Ejemplo n.º 1
// An objet
$myMessiaenCandidate = new Candidate('Olivier Messiaen');
$election1->addCandidate(new Candidate('Ligeti'));
$election1->addCandidate(new Candidate('Koechlin'));
# -B- Change your mind ?
// Lutoslawski change his name
$myLutoCandidate->setName('Wiltod Lutoslawski');
# Done !
# What was his old names?
// return the full history with timestamp of this Candidate naming
# -C- Check your candidate list, if you forget it
// Return an array pupulate by each Candidate objet
// Return an array pupulate by each Candidate name as String.
// OK, I need my Debussy (want his candidate object)
$myDebussyCandidate = $election1->getCandidateObjectByName('Debussy');
// IV - Votes
# -A- Add Votes
$myVote1 = $election1->addVote(array(1 => 'Debussy', 2 => ['Caplet', 'Olivier Messiaen'], 3 => 'Ligeti', 4 => ['Wiltod Lutoslawski', 'Koechlin']));
// Return the new Vote object
$myVote2 = new Vote(array(1 => 'Debussy', 2 => 'Caplet', 3 => 'Olivier Messiaen', 4 => 'Koechlin', 5 => 'Wiltod Lutoslawski', 6 => 'Ligeti'));
$myVote3 = $election1->addVote('Debussy > Olivier Messiaen = Ligeti > Caplet');
// Last rank rank will be automatically deducted. A vote can not be expressed on a limited number of candidates. Non-expressed candidates are presumed to last Exaequo
// Off course, you can vote by candidate object. Which is recommended. Or mix the two methods.
$myVote4 = $election1->addVote(array($election1->getCandidateObjectByName('Ligeti'), $myLutoCandidate, [$myMessiaenCandidate, 'Koechlin']));
Ejemplo n.º 2
		Number of Candidates : 
echo $election->countCandidates();
		Number of votes :
echo $election->countVotes();

	<h2>Candidates list :</h2>

foreach ($election->getCandidatesList() as $candidatName) {
    echo '<li>' . $candidatName . '</li>';

	<h2>Registered votes details :</h2>
foreach ($election->getVotesList() as $vote) {
    echo '<div class="votant">';
    echo '<strong style="color:green;">' . implode(' / ', $vote->getTags()) . '</strong><br>';
    echo "<ol>";
    foreach ($vote as $rank => $value) {
        if ($rank == 'tag') {
$myElection = new Election();
$myElection->addCandidate(new Candidate('A'));
$myElection->addCandidate(new Candidate('B'));
$myElection->addCandidate(new Candidate('C'));
$myElection->addCandidate(new Candidate('D'));
$myElection->addCandidate(new Candidate('E'));
$myElection->addCandidate(new Candidate('F'));
// II - Setup external drivers
/* We will use PDO SQLITE, but can be MySQL or else */
unlink(__DIR__ . '/bdd.sqlite');
$pdo_object = new \PDO('sqlite:' . __DIR__ . '/bdd.sqlite');
$database_map = ['tableName' => 'Entitys', 'primaryColumnName' => 'id', 'dataColumnName' => 'data'];
$driver = new PdoHandlerDriver($pdo_object, true, $database_map);
// true = Try to create table
// III - Add hundred of thousands votes
set_time_limit(60 * 5);
$howMany = 100000;
$voteModel = $myElection->getCandidatesList();
for ($i = 0; $i < $howMany; $i++) {
// IV - Get somes results
print 'Success!  
Process in: ' . round(microtime(true) - $start_time, 2) . "s\n";
echo ' Peak of memory allocated : ' . round(memory_get_peak_usage() / pow(1024, $i = floor(log(memory_get_peak_usage(), 1024))), 2) . ' ' . ['b', 'kb', 'mb', 'gb', 'tb', 'pb'][$i] . '<br>';
// Close external driver and and retrieve data into classical internal RAM memory.
/* $myElection->closeHandler(); */