  * Show all the Domain Alias
  * @global array $_ARRAYLANG
 public function showDomains()
     global $_ARRAYLANG, $objInit;
     $langData = $objInit->loadLanguageData('Config');
     $_ARRAYLANG = array_merge($_ARRAYLANG, $langData);
     $domainRepository = new \Cx\Core\Net\Model\Repository\DomainRepository();
     $domains = $domainRepository->findAll();
     $view = new \Cx\Core\Html\Controller\ViewGenerator($domains, array('header' => $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_CORE_NETMANAGER'], 'entityName' => $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_CORE_NETMANAGER_ENTITY'], 'fields' => array('name' => array('header' => $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_NAME'], 'table' => array('parse' => function ($value) {
         global $_ARRAYLANG;
         static $mainDomainName;
         if (empty($mainDomainName)) {
             $domainRepository = new \Cx\Core\Net\Model\Repository\DomainRepository();
             $mainDomainName = $domainRepository->getMainDomain()->getName();
         $domainName = contrexx_raw2xhtml(\Cx\Core\Net\Controller\ComponentController::convertIdnToUtf8Format($value));
         if ($domainName != contrexx_raw2xhtml($value)) {
             $domainName .= ' (' . contrexx_raw2xhtml($value) . ')';
         $mainDomainIcon = '';
         if ($value == $mainDomainName) {
             $mainDomainIcon = ' <img src="' . \Env::get('cx')->getCodeBaseCoreWebPath() . '/Core/View/Media/icons/Home.png" title="' . $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_CORE_CONFIG_MAINDOMAINID'] . '" />';
         return $domainName . $mainDomainIcon;
     }), 'formfield' => function ($fieldname, $fieldtype, $fieldlength, $fieldvalue, $fieldoptions) {
         return \Cx\Core\Net\Controller\ComponentController::convertIdnToUtf8Format($fieldvalue);
     }), 'id' => array('showOverview' => false)), 'functions' => array('add' => true, 'edit' => false, 'allowEdit' => true, 'delete' => false, 'allowDelete' => true, 'sorting' => true, 'paging' => true, 'filtering' => false, 'actions' => function ($rowData, $rowId) {
         global $_CORELANG;
         static $mainDomainName;
         if (empty($mainDomainName)) {
             $domainRepository = new \Cx\Core\Net\Model\Repository\DomainRepository();
             $mainDomainName = $domainRepository->getMainDomain()->getName();
         preg_match_all('/\\d+/', $rowId, $ids, null, 0);
         $actionIcons = '';
         $csrfParams = \Cx\Core\Csrf\Controller\Csrf::param();
         if ($mainDomainName !== $rowData['name']) {
             $actionIcons = '<a href="' . \Env::get('cx')->getWebsiteBackendPath() . '/?cmd=NetManager&amp;editid=' . $rowId . '" class="edit" title="Edit entry"></a>';
             $actionIcons .= '<a onclick=" if(confirm(\'' . $_CORELANG['TXT_CORE_RECORD_DELETE_CONFIRM'] . '\'))window.location.replace(\'' . \Env::get('cx')->getWebsiteBackendPath() . '/?cmd=NetManager&amp;deleteid=' . (empty($ids[0][1]) ? 0 : $ids[0][1]) . '&amp;vg_increment_number=' . (empty($ids[0][0]) ? 0 : $ids[0][0]) . '&amp;' . $csrfParams . '\');" href="javascript:void(0);" class="delete" title="Delete entry"></a>';
         return $actionIcons;
     $this->template->setVariable('DOMAINS_CONTENT', $view->render());
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * Return the domain name with the following schema <idn notation> (<punycode notation>)
  * Attention. Returns the punycode notation only when needed
  * @return  string Domain name of domain
 public function getNameWithPunycode()
     $domainName = \Cx\Core\Net\Controller\ComponentController::convertIdnToUtf8Format($this->name);
     if ($domainName != $this->name) {
         $domainName .= ' (' . $this->name . ')';
     return $domainName;
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * This function returns the ViewGeneration options for a given entityClass
