Ejemplo n.º 1
Archivo: Popular.php Proyecto: rjha/sc
 function process($params, $options)
     $qparams = Url::getRequestQueryParams();
     $gpage = Url::tryQueryParam("gpage");
     $gpage = empty($gpage) ? "1" : $gpage;
     $redis = new redis\Activity();
     $pageSize = Config::getInstance()->get_value("main.page.items");
     $paginator = new \com\indigloo\ui\Pagination($qparams, $pageSize);
     $zsetKey = Nest::score("post", "likes");
     $members = $redis->getPagedZSet($zsetKey, $paginator);
     //first one is id, second one is score
     $count = 0;
     $scores = array();
     $ids = array();
     for ($i = 1; $i < sizeof($members); $i++) {
         if ($i % 2 == 0) {
             array_push($scores, $members[$i - 1]);
         } else {
             $itemId = $members[$i - 1];
             $postId = PseudoId::decode($itemId);
             array_push($ids, $postId);
     //get post rows using ids
     $postDao = new \com\indigloo\sc\dao\Post();
     $postDBRows = $postDao->getOnSearchIds($ids);
     $pageHeader = 'Most popular';
     $pageBaseUrl = '/pub/popular';
     $pageTitle = SeoData::getPageTitleWithNumber($gpage, "popular items");
     $metaKeywords = SeoData::getHomeMetaKeywords();
     $metaDescription = SeoData::getMetaDescriptionWithNumber($gpage, "popular items");
     $file = APP_WEB_DIR . '/view/tiles-page.php';
     include $file;
Ejemplo n.º 2
Archivo: Lists.php Proyecto: rjha/sc
 function process($params, $options)
     if (is_null($params) || empty($params)) {
         $controller = new \com\indigloo\sc\controller\Http400();
     $plistId = Util::getArrayKey($params, "list_id");
     $listId = PseudoId::decode($plistId);
     $qparams = Url::getRequestQueryParams();
     $gpage = Url::tryQueryParam("gpage");
     $gpage = empty($gpage) ? "1" : $gpage;
     //@todo input check
     // people can type all sort of input garbage
     settype($listId, "int");
     $listDao = new \com\indigloo\sc\dao\Lists();
     $listDBRow = $listDao->getOnId($listId);
     if (empty($listDBRow)) {
         //not found
         $controller = new \com\indigloo\sc\controller\Http404();
     $listName = $listDBRow["name"];
     $listPubUrl = sprintf("%s/pub/list/%d/%s", Url::base(), $plistId, $listDBRow["seo_name"]);
     //get items from sc_list_item table
     $model = new \com\indigloo\sc\model\ListItem();
     $filter = new Filter($model);
     $filter->add($model::LIST_ID, Filter::EQ, $listId);
     $pageSize = Config::getInstance()->get_value("user.page.items");
     $filters = array();
     array_push($filters, $filter);
     $paginator = new \com\indigloo\ui\Pagination($qparams, $pageSize);
     $itemDBRows = $listDao->getPagedItems($paginator, $filters);
     $loginId = $listDBRow["login_id"];
     $userDao = new \com\indigloo\sc\dao\User();
     $userDBRow = $userDao->getOnLoginId($loginId);
     $template = APP_WEB_DIR . '/view/list/pub.php';
     //page variables
     $pageBaseUrl = $listPubUrl;
     $pageTitle = sprintf("page %d of %s", $gpage, $listDBRow["name"]);
     $description = Util::abbreviate($listDBRow["description"], 160);
     $metaDescription = SeoData::thisOrHomeDescription($description);
     $metaKeywords = SeoData::getHomeMetaKeywords();
     include $template;
Ejemplo n.º 3
Archivo: ItemsMap.php Proyecto: rjha/sc
 function process($params, $options)
     $postDao = new \com\indigloo\sc\dao\Post();
     $qparams = Url::getRequestQueryParams();
     $gpage = Url::tryQueryParam("gpage");
     $gpage = empty($gpage) ? "1" : $gpage;
     $pageSize = Config::getInstance()->get_value("main.page.items");
     $paginator = new \com\indigloo\ui\Pagination($qparams, $pageSize);
     $postDBRows = $postDao->getPaged($paginator);
     $pageHeader = '';
     $pageBaseUrl = $options["path"];
     $pageTitle = SeoData::getPageTitleWithNumber($gpage, "recent items");
     $metaKeywords = SeoData::getHomeMetaKeywords();
     $metaDescription = SeoData::getMetaDescriptionWithNumber($gpage, "recent items");
     $file = APP_WEB_DIR . '/view/tiles-page.php';
     include $file;
Ejemplo n.º 4
