Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Removes any existing pages, files, stacks, block and page types and installs content from the package.
  * @param $options
 public function swapContent(Package $package, $options)
     if ($this->validateClearSiteContents($options)) {
         $pl = new PageList();
         $pages = $pl->getResults();
         foreach ($pages as $c) {
         $fl = new FileList();
         $files = $fl->getResults();
         foreach ($files as $f) {
         // clear stacks
         $sl = new StackList();
         foreach ($sl->get() as $c) {
         $home = \Page::getByID(HOME_CID);
         $blocks = $home->getBlocks();
         foreach ($blocks as $b) {
         $pageTypes = Type::getList();
         foreach ($pageTypes as $ct) {
         // Set the page type of the home page to 0, because
         // if it has a type the type will be gone since we just
         // deleted it
         $home = Page::getByID(HOME_CID);
         // now we add in any files that this package has
         if (is_dir($package->getPackagePath() . '/content_files')) {
             $ch = new ContentImporter();
             $computeThumbnails = true;
             if ($package->contentProvidesFileThumbnails()) {
                 $computeThumbnails = false;
             $ch->importFiles($package->getPackagePath() . '/content_files', $computeThumbnails);
         // now we parse the content.xml if it exists.
         $ci = new ContentImporter();
         $ci->importContentFile($package->getPackagePath() . '/content.xml');
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public function swapContent($options)
     if ($this->validateClearSiteContents($options)) {
         $pl = new PageList();
         $pages = $pl->getResults();
         foreach ($pages as $c) {
         $fl = new FileList();
         $files = $fl->getResults();
         foreach ($files as $f) {
         // clear stacks
         $sl = new StackList();
         foreach ($sl->get() as $c) {
         $home = Page::getByID(HOME_CID);
         $blocks = $home->getBlocks();
         foreach ($blocks as $b) {
         $pageTypes = PageType::getList();
         foreach ($pageTypes as $ct) {
         $path = $this->getPackagePath();
         // Import Files
         if (is_dir($path . '/files')) {
             $ch = new ContentImporter();
             $computeThumbnails = true;
             if ($this->contentProvidesFileThumbnails()) {
                 $computeThumbnails = false;
             $ch->importFiles($path . '/files', $computeThumbnails);
         // Install the starting point.
         if (is_file($path . '/content.xml')) {
             $ci = new ContentImporter();
             $ci->importContentFile($path . '/content.xml');
         // Restore Cache
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public function getImportData($blockNode, $page)
     $args = array();
     $formLayoutSetControlID = ContentImporter::getPageTypeComposerFormLayoutSetControlFromTemporaryID((string) $blockNode->control['output-control-id']);
     $formLayoutSetControl = PageTypeComposerFormLayoutSetControl::getByID($formLayoutSetControlID);
     $pt = PageTemplate::getByID($page->getPageTemplateID());
     $outputControl = PageTypeComposerOutputControl::getByPageTypeComposerFormLayoutSetControl($pt, $formLayoutSetControl);
     $args['ptComposerOutputControlID'] = $outputControl->getPageTypeComposerOutputControlID();
     return $args;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public function importValue(\SimpleXMLElement $akv)
     if (isset($akv->value->fID)) {
         $fIDVal = (string) $akv->value->fID;
         $fID = ContentImporter::getValue($fIDVal);
         if ($fID) {
             return File::getByID($fID);
 public function importPageAreas(Page $page, \SimpleXMLElement $px)
     foreach ($px->area as $ax) {
         if (isset($ax->blocks)) {
             foreach ($ax->blocks->block as $bx) {
                 if ($bx['type'] != '') {
                     // we check this because you might just get a block node with only an mc-block-id, if it's an alias
                     $bt = BlockType::getByHandle((string) $bx['type']);
                     if (!is_object($bt)) {
                         throw new \Exception(t('Invalid block type handle: %s', strval($bx['type'])));
                     $btc = $bt->getController();
                     $btc->import($page, (string) $ax['name'], $bx);
                 } else {
                     if ($bx['mc-block-id'] != '') {
                         // we find that block in the master collection block pool and alias it out
                         $bID = array_search((string) $bx['mc-block-id'], ContentImporter::getMasterCollectionTemporaryBlockIDs());
                         if ($bID) {
                             $mc = Page::getByID($page->getMasterCollectionID(), 'RECENT');
                             $block = Block::getByID($bID, $mc, (string) $ax['name']);
                             if ($block->getBlockTypeHandle() == BLOCK_HANDLE_LAYOUT_PROXY) {
                                 // we have to go get the blocks on that page in this layout.
