Ejemplo n.º 1
 public function display($req, $res, $args)
     if (User::get()->g_view_users == '0') {
         throw new Error(__('No permission'), 403);
     // Determine if we are allowed to view post counts
     $show_post_count = ForumSettings::get('o_show_post_count') == '1' || User::get()->is_admmod ? true : false;
     $username = Input::query('username') && User::get()->g_search_users == '1' ? Utils::trim(Input::query('username')) : '';
     $show_group = Input::query('show_group') ? intval(Input::query('show_group')) : -1;
     $sort_by = Input::query('sort_by') && (in_array(Input::query('sort_by'), array('username', 'registered')) || Input::query('sort_by') == 'num_posts' && $show_post_count) ? Input::query('sort_by') : 'username';
     $sort_dir = Input::query('sort_dir') && Input::query('sort_dir') == 'DESC' ? 'DESC' : 'ASC';
     $num_users = $this->model->fetch_user_count($username, $show_group);
     // Determine the user offset (based on $page)
     $num_pages = ceil($num_users / 50);
     $p = !Input::query('p') || $page <= 1 || $page > $num_pages ? 1 : intval($page);
     $start_from = 50 * ($p - 1);
     if (User::get()->g_search_users == '1') {
         $focus_element = array('userlist', 'username');
     } else {
         $focus_element = array();
     // Generate paging links
     $paging_links = '<span class="pages-label">' . __('Pages') . ' </span>' . Url::paginate_old($num_pages, $p, '?username='******'&amp;show_group=' . $show_group . '&amp;sort_by=' . $sort_by . '&amp;sort_dir=' . $sort_dir);
     View::setPageInfo(array('title' => array(Utils::escape(ForumSettings::get('o_board_title')), __('User list')), 'active_page' => 'userlist', 'page_number' => $p, 'paging_links' => $paging_links, 'focus_element' => $focus_element, 'is_indexed' => true, 'username' => $username, 'show_group' => $show_group, 'sort_by' => $sort_by, 'sort_dir' => $sort_dir, 'show_post_count' => $show_post_count, 'dropdown_menu' => $this->model->generate_dropdown_menu($show_group), 'userlist_data' => $this->model->print_users($username, $start_from, $sort_by, $sort_dir, $show_group)))->addTemplate('userlist.php')->display();
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public function markforumread($id)
     $tracked_topics = get_tracked_topics();
     $tracked_topics['forums'][$id] = time();
     Url::redirect($this->feather->urlFor('Forum', array('id' => $id)), __('Mark forum read redirect'));
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public function display()
     if ($this->user->g_search == '0') {
         throw new Error(__('No search permission'), 403);
     // Figure out what to do :-)
     if ($this->request->get('action') || $this->request->get('search_id')) {
         $search = $this->model->get_search_results();
         // We have results to display
         if (isset($search['is_result'])) {
             $this->feather->template->setPageInfo(array('title' => array(Utils::escape($this->config['o_board_title']), __('Search results')), 'active_page' => 'search'));
             $this->model->display_search_results($search, $this->feather);
             $this->feather->template->setPageInfo(array('search' => $search));
             $this->feather->template->addTemplate('search/header.php', 1);
             if ($search['show_as'] == 'posts') {
                 $this->feather->template->addTemplate('search/posts.php', 5);
             } else {
                 $this->feather->template->addTemplate('search/topics.php', 5);
             $this->feather->template->addTemplate('search/footer.php', 10)->display();
         } else {
             Url::redirect($this->feather->urlFor('search'), __('No hits'));
     } else {
         $this->feather->template->setPageInfo(array('title' => array(Utils::escape($this->config['o_board_title']), __('Search')), 'active_page' => 'search', 'focus_element' => array('search', 'keywords'), 'is_indexed' => true, 'forums' => $this->model->get_list_forums()))->addTemplate('search/form.php')->display();
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public function deactivate($plugin = null)
     if (!$plugin) {
         throw new Error(__('Bad request'), 400);
     $manager = new PluginManager();
     // Plugin has been activated, confirm and redirect
     Url::redirect($this->feather->urlFor('adminPlugins'), array('warning', 'Plugin deactivated!'));
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public function display()
     // Zap a report
     if ($this->feather->request->isPost()) {
         $zap_id = intval(key($this->request->post('zap_id')));
         $user_id = $this->user->id;
         $this->model->zap_report($zap_id, $user_id);
         Url::redirect($this->feather->urlFor('adminReports'), __('Report zapped redirect'));
     $this->feather->template->setPageInfo(array('title' => array(Utils::escape($this->config['o_board_title']), __('Admin'), __('Reports')), 'active_page' => 'admin', 'admin_console' => true, 'report_data' => $this->model->get_reports(), 'report_zapped_data' => $this->model->get_zapped_reports()))->addTemplate('admin/reports.php')->display();
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public function display($id = null, $name = null, $page = null, $pid = null)
     // Antispam feature
     require $this->feather->forum_env['FEATHER_ROOT'] . 'featherbb/lang/' . $this->feather->user->language . '/antispam.php';
     $index_questions = rand(0, count($lang_antispam_questions) - 1);
     // Fetch some informations about the topic
     $cur_topic = $this->model->get_info_topic($id);
     // Sort out who the moderators are and if we are currently a moderator (or an admin)
     $mods_array = $cur_topic['moderators'] != '' ? unserialize($cur_topic['moderators']) : array();
     $is_admmod = $this->feather->user->g_id == $this->feather->forum_env['FEATHER_ADMIN'] || $this->feather->user->g_moderator == '1' && array_key_exists($this->feather->user->username, $mods_array) ? true : false;
     if ($is_admmod) {
         $admin_ids = Utils::get_admin_ids();
     // Can we or can we not post replies?
     $post_link = $this->model->get_post_link($id, $cur_topic['closed'], $cur_topic['post_replies'], $is_admmod);
     // Add/update this topic in our list of tracked topics
     if (!$this->feather->user->is_guest) {
         $tracked_topics = Track::get_tracked_topics();
         $tracked_topics['topics'][$id] = time();
     // Determine the post offset (based on $_GET['p'])
     $num_pages = ceil(($cur_topic['num_replies'] + 1) / $this->feather->user->disp_posts);
     $p = !isset($page) || $page <= 1 || $page > $num_pages ? 1 : intval($page);
     $start_from = $this->feather->user->disp_posts * ($p - 1);
     $url_topic = Url::url_friendly($cur_topic['subject']);
     $url_forum = Url::url_friendly($cur_topic['forum_name']);
     // Generate paging links
     $paging_links = '<span class="pages-label">' . __('Pages') . ' </span>' . Url::paginate($num_pages, $p, 'topic/' . $id . '/' . $url_topic . '/#');
     if ($this->feather->forum_settings['o_censoring'] == '1') {
         $cur_topic['subject'] = Utils::censor($cur_topic['subject']);
     $quickpost = $this->model->is_quickpost($cur_topic['post_replies'], $cur_topic['closed'], $is_admmod);
     $subscraction = $this->model->get_subscraction($cur_topic['is_subscribed'], $id);
     $lang_bbeditor = array('btnBold' => __('btnBold'), 'btnItalic' => __('btnItalic'), 'btnUnderline' => __('btnUnderline'), 'btnColor' => __('btnColor'), 'btnLeft' => __('btnLeft'), 'btnRight' => __('btnRight'), 'btnJustify' => __('btnJustify'), 'btnCenter' => __('btnCenter'), 'btnLink' => __('btnLink'), 'btnPicture' => __('btnPicture'), 'btnList' => __('btnList'), 'btnQuote' => __('btnQuote'), 'btnCode' => __('btnCode'), 'promptImage' => __('promptImage'), 'promptUrl' => __('promptUrl'), 'promptQuote' => __('promptQuote'));
     $this->feather->template->addAsset('canonical', $this->feather->urlFor('Forum', ['id' => $id, 'name' => $url_forum]));
     if ($num_pages > 1) {
         if ($p > 1) {
             $this->feather->template->addAsset('prev', $this->feather->urlFor('ForumPaginate', ['id' => $id, 'name' => $url_forum, 'page' => intval($p - 1)]));
         if ($p < $num_pages) {
             $this->feather->template->addAsset('next', $this->feather->urlFor('ForumPaginate', ['id' => $id, 'name' => $url_forum, 'page' => intval($p + 1)]));
     if ($this->feather->forum_settings['o_feed_type'] == '1') {
         $this->feather->template->addAsset('feed', 'extern.php?action=feed&amp;fid=' . $id . '&amp;type=rss', array('title' => __('RSS forum feed')));
     } elseif ($this->feather->forum_settings['o_feed_type'] == '2') {
         $this->feather->template->addAsset('feed', 'extern.php?action=feed&amp;fid=' . $id . '&amp;type=atom', array('title' => __('Atom forum feed')));
     $this->feather->template->setPageInfo(array('title' => array(Utils::escape($this->feather->forum_settings['o_board_title']), Utils::escape($cur_topic['forum_name']), Utils::escape($cur_topic['subject'])), 'active_page' => 'Topic', 'page_number' => $p, 'paging_links' => $paging_links, 'is_indexed' => true, 'id' => $id, 'pid' => $pid, 'tid' => $id, 'fid' => $cur_topic['forum_id'], 'post_data' => $this->model->print_posts($id, $start_from, $cur_topic, $is_admmod), 'cur_topic' => $cur_topic, 'subscraction' => $subscraction, 'post_link' => $post_link, 'start_from' => $start_from, 'lang_antispam' => $lang_antispam, 'quickpost' => $quickpost, 'index_questions' => $index_questions, 'lang_antispam_questions' => $lang_antispam_questions, 'lang_bbeditor' => $lang_bbeditor, 'url_forum' => $url_forum, 'url_topic' => $url_topic))->addTemplate('Topic.php')->display();
     // Increment "num_views" for topic
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public function remove_word()
     $id = intval(key($this->request->post('remove')));
     $id = $this->hook->fire('remove_censoring_word_start', $id);
     $result = DB::for_table('censoring')->find_one($id);
     $result = $this->hook->fireDB('remove_censoring_word', $result);
     $result = $result->delete();
     // Regenerate the censoring cache
     $this->feather->cache->store('search_for', Cache::get_censoring('search_for'));
     $this->feather->cache->store('replace_with', Cache::get_censoring('replace_with'));
     Url::redirect($this->feather->urlFor('adminCensoring'), __('Word removed redirect'));
Ejemplo n.º 8
 public function edit($req, $res, $args)
     if (Request::isPost()) {
         if (Input::post('save') && Input::post('read_forum_old')) {
             // Forums parameters / TODO : better handling of wrong parameters
             $forum_data = array('forum_name' => Utils::escape(Input::post('forum_name')), 'forum_desc' => Input::post('forum_desc') ? Utils::linebreaks(Utils::trim(Input::post('forum_desc'))) : NULL, 'cat_id' => (int) Input::post('cat_id'), 'sort_by' => (int) Input::post('sort_by'), 'redirect_url' => Url::is_valid(Input::post('redirect_url')) ? Utils::escape(Input::post('redirect_url')) : NULL);
             if ($forum_data['forum_name'] == '') {
                 return Router::redirect(Router::pathFor('editForum', array('id' => $args['id'])), __('Must enter name message'));
             if ($forum_data['cat_id'] < 1) {
                 return Router::redirect(Router::pathFor('editForum', array('id' => $args['id'])), __('Must be valid category'));
             $this->model->update_forum($args['id'], $forum_data);
