Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Parses the given $value for the field $fieldDefIdentifier in the content
  * identified by $contentInfoId.
  * @param string $contentInfoId
  * @param string $fieldDefIdentifier
  * @param mixed $value
  * @return mixed
 public function parseFieldValue($contentInfoId, $fieldDefIdentifier, $value)
     $contentInfo = $this->contentService->loadContentInfo($contentInfoId);
     $contentType = $this->contentTypeService->loadContentType($contentInfo->contentTypeId);
     $fieldDefinition = $contentType->getFieldDefinition($fieldDefIdentifier);
     return $this->parseValue($fieldDefinition->fieldTypeIdentifier, $value);
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * Converts internal links (ezcontent:// and ezlocation://) to URLs.
  * @param \DOMDocument $document
  * @return \DOMDocument
 public function convert(DOMDocument $document)
     $document = clone $document;
     $xpath = new DOMXPath($document);
     $xpath->registerNamespace("docbook", "http://docbook.org/ns/docbook");
     $linkAttributeExpression = "starts-with( @xlink:href, 'ezlocation://' ) or starts-with( @xlink:href, 'ezcontent://' )";
     $xpathExpression = "//docbook:link[{$linkAttributeExpression}]|//docbook:ezlink";
     /** @var \DOMElement $link */
     foreach ($xpath->query($xpathExpression) as $link) {
         // Set resolved href to number character as a default if it can't be resolved
         $hrefResolved = "#";
         $href = $link->getAttribute("xlink:href");
         $location = null;
         preg_match("~^(.+://)?([^#]*)?(#.*|\\s*)?\$~", $href, $matches);
         list(, $scheme, $id, $fragment) = $matches;
         if ($scheme === "ezcontent://") {
             try {
                 $contentInfo = $this->contentService->loadContentInfo($id);
                 $location = $this->locationService->loadLocation($contentInfo->mainLocationId);
                 $hrefResolved = $this->urlAliasRouter->generate($location) . $fragment;
             } catch (APINotFoundException $e) {
                 if ($this->logger) {
                     $this->logger->warning("While generating links for richtext, could not locate " . "Content object with ID " . $id);
             } catch (APIUnauthorizedException $e) {
                 if ($this->logger) {
                     $this->logger->notice("While generating links for richtext, unauthorized to load " . "Content object with ID " . $id);
         } else {
             if ($scheme === "ezlocation://") {
                 try {
                     $location = $this->locationService->loadLocation($id);
                     $hrefResolved = $this->urlAliasRouter->generate($location) . $fragment;
                 } catch (APINotFoundException $e) {
                     if ($this->logger) {
                         $this->logger->warning("While generating links for richtext, could not locate " . "Location with ID " . $id);
                 } catch (APIUnauthorizedException $e) {
                     if ($this->logger) {
                         $this->logger->notice("While generating links for richtext, unauthorized to load " . "Location with ID " . $id);
             } else {
                 $hrefResolved = $href;
         $hrefAttributeName = "xlink:href";
         // For embeds set the resolved href to the separate attribute
         // Original href needs to be preserved in order to generate link parameters
         // This will need to change with introduction of UrlService and removal of URL link
         // resolving in external storage
         if ($link->localName === "ezlink") {
             $hrefAttributeName = "href_resolved";
         $link->setAttribute($hrefAttributeName, $hrefResolved);
     return $document;
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * Renders the comments list for content with id $contentId
  * Comment form might also be included
  * @param mixed $contentId
 public function renderForContentAction( $contentId )
     return new Response(
             $this->contentService->loadContentInfo( $contentId ),
 public function setPostCategories($postId, Request $request)
     $this->login($request->request->get('username'), $request->request->get('password'));
     // @todo Replace categories instead of adding
     $contentInfo = $this->contentService->loadContentInfo($postId);
     foreach ($request->request->get('categories') as $category) {
         $this->locationService->createLocation($contentInfo, $this->locationService->newLocationCreateStruct($category['categoryId']));
     return new Response(true);
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public function purgeForContent($contentId)
     $contentInfo = $this->contentService->loadContentInfo($contentId);
     $event = new ContentCacheClearEvent($contentInfo);
     $this->eventDispatcher->dispatch(MVCEvents::CACHE_CLEAR_CONTENT, $event);
     $locationIds = [];
     foreach ($event->getLocationsToClear() as $location) {
         $locationIds[] = $location->id;
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function purgeForContent($contentId, $locationIds = [])
     $contentInfo = $this->contentService->loadContentInfo($contentId);
     // Can only gather relevant locations using ContentCacheClearEvent on published content
     if ($contentInfo->published) {
         $event = new ContentCacheClearEvent($contentInfo);
         $this->eventDispatcher->dispatch(MVCEvents::CACHE_CLEAR_CONTENT, $event);
         foreach ($event->getLocationsToClear() as $location) {
             $locationIds[] = $location->id;
  * Returns a valid Location object for $contentId.