                                 $btc = $block->getController();
                                 $arLayout = $btc->getAreaLayoutObject();
                                 $columns = $arLayout->getAreaLayoutColumns();
                                 foreach ($columns as $column) {
                                     $area = $column->getAreaObject();
                                     $blocks = $area->getAreaBlocksArray($mc);
                                     foreach ($blocks as $_b) {
         if (isset($ax->style)) {
             $area = \Area::get($page, (string) $ax['name']);
             $set = StyleSet::import($ax->style);
             $page->setCustomStyleSet($area, $set);
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public function install_permissions()
     $ci = new ContentImporter();
     $ci->importContentFile(DIR_BASE_CORE . '/config/install/base/permissions.xml');
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public static function import(\SimpleXMLElement $node)
     $o = new self();
     $o->setBackgroundColor((string) $node->backgroundColor);
     $filename = (string) $node['backgroundImage'];
     if ($filename) {
         $fID = ContentImporter::getValue($filename);
         if ($fID) {
     $o->setBackgroundRepeat((string) $node->backgroundRepeat);
     $o->setBorderWidth((string) $node->borderWidth);
     $o->setBorderColor((string) $node->borderColor);
     $o->setBorderStyle((string) $node->borderStyle);
     $o->setBorderRadius((string) $node->borderRadius);
     $o->setBaseFontSize((string) $node->baseFontSize);
     $o->setAlignment((string) $node->alignment);
     $o->setTextColor((string) $node->textColor);
     $o->setLinkColor((string) $node->linkColor);
     $o->setPaddingTop((string) $node->paddingTop);
     $o->setPaddingBottom((string) $node->paddingBottom);
     $o->setPaddingLeft((string) $node->paddingLeft);
     $o->setPaddingRight((string) $node->paddingRight);
     $o->setMarginTop((string) $node->marginTop);
     $o->setMarginBottom((string) $node->marginBottom);
     $o->setMarginLeft((string) $node->marginLeft);
     $o->setMarginRight((string) $node->marginRight);
     $o->setRotate((string) $node->rotate);
     $o->setBoxShadowHorizontal((string) $node->boxShadowHorizontal);
     $o->setBoxShadowVertical((string) $node->boxShadowVertical);
     $o->setBoxShadowSpread((string) $node->boxShadowSpread);
     $o->setBoxShadowBlur((string) $node->boxShadowBlur);
     $o->setBoxShadowColor((string) $node->boxShadowColor);
     $o->setCustomClass((string) $node->customClass);
     return $o;
 protected function addPermissions()
     $this->output(t('Adding permissions...'));
     CacheLocal::delete('permission_keys', false);
     $ci = new ContentImporter();
     $ci->importContentFile(DIR_BASE_CORE . '/config/install/base/permissions.xml');
     CacheLocal::delete('permission_keys', false);
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public static function importContent($node)
     $db = Loader::db();
     $ptHandle = (string) $node['handle'];
     $ptID = $db->GetOne('select ptID from PageTypes where ptHandle = ?', array($ptHandle));
     if ($ptID) {
         $pt = static::getByID($ptID);
         if (isset($node->composer->output->pagetemplate)) {
             $ci = new ContentImporter();
             foreach ($node->composer->output->pagetemplate as $pagetemplate) {
                 $ptt = PageTemplate::getByHandle((string) $pagetemplate['handle']);
                 if (is_object($ptt)) {
                     // let's get the defaults page for this
                     $xc = $pt->getPageTypePageTemplateDefaultPageObject($ptt);
                     // now that we have the defaults page, let's import this content into it.
