This is merely for intellisense purposes!
Inheritance: implements ArrayAccess, implements Iterator
 public function __construct(Slim $app, Command $command = null, CLImate $climate = null)
     $this->cliReader = $command ?: new Command();
     $this->cliWriter = $climate ?: new CLImate();
     // Define the first mandatory command
     $currentCommand = $this->app->router()->getCurrentRoute()->getPattern();
     $this->cliReader->option()->require()->describedAs('The command to execute')->must(function ($command) use($currentCommand) {
         return $currentCommand === $command;
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * Base constructor. Subclasses should call this first so the arguments 
  * required for tvheadend communication can be set
  * @param string $prefix prefix for the basic options, e.g. "source" 
  * changes the option "tvheadend-hostname" to "source-tvheadend-hostname"
 public function __construct($prefix = '')
     // Configure the logger
     $dateFormat = 'Y-m-d H:i:s';
     $output = "[%datetime%] %level_name%: %message%\n";
     $handler = new StreamHandler('php://stdout', Logger::DEBUG);
     $handler->setFormatter(new LineFormatter($output, $dateFormat));
     $this->logger = new Logger('logger');
     $command = new Command();
     if (!empty($prefix)) {
         $prefix .= '-';
     // Required arguments
     $command->option($prefix . 'tvheadend-hostname')->require()->describe('The hostname where tvheadend is running');
     // Optional arguments
     $command->option($prefix . 'tvheadend-http-port')->default(9981)->describe('The tvheadend HTTP port');
     $command->option($prefix . 'tvheadend-username')->describe('The tvheadend username');
     $command->option($prefix . 'tvheadend-password')->describe('The tvheadend password');
     $this->command = $command;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 protected function runCommandPrompt()
     $command = new Command();
     $command->option('p')->aka('path')->file()->default($this->config->get('defaultFilePath'))->describedAs(sprintf('Result csv file path (%s is default)', $this->config->get('defaultFilePath')));
     $command->option('n')->aka('name')->default($this->config->get('defaultFileName'))->describedAs(sprintf('Result csv file name (%s is default)', $this->config->get('defaultFileName')));
     $command->option('y')->aka('year')->boolean()->default(false)->describedAs('Generate salary days for all current year (default for the reminder of current year)');
     $command->option('s')->aka('startDate')->default(null)->describedAs('start year and month in format (Y-m)');
     $command->option('e')->aka('endDate')->default(null)->describedAs('end year and month in format (Y-m)');
     return $command;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public static function fetchFromGoogle()
     $trans_command = new Command();
     $trans_command->option('i')->aka('in')->describedAs("Input Language")->required()->default("en");
     $trans_command->option('o')->aka('out')->describedAs("Output Language");
     echo "Translate from {$trans_command['in']} to " . (isset($trans_command['out']) ? $trans_command['out'] : 'all') . "\n";
     $tr = new TranslateClient();
     $langauges = Language::search()->exec();
     $untranslated_phrases = PhraseReplacement::search()->where('is_translated', 'No')->exec();
     foreach ($untranslated_phrases as $i => $phrase) {
         /* @var $phrase PhraseReplacement */
         /* @var $original PhraseOriginal */
         /* @var $langauge Language */
         $langauge = $langauges[$phrase->language_id];
         $translator = $tr->setTarget($langauge->code);
         $original = PhraseOriginal::search()->where('original_id', $phrase->original_id)->execOne();
         $output = $translator->translate($original->value);
         $phrase->value = $output;
         $phrase->is_translated = "Yes";
Ejemplo n.º 5
 * > php greet.php -cs Mr 'nate good'
 * Hello Mr. Nate Good!
 * > php greet.php -cs Mister 'nate good'
 * Hello Mr. Nate Good!
 * php greet.php -ceet Mr 'nate good'
 * Hello Mr. Nate Good esq!
 * > php greet.php
 * # Throws an Exception because the command requires at least one
 * # anonymous option
require dirname(__DIR__) . '/vendor/autoload.php';
use Commando\Command;
$hello_cmd = new Command();
$hello_cmd->option()->require()->title('name')->describedAs('A person\'s name')->option('t')->aka('title')->aka('long-title')->describedAs('When set, use this title to address the person')->must(function ($title) {
    $titles = array('Mister', 'Mr', 'Misses', 'Mrs', 'Miss', 'Ms');
    return in_array($title, $titles);
})->map(function ($title) {
    $titles = array('Mister' => 'Mr', 'Misses' => 'Mrs', 'Miss' => 'Ms');
    if (array_key_exists($title, $titles)) {
        $title = $titles[$title];
    return "{$title}. ";
})->option('c')->aka('capitalize')->aka('cap')->describedAs('Always capitalize the words in a name')->boolean()->option('e')->aka('educate')->map(function ($value) {
    $postfix = array('', 'Jr', 'esq', 'PhD');
    return $postfix[$value] === '' ? '' : " {$postfix[$value]}";
$name = $hello_cmd['capitalize'] ? ucwords($hello_cmd[0]) : $hello_cmd[0];
echo "Hello {$hello_cmd['title']}{$name}{$hello_cmd['educate']}!", PHP_EOL;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public function handleException(\Exception $exception)
Ejemplo n.º 7