  * Will either load mainLocationId (if available) or build a virtual Location object.
  * @param mixed $contentId
  * @return \eZ\Publish\API\Repository\Values\Content\Location|null Null when content does not have location
 public function getPreviewLocation($contentId)
     // contentInfo must be reloaded as content is not published yet (e.g. no mainLocationId)
     $contentInfo = $this->contentService->loadContentInfo($contentId);
     // mainLocationId already exists, content has been published at least once.
     if ($contentInfo->mainLocationId) {
         $location = $this->locationService->loadLocation($contentInfo->mainLocationId);
     } else {
         // @todo In future releases this will be a full draft location when this feature
         // is implemented. Or it might return null when content does not have location,
         // but for now we can't detect that so we return a virtual draft location
         $location = new Location(array('contentInfo' => $contentInfo, 'status' => Location::STATUS_DRAFT));
     return $location;
Ejemplo n.º 8
  * Updates object states of content
  * An object state in the input overrides the state of the object state group.
  * @param $contentId
  * @throws \eZ\Publish\Core\REST\Server\Exceptions\ForbiddenException
  * @return \eZ\Publish\Core\REST\Common\Values\ContentObjectStates
 public function setObjectStatesForContent($contentId, Request $request)
     $newObjectStates = $this->inputDispatcher->parse(new Message(array('Content-Type' => $request->headers->get('Content-Type')), $request->getContent()));
     $countByGroups = array();
     foreach ($newObjectStates as $newObjectState) {
         $groupId = (int) $newObjectState->groupId;
         if (array_key_exists($groupId, $countByGroups)) {
         } else {
             $countByGroups[$groupId] = 1;
     foreach ($countByGroups as $groupId => $count) {
         if ($count > 1) {
             throw new ForbiddenException("Multiple object states provided for group with ID {$groupId}");
     $contentInfo = $this->contentService->loadContentInfo($contentId);
     $contentObjectStates = array();
     foreach ($newObjectStates as $newObjectState) {
         $objectStateGroup = $this->objectStateService->loadObjectStateGroup($newObjectState->groupId);
         $this->objectStateService->setContentState($contentInfo, $objectStateGroup, $newObjectState->objectState);
         $contentObjectStates[(int) $objectStateGroup->id] = $newObjectState;
     return new ContentObjectStates($contentObjectStates);
Ejemplo n.º 9
  * Generates a URL for a location, from the given parameters.
  * It is possible to directly pass a Location object as the route name, as the ChainRouter allows it through ChainedRouterInterface.
  * If $name is a route name, the "location" key in $parameters must be set to a valid eZ\Publish\API\Repository\Values\Content\Location object.
  * "locationId" can also be provided.
  * If the generator is not able to generate the url, it must throw the RouteNotFoundException
  * as documented below.