             // Permissions
             $permissions = $this->model->get_default_group_permissions(false);
             foreach ($permissions as $perm_group) {
                 $permissions_data = array('group_id' => $perm_group['g_id'], 'forum_id' => $args['id']);
                 if ($perm_group['g_read_board'] == '1' && isset(Input::post('read_forum_new')[$perm_group['g_id']]) && Input::post('read_forum_new')[$perm_group['g_id']] == '1') {
                     $permissions_data['read_forum'] = '1';
                 } else {
                     $permissions_data['read_forum'] = '0';
                 $permissions_data['post_replies'] = isset(Input::post('post_replies_new')[$perm_group['g_id']]) ? '1' : '0';
                 $permissions_data['post_topics'] = isset(Input::post('post_topics_new')[$perm_group['g_id']]) ? '1' : '0';
                 // Check if the new settings differ from the old
                 if ($permissions_data['read_forum'] != Input::post('read_forum_old')[$perm_group['g_id']] || $permissions_data['post_replies'] != Input::post('post_replies_old')[$perm_group['g_id']] || $permissions_data['post_topics'] != Input::post('post_topics_old')[$perm_group['g_id']]) {
                     // If there is no group permissions override for this forum
                     if ($permissions_data['read_forum'] == '1' && $permissions_data['post_replies'] == $perm_group['g_post_replies'] && $permissions_data['post_topics'] == $perm_group['g_post_topics']) {
                         $this->model->delete_permissions($args['id'], $perm_group['g_id']);
                     } else {
                         // Run an UPDATE and see if it affected a row, if not, INSERT
             // Regenerate the quick jump cache
             Container::get('cache')->store('quickjump', Cache::get_quickjump());
             return Router::redirect(Router::pathFor('editForum', array('id' => $args['id'])), __('Forum updated redirect'));
         } elseif (Input::post('revert_perms')) {
             // Regenerate the quick jump cache
             Container::get('cache')->store('quickjump', Cache::get_quickjump());
             return Router::redirect(Router::pathFor('editForum', array('id' => $args['id'])), __('Perms reverted redirect'));
     } else {
         View::setPageInfo(array('title' => array(Utils::escape(ForumSettings::get('o_board_title')), __('Admin'), __('Forums')), 'active_page' => 'admin', 'admin_console' => true, 'perm_data' => $this->model->get_permissions($args['id']), 'cur_index' => 7, 'cur_forum' => $this->model->get_forum_info($args['id']), 'forum_data' => $this->model->get_forums()))->addTemplate('admin/forums/permissions.php')->display();
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public function delete_category()
     $cat_to_delete = (int) $this->request->post('cat_to_delete');
     if ($cat_to_delete < 1) {
         throw new Error(__('Bad request'), '400');
     if (intval($this->request->post('disclaimer')) != 1) {
         Url::redirect($this->feather->urlFor('adminCategories'), __('Delete category not validated'));
     if ($this->model->delete_category($cat_to_delete)) {
         Url::redirect($this->feather->urlFor('adminCategories'), __('Category deleted redirect'));
     } else {
         Url::redirect($this->feather->urlFor('adminCategories'), __('Unable to delete category'));
Ejemplo n.º 10
 public function rules()
     // If we are logged in, we shouldn't be here
     if (!$this->user->is_guest) {
     // Display an error message if new registrations are disabled
     if ($this->config['o_regs_allow'] == '0') {
         throw new Error(__('No new regs'), 403);
     if ($this->config['o_rules'] != '1') {
     $this->feather->template->setPageInfo(array('title' => array(Utils::escape($this->config['o_board_title']), __('Register'), __('Forum rules')), 'active_page' => 'register'))->addTemplate('register/rules.php')->display();
Ejemplo n.º 11
 public function display()
     // Display bans
     if ($this->request->get('find_ban')) {
         $ban_info = $this->model->find_ban();
         // Determine the ban offset (based on $_GET['p'])
         $num_pages = ceil($ban_info['num_bans'] / 50);
         $p = !$this->request->get('p') || $this->request->get('p') <= 1 || $this->request->get('p') > $num_pages ? 1 : intval($this->request->get('p'));
         $start_from = 50 * ($p - 1);
         $ban_data = $this->model->find_ban($start_from);
         $this->feather->template->setPageInfo(array('admin_console' => true, 'page' => $p, 'title' => array(Utils::escape($this->config['o_board_title']), __('Admin'), __('Bans'), __('Results head')), 'paging_links' => '<span class="pages-label">' . __('Pages') . ' </span>' . Url::paginate_old($num_pages, $p, '?find_ban=&amp;' . implode('&amp;', $ban_info['query_str'])), 'ban_data' => $ban_data['data']))->addTemplate('admin/bans/search_ban.php')->display();
     } else {
         $this->feather->template->setPageInfo(array('admin_console' => true, 'focus_element' => array('bans', 'new_ban_user'), 'title' => array(Utils::escape($this->config['o_board_title']), __('Admin'), __('Bans'))))->addTemplate('admin/bans/admin_bans.php')->display();
Ejemplo n.º 12
 public function display($req, $res, $args)
     // Display bans
     if (Input::query('find_ban')) {
         $ban_info = $this->model->find_ban();
         // Determine the ban offset (based on $_GET['p'])
         $num_pages = ceil($ban_info['num_bans'] / 50);
         $p = !Input::query('p') || Input::query('p') <= 1 || Input::query('p') > $num_pages ? 1 : intval(Input::query('p'));
         $start_from = 50 * ($p - 1);
         $ban_data = $this->model->find_ban($start_from);
         View::setPageInfo(array('admin_console' => true, 'page' => $p, 'title' => array(Utils::escape(ForumSettings::get('o_board_title')), __('Admin'), __('Bans'), __('Results head')), 'paging_links' => '<span class="pages-label">' . __('Pages') . ' </span>' . Url::paginate_old($num_pages, $p, '?find_ban=&amp;' . implode('&amp;', $ban_info['query_str'])), 'ban_data' => $ban_data['data']))->addTemplate('admin/bans/search_ban.php')->display();
     } else {
         View::setPageInfo(array('admin_console' => true, 'focus_element' => array('bans', 'new_ban_user'), 'title' => array(Utils::escape(ForumSettings::get('o_board_title')), __('Admin'), __('Bans'))))->addTemplate('admin/bans/admin_bans.php')->display();
Ejemplo n.º 13
 public function display($fid, $name = null, $page = null)
     // Fetch some informations about the forum
     $cur_forum = $this->model->get_info_forum($fid);
     // Is this a redirect forum? In that case, redirect!
     if ($cur_forum['redirect_url'] != '') {
         header('Location: ' . $cur_forum['redirect_url']);
     // Sort out who the moderators are and if we are currently a moderator (or an admin)
     $mods_array = $cur_forum['moderators'] != '' ? unserialize($cur_forum['moderators']) : array();
     $is_admmod = $this->feather->user->g_id == $this->feather->forum_env['FEATHER_ADMIN'] || $this->feather->user->g_moderator == '1' && array_key_exists($this->feather->user->username, $mods_array) ? true : false;
     $sort_by = $this->model->sort_forum_by($cur_forum['sort_by']);
     // Can we or can we not post new topics?
     if ($cur_forum['post_topics'] == '' && $this->feather->user->g_post_topics == '1' || $cur_forum['post_topics'] == '1' || $is_admmod) {
         $post_link = "\t\t\t" . '<p class="postlink conr"><a href="' . $this->feather->urlFor('newTopic', ['fid' => $fid]) . '">' . __('Post topic') . '</a></p>' . "\n";
     } else {
         $post_link = '';
     // Determine the topic offset (based on $page)
     $num_pages = ceil($cur_forum['num_topics'] / $this->feather->user->disp_topics);
     $p = !isset($page) || $page <= 1 || $page > $num_pages ? 1 : intval($page);
     $start_from = $this->feather->user->disp_topics * ($p - 1);
     $url_forum = Url::url_friendly($cur_forum['forum_name']);
     // Generate paging links
     $paging_links = '<span class="pages-label">' . __('Pages') . ' </span>' . Url::paginate($num_pages, $p, 'forum/' . $fid . '/' . $url_forum . '/#');
     $forum_actions = $this->model->get_forum_actions($fid, $this->feather->forum_settings['o_forum_subscriptions'], $cur_forum['is_subscribed']);
     $this->feather->template->addAsset('canonical', $this->feather->urlFor('Forum', ['id' => $fid, 'name' => $url_forum]));
     if ($num_pages > 1) {
         if ($p > 1) {
             $this->feather->template->addAsset('prev', $this->feather->urlFor('ForumPaginate', ['id' => $fid, 'name' => $url_forum, 'page' => intval($p - 1)]));
         if ($p < $num_pages) {
             $this->feather->template->addAsset('next', $this->feather->urlFor('ForumPaginate', ['id' => $fid, 'name' => $url_forum, 'page' => intval($p + 1)]));
     if ($this->feather->forum_settings['o_feed_type'] == '1') {
         $this->feather->template->addAsset('feed', 'extern.php?action=feed&amp;fid=' . $fid . '&amp;type=rss', array('title' => __('RSS forum feed')));
     } elseif ($this->feather->forum_settings['o_feed_type'] == '2') {
         $this->feather->template->addAsset('feed', 'extern.php?action=feed&amp;fid=' . $fid . '&amp;type=atom', array('title' => __('Atom forum feed')));
     $this->feather->template->setPageInfo(array('title' => array(Utils::escape($this->feather->forum_settings['o_board_title']), Utils::escape($cur_forum['forum_name'])), 'active_page' => 'Forum', 'page_number' => $p, 'paging_links' => $paging_links, 'is_indexed' => true, 'id' => $fid, 'fid' => $fid, 'forum_data' => $this->model->print_topics($fid, $sort_by, $start_from), 'cur_forum' => $cur_forum, 'post_link' => $post_link, 'start_from' => $start_from, 'url_forum' => $url_forum, 'forum_actions' => $forum_actions))->addTemplate('Forum.php')->display();
Ejemplo n.º 14
 public function update_permissions()
     $form = array_map('intval', $this->request->post('form'));
     $form = $this->hook->fire('permissions.update_permissions.form', $form);
     foreach ($form as $key => $input) {
         // Make sure the input is never a negative value
         if ($input < 0) {
             $input = 0;
         // Only update values that have changed
         if (array_key_exists('p_' . $key, $this->config) && $this->config['p_' . $key] != $input) {
             DB::for_table('config')->where('conf_name', 'p_' . $key)->update_many('conf_value', $input);
     // Regenerate the config cache
     $this->feather->cache->store('config', Cache::get_config());
     // $this->clear_feed_cache();
     Url::redirect($this->feather->urlFor('adminPermissions'), __('Perms updated redirect'));
Ejemplo n.º 15
 public function editpost($id)
     // Fetch some informations about the post, the topic and the forum
     $cur_post = $this->model->get_info_edit($id);
     // Sort out who the moderators are and if we are currently a moderator (or an admin)
     $mods_array = $cur_post['moderators'] != '' ? unserialize($cur_post['moderators']) : array();
     $is_admmod = $this->user->g_id == $this->feather->forum_env['FEATHER_ADMIN'] || $this->user->g_moderator == '1' && array_key_exists($this->user->username, $mods_array) ? true : false;
     $can_edit_subject = $id == $cur_post['first_post_id'];
     if ($this->config['o_censoring'] == '1') {
         $cur_post['subject'] = Utils::censor($cur_post['subject']);
         $cur_post['message'] = Utils::censor($cur_post['message']);
     // Do we have permission to edit this post?
