTill- and from, sort and
  *                          emailAddressHistoryOptionsType parameters
  * @return emailAddressHistoryType object
 public function history($parameters)
     $request = FlexmailAPI_Email::parseArray($parameters);
     $response = $this->execute("GetEmailAddressHistory", $request);
     return FlexmailAPI::stripHeader($response, $this->config->get('debug_mode'));