Ejemplo n.º 1
 private function doCompile(string $clsName = '', string $indent = '    ') : UserClass
     if ($clsName == '') {
         $clsName = 'Fruit\\RouteKit\\GeneratedMux';
     $gen = new UserClass($clsName);
     $in1 = $indent;
     $in2 = $in1 . $in1;
     $stateMap = array();
     $varMap = array();
     $funcMap = array();
     $funcCnt = 0;
     foreach ($this->roots as $m => $root) {
         $stateMap[$m] = $root->stateTable(array());
         $varMap[$m] = $root->varTable(array());
         $funcMap[$m] = $root->funcTable(array(), 0, $this->interceptor);
         // make handlers
         foreach ($funcMap[$m] as $id => $body) {
             $fn = sprintf('f%d', $funcCnt++);
             $gen->addMethod('private static', $fn, array('$method', '$url', '$params', '$int'), $body);
             $funcMap[$m][$id] = $fn;
     $gen->addStaticVar('stateMap', $stateMap, 'private');
     $gen->addStaticVar('varMap', $varMap, 'private');
     $gen->addStaticVar('funcMap', $funcMap, 'private');
     $gen->addPrivateProperty('interceptor', null);
     // make dispatcher
     $func = array();
     $func[] = 'list($f, $params) = \\Fruit\\RouteKit\\Mux::findRoute(';
     $func[] = '    $method, $uri,';
     $func[] = '    self::$stateMap,';
     $func[] = '    self::$varMap,';
     $func[] = '    self::$funcMap';
     $func[] = ');';
     $func[] = '';
     $func[] = 'if ($f === null) {';
     $func[] = '    throw new \\Exception(\'No route for \' . $uri);';
     $func[] = '}';
     $func[] = '';
     $func[] = 'return self::$f($method, $uri, $params, $this->interceptor);';
     $gen->addMethod('public', 'dispatch', array('string $method', 'string $uri'), $func);
     if ($this->interceptor !== null) {
         $func = array('$this->interceptor = ' . var_export($this->interceptor, true) . ';');
         $gen->addMethod('public', '__construct', array(), $func);
     $gen->addMethod('public', 'getInterceptor', array(), array('return $this->interceptor;'));
     return $gen;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 private static function generateActionTest($config, $pathAction)
     $module = ucfirst($config->module);
     if (self::isReserved($module, $config)) {
         $module .= '_';
     $controller = ucfirst($config->controller);
     if (self::isReserved($controller, $config)) {
         $controller .= '_';
     $action = ucfirst($config->action);
     $className = $module . '\\' . $controller . '\\' . $action . 'Test';
     $class = new UserClass($className);
     $class->addStaticVar('canBeOverWritten', true);
     $doc1 = new CommentBlock();
     $doc1->appendLine('Sets up the fixture, for example, opens a network connection.');
     $doc1->appendLine('This method is called before a test is executed.');
     //$setup = $class->addMethod('protected', 'setUp');
     $setup = new ClassMethod('setUp');
     $block = $setup->getBlock();
     $block->appendRenderable(new AssignStatement(new ObjectProperty('$this', 'module'), $config->module));
     $block->appendRenderable(new AssignStatement(new ObjectProperty('$this', 'controller'), $config->controller));
     $block->appendRenderable(new AssignStatement(new ObjectProperty('$this', 'action'), $config->action));
     $block->appendRenderable(new Statement(new StaticMethodCall('parent', 'setUp')));
     $doc2 = new CommentBlock();
     $doc2->appendLine('Tears down the fixture, for example, closes a network connection.');
     $doc2->appendLine('This method is called after a test is executed.');
     $teardown = new ClassMethod('tearDown');
     $block = $teardown->getBlock();
     $block->appendLine(new Statement(new StaticMethodCall('parent', 'tearDown')));
     $doc3 = new CommentBlock();
     $doc3->appendLine('@covers ' . $config->module . '/' . $config->controller . '/' . $config->action);
     $mainTest = new ClassMethod('test' . $action);
     $block = $mainTest->getBlock();
     if ($config->inMenu === true && !self::isDanger($config)) {
         $res = self::openInMenuBlock($block, $class, $config);
         if (!$res) {
             fwrite(STDOUT, "\t" . 'cant open: ' . $config->module . ':' . $config->controller . ':' . $config->action . "\n");
     } else {
     $res = file_put_contents($pathAction, $code = "<?php\n" . $class->render());
     if (!$res) {
         throw new ErrorException('cant write');