Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Display a form for adding/editing a record
  * @return	void
 public function editTask()
     $this->view->lists = array();
     // Get resolutions
     $sr = new Resolution($this->database);
     $this->view->lists['resolutions'] = $sr->getResolutions();
     $this->view->lists['severities'] = Utilities::getSeverities($this->config->get('severities'));
     $id = Request::getInt('id', 0);
     $this->view->row = new Query($this->database);
     if (!$this->view->row->sort) {
         $this->view->row->sort = 'created';
     if (!$this->view->row->sort_dir) {
         $this->view->row->sort_dir = 'desc';
     include_once dirname(dirname(__DIR__)) . DS . 'models' . DS . 'conditions.php';
     $con = new Conditions();
     $this->view->conditions = $con->getConditions();
     // Set any errors
     foreach ($this->getErrors() as $error) {
     // Output the HTML
Ejemplo n.º 2
echo Html::input('calendar', 'target_date', $this->row->get('target_date') != '0000-00-00 00:00:00' ? $this->escape(Date::of($this->row->get('target_date'))->toLocal('Y-m-d H:i:s')) : '', array('id' => 'field-target_date'));

					<div class="grid">
						<div class="col span6">
							<div class="input-wrap">
								<label for="ticket-field-severity">
									<select name="severity" id="ticket-field-severity">
foreach (\Components\Support\Helpers\Utilities::getSeverities() as $severity) {
											<option value="<?php 
    echo $severity;
    if ($severity == $this->row->get('severity')) {
        echo ' selected="selected"';
    echo Lang::txt('COM_SUPPORT_TICKET_SEVERITY_' . strtoupper($severity));
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * Send emails reminding people of their open tickets
  * @param   object   $job  \Components\Cron\Models\Job
  * @return  boolean
 public function sendTicketList(\Components\Cron\Models\Job $job)
     $params = $job->get('params');
     $database = App::get('db');
     $sconfig = Component::params('com_support');
     Lang::load('com_support') || Lang::load('com_support', PATH_CORE . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_support' . DS . 'site');
     $sql = "SELECT t.*, o.`name` AS owner_name FROM `#__support_tickets` AS t LEFT JOIN `#__users` AS o ON o.`id`=t.`owner`";
     $where = array();
     $where[] = "t.`type`=0";
     if (is_object($params)) {
         if ($val = $params->get('support_ticketlist_open', 1)) {
             $where[] = "t.`open`=" . $val;
         $statuses = array();
         if (is_numeric($params->get('support_ticketlist_status1'))) {
             $statuses[] = $params->get('support_ticketlist_status1');
         if (is_numeric($params->get('support_ticketlist_status2'))) {
             $statuses[] = $params->get('support_ticketlist_status2');
         if (is_numeric($params->get('support_ticketlist_status3'))) {
             $statuses[] = $params->get('support_ticketlist_status3');
         if (count($statuses)) {
             $where[] = "t.`status` IN (" . implode(',', $statuses) . ")";
         if ($group = $params->get('support_ticketlist_group')) {
             $where[] = "t.`group`=" . $database->quote($group);
         if ($owners = $params->get('support_ticketlist_owners')) {
             $usernames = explode(',', $owners);
             $usernames = array_map('trim', $usernames);
             foreach ($usernames as $k => $username) {
                 $user = User::getInstance($username);
                 $usernames[$k] = $database->quote($user->get('id'));
             $where[] = "t.`owner` IN (" . implode(", ", $usernames) . ")";
         if ($severity = $params->get('support_ticketlist_severity')) {
             if ($severity != 'all') {
                 $severities = explode(',', $severity);
                 $severities = array_map('trim', $severities);
                 foreach ($severities as $k => $severity) {
                     $severities[$k] = $database->quote($severity);
                 $where[] = "t.`severity` IN (" . implode(", ", $severities) . ")";
         if ($owned = intval($params->get('support_ticketlist_owned', 0))) {
             if ($owned == 1) {