     if (($this->user->g_edit_posts == '0' || $cur_post['poster_id'] != $this->user->id || $cur_post['closed'] == '1') && !$is_admmod) {
         throw new Error(__('No permission'), 403);
     if ($is_admmod && $this->user->g_id != $this->feather->forum_env['FEATHER_ADMIN'] && in_array($cur_post['poster_id'], Utils::get_admin_ids())) {
         throw new Error(__('No permission'), 403);
     // Start with a clean slate
     $errors = array();
     if ($this->feather->request()->isPost()) {
         // Let's see if everything went right
         $errors = $this->model->check_errors_before_edit($can_edit_subject, $errors);
         // Setup some variables before post
         $post = $this->model->setup_variables($cur_post, $is_admmod, $can_edit_subject, $errors);
         // Did everything go according to plan?
         if (empty($errors) && !$this->request->post('preview')) {
             // Edit the post
             $this->model->edit_post($id, $can_edit_subject, $post, $cur_post, $is_admmod);
             Url::redirect($this->feather->urlFor('viewPost', ['pid' => $id]) . '#p' . $id, __('Post redirect'));
     } else {
         $post = '';
     if ($this->request->post('preview')) {
         $preview_message = $this->feather->parser->parse_message($post['message'], $post['hide_smilies']);
     } else {
         $preview_message = '';
     $lang_bbeditor = array('btnBold' => __('btnBold'), 'btnItalic' => __('btnItalic'), 'btnUnderline' => __('btnUnderline'), 'btnColor' => __('btnColor'), 'btnLeft' => __('btnLeft'), 'btnRight' => __('btnRight'), 'btnJustify' => __('btnJustify'), 'btnCenter' => __('btnCenter'), 'btnLink' => __('btnLink'), 'btnPicture' => __('btnPicture'), 'btnList' => __('btnList'), 'btnQuote' => __('btnQuote'), 'btnCode' => __('btnCode'), 'promptImage' => __('promptImage'), 'promptUrl' => __('promptUrl'), 'promptQuote' => __('promptQuote'));
     $this->feather->template->setPageInfo(array('title' => array(Utils::escape($this->config['o_board_title']), __('Edit post')), 'required_fields' => array('req_subject' => __('Subject'), 'req_message' => __('Message')), 'focus_element' => array('edit', 'req_message'), 'cur_post' => $cur_post, 'errors' => $errors, 'preview_message' => $preview_message, 'id' => $id, 'checkboxes' => $this->model->get_checkboxes($can_edit_subject, $is_admmod, $cur_post, 1), 'can_edit_subject' => $can_edit_subject, 'lang_bbeditor' => $lang_bbeditor, 'post' => $post))->addTemplate('edit.php')->display();
Ejemplo n.º 16
 public function display($action = null)
     // Check for upgrade
     if ($action == 'check_upgrade') {
         if (!ini_get('allow_url_fopen')) {
             throw new Error(__('fopen disabled message'), 500);
         $latest_version = trim(@file_get_contents('http://featherbb.org/latest_version'));
         if (empty($latest_version)) {
             throw new Error(__('Upgrade check failed message'), 500);
         if (version_compare($this->config['o_cur_version'], $latest_version, '>=')) {
             Url::redirect($this->feather->urlFor('adminIndex'), __('Running latest version message'));
         } else {
             Url::redirect($this->feather->urlFor('adminIndex'), sprintf(__('New version available message'), '<a href="http://featherbb.org/">FeatherBB.org</a>'));
     $this->feather->template->setPageInfo(array('title' => array(Utils::escape($this->config['o_board_title']), __('Admin'), __('Index')), 'active_page' => 'admin', 'admin_console' => true))->addTemplate('admin/index.php')->display();
Ejemplo n.º 17
 public function handle_deletion($is_topic_post, $id, $tid, $fid)
     $this->hook->fire('handle_deletion_start', $is_topic_post, $id, $tid, $fid);
     if ($is_topic_post) {
         $this->hook->fire('handle_deletion_topic_post', $tid, $fid);
         // Delete the topic and all of its posts
         Url::redirect($this->feather->urlFor('Forum', array('id' => $fid)), __('Topic del redirect'));
     } else {
         $this->hook->fire('handle_deletion', $tid, $fid, $id);
         // Delete just this one post
         self::post($id, $tid);
         // Redirect towards the previous post
         $post = DB::for_table('posts')->select('id')->where('topic_id', $tid)->where_lt('id', $id)->order_by_desc('id');
         $post = $this->hook->fireDB('handle_deletion_query', $post);
         $post = $post->find_one();
         Url::redirect($this->feather->urlFor('viewPost', ['pid' => $post['id']]) . '#p' . $post['id'], __('Post del redirect'));
Ejemplo n.º 18
 public function display_search_results($search)
     $search = $this->hook->fire('display_search_results_start', $search);
     // Get topic/forum tracking data
     if (!$this->user->is_guest) {
         $tracked_topics = Track::get_tracked_topics();
     $post_count = $topic_count = 0;
     foreach ($search['search_set'] as $cur_search) {
         $forum_name = Url::url_friendly($cur_search['forum_name']);
         $forum = '<a href="' . $this->feather->urlFor('Forum', ['id' => $cur_search['forum_id'], 'name' => $forum_name]) . '">' . Utils::escape($cur_search['forum_name']) . '</a>';
         $url_topic = Url::url_friendly($cur_search['subject']);
         if ($this->config['o_censoring'] == '1') {
             $cur_search['subject'] = Utils::censor($cur_search['subject']);
         if ($search['show_as'] == 'posts') {
             $cur_search['icon_type'] = 'icon';
             if (!$this->user->is_guest && $cur_search['last_post'] > $this->user->last_visit && (!isset($tracked_topics['topics'][$cur_search['tid']]) || $tracked_topics['topics'][$cur_search['tid']] < $cur_search['last_post']) && (!isset($tracked_topics['forums'][$cur_search['forum_id']]) || $tracked_topics['forums'][$cur_search['forum_id']] < $cur_search['last_post'])) {
                 $cur_search['item_status'] = 'inew';
                 $cur_search['icon_type'] = 'icon icon-new';
                 $cur_search['icon_text'] = __('New icon');
             } else {
                 $cur_search['item_status'] = '';
                 $cur_search['icon_text'] = '<!-- -->';
             if ($this->config['o_censoring'] == '1') {
                 $cur_search['message'] = Utils::censor($cur_search['message']);
             $cur_search['message'] = $this->feather->parser->parse_message($cur_search['message'], $cur_search['hide_smilies']);
             $pposter = Utils::escape($cur_search['pposter']);
             if ($cur_search['poster_id'] > 1 && $this->user->g_view_users == '1') {
                 $cur_search['pposter_disp'] = '<strong><a href="' . $this->feather->urlFor('userProfile', ['id' => $cur_search['poster_id']]) . '">' . $pposter . '</a></strong>';
             } else {
                 $cur_search['pposter_disp'] = '<strong>' . $pposter . '</strong>';
             $this->feather->template->setPageInfo(array('post_count' => $post_count, 'url_topic' => $url_topic, 'cur_search' => $cur_search, 'forum' => $forum));
         } else {
             $status_text = array();
             $cur_search['item_status'] = $topic_count % 2 == 0 ? 'roweven' : 'rowodd';
             $cur_search['icon_type'] = 'icon';
             $subject = '<a href="' . $this->feather->urlFor('Topic', ['id' => $cur_search['tid'], 'name' => $url_topic]) . '">' . Utils::escape($cur_search['subject']) . '</a> <span class="byuser">' . __('by') . ' ' . Utils::escape($cur_search['poster']) . '</span>';
             if ($cur_search['sticky'] == '1') {
                 $cur_search['item_status'] .= ' isticky';
                 $status_text[] = '<span class="stickytext">' . __('Sticky') . '</span>';
             if ($cur_search['closed'] != '0') {
                 $status_text[] = '<span class="closedtext">' . __('Closed') . '</span>';
                 $cur_search['item_status'] .= ' iclosed';
             if (!$this->user->is_guest && $cur_search['last_post'] > $this->user->last_visit && (!isset($tracked_topics['topics'][$cur_search['tid']]) || $tracked_topics['topics'][$cur_search['tid']] < $cur_search['last_post']) && (!isset($tracked_topics['forums'][$cur_search['forum_id']]) || $tracked_topics['forums'][$cur_search['forum_id']] < $cur_search['last_post'])) {
                 $cur_search['item_status'] .= ' inew';
                 $cur_search['icon_type'] = 'icon icon-new';
                 $subject = '<strong>' . $subject . '</strong>';
                 $subject_new_posts = '<span class="newtext">[ <a href="' . $this->feather->urlFor('topicAction', ['id' => $cur_search['tid'], 'action' => 'new']) . '" title="' . __('New posts info') . '">' . __('New posts') . '</a> ]</span>';
             } else {
                 $subject_new_posts = null;
             // Insert the status text before the subject
             $subject = implode(' ', $status_text) . ' ' . $subject;
             $num_pages_topic = ceil(($cur_search['num_replies'] + 1) / $this->user->disp_posts);
             if ($num_pages_topic > 1) {
                 $subject_multipage = '<span class="pagestext">[ ' . Url::paginate($num_pages_topic, -1, 'topic/' . $cur_search['tid'] . '/' . $url_topic . '/#') . ' ]</span>';
             } else {
                 $subject_multipage = null;
             // Should we show the "New posts" and/or the multipage links?
