$item->ReturnPolicy = new Types\ReturnPolicyType();
$item->ReturnPolicy->ReturnsAcceptedOption = 'ReturnsAccepted';
$item->ReturnPolicy->RefundOption = 'MoneyBack';
$item->ReturnPolicy->ReturnsWithinOption = 'Days_14';
$item->ReturnPolicy->ShippingCostPaidByOption = 'Buyer';
 * Finish the request object.
$request->Item = $item;
 * Send the request to the AddItem service operation.
 * For more information about calling a service operation, see:
 * http://devbay.net/sdk/guides/getting-started/#service-operation
$response = $service->addItem($request);
 * Output the result of calling the service operation.
 * For more information about working with the service response object, see:
 * http://devbay.net/sdk/guides/getting-started/#response-object
if (isset($response->Errors)) {
    foreach ($response->Errors as $error) {
        printf("%s: %s\n%s\n\n", $error->SeverityCode === Enums\SeverityCodeType::C_ERROR ? 'Error' : 'Warning', $error->ShortMessage, $error->LongMessage);
if ($response->Ack !== 'Failure') {
    printf("The item was listed to the eBay Sandbox with the Item number %s\n", $response->ItemID);