                 $where[] = "(t.`owner` IS NULL OR t.`owner`='0')";
             } else {
                 if ($owned == 2) {
                     $where[] = "(t.`owner` IS NOT NULL AND t.`owner` !='0')";
         if ($submitters = $params->get('support_ticketlist_submitters')) {
             $usernames = explode(',', $submitters);
             $usernames = array_map('trim', $usernames);
             foreach ($usernames as $k => $username) {
                 $usernames[$k] = $database->quote($username);
             $where[] = "t.`login` IN (" . implode(", ", $usernames) . ")";
         if ($tags = $params->get('support_ticketlist_excludeTags')) {
             $tags = explode(',', $tags);
             $tags = array_map('trim', $tags);
             foreach ($tags as $k => $tag) {
                 $tags[$k] = $database->quote($tag);
             $where[] = "t.`id` NOT IN (\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tSELECT jto.`objectid` FROM `#__tags_object` AS jto\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tJOIN `#__tags` AS jt ON jto.`tagid`=jt.`id`\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE jto.`tbl`='support'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND (\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tjt.`tag` IN (" . implode(", ", $tags) . ") OR jt.`raw_tag` IN (" . implode(", ", $tags) . ")\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t)";
         if ($tags = $params->get('support_ticketlist_includeTags')) {
             $tags = explode(',', $tags);
             $tags = array_map('trim', $tags);
             foreach ($tags as $k => $tag) {
                 $tags[$k] = $database->quote($tag);
             $where[] = "t.`id` IN (\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tSELECT jto.`objectid` FROM `#__tags_object` AS jto\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tJOIN `#__tags` AS jt ON jto.`tagid`=jt.`id`\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE jto.`tbl`='support'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND (\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tjt.`tag` IN (" . implode(", ", $tags) . ") OR jt.`raw_tag` IN (" . implode(", ", $tags) . ")\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t)";
         if ($created = $params->get('support_ticketlist_created', '+week')) {
             $op = '';
             switch ($created) {
                 // Created before (older than)
                 case '-day':
                     $op = '<=';
                     $timestamp = Date::modify('-1 day');
                 case '-week':
                     $op = '<=';
                     $timestamp = Date::modify('-1 week');
                 case '-2week':
                     $op = '<=';
                     $timestamp = Date::modify('-2 week');
                 case '-3week':
                     $op = '<=';
                     $timestamp = Date::modify('-3 week');
                 case '-month':
                     $op = '<=';
                     $timestamp = Date::modify('-1 month');
                 case '-6month':
                     $op = '<=';
                     $timestamp = Date::modify('-6 month');
                 case '-year':
                     $op = '<=';
                     $timestamp = Date::modify('-1 year');
                     // Created since (newer than)
                 // Created since (newer than)
                 case '+day':
                     $op = '>=';
                     $timestamp = Date::modify('-1 day');
                 case '+week':
                     $op = '>=';
                     $timestamp = Date::modify('-1 week');
                 case '+2week':
                     $op = '>=';
                     $timestamp = Date::modify('-2 week');
                 case '+3week':
                     $op = '>=';
                     $timestamp = Date::modify('-3 week');
                 case '+month':
                     $op = '>=';
                     $timestamp = Date::modify('-1 month');
                 case '+6month':
                     $op = '>=';
                     $timestamp = Date::modify('-6 month');