             if (!empty($subject_new_posts) || !empty($subject_multipage)) {
                 $subject .= !empty($subject_new_posts) ? ' ' . $subject_new_posts : '';
                 $subject .= !empty($subject_multipage) ? ' ' . $subject_multipage : '';
             if (!isset($cur_search['start_from'])) {
                 $start_from = 0;
             } else {
                 $start_from = $cur_search['start_from'];
             $this->feather->template->setPageInfo(array('cur_search' => $cur_search, 'start_from' => $start_from, 'topic_count' => $topic_count, 'subject' => $subject, 'forum' => $forum, 'post_count' => $post_count, 'url_topic' => $url_topic));
     $search = $this->hook->fire('display_search_results', $search);
Ejemplo n.º 19
 public function display_topics($fid, $sort_by, $start_from)
     $this->hook->fire('display_topics_start', $fid, $sort_by, $start_from);
     $topic_data = array();
     // Get topic/forum tracking data
     if (!$this->user->is_guest) {
         $tracked_topics = Track::get_tracked_topics();
     // Retrieve a list of topic IDs, LIMIT is (really) expensive so we only fetch the IDs here then later fetch the remaining data
     $result = DB::for_table('topics')->select('id')->where('forum_id', $fid)->order_by_expr('sticky DESC, ' . $sort_by)->limit($this->user->disp_topics)->offset($start_from);
     $result = $this->hook->fireDB('display_topics_list_ids', $result);
     $result = $result->find_many();
     // If there are topics in this forum
     if ($result) {
         foreach ($result as $id) {
             $topic_ids[] = $id['id'];
         // Select topics
         $result['select'] = array('id', 'poster', 'subject', 'posted', 'last_post', 'last_post_id', 'last_poster', 'num_views', 'num_replies', 'closed', 'sticky', 'moved_to');
         $result = DB::for_table('topics')->select_many($result['select'])->where_in('id', $topic_ids)->order_by_desc('sticky')->order_by_expr($sort_by)->order_by_desc('id');
         $result = $this->hook->fireDB('display_topics_query', $result);
         $result = $result->find_many();
         $topic_count = 0;
         foreach ($result as $cur_topic) {
             $status_text = array();
             $cur_topic['item_status'] = $topic_count % 2 == 0 ? 'roweven' : 'rowodd';
             $cur_topic['icon_type'] = 'icon';
             $url_topic = Url::url_friendly($cur_topic['subject']);
             if (is_null($cur_topic['moved_to'])) {
                 $cur_topic['last_post_disp'] = '<a href="' . $this->feather->urlFor('viewPost', ['pid' => $cur_topic['last_post_id']]) . '#p' . $cur_topic['last_post_id'] . '">' . $this->feather->utils->format_time($cur_topic['last_post']) . '</a> <span class="byuser">' . __('by') . ' ' . Utils::escape($cur_topic['last_poster']) . '</span>';
                 $cur_topic['ghost_topic'] = false;
             } else {
                 $cur_topic['last_post_disp'] = '- - -';
                 $cur_topic['ghost_topic'] = true;
             if ($this->config['o_censoring'] == '1') {
                 $cur_topic['subject'] = Utils::censor($cur_topic['subject']);
             if ($cur_topic['sticky'] == '1') {
                 $cur_topic['item_status'] .= ' isticky';
                 $status_text[] = '<span class="stickytext">' . __('Sticky') . '</span>';
             if ($cur_topic['moved_to'] != 0) {
                 $cur_topic['subject_disp'] = '<a href="' . $this->feather->urlFor('Topic', ['id' => $cur_topic['moved_to'], 'name' => $url_topic]) . '">' . Utils::escape($cur_topic['subject']) . '</a> <span class="byuser">' . __('by') . ' ' . Utils::escape($cur_topic['poster']) . '</span>';
                 $status_text[] = '<span class="movedtext">' . __('Moved') . '</span>';
                 $cur_topic['item_status'] .= ' imoved';
             } elseif ($cur_topic['closed'] == '0') {
                 $cur_topic['subject_disp'] = '<a href="' . $this->feather->urlFor('Topic', ['id' => $cur_topic['id'], 'name' => $url_topic]) . '">' . Utils::escape($cur_topic['subject']) . '</a> <span class="byuser">' . __('by') . ' ' . Utils::escape($cur_topic['poster']) . '</span>';
             } else {
                 $cur_topic['subject_disp'] = '<a href="' . $this->feather->urlFor('Topic', ['id' => $cur_topic['id'], 'name' => $url_topic]) . '">' . Utils::escape($cur_topic['subject']) . '</a> <span class="byuser">' . __('by') . ' ' . Utils::escape($cur_topic['poster']) . '</span>';
                 $status_text[] = '<span class="closedtext">' . __('Closed') . '</span>';
                 $cur_topic['item_status'] .= ' iclosed';
             if (!$cur_topic['ghost_topic'] && $cur_topic['last_post'] > $this->user->last_visit && (!isset($tracked_topics['topics'][$cur_topic['id']]) || $tracked_topics['topics'][$cur_topic['id']] < $cur_topic['last_post']) && (!isset($tracked_topics['forums'][$fid]) || $tracked_topics['forums'][$fid] < $cur_topic['last_post'])) {
                 $cur_topic['item_status'] .= ' inew';
                 $cur_topic['icon_type'] = 'icon icon-new';
                 $cur_topic['subject_disp'] = '<strong>' . $cur_topic['subject_disp'] . '</strong>';
                 $subject_new_posts = '<span class="newtext">[ <a href="' . $this->feather->urlFor('Topic', ['id' => $cur_topic['id'], 'action' => 'new']) . '" title="' . __('New posts info') . '">' . __('New posts') . '</a> ]</span>';
             } else {
                 $subject_new_posts = null;
             // Insert the status text before the subject
             $cur_topic['subject_disp'] = implode(' ', $status_text) . ' ' . $cur_topic['subject_disp'];
             $num_pages_topic = ceil(($cur_topic['num_replies'] + 1) / $this->user->disp_posts);
             if ($num_pages_topic > 1) {
                 $subject_multipage = '<span class="pagestext">[ ' . Url::paginate($num_pages_topic, -1, 'topic/' . $cur_topic['id'] . '/' . $url_topic . '/#') . ' ]</span>';
             } else {
                 $subject_multipage = null;
             // Should we show the "New posts" and/or the multipage links?
             if (!empty($subject_new_posts) || !empty($subject_multipage)) {
                 $cur_topic['subject_disp'] .= !empty($subject_new_posts) ? ' ' . $subject_new_posts : '';
                 $cur_topic['subject_disp'] .= !empty($subject_multipage) ? ' ' . $subject_multipage : '';
             $topic_data[] = $cur_topic;
     $topic_data = $this->hook->fire('display_topics', $topic_data);
     return $topic_data;
Ejemplo n.º 20
 public function newpost($req, $res, $args)
     if (!isset($args['fid'])) {
         $args['fid'] = null;
     if (!isset($args['tid'])) {
         $args['tid'] = null;
     if (!isset($args['qid'])) {
         $args['qid'] = null;
     Container::get('hooks')->fire('controller.post.create', $args['fid'], $args['tid'], $args['qid']);
     // Antispam feature
     $lang_antispam_questions = (require ForumEnv::get('FEATHER_ROOT') . 'featherbb/lang/' . User::get()->language . '/antispam.php');
     $index_questions = rand(0, count($lang_antispam_questions) - 1);
     // If $_POST['username'] is filled, we are facing a bot
     if (Input::post('username')) {
         throw new Error(__('Bad request'), 400);
     // Fetch some info about the topic and/or the forum
     $cur_posting = $this->model->get_info_post($args['tid'], $args['fid']);
     $is_subscribed = $args['tid'] && $cur_posting['is_subscribed'];
     // Is someone trying to post into a redirect forum?
     if ($cur_posting['redirect_url'] != '') {
         throw new Error(__('Bad request'), 400);
     // Sort out who the moderators are and if we are currently a moderator (or an admin)
     $mods_array = $cur_posting['moderators'] != '' ? unserialize($cur_posting['moderators']) : array();
     $is_admmod = User::get()->g_id == ForumEnv::get('FEATHER_ADMIN') || User::get()->g_moderator == '1' && array_key_exists(User::get()->username, $mods_array) ? true : false;
     // Do we have permission to post?
     if (($args['tid'] && ($cur_posting['post_replies'] == '' && User::get()->g_post_replies == '0' || $cur_posting['post_replies'] == '0') || $args['fid'] && ($cur_posting['post_topics'] == '' && User::get()->g_post_topics == '0' || $cur_posting['post_topics'] == '0') || isset($cur_posting['closed']) && $cur_posting['closed'] == '1') && !$is_admmod) {
         throw new Error(__('No permission'), 403);
     // Start with a clean slate
     $errors = array();
     $post = '';
     // Did someone just hit "Submit" or "Preview"?
     if (Request::isPost()) {
         // Include $pid and $page if needed for confirm_referrer function called in check_errors_before_post()
         if (Input::post('pid')) {
             $pid = Input::post('pid');
         } else {
             $pid = '';
         if (Input::post('page')) {
             $page = Input::post('page');
         } else {
             $page = '';
         // Let's see if everything went right
         $errors = $this->model->check_errors_before_post($args['fid'], $args['tid'], $args['qid'], $pid, $page, $errors);
         // Setup some variables before post
         $post = $this->model->setup_variables($errors, $is_admmod);
         // Did everything go according to plan?
         if (empty($errors) && !Input::post('preview')) {
             // If it's a reply
             if ($args['tid']) {
                 // Insert the reply, get the new_pid
                 $new = $this->model->insert_reply($post, $args['tid'], $cur_posting, $is_subscribed);
                 // Should we send out notifications?
                 if (ForumSettings::get('o_topic_subscriptions') == '1') {
                     $this->model->send_notifications_reply($args['tid'], $cur_posting, $new['pid'], $post);
             } elseif ($args['fid']) {
                 // Insert the topic, get the new_pid
                 $new = $this->model->insert_topic($post, $args['fid']);
                 // Should we send out notifications?
                 if (ForumSettings::get('o_forum_subscriptions') == '1') {
                     $this->model->send_notifications_new_topic($post, $cur_posting, $new['tid']);
             // If we previously found out that the email was banned
             if (User::get()->is_guest && isset($errors['banned_email']) && ForumSettings::get('o_mailing_list') != '') {
                 $this->model->warn_banned_user($post, $new['pid']);
             // If the posting user is logged in, increment his/her post count
             if (!User::get()->is_guest) {
                 $this->model->increment_post_count($post, $new['tid']);
             return Router::redirect(Router::pathFor('viewPost', ['pid' => $new['pid']]) . '#p' . $new['pid'], __('Post redirect'));
     $quote = '';
     // If a topic ID was specified in the url (it's a reply)
     if ($args['tid']) {
         $action = __('Post a reply');
         $form = '<form id="post" method="post" action="' . Router::pathFor('newReply', ['tid' => $args['tid']]) . '" onsubmit="this.submit.disabled=true;if(process_form(this)){return true;}else{this.submit.disabled=false;return false;}">';
         // If a quote ID was specified in the url
         if (isset($args['qid'])) {
             $quote = $this->model->get_quote_message($args['qid'], $args['tid']);
             $form = '<form id="post" method="post" action="' . Router::pathFor('newQuoteReply', ['tid' => $args['tid'], 'qid' => $args['qid']]) . '" onsubmit="this.submit.disabled=true;if(process_form(this)){return true;}else{this.submit.disabled=false;return false;}">';
     } elseif ($args['fid']) {
         $action = __('Post new topic');
         $form = '<form id="post" method="post" action="' . Router::pathFor('newTopic', ['fid' => $args['fid']]) . '" onsubmit="return process_form(this)">';
     } else {
         throw new Error(__('Bad request'), 404);
     $url_forum = Url::url_friendly($cur_posting['forum_name']);
     $is_subscribed = $args['tid'] && $cur_posting['is_subscribed'];
     if (isset($cur_posting['subject'])) {
         $url_topic = Url::url_friendly($cur_posting['subject']);
     } else {
         $url_topic = '';
     $required_fields = array('req_email' => __('Email'), 'req_subject' => __('Subject'), 'req_message' => __('Message'));
     if (User::get()->is_guest) {
         $required_fields['captcha'] = __('Robot title');
     // Set focus element (new post or new reply to an existing post ?)