  * @see UrlAliasRouter::supports()
  * @param string|\eZ\Publish\API\Repository\Values\Content\Location $name The name of the route or a Location instance
  * @param mixed $parameters An array of parameters
  * @param int $referenceType The type of reference to be generated (one of the constants)
  * @throws \LogicException
  * @throws \Symfony\Component\Routing\Exception\RouteNotFoundException
  * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
  * @return string The generated URL
  * @api
 public function generate($name, $parameters = array(), $referenceType = UrlGeneratorInterface::ABSOLUTE_PATH)
     // Direct access to Location
     if ($name instanceof Location) {
         return $this->generator->generate($name, $parameters, $referenceType);
     // Normal route name
     if ($name === self::URL_ALIAS_ROUTE_NAME) {
         if (isset($parameters['location']) || isset($parameters['locationId'])) {
             // Check if location is a valid Location object
             if (isset($parameters['location']) && !$parameters['location'] instanceof Location) {
                 throw new LogicException("When generating an UrlAlias route, 'location' parameter must be a valid eZ\\Publish\\API\\Repository\\Values\\Content\\Location.");
             $location = isset($parameters['location']) ? $parameters['location'] : $this->locationService->loadLocation($parameters['locationId']);
             unset($parameters['location'], $parameters['locationId'], $parameters['viewType'], $parameters['layout']);
             return $this->generator->generate($location, $parameters, $referenceType);
         if (isset($parameters['contentId'])) {
             $contentInfo = $this->contentService->loadContentInfo($parameters['contentId']);
             unset($parameters['contentId'], $parameters['viewType'], $parameters['layout']);
             if (empty($contentInfo->mainLocationId)) {
                 throw new LogicException('Cannot generate an UrlAlias route for content without main location.');
             return $this->generator->generate($this->locationService->loadLocation($contentInfo->mainLocationId), $parameters, $referenceType);
         throw new InvalidArgumentException("When generating an UrlAlias route, either 'location', 'locationId' or 'contentId' must be provided.");
     throw new RouteNotFoundException('Could not match route');
Ejemplo n.º 10
     * Returns a valid Location object for $contentId.
     * Will either load mainLocationId (if available) or build a virtual Location object.
     * @param mixed $contentId
     * @return \eZ\Publish\API\Repository\Values\Content\Location|null Null when content does not have location
    public function getPreviewLocation( $contentId )
        // contentInfo must be reloaded as content is not published yet (e.g. no mainLocationId)
        $contentInfo = $this->contentService->loadContentInfo( $contentId );
        // mainLocationId already exists, content has been published at least once.
        if ( $contentInfo->mainLocationId )
            $location = $this->locationService->loadLocation( $contentInfo->mainLocationId );
        // New Content, never published, create a virtual location object.
            // @todo In future releases this will be a full draft location when this feature
            // is implemented. Or it might return null when content does not have location,
            // but for now we can't detect that so we return a virtual draft location
            $location = new Location(
                    // Faking using root locationId
                    'id' => $this->configResolver->getParameter( 'content.tree_root.location_id' ),
                    'contentInfo' => $contentInfo,
                    'status' => Location::STATUS_DRAFT

        return $location;
Ejemplo n.º 11
  * Converts internal links (eznode:// and ezobject://) to URLs.
  * @param \DOMDocument $xmlDoc
  * @return string|null
 public function convert(DOMDocument $xmlDoc)
     $xpath = new DOMXPath($xmlDoc);
     $elements = $xpath->query('//link|//embed|//embed-inline');
     /** @var \DOMElement $element */
     foreach ($elements as $element) {
         $location = null;
         if ($this->elementHasAttribute($element, 'object_id')) {
             try {
                 $contentInfo = $this->contentService->loadContentInfo($this->getElementAttribute($element, 'object_id'));
                 $location = $this->locationService->loadLocation($contentInfo->mainLocationId);
             } catch (APINotFoundException $e) {
                 if ($this->logger) {
                     $this->logger->warning('While generating links for xmltext, could not locate ' . 'Content object with ID ' . $this->getElementAttribute($element, 'object_id'));
             } catch (APIUnauthorizedException $e) {
                 if ($this->logger) {
                     $this->logger->notice('While generating links for xmltext, unauthorized to load ' . 'Content object with ID ' . $this->getElementAttribute($element, 'object_id'));
         if ($this->elementHasAttribute($element, 'node_id')) {
             try {
                 $location = $this->locationService->loadLocation($this->getElementAttribute($element, 'node_id'));
             } catch (APINotFoundException $e) {
                 if ($this->logger) {
                     $this->logger->warning('While generating links for xmltext, could not locate ' . 'Location with ID ' . $this->getElementAttribute($element, 'node_id'));
             } catch (APIUnauthorizedException $e) {
                 if ($this->logger) {
                     $this->logger->notice('While generating links for xmltext, unauthorized to load ' . 'Location with ID ' . $this->getElementAttribute($element, 'node_id'));
         if ($location !== null) {
             $element->setAttribute('url', $this->urlAliasRouter->generate($location));
         // Copy temporary URL if it exists and is not set at this point
         if (!$element->hasAttribute('url') && $element->hasAttribute(EmbedLinking::TEMP_PREFIX . 'url')) {
             $element->setAttribute('url', $element->getAttribute(EmbedLinking::TEMP_PREFIX . 'url'));
         if ($this->elementHasAttribute($element, 'anchor_name')) {
             $element->setAttribute('url', $element->getAttribute('url') . '#' . $this->getElementAttribute($element, 'anchor_name'));
  * Loads the main location for $contentId
  * If the content does not have a location (yet), but has a Location draft, it is returned instead.
