public function testSetLocation() { $em = $this->getService('doctrine')->getEntityManager(); $user = new User(); $user->setEmail('*****@*****.**'); $user->setFirstName('first name'); $user->setLastName('last name'); $this->persist($user); $this->flush(); $location = $this->getService('doctrine')->getRepository('Entity\\Location')->findOneBy(array()); $session = $this->createSession(); $session->set('', $user->getId()); $client = $this->createClient($session); $client->loadPage('/'); $this->assertEquals('/login/location', $client->getUrl(), 'invalid url'); $form = $client->getElement('form'); $fields = $form->getFields(); $this->assertCount(1, $fields, 'Invalid number fields'); $fields[0]->setData(''); $form->submit(); $form = $client->getElement('form'); $fields = $form->getFields(); $this->assertEquals('/login/location', $client->getUrl(), 'Invalid url form after submited form'); $this->assertEquals('Value can not empty', $fields[0]->getParent()->getElement('label')->getText(), 'Invalid error message for location'); $fields[0]->setData($location->getId()); $form->submit(); $this->assertEquals('/', $client->getUrl(), 'Invalid url form after submited form'); $em->clear(); $users = $em->getRepository('Entity\\User')->findAll(); $this->assertCount(2, $users, 'Invalid number users'); $user = $users[1]; $this->assertEquals($location->getId(), $user->getLocation()->getId(), 'Invalid location'); $client->loadPage('/login/location'); $this->assertEquals('/', $client->getUrl(), 'Invalid url after set location'); }
/** * Static Functions */ public static function processExternal($provider, $user_profile, User $user = null) { $external = self::getRepository()->findOneBy(array('provider' => $provider, 'external_id' => $user_profile->identifier)); // Locate a user account to associate. if ($user instanceof User) { // No additional processing. } elseif ($external instanceof self && $external->user instanceof User) { $user = $external->user; } elseif (!empty($user_profile->email)) { $user = User::getRepository()->findOneBy(array('email' => $user_profile->email)); if (!$user instanceof User) { $user = new User(); $user->email = $user_profile->email; $user->name = $user_profile->displayName; $user->avatar_url = $user_profile->photoURL; $user->generateRandomPassword(); $user->save(); } } else { // Not enough information to auto-create account; throw exception. throw new \PVL\Exception\AccountNotLinked(); } // Create new external record (if none exists) if (!$external instanceof self) { // Create new external account and associate with the specified user. $external = new self(); $external->provider = $provider; $external->external_id = $user_profile->identifier; } $external->user = $user; $external->name = $user_profile->displayName; $external->avatar_url = $user_profile->photoURL; $external->save(); return $user; }
/** * Fonction ajoutant en BDD le nouveau membre inscrit et lui envoyant un message contenant son code d'activation * d'inscription. */ function addDB() { $userToAdd = new User(array("UserName" => $_POST['userName'], "email" => $_POST['email'], "Mdp" => $_POST['mdp'])); $code_aleatoire = genererCode(); $adresseAdmin = "*****@*****.**"; $to = $userToAdd->getEmail(); $sujet = "Confirmation de l'inscription"; $entete = "From:" . $adresseAdmin . "\r\n"; $entete .= "Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8\r\n"; $message = "Nous confirmons que vous êtes officiellement inscrit sur le site EveryDayIdea <br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tVotre login est : " . $userToAdd->getUserName() . " <br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tVotre email est : " . $userToAdd->getEmail() . " <br>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tVotre lien d'activation est : <a href='" . $code_aleatoire . "'>Cliquez ici !</a>"; mail($to, $sujet, $message, $entete); /** @var $um : un nouvel user qui va être ajouté à la BDD J'ajoute le nouvel user à la BDD*/ $um = new UserManager(connexionDb()); $um->addUser($userToAdd); /** * Ici j'ai besoin de savoir quel est le user id du nouveau membre ajouté pour pouvoir le mettre dans l'ajout du code d'activation de cet user * Donc je vais le rechercher en base de donnée où il vient d'être ajouté */ $user = $um->getUserByUserName($userToAdd->getUserName()); $userid = $user->getId(); $um->setUserDroit($user, 4); /** * J'ajoute le nouveau code d'activation à la BDD */ $am = new ActivationManager(connexionDb()); $activation = new Activation(array("code" => $code_aleatoire, "id_user" => $userid, "libelle" => "Inscription")); $am->addActivation($activation); }