     $focus_element[] = 'post';
     if (!User::get()->is_guest) {
         $focus_element[] = $args['fid'] ? 'req_subject' : 'req_message';
     } else {
         $required_fields['req_username'] = __('Guest name');
         $focus_element[] = 'req_username';
     // Get the current state of checkboxes
     $checkboxes = $this->model->get_checkboxes($args['fid'], $is_admmod, $is_subscribed);
     // Check to see if the topic review is to be displayed
     if ($args['tid'] && ForumSettings::get('o_topic_review') != '0') {
         $post_data = $this->model->topic_review($args['tid']);
     } else {
         $post_data = '';
     return View::setPageInfo(array('title' => array(Utils::escape(ForumSettings::get('o_board_title')), $action), 'required_fields' => $required_fields, 'focus_element' => $focus_element, 'active_page' => 'post', 'post' => $post, 'tid' => $args['tid'], 'fid' => $args['fid'], 'cur_posting' => $cur_posting, 'lang_antispam_questions' => $lang_antispam_questions, 'index_questions' => $index_questions, 'checkboxes' => $checkboxes, 'action' => $action, 'form' => $form, 'post_data' => $post_data, 'url_forum' => $url_forum, 'url_topic' => $url_topic, 'quote' => $quote, 'errors' => $errors))->addTemplate('post.php')->display();
Ejemplo n.º 21
echo $button_status;
 /> <input type="submit" name="delete_posts" value="<?php 
echo $button_status;
            <div class="clearer"></div>
        <ul class="crumbs">
            <li><a href="<?php 
echo Url::base();
            <li><span>»&#160;</span><a href="<?php 
echo Router::pathFor('Forum', ['id' => $fid, 'name' => $url_forum]);
echo Utils::escape($cur_topic['forum_name']);
            <li><span>»&#160;</span><a href="<?php 
echo Router::pathFor('Topic', ['id' => $id, 'name' => $url_topic]);
Ejemplo n.º 22
        echo "\t\t\t\t\t\t" . '</tr>' . "\n";
							<td class="tcl" colspan="2"><?php 
    echo sprintf(__('Total query time'), round($queries_info['total_time'], 7)) . ' s';
<!-- JS -->
foreach ($assets['js'] as $script) {
    echo '<script ';
    foreach ($script['params'] as $key => $value) {
        echo $key . '="' . $value . '" ';
    echo 'src="' . Url::base() . '/' . $script['file'] . '"/></script>' . "\n";
Ejemplo n.º 23
 public function insert_user($user)
     $user = $this->hook->fire('insert_user_start', $user);
     // Insert the new user into the database. We do this now to get the last inserted ID for later use
     $now = time();
     $intial_group_id = $this->config['o_regs_verify'] == '0' ? $this->config['o_default_user_group'] : $this->feather->forum_env['FEATHER_UNVERIFIED'];
     $password_hash = Random::hash($user['password1']);
     // Add the user
     $user['insert'] = array('username' => $user['username'], 'group_id' => $intial_group_id, 'password' => $password_hash, 'email' => $user['email1'], 'email_setting' => $this->config['o_default_email_setting'], 'timezone' => $this->config['o_default_timezone'], 'dst' => 0, 'language' => $user['language'], 'style' => $this->config['o_default_style'], 'registered' => $now, 'registration_ip' => $this->request->getIp(), 'last_visit' => $now);
     $user = DB::for_table('users')->create()->set($user['insert']);
     $user = $this->hook->fireDB('insert_user_query', $user);
     $user = $user->save();
     $new_uid = DB::get_db()->lastInsertId($this->feather->forum_settings['db_prefix'] . 'users');
     if ($this->config['o_regs_verify'] == '0') {
         // Regenerate the users info cache
         if (!$this->feather->cache->isCached('users_info')) {
             $this->feather->cache->store('users_info', Cache::get_users_info());
         $stats = $this->feather->cache->retrieve('users_info');
     // If the mailing list isn't empty, we may need to send out some alerts
     if ($this->config['o_mailing_list'] != '') {
         // If we previously found out that the email was banned
         if (isset($user['banned_email'])) {
             // Load the "banned email register" template
             $mail_tpl = trim(file_get_contents($this->feather->forum_env['FEATHER_ROOT'] . 'featherbb/lang/' . $this->user->language . '/mail_templates/banned_email_register.tpl'));
             $mail_tpl = $this->hook->fire('insert_user_banned_mail_tpl', $mail_tpl);
             // The first row contains the subject
             $first_crlf = strpos($mail_tpl, "\n");
             $mail_subject = trim(substr($mail_tpl, 8, $first_crlf - 8));
             $mail_subject = $this->hook->fire('insert_user_banned_mail_subject', $mail_subject);
             $mail_message = trim(substr($mail_tpl, $first_crlf));
             $mail_message = str_replace('<username>', $user['username'], $mail_message);
             $mail_message = str_replace('<email>', $user['email1'], $mail_message);
             $mail_message = str_replace('<profile_url>', $this->feather->urlFor('userProfile', ['id' => $new_uid]), $mail_message);
             $mail_message = str_replace('<board_mailer>', $this->config['o_board_title'], $mail_message);
             $mail_message = $this->hook->fire('insert_user_banned_mail_message', $mail_message);
             $this->email->feather_mail($this->config['o_mailing_list'], $mail_subject, $mail_message);
         // If we previously found out that the email was a dupe
         if (!empty($dupe_list)) {
             // Load the "dupe email register" template
             $mail_tpl = trim(file_get_contents($this->feather->forum_env['FEATHER_ROOT'] . 'featherbb/lang/' . $this->user->language . '/mail_templates/dupe_email_register.tpl'));
             $mail_tpl = $this->hook->fire('insert_user_dupe_mail_tpl', $mail_tpl);
             // The first row contains the subject
             $first_crlf = strpos($mail_tpl, "\n");
             $mail_subject = trim(substr($mail_tpl, 8, $first_crlf - 8));
             $mail_subject = $this->hook->fire('insert_user_dupe_mail_subject', $mail_subject);
             $mail_message = trim(substr($mail_tpl, $first_crlf));
             $mail_message = str_replace('<username>', $user['username'], $mail_message);
             $mail_message = str_replace('<dupe_list>', implode(', ', $dupe_list), $mail_message);
             $mail_message = str_replace('<profile_url>', $this->feather->urlFor('userProfile', ['id' => $new_uid]), $mail_message);
             $mail_message = str_replace('<board_mailer>', $this->config['o_board_title'], $mail_message);
             $mail_message = $this->hook->fire('insert_user_dupe_mail_message', $mail_message);
             $this->email->feather_mail($this->config['o_mailing_list'], $mail_subject, $mail_message);
         // Should we alert people on the admin mailing list that a new user has registered?
         if ($this->config['o_regs_report'] == '1') {
             // Load the "new user" template
             $mail_tpl = trim(file_get_contents($this->feather->forum_env['FEATHER_ROOT'] . 'featherbb/lang/' . $this->user->language . '/mail_templates/new_user.tpl'));
             $mail_tpl = $this->hook->fire('insert_user_new_mail_tpl', $mail_tpl);
             // The first row contains the subject
             $first_crlf = strpos($mail_tpl, "\n");
             $mail_subject = trim(substr($mail_tpl, 8, $first_crlf - 8));
             $mail_subject = $this->hook->fire('insert_user_new_mail_subject', $mail_subject);
             $mail_message = trim(substr($mail_tpl, $first_crlf));
             $mail_message = str_replace('<username>', $user['username'], $mail_message);
             $mail_message = str_replace('<base_url>', $this->feather->urlFor('home'), $mail_message);
             $mail_message = str_replace('<profile_url>', $this->feather->urlFor('userProfile', ['id' => $new_uid]), $mail_message);
             $mail_message = str_replace('<admin_url>', $this->feather->urlFor('profileSection', ['id' => $new_uid, 'section' => 'admin']), $mail_message);
             $mail_message = str_replace('<board_mailer>', $this->config['o_board_title'], $mail_message);
             $mail_message = $this->hook->fire('insert_user_new_mail_message', $mail_message);
             $this->email->feather_mail($this->config['o_mailing_list'], $mail_subject, $mail_message);
     // Must the user verify the registration or do we log him/her in right now?
