Ejemplo n.º 1
Archivo: Post.php Proyecto: rjha/sc
 function tryImageOnId($postId)
     $row = mysql\Post::getOnId($postId);
     $json = $row["images_json"];
     $images = json_decode($json);
     if (!empty($images) && sizeof($images) > 0) {
         $image = $images[0];
         $imgv = \com\indigloo\sc\html\Post::convertImageJsonObj($image);
         return $imgv;
     return NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 2
Archivo: items.php Proyecto: rjha/sc

$startId = NULL;
$endId = NULL;
$gNumRecords = sizeof($postDBRows);
$htmlItems = "";
if ($gNumRecords > 0) {
    $startId = $postDBRows[0]['id'];
    $endId = $postDBRows[$gNumRecords - 1]['id'];
    foreach ($postDBRows as $postDBRow) {
        $htmlItems .= \com\indigloo\sc\html\Post::getTile($postDBRow);
} else {
    $message = "No items found!";
    $options = array("form" => "tile");
    $htmlItems = \com\indigloo\sc\html\Site::getNoResult($message, $options);

<!DOCTYPE html>

        <title> <?php 
echo $pageTitle;
        <meta charset="utf-8">
        <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
        <meta name="keywords" content="<?php 
Ejemplo n.º 3
Archivo: index.php Proyecto: rjha/sc
                        <a class="help-popup" rel = "dashboard.list.create" href="#">create lists</a>
                        <a class="help-popup" rel = "dashboard.item.save" href="#">save items</a> 

                    <div class="section1">
echo \com\indigloo\sc\html\User::getCounters($counters);
                        <div class="clear"> </div>

                    <div class="section">
                        <strong>You may like</strong>
echo \com\indigloo\sc\html\Post::getImageGrid($postDBRows);


                </div> <!-- center -->
                <div class="span3">
                   <div class="adbox adbox-user">
                    <p class="comment-text">
                        Tell a friend about 3mik!
                    <a class="btn-adbox" href="<?php 
echo $linkInvitation;
Ejemplo n.º 4
Archivo: item.php Proyecto: rjha/sc
echo \com\indigloo\sc\html\Post::getDetail($postView, $links);
$likeHtml = \com\indigloo\sc\html\Post::getLikes($likeDBRows);
$commentHtml = '';
echo \com\indigloo\sc\html\Post::getActivity($likeHtml, $commentHtml);

                <div class="span3 wbg">
echo \com\indigloo\sc\html\Post::getUserPanel($postView, $loginIdInSession);
echo \com\indigloo\sc\html\Post::getGroups($postView);


        </div> <!-- container -->

echo \com\indigloo\sc\util\Asset::version("/js/bundle.js");
        <script type="text/javascript">

Ejemplo n.º 5
Archivo: pub.php Proyecto: rjha/sc
            </div> <!-- page:header -->

            <div class="row">

                <div class="span12">
                    <div id="tiles">
$startId = NULL;
$endId = NULL;
$gNumRecords = sizeof($itemDBRows);
if ($gNumRecords > 0) {
    $startId = $itemDBRows[0]["sort_id"];
    $endId = $itemDBRows[$gNumRecords - 1]["sort_id"];
    foreach ($itemDBRows as $itemDBRow) {
        $html = \com\indigloo\sc\html\Post::getListTile($itemDBRow);
        echo $html;
} else {
    $message = "No items in list ";
    echo \com\indigloo\sc\html\Site::getNoResult($message, $options);

                    </div><!-- tiles -->


            </div> <!-- row -->
Ejemplo n.º 6
Archivo: posts.php Proyecto: rjha/sc
            $postId = PseudoId::decode($itemId);
            array_push($ids, $postId);
            //score is next one
            $scores[$itemId] = isset($members[$i]) ? $members[$i] : 0;
$rows = $postDao->getOnSearchIds($ids);
$pageNo = $paginator->getPageNo();
$startId = ($pageNo - 1) * $pageSize;
$endId = $startId + $pageSize - 1;
$rowsHtml = "";
$gNumRecords = sizeof($rows);
foreach ($rows as $row) {
    $score = isset($scores[$row["pseudo_id"]]) ? $scores[$row["pseudo_id"]] : 0;
    $rowsHtml .= \com\indigloo\sc\html\Post::getAdminWidget($row, $score);

