Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Updates an existing Blind model.
  * If update is successful, the browser will be redirected to the 'view' page.
  * @param integer $id
  * @return mixed
 public function actionUpdate($id)
     $blind = Blind::find()->where(['id' => $id])->one();
     $model = new BlindForm();
     $model->name = $blind->name;
     $model->status = $blind->status;
     $model->description = $blind->description;
     $model->tab = $blind->tab;
     $cat = BlindCatid::find()->where(['id_blind' => $id])->all();
     $blindMaterialHeader = BlindMaterials::find()->where(['id_blind' => $id])->all();
     foreach ($cat as $c) {
         $arr_catid[$c->id_cat] = ['selected ' => 'selected'];
     $media = Media::find()->orderBy('id DESC')->all();
     $supples = BlindIdmaterials::find()->where(['id_blind' => $id])->all();
     foreach ($supples as $supl) {
         $arr_supl[$supl->id_materials] = ['selected ' => 'selected'];
     $materials = \backend\modules\supplies\models\Supplies::find()->all();
     foreach ($materials as $v) {
         $arr_materials[$v->id] = $v->code;
     $arr_cat = CategoryTree::getTreeSelect(0);
     $blImg = new BlindImg();
     $imgages = $blImg->find()->where(['id_blind' => $id])->all();
     $addMaterials = \common\classes\Supplies::getAddSupplies();
     if ($model->load(Yii::$app->request->post()) && $model->validate()) {
         $blind->name = $model->name;
         $blind->status = $model->status;
         $blind->description = $model->description;
         $blind->tab = $model->tab;
         $delBmt = new BlindMaterials();
         $delBmt->deleteAll(['id_blind' => $blind->id]);
         if (isset($_POST['blindTitle'])) {
             foreach ($_POST['blindTitle'] as $bt) {
                 $arrBt = explode('*', $bt);
                 $bmt = new BlindMaterials();
                 $bmt->id_blind = $blind->id;
                 $bmt->id_materials = $arrBt[0];
                 $bmt->title = $arrBt[1];
         $cat = BlindCatid::deleteAll(['id_blind' => $blind->id]);
         foreach ($model->categories as $cat) {
             $blindCatId = new BlindCatid();
             $blindCatId->id_blind = $blind->id;
             $blindCatId->id_cat = $cat;
         $blindImg = new BlindImg();
         $cat = $blindImg->deleteAll(['id_blind' => $blind->id]);
         if (!empty($_POST['blind_image'])) {
             foreach ($_POST['blind_image'] as $img) {
                 $blindImg = new BlindImg();
                 $imgarr = explode('*', $img);
                 $blindImg->id_blind = $blind->id;
                 $blindImg->images = $imgarr[0];
                 $blindImg->main = $imgarr[1];
         $cat = BlindIdmaterials::deleteAll(['id_blind' => $blind->id]);
         if (!empty($model->materials)) {
             foreach ($model->materials as $mat) {
                 $blindMat = new BlindIdmaterials();
                 $blindMat->id_blind = $blind->id;
                 $blindMat->id_materials = $mat;
         $zag = PageToBlind::find()->where(['id_blind' => $blind->id])->all();
         foreach ($zag as $v) {
             PageBlinds::deleteAll(['id' => $v->id_pages]);
         PageToBlind::deleteAll(['id_blind' => $blind->id]);
         if (isset($_POST['infoPage'])) {
             foreach ($_POST['infoPage'] as $v) {
                 $input = explode('*', $v);
                 $s = str_replace('_', ' ', $input[0]);
                 $pb = PageBlinds::find()->where(['name' => $s])->one();
                 if (empty($pb->id)) {
                     $pb = new PageBlinds();
                     $pb->name = $s;
                 //$pb->name = $input[0];
                 $del = PageToBlind::deleteAll(['id_pages' => $pb->id]);
                 $ptb = new PageToBlind();
                 $ptb->id_pages = $pb->id;
                 $ptb->id_blind = $blind->id;
                 $cat = PageItem::deleteAll(['id_page' => $pb->id]);
                 foreach ($input as $in) {
                     $pageItem = new PageItem();
                     $item = explode('_', $in);
                     if ($item[1] == 'materials') {
                         $pageItem->id_page = $pb->id;
                         $pageItem->id_item = $item[0];
                         $pageItem->item_type = 'materials';
                     } else {
                         $pageTitle = PageForTitle::find()->where(['title' => $item[0]])->one();
                         if (empty($pageTitle->id)) {
                             $pageTitle = new PageForTitle();
                             $pageTitle->title = $item[0];
                         /*$pageTitle = new PageForTitle();
                           $pageTitle->title = $item[0];
                         $pageItem->id_page = $pb->id;
                         $pageItem->id_item = $pageTitle->id;
                         $pageItem->item_type = 'zagolovok';
                     $pageItem->id_blind = $blind->id;
         } else {
         return $this->redirect(['update', 'id' => $blind->id]);
     } else {
         return $this->render('update', ['model' => $model, 'categories' => $arr_cat, 'catselect' => $arr_catid, 'materials' => $arr_materials, 'materialselect' => $arr_supl, 'media' => $media, 'img' => $imgages, 'bmt' => $blindMaterialHeader, 'blind' => $blind, 'addMat' => $addMaterials]);
Ejemplo n.º 2
Archivo: _form.php Proyecto: apuc/admin
