/** * Store a newly created resource in storage. * * @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function store(Request $request) { try { $inputs = $request->all(); unset($inputs['_token']); $device_tokens = Customer::where('platform', 'A')->lists('device_token'); $is_sent = PnS::sendPnsToAndroidDevices($device_tokens, $inputs['body']); if ($is_sent) { $inputs['user_id'] = Auth::id(); Notification::create($inputs); } return redirect()->to('/crm/notification/')->withMessage(Generate::success_message('Success', 'Sent Successfully')); } catch (Exception $e) { return redirect()->to('/crm/notification/')->withMessage(Generate::error_message('Failed', $e->getMessage())); } }
/** * Store a newly created resource in storage. * * @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function store(CreatePostRequest $request) { try { $inputs = $request->all(); unset($inputs['_token']); $photo = $request->file('photo'); if ($photo) { //Upload Image $uploaded_path = FileUpload::upload($photo); $inputs['photo'] = $uploaded_path; } Post::create($inputs); return redirect()->to('/crm/post/')->withMessage(Generate::success_message('Success', 'Created Successfully')); } catch (Exception $e) { return redirect()->to('/crm/post/')->withMessage(Generate::error_message('Failed', $e->getMessage())); } }
public function processChangePassword(Request $request) { try { $user_id = $request->get('user_id'); $current_password = $request->get('current_password'); $new_password = $request->get('new_password'); $new_password_retype = $request->get('new_password_retype'); if ($new_password != $new_password_retype) { return Redirect::to('/crm/profile')->withMessage(Generate::error_message('Fail', 'New password and retype password do not match.')); } $user = User::find($user_id); if (Hash::check($current_password, $user->password)) { $user->password = Hash::make($new_password); $user->save(); return Redirect::to('/crm/profile')->withMessage(Generate::success_message('Success', 'Password Changed. Please login again.')); } return Redirect::to('/crm/profile')->withMessage(Generate::error_message('Fail', 'Wrong current password')); } catch (Exception $e) { return Redirect::to('/crm/profile')->withMessage(Generate::error_message('Fail', 'Failed to change password.')); } }
/** * Update the specified resource in storage. * * @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request * @param int $id * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function update(Request $request, $id) { try { $inputs = $request->all(); unset($inputs['_method']); unset($inputs['_token']); foreach ($inputs as $key => $value) { SysConfig::where('type', 'SystemPermissionPositionType')->where('key', $key)->update(['value' => $value]); } return Redirect::to('/crm/permission_pos_type')->withMessage(Generate::success_message('Success', 'Updated Successfully.')); } catch (Exception $e) { return Redirect::to('/crm/permission_pos_type')->withMessage(Generate::error_message('Fail', 'Failed to update.')); } }
public function assignRolePermission($rid) { $inputs = Input::all(); //get all the permission that this role has. $current_permissions_id = Role::getPermissionsAssignedToCurrentRole($rid); foreach ($inputs as $key => $value) { $is_permission_added_in_current_role = false; if ($key == '_token') { continue; } $permission_id = explode("_", $key)[1]; $is_permission_added_in_current_role = in_array($permission_id, $current_permissions_id); if (!$is_permission_added_in_current_role && $value == 'on') { echo 'ON'; print_r($current_permissions_id); echo $permission_id . '->'; echo $is_permission_added_in_current_role; echo '<br>'; //if the permission is not exist, create new permission role record. $new_permission = new PermissionRole(); $new_permission->role_id = $rid; $new_permission->permission_id = $permission_id; $new_permission->order = '1'; $new_permission->save(); //else since it is already exist, and it is on, no need to do anything. } else { if ($is_permission_added_in_current_role) { if ($value == 'off') { echo 'OFF'; print_r($current_permissions_id); echo $permission_id . '->'; echo $is_permission_added_in_current_role; echo '<br>'; //if permission record is exist (true), find and do a delete. $perm = PermissionRole::where('role_id', $rid)->where('permission_id', $permission_id)->first(); if (isset($perm)) { $perm->delete(); } //else it is not exist, do nothing. } else { if ($value == 'on') { //echo 'ON'; print_r ($current_permissions_id); echo $permission_id.'->'; echo $is_permission_added_in_current_role; echo '<br>'; //do nothing .... } } } } } //return ''; return Redirect::to('/crm/role/' . $rid)->withMessage(Generate::message('Success', 'New Permissions Applied, please relogin to see the changes.')); }
public function removeRoleUser($role_id, $user_id) { try { $user = User::find($user_id); $user->role_id = null; $user->save(); return Redirect::to("/crm/role/{$role_id}")->withMessage(Generate::success_message('Success', 'Removed User Successfully')); } catch (Exception $e) { return Redirect::to("/crm/role/{$role_id}")->withMessage(Generate::error_message('Fail', 'Failed to remove user.')); } }
/** * Remove the specified resource from storage. * * @param int $id * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function destroy($id) { try { User::find($id)->delete(); return Redirect::to('/crm/user/')->withMessage(Generate::success_message('Success', 'Deleted Successfully.')); } catch (Exception $e) { return Redirect::to('/crm/user/')->withMessage(Generate::error_message('Failed', $e->getMessage())); } }
public function storePermission($fid, CreatePermissionFromRequest $request) { try { $inputs = Input::all(); unset($inputs['_method']); unset($inputs['_token']); Permission::create($inputs); //redirect to the url you want along with the message return Redirect::to('/crm/feature/' . $fid)->withMessage(Generate::success_message('Success', 'Created Successfully.')); } catch (Exception $e) { //redirect to the url you wan along with the message return Redirect::to('/crm/feature/' . $fid)->withMessage(Generate::error_message('Fail', 'Failed to create.')); } }
public static function getNavTop($id) { $home_url = ""; $company_name = ""; $company_logo = ""; $return = []; $home_url = SysConfig::where('type', 'SystemSettings')->where('key', 'crm-home-url')->first()->value; $company_name = SysConfig::where('type', 'SystemSettings')->where('key', 'crm-company-name')->first()->value; $company_logo = SysConfig::where('type', 'SystemSettings')->where('key', 'crm-company-logo-sm')->first()->value; //get user $user = User::find($id); $member_since = date_format($user->created_at, 'Y-M-d'); $profile_functions = '/crm/profile'; //for the data schema for the top navigation $return = ['home_url' => $home_url, 'company_name' => $company_name, 'company_logo' => $company_logo, 'user_image' => $user->display_image, 'user_name' => $user->display_name, 'member_since' => $member_since, 'profile_functions' => $profile_functions]; return Generate::returnMsg('200', 'Success', $return); }