                 case '+year':
                     $op = '>=';
                     $timestamp = Date::modify('-1 year');
             if ($op) {
                 $where[] = "t.`created`" . $op . $database->quote($timestamp->toSql());
         if ($created = $params->get('support_ticketlist_activity', '--')) {
             $op = '';
             switch ($created) {
                 // Created before (older than)
                 case '-day':
                     $op = '<=';
                     $timestamp = Date::modify('-1 day');
                 case '-week':
                     $op = '<=';
                     $timestamp = Date::modify('-1 week');
                 case '-2week':
                     $op = '<=';
                     $timestamp = Date::modify('-2 week');
                 case '-3week':
                     $op = '<=';
                     $timestamp = Date::modify('-3 week');
                 case '-month':
                     $op = '<=';
                     $timestamp = Date::modify('-1 month');
                 case '-6month':
                     $op = '<=';
                     $timestamp = Date::modify('-6 month');
                 case '-year':
                     $op = '<=';
                     $timestamp = Date::modify('-1 year');
                 case 'all':
                 case '--':
                     $op = '';
             if ($op) {
                 $where[] = "(SELECT MAX(c.`created`) FROM `#__support_comments` AS c WHERE c.`ticket`=t.`id`) " . $op . $database->quote($timestamp->toSql());
     } else {
         $where[] = "t.`open`=1";
     if (count($where) > 0) {
         $sql .= " WHERE " . implode(" AND ", $where);
     $sql .= " ORDER BY t.`created` ASC LIMIT 0, 500";
     if (!($results = $database->loadObjectList())) {
         return true;
     include_once PATH_CORE . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_support' . DS . 'models' . DS . 'ticket.php';
     if ($params->get('support_ticketlist_severity', 'all') != 'all') {
         $severities = explode(',', $params->get('support_ticketlist_severity', 'all'));
     } else {
         include_once PATH_CORE . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_support' . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'utilities.php';
         $severities = \Components\Support\Helpers\Utilities::getSeverities($sconfig->get('severities'));
     $from = array();
     $from['name'] = Config::get('sitename') . ' ' . Lang::txt('COM_SUPPORT');
     $from['email'] = Config::get('mailfrom');
     $from['multipart'] = md5(date('U'));
     // Set mail additional args (mail return path - used for bounces)
     if ($host = Request::getVar('HTTP_HOST', '', 'server')) {
         $args = '-f hubmail-bounces@' . $host;
     $subject = Lang::txt('COM_SUPPORT') . ': ' . Lang::txt('COM_SUPPORT_TICKETS');
     $usernames = array();
     if ($users = $params->get('support_ticketlist_notify')) {
         $usernames = explode(',', $users);
         $usernames = array_map('trim', $usernames);
     $mailed = array();
     foreach ($usernames as $owner) {
         if ($owner == '{config.mailfrom}') {
             $name = Config::get('mailfrom');
             $email = Config::get('mailfrom');
         } else {
             if (strstr($owner, '@')) {
                 $name = $owner;
                 $email = $owner;
             } else {
                 // Get the user's account
                 $user = User::getInstance($owner);
                 if (!is_object($user) || !$user->get('id')) {
                 $name = $user->get('name');
                 $email = $user->get('email');
         // Try to ensure no duplicates
         if (in_array($email, $mailed)) {
         $eview = new \Hubzero\Mail\View(array('base_path' => PATH_CORE . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_support' . DS . 'site', 'name' => 'emails', 'layout' => 'ticketlist_plain'));
         $eview->option = 'com_support';
         $eview->controller = 'tickets';
         $eview->delimiter = '~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!';
         $eview->boundary = $from['multipart'];
         $eview->tickets = $results;
