  * {@inheritdoc}
 protected function setUp()
     $this->installSchema('system', 'sequences');
     $this->manager = $this->container->get('plugin.manager.condition');
     // Set up the authenticated and anonymous roles.
     Role::create(array('id' => DRUPAL_ANONYMOUS_RID, 'label' => 'Anonymous user'))->save();
     Role::create(array('id' => DRUPAL_AUTHENTICATED_RID, 'label' => 'Authenticated user'))->save();
     // Create new role.
     $rid = strtolower($this->randomMachineName(8));
     $label = $this->randomString(8);
     $role = Role::create(array('id' => $rid, 'label' => $label));
     $this->role = $role;
     // Setup an anonymous user for our tests.
     $this->anonymous = User::create(array('uid' => 0));
     // Loading the anonymous user adds the correct role.
     $this->anonymous = User::load($this->anonymous->id());
     // Setup an authenticated user for our tests.
     $this->authenticated = User::create(array('name' => $this->randomMachineName()));
     // Add the custom role.
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * Tests switch user.
 public function testSwitchUser()
     $this->assertNoText($this->block->label(), 'Block title was not found.');
     // Ensure that a token is required to switch user.
     $this->drupalGet('/devel/switch/' . $this->webUser->getUsername());
     $this->assertText($this->block->label(), 'Block title was found.');
     // Ensure that if name in not passed the controller returns access denied.
     // Ensure that a token is required to switch user.
     $this->drupalGet('/devel/switch/' . $this->switchUser->getUsername());
     // Switch to another user account.
     $this->drupalGet('/user/' . $this->switchUser->id());
     // Switch back to initial account.
     // Use the search form to switch to another account.
     $edit = ['userid' => $this->switchUser->getUsername()];
     $this->drupalPostForm(NULL, $edit, t('Switch'));
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * Checks whether skip() marks the check as skipped, and checks the
  * skippedBy() value.
 public function testSkipCheck()
     foreach ($this->checks as $check) {
         $isSkipped = $check->isSkipped();
         $skippedBy = $check->skippedBy();
         $this->assertTrue($isSkipped, $check->getTitle() . ' skipped.');
         $this->assertEqual($this->user->id(), $skippedBy->id(), 'Skipped by ' . $skippedBy->label());
  * Creates a test entity.
  * @param string $entity_type
  *   An entity type.
  * @return \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface
  *   The created test entity.
 protected function createTestEntity($entity_type)
     $this->entity_name = $this->randomMachineName();
     $this->entity_user = $this->createUser();
     $this->entity_field_text = $this->randomMachineName();
     // Pass in the value of the name field when creating. With the user
     // field we test setting a field after creation.
     $entity = entity_create($entity_type);
     $entity->user_id->target_id = $this->entity_user->id();
     $entity->name->value = $this->entity_name;
     // Set a value for the test field.
     $entity->field_test_text->value = $this->entity_field_text;
     return $entity;
  * Test registered Serializer's entity serialization for core's formats.
 public function testSerialize()
     // Test that Serializer responds using the ComplexDataNormalizer and
     // JsonEncoder. The output of ComplexDataNormalizer::normalize() is tested
     // elsewhere, so we can just assume that it works properly here.
     $normalized = $this->serializer->normalize($this->entity, 'json');
     $expected = json_encode($normalized);
     // Test 'json'.
     $actual = $this->serializer->serialize($this->entity, 'json');
     $this->assertIdentical($actual, $expected, 'Entity serializes to JSON when "json" is requested.');
     $actual = $this->serializer->serialize($normalized, 'json');
     $this->assertIdentical($actual, $expected, 'A normalized array serializes to JSON when "json" is requested');
     // Test 'ajax'.
     $actual = $this->serializer->serialize($this->entity, 'ajax');
     $this->assertIdentical($actual, $expected, 'Entity serializes to JSON when "ajax" is requested.');
     $actual = $this->serializer->serialize($normalized, 'ajax');
     $this->assertIdentical($actual, $expected, 'A normalized array serializes to JSON when "ajax" is requested');
     // Generate the expected xml in a way that allows changes to entity property
     // order.
     $expected = array('id' => '<id><value>' . $this->entity->id() . '</value></id>', 'uuid' => '<uuid><value>' . $this->entity->uuid() . '</value></uuid>', 'langcode' => '<langcode><value>en</value></langcode>', 'name' => '<name><value>' . $this->values['name'] . '</value></name>', 'type' => '<type><value>entity_test_mulrev</value></type>', 'created' => '<created><value>' . $this->entity->created->value . '</value></created>', 'user_id' => '<user_id><target_id>' . $this->user->id() . '</target_id><url>' . $this->user->url() . '</url></user_id>', 'revision_id' => '<revision_id><value>' . $this->entity->getRevisionId() . '</value></revision_id>', 'default_langcode' => '<default_langcode><value>1</value></default_langcode>', 'field_test_text' => '<field_test_text><value>' . $this->values['field_test_text']['value'] . '</value><format>' . $this->values['field_test_text']['format'] . '</format></field_test_text>');
     // Sort it in the same order as normalised.