                     if (isset($pagetemplate->page)) {
                         $ci->importPageAreas($xc, $pagetemplate->page);
Ejemplo n.º 10
 protected function installXmlContent()
     $pkg = Package::getByHandle($this->pkgHandle);
     $ci = new ContentImporter();
     $ci->importContentFile($pkg->getPackagePath() . '/install.xml');
Ejemplo n.º 11
 public function install()
     $pkg = parent::install();
     $ci = new ContentImporter();
     $ci->importContentFile($pkg->getPackagePath() . '/config/dashboard.xml');
Ejemplo n.º 12
 public function installContentFile($file)
     $ci = new ContentImporter();
     $ci->importContentFile($this->getPackagePath() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file);
Ejemplo n.º 13
 public function import($page, $arHandle, \SimpleXMLElement $blockNode)
     $db = Database::connection();
     // handle the adodb stuff
     $args = $this->getImportData($blockNode, $page);
     $blockData = array();
     $bt = \Concrete\Core\Block\BlockType\BlockType::getByHandle($this->btHandle);
     $b = $page->addBlock($bt, $arHandle, $args);
     $bName = (string) $blockNode['name'];
     $bFilename = (string) $blockNode['custom-template'];
     if ($bName) {
         $blockData['bName'] = $bName;
     if ($bFilename) {
         $blockData['bFilename'] = $bFilename;
     if (count($blockData)) {
     if ($page->isMasterCollection() && $blockNode['mc-block-id'] != '') {
         ContentImporter::addMasterCollectionBlockID($b, (string) $blockNode['mc-block-id']);
     // now we insert stuff that isn't part of the btTable
     // we have to do this this way because we need a bID
     $this->importAdditionalData($b, $blockNode);
     // now we handle the styles
     if (isset($blockNode->style)) {
         $set = StyleSet::import($blockNode->style);
     // now we handle block caching
     $cache = (int) $blockNode['cache-output'];
     if ($cache) {
         $b->setCustomCacheSettings(true, $blockNode['cache-output-on-post'], $blockNode['cache-output-for-registered-users'], $blockNode['cache-output-lifetime']);
Ejemplo n.º 14
 public function swapContent($options)
     // Custom method to allow us to offer multiple starting points
     if ($this->validateClearSiteContents($options)) {
         $pl = new PageList();
         $pages = $pl->getResults();
         foreach ($pages as $c) {
         $fl = new FileList();
         $files = $fl->getResults();
         foreach ($files as $f) {
         // clear stacks
         $sl = new StackList();
         foreach ($sl->get() as $c) {
         $home = Page::getByID(HOME_CID);
         $blocks = $home->getBlocks();
         foreach ($blocks as $b) {
         $pageTypes = PageType::getList();
         foreach ($pageTypes as $ct) {
         // Overidden functionality to let us install selected starting point.... now we add in any files that this package has
         if (is_dir($this->getPackagePath() . '/starting_points/' . $this->startingPoint . '/content_files')) {
             $fh = new FileImporter();
             $contents = Core::make('helper/file')->getDirectoryContents($this->getPackagePath() . '/starting_points/' . $this->startingPoint . '/content_files');
             foreach ($contents as $filename) {
                 $f = $fh->import($this->getPackagePath() . '/starting_points/' . $this->startingPoint . '/content_files/' . $filename, $filename);
         // Install selected starting point.
         $ci = new ContentImporter();
         $ci->importContentFile($this->getPackagePath() . '/starting_points/' . $this->startingPoint . '/content.xml');
         // Set the default preset
         $pt = PageTheme::getByHandle($this->pkgHandle);
         if (is_object($pt) && $pt->isThemeCustomizable()) {
             $presets = $pt->getThemeCustomizableStylePresets();
             foreach ($presets as $preset) {
                 if ($preset->getPresetHandle() == $this->startingPoint) {
                     $styles = $pt->getThemeCustomizableStyleList();
                     $lessFile = $this->getPackagePath() . '/themes/' . $this->pkgHandle . '/css/presets/' . $this->startingPoint . '.less';
                     $vl = \Concrete\Core\StyleCustomizer\Style\ValueList::loadFromLessFile($lessFile);
                     $pt->setCustomStyleObject($vl, $preset, false);
Ejemplo n.º 15
 public static function importContent($node)
     $db = Loader::db();
     $ptHandle = (string) $node['handle'];
     $ptID = $db->GetOne('select ptID from PageTypes where ptHandle = ?', array($ptHandle));
     if ($ptID) {
         $pt = static::getByID($ptID);
         $defaultTemplate = $pt->getPageTypeDefaultPageTemplateObject();
         if (isset($node->composer->output->pagetemplate)) {
             $ci = new ContentImporter();
             foreach ($node->composer->output->pagetemplate as $pagetemplate) {
                 $handle = (string) $pagetemplate['handle'];
                 $ptt = PageTemplate::getByHandle($handle);
                 if (is_object($ptt)) {
                     // let's get the defaults page for this
                     $xc = $pt->getPageTypePageTemplateDefaultPageObject($ptt);
                     // if the $handle matches the default page template for this page type, then we ALSO check in here
                     // and see if there are any attributes
                     if (is_object($defaultTemplate) && $defaultTemplate->getPageTemplateHandle() == $handle) {
                         if (isset($pagetemplate->page->attributes)) {
                             foreach ($pagetemplate->page->attributes->children() as $attr) {
                                 $ak = CollectionKey::getByHandle((string) $attr['handle']);
                                 if (is_object($ak)) {
                                     $xc->setAttribute((string) $attr['handle'], $ak->getController()->importValue($attr));
                     // now that we have the defaults page, let's import this content into it.
