get() public static method

Return a cache entry
public static get ( string $strKey ) : mixed
$strKey string The cache key
return mixed The cached data
Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Get the details of a page including inherited parameters
  * @param mixed $intId A page ID or a Model object
  * @return \PageModel The page model or null
  * @deprecated Deprecated since Contao 4.0, to be removed in Contao 5.0.
  *             Use PageModel::findWithDetails() or PageModel->loadDetails() instead.
 public static function getPageDetails($intId)
     trigger_error('Using Controller::getPageDetails() has been deprecated and will no longer work in Contao 5.0. Use PageModel::findWithDetails() or PageModel->loadDetails() instead.', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
     if ($intId instanceof \PageModel) {
         return $intId->loadDetails();
     } elseif ($intId instanceof \Model\Collection) {
         /** @var \PageModel $objPage */
         $objPage = $intId->current();
         return $objPage->loadDetails();
     } elseif (is_object($intId)) {
         $strKey = __METHOD__ . '-' . $intId->id;
         // Try to load from cache
         if (\Cache::has($strKey)) {
             return \Cache::get($strKey);
         // Create a model from the database result
         $objPage = new \PageModel();
         \Cache::set($strKey, $objPage);
         return $objPage;
     } else {
         // Invalid ID
         if (!strlen($intId) || $intId < 1) {
             return null;
         $strKey = __METHOD__ . '-' . $intId;
         // Try to load from cache
         if (\Cache::has($strKey)) {
             return \Cache::get($strKey);
         $objPage = \PageModel::findWithDetails($intId);
         \Cache::set($strKey, $objPage);
         return $objPage;
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * Return calculated price for this shipping method
  * @param IsotopeProductCollection
  * @return float
 protected function getLiveRateQuote(IsotopeProductCollection $objCollection)
     $fltPrice = 0.0;
     //get a hash for the cache
     $strHash = static::makeHash($objCollection, array($this->ups_enabledService));
     if (!Cache::has($strHash)) {
         //Build shipment
         $Shipment = $this->buildShipmentFromCollection($objCollection);
         //Get Iso Config
         $Config = Isotope::getConfig();
         //UPS Rate Object
         $UPS = new Ups_Rate($Config->UpsAccessKey, $Config->UpsUsername, $Config->UpsPassword, $Config->UpsMode == 'test' ? true : false);
         try {
             $objResponse = $UPS->getRate($Shipment);
             $fltPrice = (double) $objResponse->RatedShipment[0]->TotalCharges->MonetaryValue;
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             //@!TODO post error message
         Cache::set($strHash, $fltPrice);
     return Cache::get($strHash);
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * Return calculated price for this shipping method
  * @param IsotopeProductCollection
  * @return float
 protected function getLiveRateQuote(IsotopeProductCollection $objCollection)
     $fltPrice = 0.0;
     //get a hash for the cache
     $strService = $this->fedex_enabledService ?: 'FEDEX_GROUND';
     $strPackagingType = $this->fedex_PackingService ?: 'YOUR_PACKAGING';
     $strHash = static::makeHash($objCollection, array($strService, $strPackagingType));
     if (!Cache::has($strHash)) {
         $arrReturn = $this->buildShipment($objCollection);
         if (empty($arrReturn) || count($arrReturn) != 3) {
             Cache::set($strHash, $fltPrice);
             return Cache::get($strHash);
         list($arrOrigin, $arrDestination, $arrShipment) = $arrReturn;
         //Cache the request so we don't have to run it again as the API is slow
         $strRequestHash = md5(implode('.', $arrDestination) . $arrShipment['service'] . $arrShipment['weight'] . implode('.', $this->Shipment['productids']));
         // Construct FEDEX Object: For now, Origin is assumed to be the same for origin and shipping info
         $objFEDEXAPI = new FedExAPIRatesAndService($arrShipment, $arrOrigin, $arrOrigin, $arrDestination);
         $strRequestXML = $objFEDEXAPI->buildRequest('RatingServiceSelectionRequest');
         // What the...?
