Ejemplo n.º 1
  * @test
  * @depends it_handles_basic_retrieval_operations
 function it_takes_criteria_and_handles_basic_criteria_manipulation()
     // clear all criteria, see if none are applied
     $this->assertTrue($this->repository->getCriteria()->isEmpty(), "getCriteria() not empty after clearCriteria()");
     $this->assertRegExp("#^select \\* from [`\"]" . static::TABLE_NAME . "[`\"]\$#i", $this->repository->query()->toSql(), "Query SQL should be totally basic after clearCriteria()");
     // add new criteria, see if it is applied
     $criteria = $this->makeMockCriteria($this->exactly(2), 'MockCriteria', function ($query) {
         return $query->where(self::UNIQUE_FIELD, '1337');
     $this->repository->pushCriteria($criteria, 'TemporaryCriteria');
     $this->assertCount(1, $this->repository->getCriteria(), "getCriteria() count incorrect after pushing new Criteria");
     $this->assertRegExp("#where [`\"]" . self::UNIQUE_FIELD . "[`\"] =#i", $this->repository->query()->toSql(), "Query SQL should be altered by pushing Criteria");
     // set repository to ignore criteria, see if they do not get applied
     $this->assertNotRegExp("#where [`\"]" . self::UNIQUE_FIELD . "[`\"] =#i", $this->repository->query()->toSql(), "Query SQL should be altered by pushing Criteria");
     // remove criteria once, see if it is not applied
     $this->assertCount(1, $this->repository->getCriteria(), "getCriteria() should still have a count of one if only removing temporarily");
     $this->assertRegExp("#^select \\* from [`\"]" . static::TABLE_NAME . "[`\"]\$#i", $this->repository->query()->toSql(), "Query SQL should be totally basic while removing Criteria once");
     $this->assertRegExp("#where [`\"]" . self::UNIQUE_FIELD . "[`\"] =#i", $this->repository->query()->toSql(), "Query SQL should be altered again on next call after removing Criteria once");
     // override criteria once, see if it is overridden succesfully and not called
     $secondCriteria = $this->makeMockCriteria($this->exactly(1), 'SecondCriteria', function ($query) {
         return $query->where(self::SECOND_FIELD, '12345');
     $this->repository->pushCriteriaOnce($secondCriteria, 'TemporaryCriteria');
     $sql = $this->repository->query()->toSql();
     $this->assertNotRegExp("#where [`\"]" . self::UNIQUE_FIELD . "[`\"] =#i", $sql, "Query SQL should not be built using first TemporaryCriteria");
     $this->assertRegExp("#where [`\"]" . self::SECOND_FIELD . "[`\"] =#i", $sql, "Query SQL should be built using the overriding Criteria");
     // remove specific criteria, see if it is not applied
     $this->assertTrue($this->repository->getCriteria()->isEmpty(), "getCriteria() not empty after removing Criteria");
     $this->assertRegExp("#^select \\* from [`\"]" . static::TABLE_NAME . "[`\"]\$#i", $this->repository->query()->toSql(), "Query SQL should be totally basic after removing Criteria");
     // override criteria once, see if it is changed
     $criteria = $this->makeMockCriteria($this->exactly(1), 'MockCriteria', function ($query) {
         return $query->where(self::UNIQUE_FIELD, '1337');
     $this->assertTrue($this->repository->getCriteria()->isEmpty(), "getCriteria() not empty with only once Criteria pushed");
     $this->assertRegExp("#where [`\"]" . self::UNIQUE_FIELD . "[`\"] =#i", $this->repository->query()->toSql(), "Query SQL should be altered by pushing Criteria once");