     $expected = array_merge($normalized, $expected);
     // Add header and footer.
     array_unshift($expected, '<?xml version="1.0"?>' . PHP_EOL . '<response>');
     $expected[] = '</response>' . PHP_EOL;
     // Reduced the array to a string.
     $expected = implode('', $expected);
     // Test 'xml'. The output should match that of Symfony's XmlEncoder.
     $actual = $this->serializer->serialize($this->entity, 'xml');
     $this->assertIdentical($actual, $expected);
     $actual = $this->serializer->serialize($normalized, 'xml');
     $this->assertIdentical($actual, $expected);
Ejemplo n.º 6
  * Checks the session data returned by the session test routes.
  * @param string $response
  *   A response object containing the session values and the user ID.
  * @param string $expected
  *   The expected session value.
 protected function assertSessionData($response, $expected)
     $response = json_decode($response, TRUE);
     $this->assertEqual(['test_value' => $expected], $response['session'], 'The session data matches the expected value.');
     // Check that we are logged in as the correct user.
     $this->assertEqual($this->user->id(), $response['user'], 'The correct user is logged in.');
Ejemplo n.º 7
  * Creates a test entity.
  * @param string $entity_type
  *   An entity type.
  * @return \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface
  *   The created test entity.
 protected function createTestEntity($entity_type)
     $this->entityName = $this->randomMachineName();
     $this->entityUser = $this->createUser();
     // Pass in the value of the name field when creating. With the user
     // field we test setting a field after creation.
     $entity = $this->container->get('entity_type.manager')->getStorage($entity_type)->create();
     $entity->user_id->target_id = $this->entityUser->id();
     $entity->name->value = $this->entityName;
     // Set a value for the test field.
     if ($entity->hasField('field_test_text')) {
         $this->entityFieldText = $this->randomMachineName();
         $entity->field_test_text->value = $this->entityFieldText;
     return $entity;
Ejemplo n.º 8
  * Tests the actual language negotiation.
 function testActualNegotiation()
     // Even though we have admin language negotiation, so long as the user has
     // no preference set, negotiation will fall back further.
     $path = 'user/' . $this->adminUser->id() . '/edit';
     $this->assertText('Language negotiation method: language-default');
     // Set a preferred language code for the user.
     $path = 'user/' . $this->adminUser->id() . '/edit';
     $edit = array();
     $edit['preferred_admin_langcode'] = 'xx';
     $this->drupalPostForm($path, $edit, t('Save'));
     // Test negotiation with the URL method first. The admin method will only
     // be used if the URL method did not match.
     $path = 'user/' . $this->adminUser->id() . '/edit';
     $this->assertText('Language negotiation method: language-user-admin');
     $path = 'xx/user/' . $this->adminUser->id() . '/edit';
     $this->assertText('Language negotiation method: language-url');
     // Test negotiation with the admin language method first. The admin method
     // will be used at all times.
     $path = 'user/' . $this->adminUser->id() . '/edit';
     $this->assertText('Language negotiation method: language-user-admin');
     $path = 'xx/user/' . $this->adminUser->id() . '/edit';
     $this->assertText('Language negotiation method: language-user-admin');
Ejemplo n.º 9
  * Helper function to set up a new comment type and add it to a node.
  * @param string $comment_type_id
  *   The id to use for the new comment type.
  * @param string bundle
  *   A node bundle to create.
  * @returns \Drupal\node\NodeInterface
  *   A new node of the specified bundle with the comment type field.
 protected function setupAlternateComments($comment_type_id, $bundle)
     $this->drupalCreateContentType(['type' => $bundle, 'name' => 'Page']);
     $this->addCommentsToNode($bundle, DRUPAL_OPTIONAL, $comment_type_id);
     return $this->drupalCreateNode(['type' => $bundle, 'uid' => $this->webUser->id()]);
  * Helper function, which creates node of type person
  * @param \Drupal\user\Entity\User $user
  * @param bool $isIndividualSponsor
 public function createUserProfile(User $user, $isIndividualSponsor = FALSE)
     $values = ['type' => 'person', 'title' => $user->getUsername(), 'uid' => 1, 'field_referenced_user' => ['target_id' => $user->id()]];
     if ($isIndividualSponsor) {
         $values['field_person_type'] = ['target_id' => 8];
     $node = entity_create('node', $values);
  * Provide a list of tokens.
 public function tokenList(User $user)
     $entity_type = 'access_token';
     $storage = $this->entityManager()->getStorage($entity_type);
     $ids = $storage->getQuery()->condition('auth_user_id', $user->id())->execute();
     if (empty($ids)) {
         return ['#markup' => $this->t('There are no tokens for this user.')];
     $view_controller = $this->entityManager()->getViewBuilder($entity_type);
     $tokens = $storage->loadMultiple($ids);
     return $view_controller->viewMultiple($tokens);
Ejemplo n.º 12
 public function testAuthenticatedCheckout()
     $order = $this->checkout();
     $this->assertRaw('Your order is complete!');
     $this->assertRaw('While logged in');
     $this->assertEqual($order->getOwnerId(), $this->customer->id(), 'Order has the correct user ID.');
     $this->assertEqual($order->getEmail(), $this->customer->getEmail(), 'Order has the correct email address.');
     // Check that cart is now empty.