     if ($this->config['o_regs_verify'] == '1') {
         // Load the "welcome" template
         $mail_tpl = trim(file_get_contents($this->feather->forum_env['FEATHER_ROOT'] . 'featherbb/lang/' . $this->user->language . '/mail_templates/welcome.tpl'));
         $mail_tpl = $this->hook->fire('insert_user_welcome_mail_tpl', $mail_tpl);
         // The first row contains the subject
         $first_crlf = strpos($mail_tpl, "\n");
         $mail_subject = trim(substr($mail_tpl, 8, $first_crlf - 8));
         $mail_subject = $this->hook->fire('insert_user_welcome_mail_subject', $mail_subject);
         $mail_message = trim(substr($mail_tpl, $first_crlf));
         $mail_subject = str_replace('<board_title>', $this->config['o_board_title'], $mail_subject);
         $mail_message = str_replace('<base_url>', $this->feather->urlFor('home'), $mail_message);
         $mail_message = str_replace('<username>', $user['username'], $mail_message);
         $mail_message = str_replace('<password>', $user['password1'], $mail_message);
         $mail_message = str_replace('<login_url>', $this->feather->urlFor('login'), $mail_message);
         $mail_message = str_replace('<board_mailer>', $this->config['o_board_title'], $mail_message);
         $mail_message = $this->hook->fire('insert_user_welcome_mail_message', $mail_message);
         $this->email->feather_mail($user['email1'], $mail_subject, $mail_message);
         Url::redirect($this->feather->urlFor('home'), __('Reg email') . ' <a href="mailto:' . Utils::escape($this->config['o_admin_email']) . '">' . Utils::escape($this->config['o_admin_email']) . '</a>.');
     $this->auth->feather_setcookie($new_uid, $password_hash, time() + $this->config['o_timeout_visit']);
     Url::redirect($this->feather->urlFor('home'), __('Reg complete'));
Ejemplo n.º 24
 public function moderate($req, $res, $args)
     // Make sure that only admmods allowed access this page
     $forumModel = new \FeatherBB\Model\Forum();
     $moderators = $forumModel->get_moderators($args['id']);
     $mods_array = $moderators != '' ? unserialize($moderators) : array();
     if (User::get()->g_id != ForumEnv::get('FEATHER_ADMIN') && (User::get()->g_moderator == '0' || !array_key_exists(User::get()->username, $mods_array))) {
         throw new Error(__('No permission'), 403);
     $cur_topic = $this->model->get_topic_info($args['fid'], $args['id']);
     // Determine the post offset (based on $_GET['p'])
     $num_pages = ceil(($cur_topic['num_replies'] + 1) / User::get()->disp_posts);
     $p = !isset($args['page']) || $args['page'] <= 1 || $args['page'] > $num_pages ? 1 : intval($args['page']);
     $start_from = User::get()->disp_posts * ($p - 1);
     // Delete one or more posts
     if (Input::post('delete_posts_comply')) {
         return $this->model->delete_posts($args['id'], $args['fid']);
     } else {
         if (Input::post('delete_posts')) {
             $posts = $this->model->delete_posts($args['id'], $args['fid']);
             View::setPageInfo(array('title' => array(Utils::escape(ForumSettings::get('o_board_title')), __('Moderate')), 'active_page' => 'moderate', 'posts' => $posts))->addTemplate('moderate/delete_posts.php')->display();
         } else {
             if (Input::post('split_posts_comply')) {
                 return $this->model->split_posts($args['id'], $args['fid'], $p);
             } else {
                 if (Input::post('split_posts')) {
                     View::setPageInfo(array('title' => array(Utils::escape(ForumSettings::get('o_board_title')), __('Moderate')), 'focus_element' => array('subject', 'new_subject'), 'page' => $p, 'active_page' => 'moderate', 'id' => $args['id'], 'posts' => $this->model->split_posts($args['id'], $args['fid'], $p), 'list_forums' => $this->model->get_forum_list_split($args['fid'])))->addTemplate('moderate/split_posts.php')->display();
                 } else {
                     // Show the moderate posts view
                     // Used to disable the Move and Delete buttons if there are no replies to this topic
                     $button_status = $cur_topic['num_replies'] == 0 ? ' disabled="disabled"' : '';
                     /*if (isset($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] == 'all') {
                               User::get()->disp_posts = $cur_topic['num_replies'] + 1;
                     if (ForumSettings::get('o_censoring') == '1') {
                         $cur_topic['subject'] = Utils::censor($cur_topic['subject']);
                     View::setPageInfo(array('title' => array(Utils::escape(ForumSettings::get('o_board_title')), Utils::escape($cur_topic['forum_name']), Utils::escape($cur_topic['subject'])), 'page' => $p, 'active_page' => 'moderate', 'cur_topic' => $cur_topic, 'url_topic' => Url::url_friendly($cur_topic['subject']), 'url_forum' => Url::url_friendly($cur_topic['forum_name']), 'fid' => $args['fid'], 'id' => $args['id'], 'paging_links' => '<span class="pages-label">' . __('Pages') . ' </span>' . Url::paginate($num_pages, $p, 'topic/moderate/' . $args['id'] . '/forum/' . $args['fid'] . '/#'), 'post_data' => $this->model->display_posts_moderate($args['id'], $start_from), 'button_status' => $button_status, 'start_from' => $start_from))->addTemplate('moderate/posts_view.php')->display();
Ejemplo n.º 25
 public function subscribe_forum($forum_id)
     $forum_id = $this->hook->fire('subscribe_forum_start', $forum_id);
     if ($this->config['o_forum_subscriptions'] != '1') {
         throw new Error(__('No permission'), 403);
     // Make sure the user can view the forum
     $authorized['where'] = array(array('fp.read_forum' => 'IS NULL'), array('fp.read_forum' => '1'));
     $authorized = DB::for_table('forums')->table_alias('f')->left_outer_join('forum_perms', array('fp.forum_id', '=', 'f.id'), 'fp')->left_outer_join('forum_perms', array('fp.group_id', '=', $this->user->g_id), null, true)->where_any_is($authorized['where'])->where('f.id', $forum_id);
     $authorized = $this->hook->fireDB('subscribe_forum_authorized_query', $authorized);
     $authorized = $authorized->find_one();
     if (!$authorized) {
         throw new Error(__('Bad request'), 404);
     $is_subscribed = DB::for_table('forum_subscriptions')->where('user_id', $this->user->id)->where('forum_id', $forum_id);
     $is_subscribed = $this->hook->fireDB('subscribe_forum_subscribed_query', $is_subscribed);
     $is_subscribed = $is_subscribed->find_one();
     if ($is_subscribed) {
         throw new Error(__('Already subscribed forum'), 400);
     // Insert the subscription
     $subscription['insert'] = array('user_id' => $this->user->id, 'forum_id' => $forum_id);
     $subscription = DB::for_table('forum_subscriptions')->create()->set($subscription['insert']);
     $subscription = $this->hook->fireDB('subscribe_forum_query', $subscription);
     $subscription = $subscription->save();
     Url::redirect($this->feather->urlFor('Forum', ['id' => $forum_id]), __('Subscribe redirect'));
Ejemplo n.º 26
 public function print_posts($topic_id, $start_from, $cur_topic, $is_admmod)
     $post_data = array();
     $post_data = Container::get('hooks')->fire('model.topic.print_posts_start', $post_data, $topic_id, $start_from, $cur_topic, $is_admmod);
     $post_count = 0;
     // Keep track of post numbers
     // Retrieve a list of post IDs, LIMIT is (really) expensive so we only fetch the IDs here then later fetch the remaining data
     $result = DB::for_table('posts')->select('id')->where('topic_id', $topic_id)->order_by('id')->limit(User::get()->disp_topics)->offset($start_from);
     $result = Container::get('hooks')->fireDB('model.topic.print_posts_ids_query', $result);
     $result = $result->find_many();
     $post_ids = array();
     foreach ($result as $cur_post_id) {
         $post_ids[] = $cur_post_id['id'];
     if (empty($post_ids)) {
         throw new Error('The post table and topic table seem to be out of sync!', 500);
     // Retrieve the posts (and their respective poster/online status)
     $result['select'] = array('u.email', 'u.title', 'u.url', 'u.location', 'u.signature', 'u.email_setting', 'u.num_posts', 'u.registered', 'u.admin_note', 'p.id', 'username' => 'p.poster', 'p.poster_id', 'p.poster_ip', 'p.poster_email', 'p.message', 'p.hide_smilies', 'p.posted', 'p.edited', 'p.edited_by', 'g.g_id', 'g.g_user_title', 'g.g_promote_next_group', 'is_online' => 'o.user_id');
     $result = DB::for_table('posts')->table_alias('p')->select_many($result['select'])->inner_join('users', array('u.id', '=', 'p.poster_id'), 'u')->inner_join('groups', array('g.g_id', '=', 'u.group_id'), 'g')->raw_join('LEFT OUTER JOIN ' . ForumSettings::get('db_prefix') . 'online', "o.user_id!=1 AND o.idle=0 AND o.user_id=u.id", 'o')->where_in('p.id', $post_ids)->order_by('p.id');
     $result = Container::get('hooks')->fireDB('model.topic.print_posts_query', $result);
     $result = $result->find_array();
     foreach ($result as $cur_post) {
         $cur_post['user_avatar'] = '';
         $cur_post['user_info'] = array();
         $cur_post['user_contacts'] = array();
         $cur_post['post_actions'] = array();
         $cur_post['is_online_formatted'] = '';
         $cur_post['signature_formatted'] = '';
         // If the poster is a registered user
         if ($cur_post['poster_id'] > 1) {
             if (User::get()->g_view_users == '1') {
                 $cur_post['username_formatted'] = '<a href="' . Url::base() . '/user/' . $cur_post['poster_id'] . '/">' . Utils::escape($cur_post['username']) . '</a>';
             } else {
                 $cur_post['username_formatted'] = Utils::escape($cur_post['username']);
             $cur_post['user_title_formatted'] = Utils::get_title($cur_post);
             if (ForumSettings::get('o_censoring') == '1') {
                 $cur_post['user_title_formatted'] = Utils::censor($cur_post['user_title_formatted']);
             // Format the online indicator
             $cur_post['is_online_formatted'] = $cur_post['is_online'] == $cur_post['poster_id'] ? '<strong>' . __('Online') . '</strong>' : '<span>' . __('Offline') . '</span>';
             if (ForumSettings::get('o_avatars') == '1' && User::get()->show_avatars != '0') {
                 if (isset($avatar_cache[$cur_post['poster_id']])) {
                     $cur_post['user_avatar'] = $avatar_cache[$cur_post['poster_id']];
                 } else {
                     $cur_post['user_avatar'] = $avatar_cache[$cur_post['poster_id']] = Utils::generate_avatar_markup($cur_post['poster_id']);
             // We only show location, register date, post count and the contact links if "Show user info" is enabled
             if (ForumSettings::get('o_show_user_info') == '1') {
                 if ($cur_post['location'] != '') {
                     if (ForumSettings::get('o_censoring') == '1') {
                         $cur_post['location'] = Utils::censor($cur_post['location']);
                     $cur_post['user_info'][] = '<dd><span>' . __('From') . ' ' . Utils::escape($cur_post['location']) . '</span></dd>';
                 $cur_post['user_info'][] = '<dd><span>' . __('Registered topic') . ' ' . Utils::format_time($cur_post['registered'], true) . '</span></dd>';
                 if (ForumSettings::get('o_show_post_count') == '1' || User::get()->is_admmod) {
                     $cur_post['user_info'][] = '<dd><span>' . __('Posts topic') . ' ' . Utils::forum_number_format($cur_post['num_posts']) . '</span></dd>';
                 // Now let's deal with the contact links (Email and URL)
                 if (($cur_post['email_setting'] == '0' && !User::get()->is_guest || User::get()->is_admmod) && User::get()->g_send_email == '1') {
                     $cur_post['user_contacts'][] = '<span class="email"><a href="mailto:' . Utils::escape($cur_post['email']) . '">' . __('Email') . '</a></span>';
                 } elseif ($cur_post['email_setting'] == '1' && !User::get()->is_guest && User::get()->g_send_email == '1') {
                     $cur_post['user_contacts'][] = '<span class="email"><a href="' . Router::pathFor('email', ['id' => $cur_post['poster_id']]) . '">' . __('Email') . '</a></span>';
                 if ($cur_post['url'] != '') {
                     if (ForumSettings::get('o_censoring') == '1') {
                         $cur_post['url'] = Utils::censor($cur_post['url']);
                     $cur_post['user_contacts'][] = '<span class="website"><a href="' . Utils::escape($cur_post['url']) . '" rel="nofollow">' . __('Website') . '</a></span>';
             if (User::get()->g_id == ForumEnv::get('FEATHER_ADMIN') || User::get()->g_moderator == '1' && User::get()->g_mod_promote_users == '1') {
                 if ($cur_post['g_promote_next_group']) {
                     $cur_post['user_info'][] = '<dd><span><a href="' . Url::base() . '/user/' . $cur_post['poster_id'] . '/action/promote/pid/' . $cur_post['id'] . '">' . __('Promote user') . '</a></span></dd>';
             if (User::get()->is_admmod) {
                 $cur_post['user_info'][] = '<dd><span><a href="' . Router::pathFor('getPostHost', ['pid' => $cur_post['id']]) . '" title="' . Utils::escape($cur_post['poster_ip']) . '">' . __('IP address logged') . '</a></span></dd>';
                 if ($cur_post['admin_note'] != '') {
                     $cur_post['user_info'][] = '<dd><span>' . __('Note') . ' <strong>' . Utils::escape($cur_post['admin_note']) . '</strong></span></dd>';
         } else {
             $cur_post['username_formatted'] = Utils::escape($cur_post['username']);
             $cur_post['user_title_formatted'] = Utils::get_title($cur_post);
             if (User::get()->is_admmod) {
                 $cur_post['user_info'][] = '<dd><span><a href="' . Router::pathFor('getPostHost', ['pid' => $cur_post['id']]) . '" title="' . Utils::escape($cur_post['poster_ip']) . '">' . __('IP address logged') . '</a></span></dd>';
             if (ForumSettings::get('o_show_user_info') == '1' && $cur_post['poster_email'] != '' && !User::get()->is_guest && User::get()->g_send_email == '1') {
                 $cur_post['user_contacts'][] = '<span class="email"><a href="mailto:' . Utils::escape($cur_post['poster_email']) . '">' . __('Email') . '</a></span>';
         // Generation post action array (quote, edit, delete etc.)
