Ejemplo n.º 1
 public function testIsLanguageSupported()
     foreach (array_keys($this->languages) as $language) {
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public function onDispatchError(MvcEvent $e)
     if ($e->getRequest() instanceof \Zend\Console\Request || Application::ERROR_ROUTER_NO_MATCH != $e->getError()) {
     $router = $e->getRouter();
     $basePath = $router->getBaseUrl();
     $match = [];
     if (preg_match('~^' . $basePath . '/([a-z]{2})(?:/|$)~', $e->getRequest()->getRequestUri(), $match)) {
         /* It seems we have already a language in the URI
          * Now there are two possibilities:
          * 1: The Language is not supported
          *    -> set translator locale to browser locale if supported
          *       or default. Do not forget to set the appropriate route param 'lang'
          * 2: Language is supported, but the rest of the route
          *    does not match
          *    -> set translator locale to provided language
         $lang = $this->localeService->isLanguageSupported($match[1]) ? $match[1] : $this->detectLanguage($e);
         $this->setLocale($e, $lang);
     /* We have no language key in the URI
      * Let's prepend the browser language locale if supported or
      * the default to the URI.
      * If a route matches this prepended URI, we do a redirect,
      * else we set the translator locale and let the event propagate
      * to the ROUTE_NO_MATCH error renderer.
     $request = clone $e->getRequest();
     // clone the request, because maybe we
     $origUri = str_replace($basePath, '', $request->getRequestUri());
     $lang = $this->detectLanguage($e);
     $langUri = rtrim("{$basePath}/{$lang}{$origUri}", '/');
     if ($router->match($request->setUri($langUri)) instanceof RouteMatch) {
         return $this->redirect($e->getResponse(), $langUri);
     $this->setLocale($e, $lang);