/** * @author Sebastien Piraux <*****@*****.**> old code * @author Julio Montoya 2013 * @desc Record information for login event when an user identifies himself with username & password */ function event_login(\Entity\User $user) { $userId = $user->getUserId(); $TABLETRACK_LOGIN = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_STATISTIC_TRACK_E_LOGIN); $reallyNow = api_get_utc_datetime(); $sql = "INSERT INTO " . $TABLETRACK_LOGIN . " (login_user_id, login_ip, login_date, logout_date) VALUES\n ('" . $userId . "',\n \t\t'" . Database::escape_string(api_get_real_ip()) . "',\n \t\t'" . $reallyNow . "',\n \t\t'" . $reallyNow . "'\n \t\t)"; Database::query($sql); $roles = $user->getRolesObj(); // auto subscribe /** @var \Entity\Role $role */ foreach ($roles as $role) { $role = $role->getRole(); $userStatusParsed = 'student'; switch ($role) { case 'ROLE_SESSION_MANAGER': $userStatusParsed = 'sessionadmin'; break; case 'ROLE_TEACHER': $userStatusParsed = 'teacher'; break; case 'ROLE_RRHH': $userStatusParsed = 'DRH'; break; } $autoSubscribe = api_get_setting($userStatusParsed . '_autosubscribe'); if ($autoSubscribe) { $autoSubscribe = explode('|', $autoSubscribe); foreach ($autoSubscribe as $code) { if (CourseManager::course_exists($code)) { CourseManager::subscribe_user($userId, $code); } } } } }
/** * Find one entry in DB by given id * * @param int $id * @return \Entity\User * @since 1.0 */ public function findOneById($id) { $userData = $this->em->query('SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = ' . $id . ';')->fetch(); $newUser = new UserEntity(); $newUser->setPostRepository($this->em->getPostRepository()); return $this->registerUserEntity($id, $this->mapper->populate($userData, $newUser)); }
/** * Convert an object user to an associative array * * @param \Entity\User $entity The object user * * @return array The associative array */ protected function convertObjectToArray($entity) { $data = array(); $data['id'] = $entity->getId(); $data['password'] = $entity->getPassword(); $data['username'] = $entity->getUsername(); return $data; }
function create_user($row) { $user = new User(); $user->setUsername($row['username']); $user->setPassword($row['password']); $user->setRole($row['role']); return $user; }
/** * Fonction vérifiant le password de l'admin. * @return bool : true si le password est bon, sinon false. */ function checkAdminPwd() { $userSession = getSessionUser(); $userMdpTest = new User(array("Mdp" => $_POST['mdpAdmin'])); $userMdpTest->setHashMdp(); if ($userSession->getDroit()[0]->getLibelle() and $userSession->getMdp() == $userMdpTest->getMdp()) { return true; } return false; }
/** * Find entrie in DB by given user * * @param \Entity\User $user * @return array of \Entity\Post * @since 1.0 */ public function findByUser($user) { $postsData = $this->em->query('SELECT * FROM posts WHERE user_id = ' . $user->getId() . ';')->fetchAll(); $posts = array(); foreach ($postsData as $postData) { $newPost = new PostEntity(); $posts[] = $this->mapper->populate($postData, $newPost); } return $posts; }
/** * dev:deploy */ public function deployAction() { if (FA_APPLICATION_ENV == "production") { die('Not in a development environment!'); } // Create an admin user. $user = new User(); $user->fromArray(array('username' => 'admin', 'password' => 'admin', 'fullname' => 'Local Administrator', 'seeadultart' => Upload::RATING_ADULT, 'birthday' => date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-21 years')), 'regbdate' => date('Y-m-d', strtotime('-21 years')), 'email' => '*****@*****.**', 'regemail' => '*****@*****.**', 'access_level' => User::LEGACY_ACL_ADMINISTRATOR)); $user->save(); $this->printLn('Local administrator account ("admin" / "admin") created!'); }