         if (!$is_admmod) {
             if (!User::get()->is_guest) {
                 $cur_post['post_actions'][] = '<li class="postreport"><span><a href="' . Router::pathFor('report', ['id' => $cur_post['id']]) . '">' . __('Report') . '</a></span></li>';
             if ($cur_topic['closed'] == '0') {
                 if ($cur_post['poster_id'] == User::get()->id) {
                     if ($start_from + $post_count == 1 && User::get()->g_delete_topics == '1' || $start_from + $post_count > 1 && User::get()->g_delete_posts == '1') {
                         $cur_post['post_actions'][] = '<li class="postdelete"><span><a href="' . Router::pathFor('deletePost', ['id' => $cur_post['id']]) . '">' . __('Delete') . '</a></span></li>';
                     if (User::get()->g_edit_posts == '1') {
                         $cur_post['post_actions'][] = '<li class="postedit"><span><a href="' . Router::pathFor('editPost', ['id' => $cur_post['id']]) . '">' . __('Edit') . '</a></span></li>';
                 if ($cur_topic['post_replies'] == '' && User::get()->g_post_replies == '1' || $cur_topic['post_replies'] == '1') {
                     $cur_post['post_actions'][] = '<li class="postquote"><span><a href="' . Router::pathFor('newQuoteReply', ['tid' => $topic_id, 'qid' => $cur_post['id']]) . '">' . __('Quote') . '</a></span></li>';
         } else {
             $cur_post['post_actions'][] = '<li class="postreport"><span><a href="' . Router::pathFor('report', ['id' => $cur_post['id']]) . '">' . __('Report') . '</a></span></li>';
             if (User::get()->g_id == ForumEnv::get('FEATHER_ADMIN') || !in_array($cur_post['poster_id'], $admin_ids)) {
                 $cur_post['post_actions'][] = '<li class="postdelete"><span><a href="' . Router::pathFor('deletePost', ['id' => $cur_post['id']]) . '">' . __('Delete') . '</a></span></li>';
                 $cur_post['post_actions'][] = '<li class="postedit"><span><a href="' . Router::pathFor('editPost', ['id' => $cur_post['id']]) . '">' . __('Edit') . '</a></span></li>';
             $cur_post['post_actions'][] = '<li class="postquote"><span><a href="' . Router::pathFor('newQuoteReply', ['tid' => $topic_id, 'qid' => $cur_post['id']]) . '">' . __('Quote') . '</a></span></li>';
         // Perform the main parsing of the message (BBCode, smilies, censor words etc)
         $cur_post['message'] = Container::get('parser')->parse_message($cur_post['message'], $cur_post['hide_smilies']);
         // Do signature parsing/caching
         if (ForumSettings::get('o_signatures') == '1' && $cur_post['signature'] != '' && User::get()->show_sig != '0') {
             // if (isset($avatar_cache[$cur_post['poster_id']])) {
             //     $cur_post['signature_formatted'] = $avatar_cache[$cur_post['poster_id']];
             // } else {
             $cur_post['signature_formatted'] = Container::get('parser')->parse_signature($cur_post['signature']);
             //     $avatar_cache[$cur_post['poster_id']] = $cur_post['signature_formatted'];
             // }
         $cur_post = Container::get('hooks')->fire('model.print_posts.one', $cur_post);
         $post_data[] = $cur_post;
     $post_data = Container::get('hooks')->fire('model.topic.print_posts', $post_data);
     return $post_data;
Ejemplo n.º 27
		<p><a name="img"></a><?php 
_e('Images info');
_e('FeatherBB bbcode test');
echo Utils::escape(Url::base(true));
/style/img/logo.png[/img]</code> <?php 
 <samp><img style="height: 21px" src="<?php 
echo Utils::escape(Url::base(true));
/style/img/logo.png" alt="<?php 
_e('FeatherBB bbcode test');
" /></samp></p>
<div class="box">
	<div class="inbox">
_e('Quotes info');
Ejemplo n.º 28

<div class="linkst">
    <div class="inbox">
        <ul class="crumbs">
            <li><a href="<?php 
echo Url::base();
            <li><span>»&#160;</span><a href="<?php 
echo Router::pathFor('Forum', ['id' => $cur_post['fid'], 'name' => Url::url_friendly($cur_post['forum_name'])]);
echo Utils::escape($cur_post['forum_name']);
            <li><span>»&#160;</span><a href="<?php 
echo Router::pathFor('viewPost', ['pid' => $id]) . '#p' . $id;
echo Utils::escape($cur_post['subject']);
_e('Report post');
Ejemplo n.º 29
 public function folders()
     $errors = array();
     if ($this->request->post('add_folder')) {
         $folder = $this->request->post('req_folder') ? Utils::trim(Utils::escape($this->request->post('req_folder'))) : '';
         if ($folder == '') {
             $errors[] = __('No folder name', 'private_messages');
         } else {
             if (Utils::strlen($folder) < 4) {
                 $errors[] = __('Folder too short', 'private_messages');
             } else {
                 if (Utils::strlen($folder) > 30) {
                     $errors[] = __('Folder too long', 'private_messages');
                 } else {
                     if ($this->feather->forum_settings['o_censoring'] == '1' && Utils::censor($folder) == '') {
                         $errors[] = __('No folder after censoring', 'private_messages');
         // TODO: Check perms when ready
         // $data = array(
         // 	':uid'	=>	$panther_user['id'],
         // );
         // if ($panther_user['g_pm_folder_limit'] != 0)
         // {
         // 	$ps = $db->select('folders', 'COUNT(id)', $data, 'user_id=:uid');
         // 	$num_folders = $ps->fetchColumn();
         // 	if ($num_folders >= $panther_user['g_pm_folder_limit'])
         // 		$errors[] = sprintf($lang_pm['Folder limit'], $panther_user['g_pm_folder_limit']);
         // }
         if (empty($errors)) {
             $insert = array('user_id' => $this->feather->user->id, 'name' => $folder);
             Url::redirect($this->feather->urlFor('Conversations.folders'), __('Folder added', 'private_messages'));
     } else {
         if ($this->request->post('update_folder')) {
             $id = intval(key($this->request->post('update_folder')));
             $errors = array();
             $folder = Utils::trim($this->request->post('folder')[$id]);
             if ($folder == '') {
                 $errors[] = __('No folder name', 'private_messages');
             } else {
                 if (Utils::strlen($folder) < 4) {
                     $errors[] = __('Folder too short', 'private_messages');
                 } else {
                     if (Utils::strlen($folder) > 30) {
                         $errors[] = __('Folder too long', 'private_messages');
                     } else {
                         if ($this->feather->forum_settings['o_censoring'] == '1' && Utils::censor($folder) == '') {
                             $errors[] = __('No folder after censoring', 'private_messages');
             if (empty($errors)) {
                 $update = array('name' => $folder);
                 if ($this->model->updateFolder($this->feather->user->id, $id, $update)) {
                     Url::redirect($this->feather->urlFor('Conversations.folders'), __('Folder updated', 'private_messages'));
                 } else {
                     throw new Error(__('Error'), 403);
         } else {
             if ($this->request->post('remove_folder')) {
                 $id = intval(key($this->request->post('remove_folder')));
                 // Before we do anything, check we blocked this user
                 if (!$this->model->checkFolderOwner($id, intval($this->feather->user->id))) {
                     throw new Error(__('No permission'), 403);
                 if ($this->model->removeFolder($this->feather->user->id, $id)) {
                     Url::redirect($this->feather->urlFor('Conversations.folders'), __('Folder removed', 'private_messages'));
                 } else {
                     throw new Error(__('Error'), 403);
     Utils::generateBreadcrumbs(array($this->feather->urlFor('Conversations.home') => __('PMS', 'private_messages'), __('Options'), __('My Folders', 'private_messages')));
     $this->feather->template->setPageInfo(array('title' => array(Utils::escape($this->feather->config['o_board_title']), __('PMS', 'private_messages'), __('Blocked Users', 'private_messages')), 'admin_console' => true, 'errors' => $errors))->addTemplate('folders.php')->display();
Ejemplo n.º 30
 public function update_profile($id, $info, $section)
     $info = Container::get('hooks')->fire('model.profile.update_profile_start', $info, $id, $section);
     $username_updated = false;
     $section = Container::get('hooks')->fire('model.profile.update_profile_section', $section, $id, $info);
     // Validate input depending on section
     switch ($section) {
         case 'essentials':
             $form = array('timezone' => floatval(Input::post('form_timezone')), 'dst' => Input::post('form_dst') ? '1' : '0', 'time_format' => intval(Input::post('form_time_format')), 'date_format' => intval(Input::post('form_date_format')));
             // Make sure we got a valid language string
             if (Input::post('form_language')) {
                 $languages = \FeatherBB\Core\Lister::getLangs();
                 $form['language'] = Utils::trim(Input::post('form_language'));
                 if (!in_array($form['language'], $languages)) {
                     throw new Error(__('Bad request'), 404);
             if (User::get()->is_admmod) {
                 $form['admin_note'] = Utils::trim(Input::post('admin_note'));
                 // Are we allowed to change usernames?