                     if (isset($pagetemplate->page)) {
                         $ci->importPageAreas($xc, $pagetemplate->page);
Ejemplo n.º 16
 protected function importAdditionalData($b, $blockNode)
     if (isset($blockNode->data)) {
         foreach ($blockNode->data as $data) {
             if (strtoupper($data['table']) != strtoupper($this->getBlockTypeDatabaseTable())) {
                 $table = (string) $data['table'];
                 if (isset($data->record)) {
                     foreach ($data->record as $record) {
                         $aar = new \Concrete\Core\Legacy\BlockRecord($table);
                         $aar->bID = $b->getBlockID();
                         foreach ($record->children() as $node) {
                             $nodeName = $node->getName();
                             $aar->{$nodeName} = ContentImporter::getValue((string) $node);
Ejemplo n.º 17
 public static function import($node)
     $types = array();
     if ((string) $node->pagetemplates['type'] == 'custom' || (string) $node->pagetemplates['type'] == 'except') {
         if ((string) $node->pagetemplates['type'] == 'custom') {
             $ptAllowedPageTemplates = 'C';
         } else {
             $ptAllowedPageTemplates = 'X';
         foreach ($node->pagetemplates->pagetemplate as $pagetemplate) {
             $types[] = PageTemplate::getByHandle((string) $pagetemplate['handle']);
     } else {
         $ptAllowedPageTemplates = 'A';
     $ptName = (string) $node['name'];
     $ptHandle = (string) $node['handle'];
     $db = Loader::db();
     $defaultPageTemplate = PageTemplate::getByHandle((string) $node->pagetemplates['default']);
     $ptID = $db->GetOne('select ptID from PageTypes where ptHandle = ?', array($ptHandle));
     $data = array('handle' => $ptHandle, 'name' => $ptName);
     $siteType = (string) $node['site-type'];
     if ($siteType) {
         $data['siteType'] = \Core::make('site/type')->getByHandle($siteType);
     if ($defaultPageTemplate) {
         $data['defaultTemplate'] = $defaultPageTemplate;
     if ($ptAllowedPageTemplates) {
         $data['allowedTemplates'] = $ptAllowedPageTemplates;
     if ($node['internal']) {
         $data['internal'] = true;
     $data['ptLaunchInComposer'] = 0;
     if ($node['launch-in-composer'] == '1') {
         $data['ptLaunchInComposer'] = 1;
     $data['ptIsFrequentlyAdded'] = 0;
     if ($node['is-frequently-added'] == '1') {
         $data['ptIsFrequentlyAdded'] = 1;
     $data['templates'] = $types;
     $pkg = false;
     if ($node['package']) {
         $pkg = Package::getByHandle((string) $node['package']);
     if ($ptID) {
         $cm = static::getByID($ptID);
     } else {
         $cm = static::add($data, $pkg);
     $node = $node->composer;
     if (isset($node->formlayout->set)) {
         foreach ($node->formlayout->set as $setnode) {
             $set = $cm->addPageTypeComposerFormLayoutSet((string) $setnode['name'], (string) $setnode['description']);
             if (isset($setnode->control)) {
                 foreach ($setnode->control as $controlnode) {
                     $controltype = PageTypeComposerControlType::getByHandle((string) $controlnode['type']);
                     $control = $controltype->configureFromImportHandle((string) $controlnode['handle']);
                     $setcontrol = $control->addToPageTypeComposerFormLayoutSet($set, true);
                     $required = (string) $controlnode['required'];
                     $customTemplate = (string) $controlnode['custom-template'];
                     $label = (string) $controlnode['custom-label'];
                     $description = (string) $controlnode['description'];
                     $outputControlID = (string) $controlnode['output-control-id'];
                     if ($required == '1') {
                     } else {
                     if ($customTemplate) {
                     if ($label) {
                     if ($description) {
                     if ($outputControlID) {
                         ContentImporter::addPageTypeComposerOutputControlID($setcontrol, $outputControlID);