Ejemplo n.º 1
   * Tests widget's hidden input type.
  function testWidget() {
    $formUrl = 'product/' . $this->product->id() . '/edit';
    // Create the first store. Since the field is required, the widget
    // should be a hidden element.
    $storeId = $this->stores[0]->id();
    $this->assertFieldByXpath('//input[@type="hidden" and @name="stores[target_id][value]" and @value="' . $storeId .'"]', NULL, 'Stores field is displayed as a hidden element.');

    // Create another store. The widget should now be a set of checkboxes.
    $storeIds = array_map(function ($store) {
      return $store->id();
    }, $this->stores);
    $this->assertTrue((bool) $this->xpath('//input[@type="checkbox" and starts-with(@name,"stores")]'), 'Stores field is displayed as a checkboxes element.');
    // Check store 1.
    $edit['stores[target_id][value][' . $storeIds[0] .']'] = $storeIds[0];
    $edit['stores[target_id][value][' . $storeIds[1] .']'] = FALSE;
    $this->drupalPostForm(NULL, $edit, t('Save and keep published'));
    $this->product = Product::load($this->product->id());
    $this->assertFieldValues($this->product->getStoreIds(), [$storeIds[0]], 'The correct store has been set on the product.');
    $this->assertFieldChecked('edit-stores-target-id-value-' . $storeIds[0]);
    $this->assertNoFieldChecked('edit-stores-target-id-value-' . $storeIds[1]);

    // Reduce the cardinality to 1. Checkboxes should now be radios.
    $this->assertTrue((bool) $this->xpath('//input[@type="radio" and @name="stores[target_id][value]"]'), 'Stores field is displayed as a radio element.');
    $this->assertFieldChecked('edit-stores-target-id-value-' . $storeIds[0], 'Radio field for store ' . $storeIds[0] . ' is checked.');
    $this->assertNoFieldChecked('edit-stores-target-id-value-' . $storeIds[1], 'Radio field for store ' . $storeIds[1] . ' is unchecked.');

    // Create the final store. The widget should now be an autocomplete field.
    $storeLabels = array_map(function ($store) {
      return $store->label() . ' (' . $store->id() . ')';
    }, $this->stores);
    $this->assertTrue((bool) $this->xpath('//input[@id="edit-stores-target-id-value" and starts-with(@class, "form-autocomplete")]'), 'Stores field is displayed as an autocomplete element.');
    $this->assertFieldByName('stores[target_id][value]', $storeLabels[0]);
    // Reference both stores 1 and 2.
    $edit = [];
    $edit['stores[target_id][value]'] = $storeLabels[0] . ', ' . $storeLabels[1];
    $this->drupalPostForm(NULL, $edit, t('Save and keep published'));
    $this->product = Product::load($this->product->id());
    $this->assertFieldValues($this->product->getStoreIds(), [$storeIds[0], $storeIds[1]], 'The correct stores have been set on the product.');
    $this->assertFieldByName('stores[target_id][value]', $storeLabels[0] . ', ' . $storeLabels[1]);