  * @param string $processor the processor to settle the funds out to
  * @param string $currency the currency for the settlment
  * @return \Finix\Resources\Settlement
  * @throws \Finix\Hal\Exception\LinkNotUniqueException
  * @throws \Finix\Hal\Exception\RelNotFoundException
 public function createSettlement(array $args)
     // TODO passing identity field by default bc it's redudant, users shouldn't need to pass this. remove once bug is fixed
     $settlement = new Settlement(["processor" => $args['processor'], "currency" => $args['currency'], "identity" => $this->resource->getState()["id"]]);
     // TODO shouldn't this link should not be construcuted, update when identity resource is fixed
     return $settlement->create($this->resource->getLink("self")->getHref() . "/settlements");