namespace Moccalotto\Reporter;

use Commando\Command;
require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
$app = new App(['version' => '@git-version@', 'args' => function ($app) {
    $args = new Command();
    $args->argument()->aka('config')->describedAs('Use a given configuration file. Defaults to reporter.php if it exists.')->defaultsTo('reporter.php')->file()->must(function ($file) {
        return true;
    $args->option('d')->aka('dump-config')->map(function ($file) {
        if (null === $file) {
            return 'php://output';
        return $file;
    })->must(function ($file) {
        Ensure::that(!is_dir($file), sprintf('Cannot dump config to %s. It is a directory', $file));
        if (is_file($file)) {
            Ensure::that(is_writable($file), sprintf('Cannot dump config to %s. It is not writable', $file));
        return true;
    })->describedAs('Dump the config to the the specified file. Defaults to stdout.');
    $args->option('k')->aka('new-key')->map(function ($file) {
        if (null === $file) {
            return 'php://stdout';
        return $file;
    })->must(function ($file) {
        Ensure::that(!is_dir($file), sprintf('Cannot dump config to %s. It is a directory', $file));
Ejemplo n.º 8

// An example just to demo what the help output looks like
// You would rarely if ever actually call "printHelp()" in
// production.  Typically the user would initiate this via
// the user specifying the --help option
require dirname(__DIR__) . '/vendor/autoload.php';
use Commando\Command;
$tokens = array('mycmd');
$cmd = new Command($tokens);
$cmd->setHelp('This is a great command it.  It can be used by calling `mycmd <argument>`.')->option()->referToAs('the first arg')->describeAs('mycmd takes an optional single argument. e.g. mycmd argument0')->option('a')->description("Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.")->option('b')->boolean()->describeAs("A boolean option.")->option('c')->aka('foo')->describeAs("Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt.")->required();
Ejemplo n.º 9
  * Test that an exception is thrown when an option isn't set
  * @expectedException \InvalidArgumentException
 public function testRequirementsOnOptionsMissing()
     $tokens = array('filename', '-a', 'v1');
     $cmd = new Command($tokens);
Ejemplo n.º 10
if (file_exists(__DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php')) {
    require_once __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
} else {
    require_once __DIR__ . '/../../../autoload.php';
use Commando\Command as CommandOptions;
use PhpTags\Database;
use PhpTags\ExtensionTags;
use PhpTags\Files;
use PhpTags\IndexCommand;
use PhpTags\Parser;
use PhpTags\QueryCommand;
// Setup generic options.
if (array_intersect(array('index', 'query'), $argv)) {
    $options = new CommandOptions();
    $options->option()->title('action')->describedAs('Possible actions: index, query');
    // The project root specifies the starting point of the recursive file
    // search. This allows running the command from outside of the project
    // directory.
    $options->option('root')->describedAs('Project root (defaults to current directory)')->must(function ($directory) {
        return is_dir($directory);
    // It's possible to change the name of the SQLite database file. Absolute file
    // paths are allowed and the path does not have to be contained inside the
    // project root.
    $options->option('database')->describedAs('Location of SQLite database')->default('PHPTAGS.sqlite');
} else {
    print <<<USAGE
        {$argv[0]} index [--help]
Ejemplo n.º 11
  * @param Command $cmdArgs
 private function setCmdArgs($cmdArgs)
     $cmdArgs->option('p')->require()->aka('path')->describedAs('Path to benchmark events.');
     $cmdArgs->flag('b')->aka('bootstrap')->describedAs('Path to bootstrap file for your project');
     $cmdArgs->flag('f')->aka('formatter')->describedAs('User-configured formatter to use instead of DefaultFormatter');

require __DIR__ . "/../vendor/autoload.php";
use Commando\Command;
use Colors\Color;
use Common\Storage\Connection\Mysql;
$cmd = new Command();
$cmd->option('configPath')->describedAs('db config path to use for credentials')->require();
$cmd->option('group')->describedAs('group to use in db configs `default`');
$cmd->option('db')->describedAs('database name')->require();
$cmd->option('t')->aka('table')->describeAs("table to generate a model for")->require();
$cmd->option('e')->aka('environment')->describeAs("Environment to run mysql connection against")->require();
$cmd->option('d')->aka('directory')->describeAs("Directory to store the results")->require();
$cmd->option('n')->aka('namespace')->describeAs("Namespace for models")->require();
$mysql = new \Common\Storage\Connection\Mysql(array("environment" => $cmd['e'], "configPath" => $cmd['configPath'], "database" => $cmd['db'], "group" => $cmd['group']));
$columns = $mysql->getColumnList($cmd['db'], $cmd['t']);
$namespace = $cmd['n'];
$class = $cmd['table'];
$props = array();
foreach ($columns as $col => $details) {
    if (in_array($col, array('DateAdded', 'DateTimeAdded', 'LastUpdated'))) {
    $props[] = "\tpublic \$" . \Common\Tool\Introspection::modelizeName($col) . ";";
$props = implode(PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL, $props);
$output = <<<eot
namespace {$namespace};

use Common\\Model\\BaseModel;