/** * Fonction permettant de retrouver un groupe en fonction de l'user qui est son leader. * @param User $user : utilisateur ayant le lead du groupe. * @return Groupe : la classe groupe concernée. */ public function getGroupeByLeader(User $user) { $resultats = $this->db->prepare("SELECT * FROM groupe WHERE id_leader = :id"); $resultats->execute(array(":id" => $user->getId())); if ($tabGroupe = $resultats->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { $groupe = new Groupe($tabGroupe); } else { $groupe = new Groupe(array()); } return $groupe; }
/** * Rajoute à l'activité de l'utilisateur les notifications suivantes * @param array $notif_list liste des ids * @param \Entity\User $user */ public function add_new_notif_visited($notif_list, $user) { $nb = count($notif_list); if ($nb > 0) { $activity = $user->getActivity(); if (is_null($activity)) { $activity = new \Entity\UserActivity(); $user->setActivity($activity); ci()->doctrine->em->persist($activity); ci()->doctrine->em->flush(); //$activity->setUser($user); } $activity->add_notification_visited($notif_list); ci()->doctrine->em->flush(); } return $nb; }
/** * Configure enviorment. */ protected function setUp() { $this->executeCommand('migrate:downgrade'); $this->executeCommand('migrate:update'); $em = $this->getService('doctrine')->getEntityManager(); $this->log = new \Entity\Log(); $this->log->setAction($this->getService('doctrine')->getRepository('Entity\\LogAction')->findOneById(14)); $this->log->setIpAddress(''); $this->log->setIsSuccess(true); $this->log->setCountModifiedEntities(0); $em->persist($this->log); $role = new Role(); $role->setName('Admin'); foreach ($em->getRepository('Entity\\Functionality')->findAll() as $functionality) { $role->getFunctionalities()->add($functionality); } $this->persist($role); $user = new User(); $user->setEmail('*****@*****.**'); $user->setFirstName('first name'); $user->setLastName('last name'); $user->setLocation($em->getRepository('Entity\\Location')->findOneBy(array())); $user->setRole($role); $em->persist($user); $this->createLogEntity($user); $em->flush(); $this->user = $user; }
public function removeadminAction() { $this->doNotRender(); $id = (int) $this->getParam('id'); $user = \Entity\User::find($id); $user->podcasts->removeElement($this->podcast); $user->save(); return $this->redirectFromHere(array('action' => 'index', 'id' => NULL)); }
/** * @PreDelete */ public function deleted() { if ($this->comments->count() > 0) { foreach ($this->comments as $comment) { \FA\Legacy\Notifications::purge('journal_comment', $comment->id, $this->user_id); } } User::decrementCounter('journals', $this->user_id); \FA\Legacy\Notifications::purge('journal', $this->id); }
public function authenticate($credentials = NULL) { $user_auth = User::authenticate($credentials['username'], $credentials['password']); if ($user_auth instanceof User) { $this->setUser($user_auth); return true; } else { \DF\Flash::addMessage('Could not authenticate your credentials!', 'red'); return false; } }
public function getNotifications() { $notifications = array(); $notify_types = User::getNotificationTypes(); foreach ($notify_types as $notify_key => $notify_info) { $notify_info['count'] = 0; $notify_info['show'] = FALSE; $notify_info['text'] = ''; $notifications[$notify_info['short']] = $notify_info; } }
public function impersonateAction() { $id = (int) $this->getParam('id'); $user = User::find($id); if (!$user instanceof User) { throw new \DF\Exception\DisplayOnly('User not found!'); } // Set new identity in Zend_Auth $this->auth->masqueradeAsUser($user); $this->alert('<b>Logged in as ' . $user->firstname . ' ' . $user->lastname . '.</b>', 'green'); $this->redirectHome(); return; }
public function verifyAction() { $id = (int) $this->getParam('id'); $code = trim($this->getParam('code')); if ($id == 0 || empty($code)) { throw new \FA\Exception('This page requires a valid user ID and recovery code.'); } $user = User::getRepository()->findOneBy(array('id' => $id, 'lostpw' => $code)); if (!$user instanceof User) { throw new \FA\Exception('Invalid ID or recovery code provided!'); } // Reset the "lost password" code. $user->lostpw = NULL; $user->save(); $this->auth->setUser($user); }