<!DOCTYPE html>

        <title> 3mik.com - post analytic </title>
include APP_WEB_DIR . '/inc/meta.inc';
echo \com\indigloo\sc\util\Asset::version("/css/bundle.css");
Ejemplo n.º 7
Archivo: delete.php Proyecto: rjha/sc

                    <div class="page-header">
                        <h2> Delete Post</h2>
                    <div class="alert">
                      <a class="close" data-dismiss="alert">×</a>
                      <strong>Warning!</strong> There is no way to recover a deleted post.
                      Please make sure that you really want to delete this post.

echo \com\indigloo\sc\html\Post::getWidget($postDBRow);
                    <div class="p10">&nbsp;</div>
                    <form id="web-form1"  name="web-form1" action="/qa/form/delete.php" method="POST">
                            <button class="btn btn-danger" type="submit" name="delete" value="Delete">Delete</button>
                            <a href="<?php 
echo base64_decode($qUrl);
"><button class="btn" type="button">Cancel</a></button></a>
                        <input type="hidden" name="q" value="<?php 
echo $qUrl;
" />
                        <input type="hidden" name="post_id" value="<?php 
Ejemplo n.º 8
Archivo: thanks.php Proyecto: rjha/sc

include 'sc-app.inc';
//pull one random image
$postDao = new \com\indigloo\sc\dao\Post();
$rows = $postDao->getRandom(5);
$tileHtml = '';
if (sizeof($rows) > 0) {
    $tileHtml = \com\indigloo\sc\html\Post::getTile($rows[0]);

<!DOCTYPE html>

       <title> Thanks for visiting 3mik </title>
echo \com\indigloo\sc\util\Asset::version("/css/bundle.css");


include APP_WEB_DIR . '/inc/toolbar.inc';

        <div class="container mh800">
            <div class="row">  
Ejemplo n.º 9
Archivo: detail.php Proyecto: rjha/sc
                <div class="row">

                    <div class="span8 offset1">
                        <div id="widgets">
$startId = NULL;
$endId = NULL;
$gNumRecords = sizeof($itemDBRows);
//@imp list can be created w/o items
if ($gNumRecords > 0) {
    $startId = $itemDBRows[0]['sort_id'];
    $endId = $itemDBRows[$gNumRecords - 1]['sort_id'];
    foreach ($itemDBRows as $itemDBRow) {
        //output post widget html
        echo \com\indigloo\sc\html\Post::getListWidget($itemDBRow);
} else {
    $message = "No items in list!";
    $options = array("hkey" => "dashboard.list.no-item");
    echo \com\indigloo\sc\html\Site::getNoResult($message, $options);
                        </div> <!-- widgets -->

