Ejemplo n.º 1
 public function undelete($id)
     //SQL injection safe
     $pid = (int) $id;
     $qry = 'SELECT uid FROM ' . PREFIX . 'codo_posts WHERE post_id=' . $pid;
     $res = $this->db->query($qry);
     $result = $res->fetch();
     if ($result) {
         $puid = $result['uid'];
         if ($puid == \CODOF\User\CurrentUser\CurrentUser::id()) {
             $has_permission = \CODOF\Access\Access::hasPermission(array('edit my posts', 'edit all posts'));
         } else {
             $has_permission = \CODOF\Access\Access::hasPermission('edit all posts');
         if ($has_permission) {
             $post = new \CODOF\Forum\Post($this->db);
             //Delete post ie set status as 0
             echo 'success';
         } else {
             echo "Unauthorized request to delete post " . $id;
     } else {
         echo 'no post found';
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public function get_recent_posts($uid)
     $posts = array();
     $id = (int) $uid;
     $access_conditions = '';
     if ($id != \CODOF\User\CurrentUser\CurrentUser::id()) {
         $topic = new \CODOF\Forum\Topic(false);
         $access_conditions = "AND " . $topic->getViewTopicPermissionConditions();
     $qry = 'SELECT c.cat_alias,c.cat_img,p.omessage AS message, t.title, t.topic_id,' . ' u.id, u.name, u.avatar, t.topic_created,t.no_posts,t.no_views, p.post_created,p.post_id ' . ' FROM ' . PREFIX . 'codo_posts AS p ' . ' LEFT JOIN ' . PREFIX . 'codo_categories AS c ON p.cat_id=c.cat_id ' . ' LEFT JOIN ' . PREFIX . 'codo_topics AS t ON t.topic_id=p.topic_id ' . ' LEFT JOIN ' . PREFIX . 'codo_users AS u ON t.uid=u.id ' . '  WHERE p.uid = ' . $id . '   AND p.post_status<>0 ' . $access_conditions . '   ORDER BY p.post_created DESC ' . ' LIMIT 20 OFFSET 0';
     $obj = $this->db->query($qry);
     if ($obj) {
         $posts = $this->gen_posts_arr($obj->fetchAll());
     $category = new \CODOF\Forum\Category();
     return array("topics" => $posts, "RURI" => RURI, "DURI" => DURI, "CAT_IMGS" => CAT_IMGS, "CURR_THEME" => CURR_THEME, "reply_txt" => _t("replies"), "views_txt" => _t("views"), "posted" => _t("posted"), "created" => _t("created"), "no_topics" => _t("You have no recent posts"), "new_topic" => _t("Create new topic"), "can_create" => $category->canCreateTopicInAtleastOne());
Ejemplo n.º 3
  *  cid tid   uid type
  *  10  null  1   2
  *  10  2     1   3
  * @param type $cid
  * @param type $tid
  * @param type $pid
  * @param type $offset
  * @return type
 public function getData($cid, $tid, $pid, $offset)
     *  Alternative with JOIN 
     *  select `u`.`id`, `u`.`username`, `u`.`mail`, `t`.`title`, `p`.`imessage`, `p`.`omessage`, `s`.`type`
      from `codo_users` as `u`
      inner join `codo_notify_subscribers` as `s` on `s`.`uid` = `u`.`id`
      join(SELECT id, MAX(tid) AS tid FROM codo_notify_subscribers GROUP BY uid) s2
      ON s2.id=s.id AND s.tid=s2.tid
      left join `codo_posts` as `p` on `p`.`post_id` = 54
      left join `codo_topics` as `t` on `t`.`topic_id` = 18
      where `s`.`type` = 3
      and `s`.`cid` = 3
      and `p`.`topic_id` = 18
      and `s`.`uid` <> 1
      limit 400 offset 0
     $data = \DB::table(PREFIX . 'codo_notify_subscribers AS s')->select('u.id', 'u.username', 'u.mail', 't.title', 'p.imessage', 'p.omessage', 's.type', 'c.cat_name')->join(PREFIX . 'codo_users AS u', 's.uid', '=', 'u.id')->leftJoin(PREFIX . 'codo_posts AS p', 'p.post_id', '=', \DB::raw($pid))->leftJoin(PREFIX . 'codo_topics AS t', 't.topic_id', '=', \DB::raw($tid))->leftJoin(PREFIX . 'codo_categories AS c', 'c.cat_id', '=', \DB::raw($cid))->where('s.type', '=', CODOF\Forum\Notification\Subscriber::$NOTIFIED)->where('s.cid', '=', $cid)->where(function ($query) use($tid) {