                           <input id="input_' . $title . '" type="hidden" name="infoPage[]" value="' . $inp . '">
    } else {
        $title = \common\models\PageBlinds::getNameTitleAdmin($p->id_pages);
        $inp = $title;
        $title = str_replace(' ', '_', $title);
        $ul .= '<li><a href="#panel' . $title . '"><input id-page="' . $title . '" type="text" class="insetName" value="' . $inp . '"/></a><span page-id="' . $title . '" class="delPages">x</span></li>';
        $page = \common\models\PageItem::find()->where(['id_page' => $p->id_pages])->all();
        $html .= '<div id="panel' . $title . '" class="tabPanel"><h3>' . $inp . '</h3>';
        $html .= '<table id="t_' . $title . '" class="table table-bordered">';
        foreach ($page as $pg) {
            if ($pg->item_type == 'materials') {
                $html .= \common\classes\Supplies::getOneAddSupplies($pg->id_item, $title);
                $inp .= '*' . $pg->id_item . '_materials';
            } else {
                $zag = \common\models\PageForTitle::getName($pg->id_item);
                $html .= '<tr class="itemPage" page-id="' . $title . '" materials-id="' . $zag . '" item-type="zagolovok"><td colspan="7">' . $zag . '</td><td><a class="delSuplies" href="#">Удалить</a></td></tr>';
                $inp .= '*' . $zag . '_zagolovok';
        $html .= '</table>
                            <a page-id="' . $title . '"data-toggle="modal" data-target="#myModal4" href="#" class="attachMaterialList">Прикрепить материалы списком</a> | <a page-id="' . $title . '"data-toggle="modal" data-target="#myModal3" href="#" class="attachMaterial">Прикрепить материал</a> | <a class="attachZag" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#myModal2" href = "#" page-id="' . $title . '">Добавить заголовок</a>
                             <input id="input_' . $title . '" type="hidden" name="infoPage[]" value="' . $inp . '">

            <div id="createdByPages">
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public static function getName($id)
     $title = PageForTitle::find()->where(['id' => $id])->one();
     return $title->title;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public static function getSupplies($id, $idPage = 0)
     if ($idPage == 0) {
         $page = PageToBlind::find()->where(['id_blind' => $id])->one();
         $idPage = $page->id_pages;
     $allPagess = PageToBlind::find()->where(['id_blind' => $id])->all();
     $i = 0;
     $count = count($allPagess);
     foreach ($allPagess as $ap) {
         if ($ap->id_pages == $idPage) {
             $next = $allPagess[$i + 1]->id_pages;
             if ($i == 0) {
                 $end = end($allPagess);
                 $end = $end->id_pages;
             } else {
                 if ($i == $count - 1) {
                     $next = $allPagess[0]->id_pages;
                 $end = $allPagess[$i - 1]->id_pages;
     $html = '
             <div class="title">
                 <b>Вызов</b> <span>замерщика с образцами</span> бесплатный<br>
                 Бесплатное <span>3D моделирование жалюзей</span> <b>на ваших окнах</b>
                 <a href="#" class="close"></a>
                 <a href="#" class="cause">Вызвать замерщика</a>
             <div class="popup_content">
                 <div class="prices">';
     $html .= PageBlinds::getNameTitle($idPage);
     if ($count > 1) {
         $html .= '<a href="#" id-page="' . $end . '" id-blind="' . $id . '" class="left pageChange">' . PageBlinds::getNameTitle($end) . '</a>
                     <a href="#" id-page="' . $next . '" id-blind="' . $id . '" class="right pageChange">' . PageBlinds::getNameTitle($next) . '</a>';
     $html .= '</div>';
     //$supplies = BlindIdmaterials::find()->where(['id_blind'=>$id])->all();
     $supplies = PageItem::find()->where(['id_page' => $idPage])->all();
     /*$blm = BlindMaterials::find()->where(['id_blind'=>$id])->all();
       foreach($blm as $b){
           $arrBlmID[] = $b->id_materials;
     $k = 1;
     $j = 0;
     foreach ($supplies as $v) {
         //$supl = \backend\modules\supplies\models\Supplies::find()->where(['id'=>$v->id_materials])->one();
         if ($v->item_type == 'zagolovok') {
             $zag = PageForTitle::getName($v->id_item);
             if ($j != 0) {
                 $html .= "</div></div></div>";
             } else {
                 $j = 1;
             $html .= '<div class="group">
                         <div class="title">' . $zag . '</div>
                         <div class="group_items">';
             $k = 1;
             //echo self::getTitle($id,$v->id_materials).'<br>';
         $supl = \backend\modules\supplies\models\Supplies::find()->where(['id' => $v->id_item])->one();
         if ($k == 1) {
             $html .= '<div class="line">';
         $html .= '<div class="item">
                     <a href="#"><img src="' . $supl->images . '" alt="" width="163px"/></a>
                     <span>Код: ' . $supl->code . '</span>
                     <a href="#" class="order" blind-id="' . $id . '" suuples-id="' . $v->id_item . '">Заказать</a>
         if ($k == 5) {
             $html .= '</div>';
             $k = 1;
         if ($v->item_type == 'zagolovok') {
             $html .= '';
             //echo self::getTitle($id,$v->id_materials).'<br>';
     $html .= '</div></div></div></div>';
     return $html;