  * Location drafts do not have an id (it is set to null), and can be tested using the isDraft() method.
  * If the content doesn't have a location nor a location draft, null is returned.
  * @param mixed $contentInfo
  * @return \eZ\Publish\API\Repository\Values\Content\Location|null
 public function loadMainLocation($contentId)
     $contentInfo = $this->contentService->loadContentInfo($contentId);
     // mainLocationId already exists, content has been published at least once.
     if ($contentInfo->mainLocationId) {
         $location = $this->locationService->loadLocation($contentInfo->mainLocationId);
     } else {
         // @todo In future releases this will be a full draft location when this feature
         // is implemented. Or it might return null when content does not have location,
         // but for now we can't detect that so we return a virtual draft location
         $parentLocations = $this->locationHandler->loadParentLocationsForDraftContent($contentInfo->id);
         if (count($parentLocations) === 0) {
             return null;
         $location = new Location(array('contentInfo' => $contentInfo, 'status' => Location::STATUS_DRAFT, 'parentLocationId' => $parentLocations[0]->id, 'depth' => $parentLocations[0]->depth + 1));
     return $location;
Ejemplo n.º 13
  * Loads all locations for content object.
  * @param mixed $contentId
  * @return \eZ\Publish\Core\REST\Server\Values\LocationList
 public function loadLocationsForContent($contentId, Request $request)
     $restLocations = array();
     $contentInfo = $this->contentService->loadContentInfo($contentId);
     foreach ($this->locationService->loadLocations($contentInfo) as $location) {
         $restLocations[] = new Values\RestLocation($location, $this->locationService->getLocationChildCount($location));
     return new Values\CachedValue(new Values\LocationList($restLocations, $request->getPathInfo()), array('locationId' => $contentInfo->mainLocationId));
  * Loads the main location for $contentId.
  * If the content does not have a location (yet), but has a Location draft, it is returned instead.
  * Location drafts do not have an id (it is set to null), and can be tested using the isDraft() method.
  * If the content doesn't have a location nor a location draft, null is returned.
  * @param mixed $contentId
  * @return \eZ\Publish\API\Repository\Values\Content\Location|null
 public function loadMainLocation($contentId)
     $location = null;
     $contentInfo = $this->contentService->loadContentInfo($contentId);
     // mainLocationId already exists, content has been published at least once.
     if ($contentInfo->mainLocationId) {
         $location = $this->locationService->loadLocation($contentInfo->mainLocationId);
     } elseif (!$contentInfo->published) {
         // New Content, never published, create a virtual location object.
         // In cases content is missing locations this will return empty array
         $parentLocations = $this->locationHandler->loadParentLocationsForDraftContent($contentInfo->id);
         if (empty($parentLocations)) {
             return null;
         $location = new Location(array('contentInfo' => $contentInfo, 'status' => Location::STATUS_DRAFT, 'parentLocationId' => $parentLocations[0]->id, 'depth' => $parentLocations[0]->depth + 1, 'pathString' => $parentLocations[0]->pathString . '/x'));
     return $location;
  * Gets ContentType ID based on $contentId.
  * @param mixed $contentId
  * @return int|null
 protected function getContentTypeId($contentId)
     $contentTypeId = null;
     try {
         $contentTypeId = $this->contentService->loadContentInfo($contentId)->contentTypeId;
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
     return $contentTypeId;
Ejemplo n.º 16
  * Converts internal links (ezcontent:// and ezlocation://) to URLs.