Archivo: Random.php Proyecto: rjha/sc
 function process($params, $options)
     $postDao = new \com\indigloo\sc\dao\Post();
     $total = $postDao->getTotalCount();
     $rows1 = $postDao->getRandom(25);
     $ids = array();
     for ($i = 1; $i <= 25; $i++) {
         $ids[] = mt_rand(1, $total - 1);
     $rows2 = $postDao->getOnSearchIds($ids);
     $postDBRows = array_merge($rows1, $rows2);
     $pageHeader = '<a href="/surprise/me">Try again?</a>';
     $pageTitle = SeoData::getHomePageTitle();
     $metaDescription = SeoData::getHomeMetaDescription();
     $metaKeywords = SeoData::getHomeMetaKeywords();
     $file = APP_WEB_DIR . '/view/tiles.php';
     include $file;
Ejemplo n.º 5
Archivo: Editor.php Proyecto: rjha/sc
 function process($params, $options)
     $postDao = new \com\indigloo\sc\dao\Post();
     //post featured filter
     $filters = array();
     $model = new \com\indigloo\sc\model\Post();
     $filter = new Filter($model);
     $filter->add($model::FEATURED, Filter::EQ, TRUE);
     array_push($filters, $filter);
     $limit = Config::getInstance()->get_value("search.page.items");
     // fetch top N rows from sc_post that match our filter
     // this relies on the default sorting in mysql#Posts::getPosts() method
     $postDBRows = $postDao->getPosts($limit, $filters);
     $pageHeader = 'Editor\'s Pick';
     $pageTitle = "items on 3mik selected by our editors ";
     $metaDescription = SeoData::getHomeMetaDescription();
     $metaKeywords = SeoData::getHomeMetaKeywords();
     $view = APP_WEB_DIR . '/view/tiles.php';
     include $view;
Ejemplo n.º 6
Archivo: Site.php Proyecto: rjha/sc
 function process($params, $options)
     if (is_null($params) || empty($params)) {
         $controller = new \com\indigloo\sc\controller\Http400();
     $siteId = Util::tryArrayKey($params, "site_id");
     $cname = Url::tryQueryParam("cname");
     if (empty($siteId) || empty($cname)) {
         $controller = new \com\indigloo\sc\controller\Http400();
     $siteDao = new \com\indigloo\sc\dao\Site();
     $postDBRows = $siteDao->getPostsOnId($siteId, 50);
     $pageHeader = $cname;
     $pageTitle = SeoData::getHomePageTitle();
     $metaDescription = SeoData::getHomeMetaDescription();
     $metaKeywords = SeoData::getHomeMetaKeywords();
     $file = APP_WEB_DIR . '/view/tiles.php';
     include $file;
Ejemplo n.º 7
Archivo: Home.php Proyecto: rjha/sc
 function loadNextPage($gpage)
     $postDao = new \com\indigloo\sc\dao\Post();
     $qparams = Url::getRequestQueryParams();
     $pageSize = Config::getInstance()->get_value("main.page.items");
     $paginator = new \com\indigloo\ui\Pagination($qparams, $pageSize);
     $postDBRows = $postDao->getPaged($paginator);
     $pageHeader = '';
     $pageBaseUrl = '/';
     $pageTitle = SeoData::getHomePageTitleWithNumber($gpage);
     $metaKeywords = SeoData::getHomeMetaKeywords();
     $metaDescription = SeoData::getHomeMetaDescriptionWithNumber($gpage);
     $file = APP_WEB_DIR . '/view/tiles-page.php';
     include $file;
Ejemplo n.º 8
Archivo: User.php Proyecto: rjha/sc
 private function processLists($params, $options)
     $pubUserId = Util::getArrayKey($params, "login_id");
     $loginId = PseudoId::decode($pubUserId);
     $qparams = Url::getRequestQueryParams();
     $userDao = new \com\indigloo\sc\dao\User();
     $userDBRow = $userDao->getOnLoginId($loginId);
     $gpage = Url::tryQueryParam("gpage");
     $gpage = empty($gpage) ? "1" : $gpage;
     $listDao = new \com\indigloo\sc\dao\Lists();
     $qparams = Url::getRequestQueryParams();
     $pageSize = Config::getInstance()->get_value("user.page.items");
     $paginator = new \com\indigloo\ui\Pagination($qparams, $pageSize);
     $listDBRows = $listDao->getPagedOnLoginId($paginator, $loginId);
     $template = APP_WEB_DIR . '/view/user/lists.php';
     //page variables
     $pageBaseUrl = "/pub/user/" . $pubUserId;
     $pageTitle = sprintf("page %d of lists by %s", $gpage, $userDBRow["name"]);
     $metaKeywords = SeoData::getHomeMetaKeywords();
     $metaDescription = SeoData::getHomeMetaDescription();
     include $template;