         if ($_SESSION['CHECKOUT_DATA']['FEDEX'][$strRequestHash]) {
             $arrResponse = $_SESSION['CHECKOUT_DATA']['FEDEX'][$strRequestHash];
         } else {
             $arrResponse = $objFEDEXAPI->sendRequest($strRequestXML);
             $_SESSION['CHECKOUT_DATA']['FEDEX'][$strRequestHash] = $arrResponse;
         if ($arrResponse['RateReply']['Notifications']['Severity'] == 'SUCCESS') {
             $fltPrice = floatval($arrResponse['RateReply']['RateReplyDetails']['RatedShipmentDetails'][0]['ShipmentRateDetail']['TotalNetCharge']['Amount']);
         } else {
             $strLogMessage = sprintf('Error in shipping digest: %s - %s', $arrResponse['RatingServiceSelectionResponse']["Response"]["ResponseStatusDescription"], $arrResponse['RatingServiceSelectionResponse']["Response"]["Error"]["ErrorDescription"]);
             $strMessage = sprintf('%s - %s', $arrResponse['RatingServiceSelectionResponse']["Response"]["ResponseStatusDescription"], $arrResponse['RatingServiceSelectionResponse']["Response"]["Error"]["ErrorDescription"]);
             log_message($strLogMessage, 'error.log');
             //$_SESSION['ISO_ERROR'][] = $strMessage;
             //\System::log($strLogMessage, __METHOD__, TL_ERROR);
         Cache::set($strHash, $fltPrice);
     return Cache::get($strHash);
Ejemplo n.º 4
  * {{fmField::fm_tablename::8::title}}
  * @param $arrSplit
  * @return string
 private function generateField($arrSplit)
     if ($arrSplit[1] && $arrSplit[2] && $arrSplit[3]) {
         $tablename = $arrSplit[1];
         $tableData = $tablename . '_data';
         $id = $arrSplit[2];
         $field = $arrSplit[3];
         $cacheID = md5($arrSplit[1] . $arrSplit[2]);
         // check if table exist
         if (!$this->Database->tableExists($tableData)) {
             return 'table does not exist';
         // get field from cache
         $cachedItem = Cache::get($cacheID);
         if ($cachedItem) {
             return $this->getField($cachedItem, $field);
         // get data
         $qProtectedStr = 'AND published = "1"';
         //  check for preview mode
         if (HelperModel::previewMode()) {
             $qProtectedStr = '';
         // q
         $itemDB = $this->Database->prepare('SELECT * FROM ' . $tableData . ' WHERE id = ? OR alias = ?' . $qProtectedStr . ' LIMIT 1')->execute((int) $id, $id);
         if (!$itemDB->count()) {
             return 'no item found';
         $item = $this->parseItem($itemDB, $tablename);
         // find and set map
         $moduleDB = $this->Database->prepare('SELECT AS moduleID, tl_fmodules.*, tl_fmodules_filters.*  FROM tl_fmodules LEFT JOIN tl_fmodules_filters ON = WHERE tablename = ? ORDER BY tl_fmodules_filters.sorting')->execute($tablename);
         $maps = array();
         $widgets = array();
         // while
         while ($moduleDB->next()) {
             $moduleInputFields = $moduleDB->row();
             // get map
             if ($moduleInputFields['type'] == 'map_field') {
                 $maps[] = $this->findMapAndSet($moduleInputFields);
             if ($moduleInputFields['type'] == 'widget') {
                 $widgets[] = $this->findWidgetAndSet($moduleInputFields);
             // has options
             if ($moduleInputFields['type'] == 'simple_choice' || $moduleInputFields['type'] == 'multi_choice') {
                 $dcaHelper = new DCAHelper();
                 // später durch statische methode austauschen!
                 $arrCleanOptions[$moduleInputFields['fieldID']] = $dcaHelper->getOptions($moduleInputFields, $tablename, $item['pid']);
         // parse map
         if (!empty($maps)) {
             foreach ($maps as $map) {
                 $objMapTemplate = new FrontendTemplate($map['template']);
                 $item['mapSettings'] = $map;
                 $item[$map['fieldID']] = $objMapTemplate->parse();
         // field
         if (!empty($widgets)) {
             $arrayAsValue = array('list.blank', 'list.keyValue', 'table.blank');
             foreach ($widgets as $widget) {
                 $id = $widget['fieldID'];
                 $tplName = $widget['widgetTemplate'];
                 $type = $widget['widgetType'];
                 $value = $item[$id];
                 if (in_array($type, $arrayAsValue)) {
                     $value = deserialize($value);
                 // replace insertTags in array
                 if (is_array($value)) {
                     $value = HelperModel::replaceInsertTagsInArray($value);
                 // replace insertTags in string
                 if (is_string($value)) {
                     $value = $this->replaceInsertTags($value);
                 $objFieldTemplate = new FrontendTemplate($tplName);
                 $objFieldTemplate->setData(array('value' => $value, 'type' => $type, 'item' => $item));
                 $item[$id . 'AsTemplate'] = $objFieldTemplate->parse();
         // set clean options
         if (!empty($arrCleanOptions)) {
             // overwrite clean options
             foreach ($arrCleanOptions as $fieldID => $options) {
                 if ($item[$fieldID] && is_string($item[$fieldID])) {
                     $arrValues = explode(',', $item[$fieldID]);
                     $tempValue = array();
                     if (is_array($arrValues)) {
                         foreach ($arrValues as $val) {
                             $tempValue[] = $options[$val];
                     $item[$fieldID . 'ShowLabels'] = implode(', ', $tempValue);
         Cache::set($cacheID, $item);
         return $this->getField($item, $field);
     return 'no valid arguments';