         $eview->config = $sconfig;
         $plain = $eview->loadTemplate(false);
         $plain = str_replace("\n", "\r\n", $plain);
         // HTML
         $html = $eview->loadTemplate();
         $html = str_replace("\n", "\r\n", $html);
         // Build message
         $message = new \Hubzero\Mail\Message();
         $message->setSubject($subject)->addFrom($from['email'], $from['name'])->addTo($email, $name)->addHeader('X-Component', 'com_support')->addHeader('X-Component-Object', 'support_ticket_list');
         $message->addPart($plain, 'text/plain');
         $message->addPart($html, 'text/html');
         // Send mail
         if (!$message->send()) {
             //$this->setError(Lang::txt('Failed to mail %s', $fullEmailAddress));
             Log::error('CRON email failed: ' . Lang::txt('Failed to mail %s', $email));
         $mailed[] = $email;
     return true;
Ejemplo n.º 4
								<th scope="col"><?php 
								<th scope="col"><?php 
$colors = array('#7c7c7c', '#515151', '#404040', '#3d3d3d', '#797979', '#595959', '#e5e5e5', '#828282', '#404040', '#6a6a6a', '#bcbcbc', '#515151', '#d9d9d9', '#3d3d3d', '#797979', '#595959', '#e5e5e5', '#828282', '#404040', '#3a3a3a');
$severities = \Components\Support\Helpers\Utilities::getSeverities($this->config->get('severities'));
$cls = 'odd';
$data = array();
$i = 0;
foreach ($severities as $severity) {
    $r = "{label: '" . $this->escape(addslashes($severity)) . "', data: ";
    $r .= isset($sev[$severity]) ? round($sev[$severity] / $total * 100, 2) : 0;
    $r .= ", color: '" . $colors[$i] . "'}";
    $data[] = $r;
    $cls = $cls == 'even' ? 'odd' : 'even';
							<tr class="<?php 
    echo $cls;
								<th scope="row"><?php 
Ejemplo n.º 5
  * Display a form for processing tickets in a batch
  * @return  void
 public function batchTask()
     Request::setVar('hidemainmenu', 1);
     // Incoming
     $this->view->ids = Request::getVar('id', array());
     $this->view->tmpl = Request::getVar('tmpl', '');
     $this->view->filters = Utilities::getFilters();
     $this->view->lists = array();
     // Get categories
     $sa = new Tables\Category($this->database);
     $this->view->lists['categories'] = $sa->find('list');
     // Get severities
     $this->view->lists['severities'] = Utilities::getSeverities($this->config->get('severities'));
     $this->view->lists['owner'] = $this->_userSelect('owner', '', 1);
     // Output the HTML
Ejemplo n.º 6
  * Create a new record
  * @return    object
 public function getConditions()
     $conditions = new stdClass();
     $conditions->owner = $this->_expression(array($this->_operator('=', 'is', true), $this->_operator('!=', 'is not', false), $this->_operator('LIKE \'%$1%\'', 'contains', false), $this->_operator('LIKE \'$1%\'', 'starts with', false), $this->_operator('LIKE \'%$1\'', 'ends with', false), $this->_operator('NOT LIKE \'%$1%\'', 'does not contain', false), $this->_operator('NOT LIKE \'$1%\'', 'does not start with', false), $this->_operator('NOT LIKE \'%$1\'', 'does not end with', false)), 'text');
     // Groups
     $items = array($this->_value('*', Lang::txt('(any of mine)'), true));
     if ($xgroups = \Hubzero\User\Helper::getGroups(User::get('id'), 'members')) {
         foreach ($xgroups as $xgroup) {
             $xgroup->description = trim($xgroup->description) ?: $xgroup->cn;
             $items[] = $this->_value($xgroup->cn, stripslashes($this->escape($xgroup->description)), false);
     $conditions->group = $this->_expression(array($this->_operator('=', 'is', true), $this->_operator('!=', 'is not', false), $this->_operator('LIKE \'%$1%\'', 'contains', false), $this->_operator('LIKE \'$1%\'', 'starts with', false), $this->_operator('LIKE \'%$1\'', 'ends with', false), $this->_operator('NOT LIKE \'%$1%\'', 'does not contain', false), $this->_operator('NOT LIKE \'$1%\'', 'does not start with', false), $this->_operator('NOT LIKE \'%$1\'', 'does not end with', false)), $items);