                 if (User::get()->g_id == ForumEnv::get('FEATHER_ADMIN') || User::get()->g_moderator == '1' && User::get()->g_mod_rename_users == '1') {
                     $form['username'] = Utils::trim(Input::post('req_username'));
                     if ($form['username'] != $info['old_username']) {
                         $errors = '';
                         $errors = $this->check_username($form['username'], $errors, $id);
                         if (!empty($errors)) {
                             throw new Error($errors[0]);
                         $username_updated = true;
                 // We only allow administrators to update the post count
                 if (User::get()->g_id == ForumEnv::get('FEATHER_ADMIN')) {
                     $form['num_posts'] = intval(Input::post('num_posts'));
             if (ForumSettings::get('o_regs_verify') == '0' || User::get()->is_admmod) {
                 // Validate the email address
                 $form['email'] = strtolower(Utils::trim(Input::post('req_email')));
                 if (!Container::get('email')->is_valid_email($form['email'])) {
                     throw new Error(__('Invalid email'));
         case 'personal':
             $form = array('realname' => Input::post('form_realname') ? Utils::trim(Input::post('form_realname')) : '', 'url' => Input::post('form_url') ? Utils::trim(Input::post('form_url')) : '', 'location' => Input::post('form_location') ? Utils::trim(Input::post('form_location')) : '');
             // Add http:// if the URL doesn't contain it already (while allowing https://, too)
             if (User::get()->g_post_links == '1') {
                 if ($form['url'] != '') {
                     $url = Url::is_valid($form['url']);
                     if ($url === false) {
                         throw new Error(__('Invalid website URL'));
                     $form['url'] = $url['url'];
             } else {
                 if (!empty($form['url'])) {
                     throw new Error(__('Website not allowed'));
                 $form['url'] = '';
             if (User::get()->g_id == ForumEnv::get('FEATHER_ADMIN')) {
                 $form['title'] = Utils::trim(Input::post('title'));
             } elseif (User::get()->g_set_title == '1') {
                 $form['title'] = Utils::trim(Input::post('title'));
                 if ($form['title'] != '') {
                     // A list of words that the title may not contain
                     // If the language is English, there will be some duplicates, but it's not the end of the world
                     $forbidden = array('member', 'moderator', 'administrator', 'banned', 'guest', utf8_strtolower(__('Member')), utf8_strtolower(__('Moderator')), utf8_strtolower(__('Administrator')), utf8_strtolower(__('Banned')), utf8_strtolower(__('Guest')));
                     if (in_array(utf8_strtolower($form['title']), $forbidden)) {
                         throw new Error(__('Forbidden title'));
         case 'messaging':
             $form = array('jabber' => Utils::trim(Input::post('form_jabber')), 'icq' => Utils::trim(Input::post('form_icq')), 'msn' => Utils::trim(Input::post('form_msn')), 'aim' => Utils::trim(Input::post('form_aim')), 'yahoo' => Utils::trim(Input::post('form_yahoo')));
             // If the ICQ UIN contains anything other than digits it's invalid
             if (preg_match('%[^0-9]%', $form['icq'])) {
                 throw new Error(__('Bad ICQ'));
         case 'personality':
             $form = array();
             // Clean up signature from POST
             if (ForumSettings::get('o_signatures') == '1') {
                 $form['signature'] = Utils::linebreaks(Utils::trim(Input::post('signature')));
                 // Validate signature
                 if (Utils::strlen($form['signature']) > ForumSettings::get('p_sig_length')) {
                     throw new Error(sprintf(__('Sig too long'), ForumSettings::get('p_sig_length'), Utils::strlen($form['signature']) - ForumSettings::get('p_sig_length')));
                 } elseif (substr_count($form['signature'], "\n") > ForumSettings::get('p_sig_lines') - 1) {
                     throw new Error(sprintf(__('Sig too many lines'), ForumSettings::get('p_sig_lines')));
                 } elseif ($form['signature'] && ForumSettings::get('p_sig_all_caps') == '0' && Utils::is_all_uppercase($form['signature']) && !User::get()->is_admmod) {
                     $form['signature'] = utf8_ucwords(utf8_strtolower($form['signature']));
                 // Validate BBCode syntax
                 if (ForumSettings::get('p_sig_bbcode') == '1') {
                     $errors = array();
                     $form['signature'] = Container::get('parser')->preparse_bbcode($form['signature'], $errors, true);
                     if (count($errors) > 0) {
                         throw new Error('<ul><li>' . implode('</li><li>', $errors) . '</li></ul>');
         case 'display':
             $form = array('disp_topics' => Utils::trim(Input::post('form_disp_topics')), 'disp_posts' => Utils::trim(Input::post('form_disp_posts')), 'show_smilies' => Input::post('form_show_smilies') ? '1' : '0', 'show_img' => Input::post('form_show_img') ? '1' : '0', 'show_img_sig' => Input::post('form_show_img_sig') ? '1' : '0', 'show_avatars' => Input::post('form_show_avatars') ? '1' : '0', 'show_sig' => Input::post('form_show_sig') ? '1' : '0');
             if ($form['disp_topics'] != '') {
                 $form['disp_topics'] = intval($form['disp_topics']);
                 if ($form['disp_topics'] < 3) {
                     $form['disp_topics'] = 3;
                 } elseif ($form['disp_topics'] > 75) {
                     $form['disp_topics'] = 75;
             if ($form['disp_posts'] != '') {
                 $form['disp_posts'] = intval($form['disp_posts']);
                 if ($form['disp_posts'] < 3) {
                     $form['disp_posts'] = 3;
                 } elseif ($form['disp_posts'] > 75) {
                     $form['disp_posts'] = 75;
             // Make sure we got a valid style string
             if (Input::post('form_style')) {
                 $styles = \FeatherBB\Core\Lister::getStyles();
                 $form['style'] = Utils::trim(Input::post('form_style'));
                 if (!in_array($form['style'], $styles)) {
                     throw new Error(__('Bad request'), 404);
         case 'privacy':
             $form = array('email_setting' => intval(Input::post('form_email_setting')), 'notify_with_post' => Input::post('form_notify_with_post') ? '1' : '0', 'auto_notify' => Input::post('form_auto_notify') ? '1' : '0');
             if ($form['email_setting'] < 0 || $form['email_setting'] > 2) {
                 $form['email_setting'] = ForumSettings::get('o_default_email_setting');
             throw new Error(__('Bad request'), 404);
     $form = Container::get('hooks')->fire('model.profile.update_profile_form', $form, $section, $id, $info);
     // Single quotes around non-empty values and nothing for empty values
     $temp = array();
     foreach ($form as $key => $input) {
         $temp[$key] = $input;
     if (empty($temp)) {
         throw new Error(__('Bad request'), 404);
     $update_user = DB::for_table('users')->where('id', $id)->find_one()->set($temp);
     $update_user = Container::get('hooks')->fireDB('model.profile.update_profile_query', $update_user);
     $update_user = $update_user->save();
     // If we changed the username we have to update some stuff
     if ($username_updated) {
         $bans_updated = DB::for_table('bans')->where('username', $info['old_username']);
         $bans_updated = Container::get('hooks')->fireDB('model.profile.update_profile_bans_updated', $bans_updated);
         $bans_updated = $bans_updated->update_many('username', $form['username']);
         $update_poster_id = DB::for_table('posts')->where('poster_id', $id);
         $update_poster_id = Container::get('hooks')->fireDB('model.profile.update_profile_poster_id', $update_poster_id);
         $update_poster_id = $update_poster_id->update_many('poster', $form['username']);
         $update_posts = DB::for_table('posts')->where('edited_by', $info['old_username']);
         $update_posts = Container::get('hooks')->fireDB('model.profile.update_profile_posts', $update_posts);
         $update_posts = $update_posts->update_many('edited_by', $form['username']);
         $update_topics_poster = DB::for_table('topics')->where('poster', $info['old_username']);
         $update_topics_poster = Container::get('hooks')->fireDB('model.profile.update_profile_topics_poster', $update_topics_poster);
         $update_topics_poster = $update_topics_poster->update_many('poster', $form['username']);
         $update_topics_last_poster = DB::for_table('topics')->where('last_poster', $info['old_username']);
         $update_topics_last_poster = Container::get('hooks')->fireDB('model.profile.update_profile_topics_last_poster', $update_topics_last_poster);
         $update_topics_last_poster = $update_topics_last_poster->update_many('last_poster', $form['username']);
         $update_forums = DB::for_table('forums')->where('last_poster', $info['old_username']);
         $update_forums = Container::get('hooks')->fireDB('model.profile.update_profile_forums', $update_forums);
         $update_forums = $update_forums->update_many('last_poster', $form['username']);
         $update_online = DB::for_table('online')->where('ident', $info['old_username']);
         $update_online = Container::get('hooks')->fireDB('model.profile.update_profile_online', $update_online);
         $update_online = $update_online->update_many('ident', $form['username']);
         // If the user is a moderator or an administrator we have to update the moderator lists
         $group_id = DB::for_table('users')->where('id', $id);
         // TODO: restore hook
         // $group_id = Container::get('hooks')->fireDB('model.profile.update_profile_group_id', $update_online);
         $group_id = $group_id->find_one_col('group_id');
         $group_mod = DB::for_table('groups')->where('g_id', $group_id);
         $group_mod = Container::get('hooks')->fireDB('model.profile.update_profile_group_mod', $group_mod);
         $group_mod = $group_mod->find_one_col('g_moderator');
         if ($group_id == ForumEnv::get('FEATHER_ADMIN') || $group_mod == '1') {
             // Loop through all forums
             $result = $this->loop_mod_forums();
             foreach ($result as $cur_forum) {
                 $cur_moderators = $cur_forum['moderators'] != '' ? unserialize($cur_forum['moderators']) : array();
                 if (in_array($id, $cur_moderators)) {
                     $cur_moderators[$form['username']] = $id;
                     uksort($cur_moderators, 'utf8_strcasecmp');
                     $update_mods = DB::for_table('forums')->where('id', $cur_forum['id'])->find_one()->set('moderators', serialize($cur_moderators));
                     $update_mods = Container::get('hooks')->fireDB('model.profile.update_profile_mods', $update_mods);
                     $update_mods = $update_mods->save();
         // Regenerate the users info cache
         if (!Container::get('cache')->isCached('users_info')) {
             Container::get('cache')->store('users_info', Cache::get_users_info());
         $stats = Container::get('cache')->retrieve('users_info');
         // Check if the bans table was updated and regenerate the bans cache when needed
         if ($bans_updated) {
             Container::get('cache')->store('bans', Cache::get_bans());
     $section = Container::get('hooks')->fireDB('model.profile.update_profile', $section, $id);
     return Router::redirect(Router::pathFor('profileSection', array('id' => $id, 'section' => $section)), __('Profile redirect'));