         $query->where('s.tid', '=', 0)->orWhere('s.tid', '=', \DB::raw($tid));
     })->where('p.topic_id', '=', $tid)->where('s.uid', '<>', \CODOF\User\CurrentUser\CurrentUser::id())->skip($offset)->take(400)->get();
     return $data;
Ejemplo n.º 4
  * Used when editing post , updates post with new message
  * @param type $pid
  * @param type $imesg
  * @param type $omesg
 public function update_post($pid, $imesg, $omesg)
     $time = time();
     $old = \DB::table(PREFIX . 'codo_posts')->where('post_id', $pid)->select('imessage', 'post_created', 'post_modified')->first();
     \DB::table(PREFIX . 'codo_edits')->insert(array('post_id' => $pid, 'uid' => \CODOF\User\CurrentUser\CurrentUser::id(), 'text' => \CODOF\Format::imessage($old['imessage']), 'time' => $old['post_modified'] == null ? $old['post_created'] : $old['post_modified']));
     $qry = 'UPDATE ' . PREFIX . 'codo_posts SET imessage=:imesg, omessage=:omesg, post_modified=:time' . ' WHERE post_id=:pid';
     $stmt = $this->db->prepare($qry);
     $stmt->execute(array(":imesg" => \CODOF\Format::imessage($imesg), ":omesg" => \CODOF\Format::omessage($omesg), ":time" => $time, ":pid" => $pid));
Ejemplo n.º 5
  * Marks a topic as read
  * @param int $cid Category id
  * @param int $tid Topic id
 public function mark_topic_as_read($cid, $tid)
     if (\CODOF\User\CurrentUser\CurrentUser::loggedIn()) {
         $tid = (int) $tid;
         $cid = (int) $cid;
         $uid = \CODOF\User\CurrentUser\CurrentUser::id();
         $time = time();
         $pre = PREFIX;
         $res = \DB::select("SELECT COUNT(topic_id) AS cnt FROM {$pre}codo_unread_topics WHERE topic_id={$tid} AND uid={$uid}");
         if ($res[0]['cnt']) {
             $qry = "UPDATE " . PREFIX . "codo_unread_topics SET read_time={$time} WHERE topic_id={$tid} AND uid={$uid}";
         } else {
             $qry = "INSERT INTO " . PREFIX . "codo_unread_topics VALUES({$cid}, {$tid}, {$uid}, {$time})";
Ejemplo n.º 6
  * Get subscription level for a category
  * @param int $cid
  * @return int
 public function levelForCategory($cid)
     $result = \DB::table(PREFIX . 'codo_notify_subscribers')->select('type')->where('cid', '=', $cid)->where('tid', '=', '0')->where('uid', '=', \CODOF\User\CurrentUser\CurrentUser::id())->first();
     //default subscription is 2
     return empty($result) ? self::$DEFAULT : $result['type'];
Ejemplo n.º 7
  * Marks notification prior or euqal to $eventTime as read
  * @param int $eventTime
  * @return bool
 protected function markAsRead($eventTime)
     return \DB::table(PREFIX . 'codo_notify')->where('is_read', '=', '0')->where('uid', '=', \CODOF\User\CurrentUser\CurrentUser::id())->where('created', '<=', $eventTime)->update(array("is_read" => '1'));
Ejemplo n.º 8
 private function assign_admin_vars($tuid)
     if ($tuid == \CODOF\User\CurrentUser\CurrentUser::id()) {
         //this topic belongs to current user
         $this->smarty->assign('can_edit_topic', json_encode(Access::hasPermission(array('edit my topics', 'edit all topics'))));
         $this->smarty->assign('can_delete_topic', json_encode(Access::hasPermission(array('delete my topics', 'delete all topics'))));
     } else {
         $this->smarty->assign('can_edit_topic', json_encode(Access::hasPermission('edit all topics')));
         $this->smarty->assign('can_delete_topic', json_encode(Access::hasPermission('delete all topics')));