     $conditions->login = $this->_expression(array($this->_operator('=', 'is', true), $this->_operator('!=', 'is not', false), $this->_operator('LIKE \'%$1%\'', 'contains', false), $this->_operator('LIKE \'$1%\'', 'starts with', false), $this->_operator('LIKE \'%$1\'', 'ends with', false), $this->_operator('NOT LIKE \'%$1%\'', 'does not contain', false), $this->_operator('NOT LIKE \'$1%\'', 'does not start with', false), $this->_operator('NOT LIKE \'%$1\'', 'does not end with', false)), 'text');
     $conditions->id = $this->_expression(array($this->_operator('=', 'is', true), $this->_operator('!=', 'is not', false), $this->_operator('lt', 'less than', false), $this->_operator('gt', 'grater than', false), $this->_operator('=lt', 'less than or equal to', false), $this->_operator('gt=', 'greater than or equal to', false)), 'text');
     $conditions->report = $this->_expression(array($this->_operator('=', 'is', false), $this->_operator('!=', 'is not', false), $this->_operator('LIKE \'%$1%\'', 'contains', true), $this->_operator('LIKE \'$1%\'', 'starts with', false), $this->_operator('LIKE \'%$1\'', 'ends with', false), $this->_operator('NOT LIKE \'%$1%\'', 'does not contain', false), $this->_operator('NOT LIKE \'$1%\'', 'does not start with', false), $this->_operator('NOT LIKE \'%$1\'', 'does not end with', false)), 'text');
     $conditions->open = $this->_expression(array($this->_operator('=', 'is', true), $this->_operator('!=', 'is not', false)), array($this->_value('1', 'open', true), $this->_value('0', 'closed', false)));
     $sr = new \Components\Support\Tables\Status($this->database);
     $status = $sr->find('list', array('sort' => 'open', 'sort_Dir' => 'DESC'));
     $items = array();
     $items[] = $this->_value(0, $this->escape('open: New'), true);
     if (isset($status) && is_array($status)) {
         $switched = false;
         foreach ($status as $anode) {
             if (!$anode->open && !$switched) {
                 $items[] = $this->_value(-1, $this->escape('closed: No resolution'), false);
                 $switched = true;
             $items[] = $this->_value($anode->id, $this->escape(($anode->open ? 'open: ' : 'closed: ') . stripslashes($anode->title)), false);
     $conditions->status = $this->_expression(array($this->_operator('=', 'is', true), $this->_operator('!=', 'is not', false)), $items);
     $conditions->created = $this->_expression(array($this->_operator('=', 'on', true), $this->_operator('lt', 'before', false), $this->_operator('gt', 'after', false)), 'text');
     $conditions->closed = $this->_expression(array($this->_operator('=', 'on', true), $this->_operator('lt', 'before', false), $this->_operator('gt', 'after', false)), 'text');
     $conditions->tag = $this->_expression(array($this->_operator('=', 'is', true), $this->_operator('!=', 'is not', false)), 'text');
     $conditions->type = $this->_expression(array($this->_operator('=', 'is', true), $this->_operator('!=', 'is not', false)), array($this->_value('0', 'user submitted', true), $this->_value('1', 'automatic', false), $this->_value('3', 'tool', false)));
     $severities = Utilities::getSeverities($this->config->get('severities'));
     $items = 'text';
     if (isset($severities) && is_array($severities)) {
         $items = array();
         foreach ($severities as $severity) {
             $sel = false;
             if ($severity == 'normal') {
                 $sel = true;
             $items[] = $this->_value($severity, $severity, $sel);
     $conditions->severity = $this->_expression(array($this->_operator('=', 'is', true), $this->_operator('!=', 'is not', false)), $items);
     $sc = new Category($this->database);
     $categories = $sc->find('list');
     $items = 'text';
     if (isset($categories) && is_array($categories)) {
         $items = array();
         foreach ($categories as $anode) {
             $sel = false;
             $items[] = $this->_value($this->escape($anode->alias), $this->escape(stripslashes($anode->title)), $sel);
     $conditions->category = $this->_expression(array($this->_operator('=', 'is', true), $this->_operator('!=', 'is not', false)), $items);
     return $conditions;
Ejemplo n.º 7
  * Display a form for adding/editing a record
  * @return  void
 public function editTask()
     Request::setVar('hidemainmenu', 1);
     $this->view->lists = array();
