Ejemplo n.º 1
  * @param Schema $schema
 public function up(Schema $schema)
     // this up() migration is auto-generated, please modify it to your needs
     // pageを追加
     $app = new \Eccube\Application();
     $em = $app['orm.em'];
     $DeviceType = $app['eccube.repository.master.device_type']->find(10);
     $PageLayout = new PageLayout();
     $PageLayout = new PageLayout();
     $PageLayout = new PageLayout();
     $PageLayout = new PageLayout();
     $PageLayout = new PageLayout();
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * @param Schema $schema
 public function up(Schema $schema)
     // this up() migration is auto-generated, please modify it to your needs
     // pageを追加
     $app = new \Eccube\Application();
     $em = $app['orm.em'];
     $DeviceType = $app['eccube.repository.master.device_type']->find(10);
     $PageLayout = new PageLayout();
     $PageLayout = new PageLayout();
     $PageLayout = new PageLayout();
     $PageLayout = new PageLayout();
     $PageLayout = new PageLayout();
     $PageLayout = new PageLayout();
     $PageLayout = new PageLayout();
     // 文言、URLの修正
     $this->addSql("UPDATE dtb_page_layout  SET url = 'help_agreement', file_name = 'Help/agreement' WHERE file_name = 'Entry/kiyaku';");
     $this->addSql("UPDATE dtb_page_layout  SET url = 'shopping_shipping_multiple', file_name = 'Shopping/shipping_multiple' WHERE file_name = 'Shopping/multiple';");
     $this->addSql("UPDATE dtb_page_layout  SET page_name = '商品購入' WHERE page_name = '商品購入/ログイン';");
     $this->addSql("UPDATE dtb_page_layout  SET page_name = 'MYページ/お届け先一覧' WHERE page_name = 'MYページ/お届け先変更';");
     $this->addSql("UPDATE dtb_page_layout  SET file_name = 'Mypage/delivery_edit' WHERE page_name = 'MYページ/お届け先追加';");
     // 不要なレコードを削除
     $this->addSql("DELETE from dtb_page_layout  WHERE file_name = 'Shopping/payment';");
     $this->addSql("DELETE from dtb_page_layout  WHERE file_name = 'Shopping/confirm';");
 protected function createPageLayout()
     if (version_compare(\Eccube\Common\Constant::VERSION, '3.0.8', '<=')) {
         $app = new \Eccube\Application();
     } else {
         $app = \Eccube\Application::getInstance();
     $em = $app['orm.em'];
     $DeviceType = $app['eccube.repository.master.device_type']->find(DeviceType::DEVICE_TYPE_PC);
     $PageLayout = new PageLayout();
     $PageLayout = new PageLayout();
     $PageLayout = new PageLayout();