/** * Get course user relationship based in the course_rel_user table. * @return array */ public function getCourses(User $user) { $queryBuilder = $this->createQueryBuilder('user'); // Selecting course info. $queryBuilder->select('c'); // Loading User. //$qb->from('Entity\User', 'u'); // Selecting course $queryBuilder->innerJoin('Entity\\Course', 'c'); //@todo check app settings //$qb->add('orderBy', 'u.lastname ASC'); $wherePart = $queryBuilder->expr()->andx(); // Get only users subscribed to this course $wherePart->add($queryBuilder->expr()->eq('user.userId', $user->getUserId())); $queryBuilder->where($wherePart); $query = $queryBuilder->getQuery(); return $query->execute(); }
/** * build form * @param FormBuilderInterface $builder bulder object * @param array $options available options to inject * * @see \Symfony\Component\Form\AbstractType::buildForm() * * @return void */ public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options) { $object = isset($options['data']) ? $options['data'] : null; $builder->add('userAuth', UserAuthType::class, array('label' => ' ')); $builder->add('userType'); $builder->add('userRoles', EntityType::class, array('class' => RoleInfo::class, 'attr' => array('class' => 'js-user-roles'), 'expanded' => false, 'multiple' => false, 'data' => $this->currentRole)); $builder->add('firstName'); $builder->add('lastName'); $builder->add('email', null, array('required' => false, 'constraints' => array(new VALIDATOR\NotBlank(array('message' => "Please enter email"))))); $builder->add('address'); $builder->add('phone', null, array('attr' => array('class' => 'js-phone'))); $builder->add('mobile', null, array('attr' => array('class' => 'js-phone'))); $builder->add('fax', null, array('attr' => array('class' => 'js-phone'))); $builder->add('company'); $builder->add('slogan'); $builder->add('homepage', null, array('attr' => array('class' => 'js-homepage'), 'constraints' => array(new VALIDATOR\Url(array('protocols' => array('http', 'https', 'ftp'), 'dnsMessage' => "Please enter proper home page url"))))); $builder->add('status', ChoiceType::class, array('choices' => User::getStatusOptions(), 'expanded' => true, 'multiple' => false, 'data' => isset($object) ? $object->getStatus() ? $object->getStatus() : 'A' : 'A', 'attr' => array('class' => 'minimal display-inline'))); $builder->add('logo', 'file', array('required' => false, 'label' => 'Image', 'constraints' => array(new VALIDATOR\File(array('mimeTypes' => array('image/jpg', 'image/jpeg', 'image/png', 'image/bmp', 'image/gif'), 'mimeTypesMessage' => "Please Upload Valid File"))))); $builder->add('updatedAt', 'hidden', array('data' => '')); }
public function indexAction() { $cache = $this->di->get('cache'); $rating_query = '(true = true)'; $rating_cache = ''; if ($this->fa->canSeeArt('adult')) { $rating_cache = 'gma'; } elseif ($this->fa->canSeeArt('mature')) { $rating_query = '(up.rating = ' . Upload::RATING_GENERAL . ' OR up.rating = ' . Upload::RATING_MATURE . ')'; $rating_cache = 'gm-'; } else { $rating_query = '(up.rating = ' . Upload::RATING_GENERAL . ')'; $rating_cache = 'g--'; } $frontpage_cache_key = 'fa.frontpage.recent' . $rating_cache; $frontpage_cache_lifetime = 30; // 30 seconds $frontpage_data = $cache->load($frontpage_cache_key); if (!$frontpage_data) { $frontpage_data = array(); $record_types = array('images' => Upload::TYPE_IMAGE, 'audio' => Upload::TYPE_AUDIO, 'text' => Upload::TYPE_TEXT); $type_records_query = $this->em->createQuery('SELECT, up.title, up.description, up.rating, up.thumbnail, us.username, us.lower, us.avatar_mtime FROM Entity\\Upload up JOIN up.user us WHERE up.upload_type = :type AND up.is_scrap = 0 AND ' . $rating_query . ' ORDER BY DESC')->setMaxResults(21); foreach ($record_types as $type_key => $type_code) { $type_records_raw = $type_records_query->setParameter('type', $type_code)->getArrayResult(); $type_records = array(); foreach ($type_records_raw as $record) { if ($record['rating'] != Upload::RATING_GENERAL) { $this->fa->setPageHasMatureContent(true); } $record['rating_text'] = Upload::getRatingText($record['rating']); $record['thumbnail_url'] = Upload::getFileUrl($record['thumbnail']); $record['avatar'] = User::getUserAvatar($record['lower'], $record['avatar_mtime']); $type_records[$record['id']] = $record; } $frontpage_data[$type_key] = $type_records; } $cache->set($frontpage_data, $frontpage_cache_key, $frontpage_cache_lifetime); } $this->view->records = $frontpage_data; }