     $this->view->lists['severities'] = Utilities::getSeverities($this->config->get('severities'));
     $id = Request::getVar('id', array(0));
     if (is_array($id)) {
         $id = !empty($id) ? $id[0] : 0;
     $this->view->row = new Query($this->database);
     if (!$this->view->row->sort) {
         $this->view->row->sort = 'created';
     if (!$this->view->row->sort_dir) {
         $this->view->row->sort_dir = 'desc';
     include_once dirname(dirname(__DIR__)) . DS . 'models' . DS . 'conditions.php';
     $con = new Conditions();
     $this->view->conditions = $con->getConditions();
     // Set any errors
     foreach ($this->getErrors() as $error) {
     // Output the HTML
Ejemplo n.º 8
  * Display a ticket and associated comments
  * @param   mixed  $comment
  * @return  void
 public function ticketTask($comment = null)
     // Get the ticket ID
     $id = Request::getInt('id', 0);
     if (!$id) {
         App::redirect(Route::url('index.php?option=' . $this->_option . '&controller=' . $this->controller . '&task=tickets'), Lang::txt('COM_SUPPORT_ERROR_MISSING_TICKET_ID'), 'error');
     // Initiate database class and load info
     $this->view->row = Ticket::getInstance($id);
     if (!$this->view->row->exists()) {
         App::abort(404, Lang::txt('COM_SUPPORT_ERROR_TICKET_NOT_FOUND'));
     // Check authorization
     if (User::isGuest()) {
         $return = base64_encode(Route::url($this->view->row->link(), false, true));
         App::redirect(Route::url('index.php?option=com_users&view=login&return=' . $return, false));
     // Ensure the user is authorized to view this ticket
     if (!$this->view->row->access('read', 'tickets')) {
         App::abort(403, Lang::txt('COM_SUPPORT_ERROR_NOT_AUTH'));
     $this->view->filters = array('limit' => Request::getState($this->_option . '.' . $this->_controller . '.limit', 'limit', Config::get('list_limit'), 'int'), 'start' => Request::getState($this->_option . '.' . $this->_controller . '.limitstart', 'limitstart', 0, 'int'), 'show' => Request::getState($this->_option . '.' . $this->_controller . '.show', 'show', 0, 'int'), 'search' => urldecode(Request::getState($this->_option . '.' . $this->_controller . '.search', 'search', '')));
     if ($watch = Request::getWord('watch', '')) {
         // Already watching
         if ($this->view->row->isWatching(User::get('id'))) {
             // Stop watching?
             if ($watch == 'stop') {
         } else {
             // Start watching?
             if ($watch == 'start') {
                 if (!$this->view->row->isWatching(User::get('id'), true)) {
     $this->view->lists = array();
     $sc = new Tables\Category($this->database);
     $this->view->lists['categories'] = $sc->find('list');
     // Get messages
     $sm = new Tables\Message($this->database);
     $this->view->lists['messages'] = $sm->getMessages();
     // Get severities
     $this->view->lists['severities'] = Utilities::getSeverities($this->config->get('severities'));
     // Populate the list of assignees based on if the ticket belongs to a group or not
     if (trim($this->view->row->get('group'))) {
         $this->view->lists['owner'] = $this->_userSelectGroup('ticket[owner]', $this->view->row->get('owner'), 1, '', trim($this->view->row->get('group')));
     } elseif (trim($this->config->get('group'))) {
         $this->view->lists['owner'] = $this->_userSelectGroup('ticket[owner]', $this->view->row->get('owner'), 1, '', trim($this->config->get('group')));
     } else {
         $this->view->lists['owner'] = $this->_userSelect('ticket[owner]', $this->view->row->get('owner'), 1);
     // Set the pathway
     // Set the page title
     $this->view->title = $this->_title;
     $this->view->database = $this->database;
     if (\Notify::any('support')) {
         foreach (\Notify::messages('support') as $error) {
             if ($error['type'] == 'error') {
     if (!$comment) {
         $comment = new Comment();
     $this->view->comment = $comment;
     // Output HTML
     foreach ($this->getErrors() as $error) {
     $this->view->set('config', $this->config)->setLayout('ticket')->display();