                    <div class="span3">

                        <div class="section1">
                            <h4> <?php 
Ejemplo n.º 10
Archivo: Lists.php Proyecto: rjha/sc
 static function deleteItems($loginId, $listId, $itemIds)
     settype($loginId, "integer");
     settype($listId, "integer");
     if (empty($itemIds)) {
     try {
         $dbh = PDOWrapper::getHandle();
         // *** Tx start ***
         // #1 : delete items
         $sqlt = " delete from sc_list_item where list_id = %d and item_id = %d ";
         foreach ($itemIds as $itemId) {
             settype($itemId, "integer");
             $sql = sprintf($sqlt, $listId, $itemId);
             //fire SQL statement
         // #2: get items_json within this Tx
         $sql2 = " select post.id, post.images_json from sc_post post, sc_list_item li ";
         $sql2 .= " where li.item_id = post.id  and li.list_id = %d  limit 4 ";
         $sql2 = sprintf($sql2, $listId);
         $stmt2 = $dbh->prepare($sql2);
         $rows = $stmt2->fetchAll();
         $stmt2 = NULL;
         $bucket = array();
         foreach ($rows as $row) {
             $itemId = $row["id"];
             $json = $row["images_json"];
             $images = json_decode($json);
             if (!empty($images) && sizeof($images) > 0) {
                 $image = $images[0];
                 $imgv = \com\indigloo\sc\html\Post::convertImageJsonObj($image);
                 $view = new \stdClass();
                 $view->id = $row["id"];
                 $view->thumbnail = $imgv["thumbnail"];
                 array_push($bucket, $view);
         $items_json = json_encode($bucket);
         if ($items_json === FALSE || $items_json == NULL) {
             $items_json = '[]';
             $errorMsg = sprintf(" json encode error : list delete : id :: %d", $listId);
         // #3 : update list.id.item_count and list.id.items_json
         $sql3 = " update sc_list set items_json = :items_json, ";
         $sql3 .= " item_count = (select count(id) from sc_list_item where list_id = :list_id)";
         $sql3 .= " where id = :list_id ";
         $stmt3 = $dbh->prepare($sql3);
         $stmt3->bindParam(":list_id", $listId);
         $stmt3->bindParam(":items_json", $items_json);
         $stmt3 = NULL;
         // **** Tx end ****
         $dbh = null;
     } catch (\PDOException $e) {
         $dbh = null;
         throw new DBException($e->getMessage(), $e->getCode());
     } catch (\Exception $ex) {
         $dbh = null;
         throw new DBException($ex->getMessage(), $ex->getCode());
Ejemplo n.º 11
Archivo: Post.php Proyecto: rjha/sc
 function process($params, $options)
     if (is_null($params) || empty($params)) {
         $controller = new \com\indigloo\sc\controller\Http400();
     $itemId = Util::getArrayKey($params, "item_id");
     if ($itemId < 1200) {
         //@todo remove permanent redirect
         $redirectUrl = "/item/" . PseudoId::encode($itemId);
         header("HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently");
         header("Location: " . $redirectUrl);
     $postDao = new \com\indigloo\sc\dao\Post();
     $postId = PseudoId::decode($itemId);
     $postDBRow = $postDao->getOnId($postId);
     if (empty($postDBRow)) {
         //not found
         $controller = new \com\indigloo\sc\controller\Http404();
     $options = array();
     $options["group"] = true;
     $postView = \com\indigloo\sc\html\Post::createPostView($postDBRow, $options);
     // links is separate from postView for historical reasons
     $linksJson = $postDBRow['links_json'];
     $dblinks = json_decode($linksJson);
     $links = array();
     foreach ($dblinks as $link) {
         $link = Url::addHttp($link);
         array_push($links, $link);
     /* data for facebook/google+ dialogs */
     $itemObj = new \stdClass();
     $itemObj->appId = Config::getInstance()->get_value("facebook.app.id");
     $itemObj->host = Url::base();
     /* google+ cannot redirect to local box */
     $itemObj->netHost = "http://www.3mik.com";
     $itemObj->callback = $itemObj->host . "/callback/fb-share.php";
     if ($postView->hasImage) {
         /* use original image for og snippets, smaller images may be ignored */
         /* facebook and google+ dialogs need absolute URL */
         $itemObj->picture = $postView->srcImage;
     } else {
         $itemObj->picture = $itemObj->host . "/css/asset/sc/logo.png";
     //do not urlencode - as we use this value as canonical url
     $itemObj->link = $itemObj->host . "/item/" . $itemId;
     $itemObj->netLink = $itemObj->netHost . "/item/" . $itemId;
     // title in DB is 128 chars long.
     // here on page we want to use a 70 char title.
     // also used in item images alt text
     // item description should be 160 chars.
     $itemObj->title = Util::abbreviate($postView->title, 70);
     $itemObj->title = sprintf("item %s - %s", $itemId, $itemObj->title);
     $itemObj->description = Util::abbreviate($postView->description, 160);
     $itemObj->description = sprintf("item %s - %s by user %s", $itemId, $itemObj->description, $postView->userName);
     $strItemObj = json_encode($itemObj);
     //make the item json string form safe
     $strItemObj = Util::formSafeJson($strItemObj);
     /* likes data */
     $bookmarkDao = new \com\indigloo\sc\dao\Bookmark();
     $likeDBRows = $bookmarkDao->getLikeOnItemId($itemId);
     $gWeb = \com\indigloo\core\Web::getInstance();
     /* sticky is used by comment form */
     $sticky = new Sticky($gWeb->find(Constants::STICKY_MAP, true));
     $gRegistrationPopup = false;
     $loginIdInSession = \com\indigloo\sc\auth\Login::tryLoginIdInSession();
     //show registration popup
     if (is_null($loginIdInSession)) {
         $register_popup = $gWeb->find("sc:browser:registration:popup");
         $register_popup = is_null($register_popup) ? false : $register_popup;
         if (!$register_popup) {
             $gRegistrationPopup = true;
             $gWeb->store("sc:browser:registration:popup", true);
     $group_slug = $postDBRow["group_slug"];
     $groupDao = new \com\indigloo\sc\dao\Group();
     $group_names = $groupDao->tokenizeSlug($group_slug, ",", true);
     $pageTitle = $itemObj->title;
     $metaKeywords = SeoData::getMetaKeywords($group_names);
     $pageUrl = Url::base() . Url::current();
     $file = APP_WEB_DIR . '/view/item.php';
     include $file;
Ejemplo n.º 12
echo \com\indigloo\sc\html\Post::getDetail($postView, $links, $siteDBRow);
echo \com\indigloo\sc\html\Post::getToolbar($loginIdInSession, $postDBRow['login_id'], $itemId);
//inject activity tile
$activityDao = new \com\indigloo\sc\dao\Activity();
$feedDataObj = $activityDao->getPostFeeds($itemId, 10);
$htmlObj = new \com\indigloo\sc\html\Activity();
$feedHtml = $htmlObj->getPostTile($feedDataObj);
echo \com\indigloo\sc\html\Post::getActivity($feedHtml);
echo \com\indigloo\sc\html\Comment::getFeedHtml($commentDBRows);
include APP_WEB_DIR . '/qa/inc/comment.inc';
                    <h3> explore 3mik </h3>
                    <div id="tiles">
foreach ($xrows as $xrow) {
    echo \com\indigloo\sc\html\Post::getSmallTile($xrow);
                    </div> <!-- tiles -->