  * @param \DOMDocument $document
  * @return \DOMDocument
 public function convert(DOMDocument $document)
     $document = clone $document;
     $xpath = new DOMXPath($document);
     $xpath->registerNamespace("docbook", "http://docbook.org/ns/docbook");
     $xpathExpression = "//docbook:link[starts-with( @xlink:href, 'ezlocation://' ) or starts-with( @xlink:href, 'ezcontent://' )]";
     /** @var \DOMElement $link */
     foreach ($xpath->query($xpathExpression) as $link) {
         $location = null;
         preg_match("~^(.+)://([^#]*)?(#.*|\\s*)?\$~", $link->getAttribute("xlink:href"), $matches);
         list(, $scheme, $id, $fragment) = $matches;
         if ($scheme === "ezcontent") {
             try {
                 $contentInfo = $this->contentService->loadContentInfo($id);
                 $location = $this->locationService->loadLocation($contentInfo->mainLocationId);
             } catch (APINotFoundException $e) {
                 if ($this->logger) {
                     $this->logger->warning("While generating links for richtext, could not locate " . "Content object with ID " . $id);
             } catch (APIUnauthorizedException $e) {
                 if ($this->logger) {
                     $this->logger->notice("While generating links for richtext, unauthorized to load " . "Content object with ID " . $id);
         if ($scheme === "ezlocation") {
             try {
                 $location = $this->locationService->loadLocation($id);
             } catch (APINotFoundException $e) {
                 if ($this->logger) {
                     $this->logger->warning("While generating links for richtext, could not locate " . "Location with ID " . $id);
             } catch (APIUnauthorizedException $e) {
                 if ($this->logger) {
                     $this->logger->notice("While generating links for richtext, unauthorized to load " . "Location with ID " . $id);
         if ($location !== null) {
             $link->setAttribute('xlink:href', $this->urlAliasRouter->generate($location) . $fragment);
     return $document;
  * Converts internal links (eznode:// and ezobject://) to URLs.
  * @param \DOMDocument $xmlDoc
  * @return string|null
 public function convert(DOMDocument $xmlDoc)
     foreach ($xmlDoc->getElementsByTagName("link") as $link) {
         $location = null;
         if ($link->hasAttribute('object_id')) {
             try {
                 $contentInfo = $this->contentService->loadContentInfo($link->getAttribute('object_id'));
                 $location = $this->locationService->loadLocation($contentInfo->mainLocationId);
             } catch (APINotFoundException $e) {
                 if ($this->logger) {
                     $this->logger->warning("While generating links for xmltext, could not locate " . "Content object with ID " . $link->getAttribute('object_id'));
             } catch (APIUnauthorizedException $e) {
                 if ($this->logger) {
                     $this->logger->notice("While generating links for xmltext, unauthorized to load " . "Content object with ID " . $link->getAttribute('object_id'));
         if ($link->hasAttribute('node_id')) {
             try {
                 $location = $this->locationService->loadLocation($link->getAttribute('node_id'));
             } catch (APINotFoundException $e) {
                 if ($this->logger) {
                     $this->logger->warning("While generating links for xmltext, could not locate " . "Location with ID " . $link->getAttribute('node_id'));
             } catch (APIUnauthorizedException $e) {
                 if ($this->logger) {
                     $this->logger->notice("While generating links for xmltext, unauthorized to load " . "Location with ID " . $link->getAttribute('node_id'));
         if ($location !== null) {
             $link->setAttribute('url', $this->urlAliasRouter->generate($location));
         if ($link->hasAttribute('anchor_name')) {
             $link->setAttribute('url', $link->getAttribute('url') . "#" . $link->getAttribute('anchor_name'));
  * Loads a content info object.
  * To load fields use loadContent
  * @throws \eZ\Publish\API\Repository\Exceptions\UnauthorizedException if the user is not allowed to read the content
  * @throws \eZ\Publish\API\Repository\Exceptions\NotFoundException - if the content with the given id does not exist
  * @param int $contentId
  * @return \eZ\Publish\API\Repository\Values\Content\ContentInfo
 public function loadContentInfo($contentId)
     return $this->service->loadContentInfo($contentId);
  * Get the main location Id
  * @param $contentId
  * @return \eZ\Publish\API\Repository\Values\Content\Location
 public function getMainLocation($contentId)
     $mainLocationId = $this->contentService->loadContentInfo($contentId)->mainLocationId;
     return $this->locationService->loadLocation($mainLocationId);