  * @access protected
  * @global $_ARRAYLANG
  * @param $entityClassName contains the FQCN from entity
  * @return array with options
 protected function getViewGeneratorOptions($entityClassName)
     global $_ARRAYLANG;
     $classNameParts = explode('\\', $entityClassName);
     $classIdentifier = end($classNameParts);
     $langVarName = 'TXT_' . strtoupper($this->getType() . '_' . $this->getName() . '_ACT_' . $classIdentifier);
     $header = '';
     if (isset($_ARRAYLANG[$langVarName])) {
         $header = $_ARRAYLANG[$langVarName];
     switch ($entityClassName) {
         case 'Cx\\Core\\Net\\Model\\Entity\\Domain':
             return array('header' => $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_CORE_NETMANAGER'], 'entityName' => $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_CORE_NETMANAGER_ENTITY'], 'fields' => array('name' => array('header' => $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_NAME'], 'table' => array('parse' => function ($value) {
                 global $_ARRAYLANG;
                 static $mainDomainName;
                 if (empty($mainDomainName)) {
                     $domainRepository = new \Cx\Core\Net\Model\Repository\DomainRepository();
                     $mainDomainName = $domainRepository->getMainDomain()->getName();
                 $domainName = contrexx_raw2xhtml(\Cx\Core\Net\Controller\ComponentController::convertIdnToUtf8Format($value));
                 if ($domainName != contrexx_raw2xhtml($value)) {
                     $domainName .= ' (' . contrexx_raw2xhtml($value) . ')';
                 $mainDomainIcon = '';
                 if ($value == $mainDomainName) {
                     $mainDomainIcon = ' <img src="' . \Env::get('cx')->getCodeBaseCoreWebPath() . '/Core/View/Media/icons/Home.png" title="' . $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_CORE_CONFIG_MAINDOMAINID'] . '" />';
                 return $domainName . $mainDomainIcon;
             }), 'formfield' => function ($fieldname, $fieldtype, $fieldlength, $fieldvalue, $fieldoptions) {
                 return \Cx\Core\Net\Controller\ComponentController::convertIdnToUtf8Format($fieldvalue);
             }), 'id' => array('showOverview' => false)), 'functions' => array('add' => true, 'edit' => false, 'allowEdit' => true, 'delete' => false, 'allowDelete' => true, 'sorting' => true, 'paging' => true, 'filtering' => false, 'actions' => function ($rowData, $rowId) {
                 global $_CORELANG;
                 static $mainDomainName;
                 if (empty($mainDomainName)) {
                     $domainRepository = new \Cx\Core\Net\Model\Repository\DomainRepository();
                     $mainDomainName = $domainRepository->getMainDomain()->getName();
                 preg_match_all('/\\d+/', $rowId, $ids, null, 0);
                 $actionIcons = '';
                 $csrfParams = \Cx\Core\Csrf\Controller\Csrf::param();
                 if ($mainDomainName !== $rowData['name']) {
                     $actionIcons = '<a ' . 'href="' . \Env::get('cx')->getWebsiteBackendPath() . '/?cmd=NetManager&amp;editid=' . $rowId . '"' . 'class="edit" title="Edit entry">' . '</a>';
                     $actionIcons .= '<a
                                 onclick=" if(confirm(\'' . $_CORELANG['TXT_CORE_RECORD_DELETE_CONFIRM'] . '\'))' . 'window.location.replace(\'' . \Env::get('cx')->getWebsiteBackendPath() . '/?cmd=NetManager&amp;deleteid=' . (empty($ids[0][1]) ? 0 : $ids[0][1]) . '&amp;vg_increment_number=' . (empty($ids[0][0]) ? 0 : $ids[0][0]) . '&amp;' . $csrfParams . '\');" href="javascript:void(0);"' . 'class="delete"' . 'title="Delete entry">
                 return $actionIcons;
             return array('header' => $header, 'functions' => array('add' => true, 'edit' => true, 'delete' => true, 'sorting' => true, 'paging' => true, 'filtering' => false));