     $this->assertText('There are no products in your shopping cart.');
Ejemplo n.º 13
  * Check that a basic authentication session does not leak.
  * Regression test for a bug that caused a session initiated by basic
  * authentication to persist over subsequent unauthorized requests.
 public function testSessionFromBasicAuthenticationDoesNotLeak()
     // This route is authorized through basic_auth only, not cookie.
     $protected_url = Url::fromRoute('session_test.get_session_basic_auth');
     // This route is not protected.
     $unprotected_url = Url::fromRoute('session_test.get_session_no_auth');
     // Test that the route is not accessible as an anonymous user.
     $this->assertResponse(401, 'An anonymous user cannot access a route protected with basic authentication.');
     // We should be able to access the route with basic authentication.
     $this->basicAuthGet($protected_url, $this->user->getUsername(), $this->user->pass_raw);
     $this->assertResponse(200, 'A route protected with basic authentication can be accessed by an authenticated user.');
     // Check that the correct user is logged in.
     $this->assertEqual($this->user->id(), json_decode($this->getRawContent())->user, 'The correct user is authenticated on a route with basic authentication.');
     // If we now try to access a page without basic authentication then we
     // should no longer be logged in.
     $this->assertResponse(200, 'An unprotected route can be accessed without basic authentication.');
     $this->assertFalse(json_decode($this->getRawContent())->user, 'The user is no longer authenticated after visiting a page without basic authentication.');
     // If we access the protected page again without basic authentication we
     // should get 401 Unauthorized.
     $this->assertResponse(401, 'A subsequent request to the same route without basic authentication is not authorized.');
  * Executes the save tests for the given entity type.
  * @param string $entity_type
  *   The entity type to run the tests with.
 protected function assertSave($entity_type)
     $entity = $this->createTestEntity($entity_type);
     $this->assertTrue((bool) $entity->id(), format_string('%entity_type: Entity has received an id.', array('%entity_type' => $entity_type)));
     $entity = entity_load($entity_type, $entity->id());
     $this->assertTrue((bool) $entity->id(), format_string('%entity_type: Entity loaded.', array('%entity_type' => $entity_type)));
     // Access the name field.
     $this->assertEqual(1, $entity->id->value, format_string('%entity_type: ID value can be read.', array('%entity_type' => $entity_type)));
     $this->assertTrue(is_string($entity->uuid->value), format_string('%entity_type: UUID value can be read.', array('%entity_type' => $entity_type)));
     $this->assertEqual('en', $entity->langcode->value, format_string('%entity_type: Language code can be read.', array('%entity_type' => $entity_type)));
     $this->assertEqual(\Drupal::languageManager()->getLanguage('en'), $entity->langcode->language, format_string('%entity_type: Language object can be read.', array('%entity_type' => $entity_type)));
     $this->assertEqual($this->entity_user->id(), $entity->user_id->target_id, format_string('%entity_type: User id can be read.', array('%entity_type' => $entity_type)));
     $this->assertEqual($this->entity_user->getUsername(), $entity->user_id->entity->name->value, format_string('%entity_type: User name can be read.', array('%entity_type' => $entity_type)));
     $this->assertEqual($this->entity_field_text, $entity->field_test_text->value, format_string('%entity_type: Text field can be read.', array('%entity_type' => $entity_type)));
Ejemplo n.º 15
  * Tests that the admin language is configurable only for administrators.
  * If a user has the permission "access administration pages", they should
  * be able to see the setting to pick the language they want those pages in.
  * If a user does not have that permission, it would confusing for them to
  * have a setting for pages they cannot access, so they should not be able to
  * set a language for those pages.
 function testUserAdminLanguageConfigurationAvailableIfAdminLanguageNegotiationIsEnabled()
     // Adds a new language, because with only one language, setting won't show.
     $path = 'user/' . $this->adminUser->id() . '/edit';
     // Ensure administration pages language setting is visible for admin.
     $this->assertFieldByXPath($this->constructFieldXpath('id', 'edit-preferred-admin-langcode'), NULL, 'Administration pages language selector available for admins.');
     // Ensure administration pages language setting is hidden for non-admins.
     $path = 'user/' . $this->regularUser->id() . '/edit';
     $this->assertNoFieldByXPath($this->constructFieldXpath('id', 'edit-preferred-admin-langcode'), NULL, 'Administration pages language selector not available for regular user.');