                <div class="span3">



Ejemplo n.º 13
Archivo: select.php Proyecto: rjha/sc
            </div> <!-- page:header -->

            <div class="row">
                <div class="span9 offset1">
                    <div id="page-message" class="hide-me"> </div>
                     <p class="muted">
                        To save this item, select a list below. You can also create a new 
echo \com\indigloo\sc\html\Post::getWidget($itemRow);
                    <div id="list-popup">
echo $listHtml;
        </div> <!-- container -->

Ejemplo n.º 14
Archivo: pub.php Proyecto: rjha/sc

use com\indigloo\sc\html\User as UserHtml;
use com\indigloo\sc\html\Post as PostHtml;
use com\indigloo\sc\html\SocialGraph as GraphHtml;
use com\indigloo\sc\html\Lists as ListHtml;
$headerHtml = UserHtml::getPubHeader($userDBRow);
$content = PostHtml::getImageGrid($postDBRows);
$count = $ucounters["post_count"];
$options = array("title" => "Items", "tab" => "items", "max" => 8, "size" => $gNumDBRows["items"]);
$itemsHtml = UserHtml::getPubWrapper($pageBaseUrl, $count, $content, $options);
$content = PostHtml::getImageGrid($likeDBRows);
$count = $ucounters["like_count"];
$options = array("title" => "Likes", "tab" => "likes", "max" => 8, "size" => $gNumDBRows["likes"]);
$likesHtml = UserHtml::getPubWrapper($pageBaseUrl, $count, $content, $options);
$content = GraphHtml::getTable($loginId, $followers, 1, $followerUIOptions);
$count = $ucounters["follower_count"];
$options = array("title" => "Followers", "tab" => "followers", "max" => 5, "size" => $gNumDBRows["followers"]);
$followersHtml = UserHtml::getPubWrapper($pageBaseUrl, $count, $content, $options);
$content = GraphHtml::getTable($loginId, $followings, 2, $followingUIOptions);
$count = $ucounters["following_count"];
$options = array("title" => "Followings", "tab" => "followings", "max" => 5, "size" => $gNumDBRows["followings"]);
$followingsHtml = UserHtml::getPubWrapper($pageBaseUrl, $count, $content, $options);
$htmlActivityObj = new \com\indigloo\sc\html\Activity();
$activityHtml = $htmlActivityObj->getHtml($feedDataObj);
//reset content
$content = "";
foreach ($listDBRows as $listDBRow) {
    $content .= ListHtml::getPubWidget($listDBRow);
$count = $ucounters["list_count"];