/** * @PreDelete */ public function deleting() { // Delete files $full_path = $this->getFullPath(); if (!empty($full_path)) { @unlink($full_path); } $small_path = $this->getSmallPath(); if (!empty($small_path)) { @unlink($small_path); } $thumb_path = $this->getThumbnailPath(); if (!empty($thumb_path)) { @unlink($thumb_path); } if ($this->comments->count() > 0) { foreach ($this->comments as $comment) { \FA\Legacy\Notifications::purge('upload_comment', $comment->id, $this->user_id); } } User::decrementCounter('uploads', $this->user_id); \FA\Legacy\Notifications::purge('upload', $this->id); }
public function registerUser(Request $request) { $sessionUserData = $this->app['session']; $entityManager = $this->app['doctrine']; $user = new User(); $user->setUserName($request->request->get('userName')); $user->setUserEmail($request->request->get('userEmail')); $user->setPassword($request->request->get('userPassword')); $user->setOfficeLocation($request->request->get('officeLocation')); $user->setUserAddress($request->request->get('userAddress')); try { $entityManager->persist($user); $entityManager->flush(); if (null !== $request->files->get('resumeFile')) { $fs = new FileHandler(); $fs->fileUpload($request->files->get('resumeFile'), $user->getId(), UPLOAD_PATH); } $sessionUserData->getFlashBag()->add('alert_success', 'Registration successful'); return $this->app->redirect(BASEPATH . "/login"); } catch (UniqueConstraintViolationException $ex) { $sessionUserData->getFlashBag()->add('alert_danger', 'Sorry, this email id is already registered!'); return $this->app->redirect(BASEPATH . "/register"); } }
/** * Set the username and lower-case version together. * @param $username */ public function setUsername($username) { $this->username = $username; $this->lower = User::getLowerCase($username); }
/** * * @param \Entity\User $user */ public function delete($user) { $sql = 'delete from user WHERE user_id=:id'; $stmt = $this->db->getConnection()->prepare($sql); $stmt->bindParam('id', $user->getUserId()); return $stmt->execute(); }
public function transform(\Entity\User $user) { return ['id' => (int) $user->getUserId(), 'email' => $user->getEmail(), 'name' => $user->getName(), 'active' => $user->getActive(), 'group' => $user->getGroup(), 'links' => ['rel' => 'self', 'uri' => \Util\SlimUtil::absoluteUrlFor('user_by_id', ['id' => $user->getUserId()]), 'method' => 'GET']]; }
/** * Get all users that are registered in the course. No matter the status * * @param \Entity\CurriculumItem $course * @return bool */ public function isAllowToInsert(\Entity\CurriculumItem $item, \Entity\User $user) { $max = $item->getMaxRepeat(); $count = $this->createQueryBuilder('a')->select('COUNT(a)')->where('a.itemId = :itemId')->andWhere('a.userId = :userId')->setParameters(array('itemId' => $item->getId(), 'userId' => $user->getUserId()))->getQuery()->getSingleScalarResult(); return $count <= $max ? true : false; }
<?php require_once __DIR__ . '/bootstrap_doctrine.php'; use Entity\User; use Entity\Article; $factoryManager = new Fixtures\FactoryManager(); $factoryManager->set('user', function ($provider) { $user = new User(); $user->setUsername($provider->get('username', 'John')); return $user; }); $factoryManager->set('article', function ($provider) { $article = new Article(); $article->setAuthor($provider->getRelation('author', 'user')); $article->setTitle($provider->get('title', 'The title')); $article->setContent($provider->get('content', 'The content')); return $article; }); $storageManager = new Fixtures\StorageManager(); $storageManager->register(new Fixtures\Storage\Doctrine\ORM($entityManager)); $environment = new Fixtures\Environment($factoryManager, $storageManager); $environment->reset(); $environment->createCollection(100, 'article', array('author' => $environment->create('user')));
/** * Fonction permettant d'ajouter un message à un groupe concerné en BDD. * @param Groupe $groupe : le groupe concerné. * @param User $user : l'utilisateur envoyant le message. * @param $desc : le contenu du message. */ public function addMess(Groupe $groupe, User $user, $desc) { $query = $this->db->prepare("INSERT INTO groupe_message(id_groupe, id_user, description, date ) VALUES (:id_groupe , :id_user, :desc , NOW())"); $query->execute(array("id_groupe" => $groupe->getIdGroupe(), "id_user" => $user->getId(), "desc" => $desc)); }