optimize() public method

Detailed arguments can be found here in the link
public optimize ( array $args = [] ) : array
$args array OPTIONAL Additional arguments
return array Server response
  * @group functional
 public function testSnapshotAndRestore()
     $repositoryName = 'testrepo';
     $location = $this->_snapshotPath . 'backup2';
     // register the repository
     $response = $this->_snapshot->registerRepository($repositoryName, 'fs', array('location' => $location));
     // create a snapshot of our test index
     $snapshotName = 'test_snapshot_1';
     $response = $this->_snapshot->createSnapshot($repositoryName, $snapshotName, array('indices' => $this->_index->getName()), true);
     // ensure that the snapshot was created properly
     $this->assertArrayHasKey('snapshot', $response->getData());
     $data = $response->getData();
     $this->assertContains($this->_index->getName(), $data['snapshot']['indices']);
     $this->assertEquals(1, sizeof($data['snapshot']['indices']));
     // only the specified index should be present
     $this->assertEquals($snapshotName, $data['snapshot']['snapshot']);
     // retrieve data regarding the snapshot
     $response = $this->_snapshot->getSnapshot($repositoryName, $snapshotName);
     $this->assertContains($this->_index->getName(), $response['indices']);
     // delete our test index
     // restore the index from our snapshot
     $response = $this->_snapshot->restoreSnapshot($repositoryName, $snapshotName, array(), true);
     // ensure that the index has been restored
     $count = $this->_index->getType('test')->count();
     $this->assertEquals(sizeof($this->_docs), $count);
     // delete the snapshot
     $response = $this->_snapshot->deleteSnapshot($repositoryName, $snapshotName);
     // ensure that the snapshot has been deleted
     $this->_snapshot->getSnapshot($repositoryName, $snapshotName);
 public function testSnapshotAndRestore()
     $repositoryName = "test_repository";
     $location = "/tmp/{$repositoryName}";
     // register the repository
     $response = $this->_snapshot->registerRepository($repositoryName, "fs", array("location" => $location));
     // create a snapshot of our test index
     $snapshotName = "test_snapshot_1";
     $response = $this->_snapshot->createSnapshot($repositoryName, $snapshotName, array("indices" => $this->_index->getName()), true);
     // ensure that the snapshot was created properly
     $this->assertArrayHasKey("snapshot", $response->getData());
     $data = $response->getData();
     $this->assertContains($this->_index->getName(), $data["snapshot"]["indices"]);
     $this->assertEquals(1, sizeof($data["snapshot"]["indices"]));
     // only the specified index should be present
     $this->assertEquals($snapshotName, $data["snapshot"]["snapshot"]);
     // retrieve data regarding the snapshot
     $response = $this->_snapshot->getSnapshot($repositoryName, $snapshotName);
     $this->assertContains($this->_index->getName(), $response["indices"]);
     // delete our test index
     // restore the index from our snapshot
     $response = $this->_snapshot->restoreSnapshot($repositoryName, $snapshotName, array(), true);
     // ensure that the index has been restored
     $count = $this->_index->getType("test")->count();
     $this->assertEquals(sizeof($this->_docs), $count);
     // delete the snapshot
     $response = $this->_snapshot->deleteSnapshot($repositoryName, $snapshotName);
     // ensure that the snapshot has been deleted
     $this->_snapshot->getSnapshot($repositoryName, $snapshotName);
 public function optimize()
     // Optimize the index so it'll be more compact for replication.  Not required
     // but should be helpful.
     try {
         // Reset the timeout just in case we lost it somewhere along the line
         $this->index->optimize(array('max_num_segments' => 5));
     } catch (HttpException $e) {
         if ($e->getMessage() === 'Operation timed out') {
             $this->output("Timed out...Continuing any way\n");
             // To continue without blowing up we need to reset the connection.
         } else {
             throw $e;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public function testMatchDoc()
     $client = new Client(array('persistent' => false));
     $index = $client->getIndex('elastica_test');
     $index->create(array('index' => array('number_of_shards' => 1, 'number_of_replicas' => 0)), true);
     $percolator = new Percolator($index);
     $percolatorName = 'percotest';
     $query = new Term(array('name' => 'ruflin'));
     $response = $percolator->registerQuery($percolatorName, $query);
     $doc1 = new Document();
     $doc1->set('name', 'ruflin');
     $doc2 = new Document();
     $doc2->set('name', 'nicolas');
     $index = new Index($index->getClient(), '_percolator');
     $matches1 = $percolator->matchDoc($doc1);
     $this->assertTrue(in_array($percolatorName, $matches1));
     $this->assertEquals(1, count($matches1));
     $matches2 = $percolator->matchDoc($doc2);